Default dynamic memory size - c++

I have the following code:
#include <iostream>`
using namespace std;
int main() {
char* data = new char;
cin >> data;
cout << data << endl;
return 1;
When I type in a char* of 26 ones as a string literal, it compiles and prints it. But when I do 27 ones as data, it aborts. I want to know why.
Why is it 27?
Does it have a special meaning to it?

You're only allocating one character's worth of space. So, reading in any data more than that is overwriting memory you don't own, so that's undefined behavior. Which is what you're seeing in the result.

You'd have to look into specific details under the hood of your C++ implementation. Probably the implementation of malloc, and so on. Your code writes past the end of your buffer, which is UB according to the C++ standard. To get any idea at all of why it behaves as it does, you'd need to know what is supposed to be stored in the 27 or 28 bytes you overwrote, that you shouldn't have done.
Most likely, 27 ones just so happens to be the point at which you started damaging the data structures used by the memory allocator to track allocated and free blocks. But with UB you might find that the behavior isn't as consistent as it first appears. As a C++ programmer you aren't really "entitled" to know about such details, because if you knew about them then you might start relying on them, and then they might change without notice.

Your dynamically allocating one byte of storage. To allocate multiples, do this:
char* data = new char[how_many_bytes];
When you use a string literal, that much stack space is allocated automatically. When you allocate dynamically, you have to get the number of bytes right or you will get a segfault.

This is just Undefined Behavior, a.k.a. "UB". The program can do anything or nothing. Any effect you see is non-reproducable.
Why is it UB?
Because you allocate space for a single char value, and you treat that as a zero-terminated string. Since the zero takes up one char value there is no (guaranteed) space for real data. However, since C++ implementations generally do not add inefficient checking of things, you can get away with storing data in parts of memory that you don't own – until it crashes or produces invalid results or has other ungood effect, because of the UB.
To do this correctly, use std::string instead of char*, and don't new or delete (a std::string does that automatically for you).
Then use std::getline to read one line of input into the string.


How can the strcpy function copy a large string into a smaller string?

In the following code it seems that I can copy an entire large string into a small string.
So my question, how does that work? I only allocated 2 characters to str1, but it was able to store a longer string.
Does this mean that strcpy is modifying memory on the stack that doesn't belong to us?
Can arrays on the stack dynamically grow after its initialization?
str1 size has not changed after the copy operation but it is holding a longer string. Thats bonkers!
I paste the code just make my point clearer:
char str1[2] = "a";
char str2[100] = "abcd";
cout<<"Before copying"<<endl;
cout<<"str1: "<<str1<<" size: "<<sizeof(str1)<<endl;
cout<<"str2: "<<str2<<" size: "<<sizeof(str2)<<endl;
strcpy(str1, str2);
cout<<"After copying"<<endl;
cout<<"str1: "<<str1<<" size: "<<sizeof(str1)<<endl;
cout<<"str2: "<<str2<<" size: "<<sizeof(str2)<<endl;
So my question, how does that work?
Poorly. It doesn't do any checks whatsoever to confirm that the operation you're doing makes sense. You're the one responsible for checking that (which obviously leads to bugs).
strcpy is generally just byte-copying loop. It will write the data into increasing addresses. As long as the memory you're writing to is "yours", after such copy printing the string will work just fine; the issue is what's actually in the memory you've overwritten.
Yes, and you're "lucky" that it didn't break the 2nd string. The requirements for strcpy ask you to provide adequate output storage.
Generally no, especially when it comes to arrays further up the stack.
It's not the string size, it's the static array size obtained with sizeof. What you might be thinking about is strlen.
All in all, never use C functions in C++ unless you have a very good reason to, use std::string and none of those issues will happen. In fact, that's what your compiler could have told you:
Error C4996 strcpy: This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead.
If you listened, here's what you could get when running the program:
Those additional checks, however, are not a replacement for a well-written, well behaved program.

Why uninitialized char array is filled with random symbols?

I have a this fragment of code in C++:
char x[50];
cout << x << endl;
which outputs some random symbols as seen here:
So my first question: what is the reason behind this output? Shouldn't it be spaces or at least same symbols?
The reason I am concerned with this is that I am writing program in CUDA and I'm doing some character manipulations inside __global__ function, hence the use of string gives a "calling host function is not allowed" error.
But if I am using "big enough" char array (each chunk of text I am operating with differs in size, meaning that it will not always utilize char array fully) it's sometimes not fully filled and I left with junk like in the picture below hanging at the end of text:
So my second question: is there any way to avoid this?
what is the reason behind this output?
The values in an automatic variable are indeterminate. The standard doesn't specify it, so it might be spaces as you said, it might be random content.
[...] sometimes not fully filled and I left with junk [...]
Strings in C are null-terminated, so any routine dedicated to printing a string will loop as long as no null byte is encountered. In uninitialized memory, this null byte occurs randomly (or not at all). These weird, trailing characters are a result of that.
is there any way to avoid this?
Yes. Initialize it.
(will assume x86 in this post)
what is the reason behind this output?
Here's roughly what happens, in assembly, when you do char x[50];:
ADD ESP, 0x34 ; 52 bytes
Essentially, the stack is moved up by 0x34 bytes (must be divisible by 4). Then, that space on the stack becomes x. There's no cleaning, no changes or pushes or pops, just this space becoming x. Anything that was there before (abandoned params, return addresses, variables from previous function calls) will be in x.
Here's roughly what happens when you do new char[50]:
1. Control gets passed to the allocator
2. The allocator looks for any heap of sufficient size (readas: an already allocated but uncommited heap)
3. If 2 fails, the allocator makes a new heap
4. The allocator takes the heap (either the found or allocated one) and commits it
5. The address of that heap is returned to your code where it is used as a char*
The same as with a stack, you get whatever data is there. Some programs or systems may have allocators that zero out heaps when they are allocated or committed, where others may only zero when allocated but not committed, and some may not zero at all. Depending on the allocator, you may get clean memory or you may get re-used and dirty memory. This is why the values here can be non-zero and aren't predictable.
is there any way to avoid this?
In the case of heap memory, you can overload the new and delete operators in C++ and always zero newly allocated memory. You can see examples of overloading these operators here. As for memory on the stack, you just have to live with zeroing it out every time.
ZeroMemory(myArray, sizeof(myarray));
Alternatively, for both methods, you could stay away from naked arrays and use std::vector or other wrappers that take care of initialization for you. You'll still want to make sure to initialize integers and other numeric or pointer data-types, though.
No, there is no way to avoid it. C++ does not initialize automatic variables of built-in types (such as arrays of built-in types in your case) automatically, you need to initialize them yourself.
Why are you having issues with this code?
char x[50];
cout << new char[50] << endl;
cout << x << endl;
You're leaking memory with the 'new char[50] without a corresponding delete.
Also, uninitialized memory is undefined as others have said and in most cases you get garbage within that memory block. A better method is to initialize it:
char x[50] = {};
char* y = new char[50]();
Then just remember to call delete on y later to free the memory. Yes, the OS will do it for you, but this is never a way to write good programs though.

What is the purpose of allocating a specific amount of memory for arrays in C++?

I'm a student taking a class on Data Structures in C++ this semester and I came across something that I don't quite understand tonight. Say I were to create a pointer to an array on the heap:
int* arrayPtr = new int [4];
I can access this array using pointer syntax
int value = *(arrayPtr + index);
But if I were to add another value to the memory position immediately after the end of the space allocated for the array, I would then be able to access it
*(arrayPtr + 4) = 0;
int nextPos = *(arrayPtr + 4);
//the value of nextPos will be 0, or whatever value I previously filled that space with
The position in memory of *(arrayPtr + 4) is past the end of the space allocated for the array. But as far as I understand, the above still would not cause any problems. So aside from it being a requirement of C++, why even give arrays a specific size when declaring them?
When you go past the end of allocated memory, you are actually accessing memory of some other object (or memory that is free right now, but that could change later). So, it will cause you problems. Especially if you'll try to write something to it.
I can access this array using pointer syntax
int value = *(arrayPtr + index);
Yeah, but don't. Use arrayPtr[index]
The position in memory of *(arrayPtr + 4) is past the end of the space allocated for the array. But as far as I understand, the above still would not cause any problems.
You understand wrong. Oh so very wrong. You're invoking undefined behavior and undefined behavior is undefined. It may work for a week, then break one day next week and you'll be left wondering why. If you don't know the collection size in advance use something dynamic like a vector instead of an array.
Yes, in C/C++ you can access memory outside of the space you claim to have allocated. Sometimes. This is what is referred to as undefined behavior.
Basically, you have told the compiler and the memory management system that you want space to store four integers, and the memory management system allocated space for you to store four integers. It gave you a pointer to that space. In the memory manager's internal accounting, those bytes of ram are now occupied, until you call delete[] arrayPtr;.
However, the memory manager has not allocated that next byte for you. You don't have any way of knowing, in general, what that next byte is, or who it belongs to.
In a simple example program like your example, which just allocates a few bytes, and doesn't allocate anything else, chances are, that next byte belongs to your program, and isn't occupied. If that array is the only dynamically allocated memory in your program, then it's probably, maybe safe to run over the end.
But in a more complex program, with multiple dynamic memory allocations and deallocations, especially near the edges of memory pages, you really have no good way of knowing what any bytes outside of the memory you asked for contain. So when you write to bytes outside of the memory you asked for in new you could be writing to basically anything.
This is where undefined behavior comes in. Because you don't know what's in that space you wrote to, you don't know what will happen as a result. Here's some examples of things that could happen:
The memory was not allocated when you wrote to it. In that case, the data is fine, and nothing bad seems to happen. However, if a later memory allocation uses that space, anything you tried to put there will be lost.
The memory was allocated when you wrote to it. In that case, congratulations, you just overwrote some random bytes from some other data structure somewhere else in your program. Imagine replacing a variable somewhere in one of your objects with random data, and consider what that would mean for your program. Maybe a list somewhere else now has the wrong count. Maybe a string now has some random values for the first few characters, or is now empty because you replaced those characters with zeroes.
The array was allocated at the edge of a page, so the next bytes don't belong to your program. The address is outside your program's allocation. In this case, the OS detects you accessing random memory that isn't yours, and terminates your program immediately with SIGSEGV.
Basically, undefined behavior means that you are doing something illegal, but because C/C++ is designed to be fast, the language designers don't include an explicit check to make sure you don't break the rules, like other languages (e.g. Java, C#). They just list the behavior of breaking the rules as undefined, and then the people who make the compilers can have the output be simpler, faster code, since no array bounds checks are made, and if you break the rules, it's your own problem.
So yes, this sometimes works, but don't ever rely on it.
It would not cause any problems in a a purely abstract setting, where you only worry about whether the logic of the algorithm is sound. In that case there's no reason to declare the size of an array at all. However, your computer exists in the physical world, and only has a limited amount of memory. When you're allocating memory, you're asking the operating system to let you use some of the computer's finite memory. If you go beyond that, the operating system should stop you, usually by killing your process/program.
Yes, you must write it as arrayptr[index] because the position in memory of *(arrayptr + 4) is past the end of the space which you have allocated for the array. Its the flaw in C++ that the array size cant be extended once allocated.

C++ char allocation

I'm using something like this:
char* s = new char;
sprintf(s, "%d", 300);
This works, but my question is why?
When I try to delete it I get an error so this produces a memory leak.
It "works" because sprintf expects a char* as its first argument, and that what's you are giving him.
However, you really just allocated one char so writing more than one char to it is undefined behavior. It could be that more than one byte gets allocated depending on... the compiler, the host architecture, and so on but you can't rely on it. Actually, anything could happen and you don't want to base your code on such assumptions.
Either allocate more space for your string buffer, or better use a more "modern" approach. In your case it could be something like:
std::string s = std::to_string(300);
// Or, C++03
std::string s = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(300);
(We are not talking about performance here, but the initial code being incorrect, we could hardly compare anyway).
As an added bonus, this code doesn't leak any memory because std::string takes care of freeing its internal memory upon destruction (s being allocated on the stack, this will happen automatically when it goes out of scope).
You're creating a one char buffer, then write to it with four chars ("300\0") [don't forget the string termination as I did] so the '3' goes into your allocated memory and the '0' and '0' and the '\0' goes to the next memory positions... that belong to someone else.
C++ does not do buffer overrun checking... so it works until it doesn't...

Access Violation Using memcpy or Assignment to an Array in a Struct

Update 2:
Well I’ve refactored the work-around that I have into a separate function. This way, while it’s still not ideal (especially since I have to free outside the function the memory that is allocated inside the function), it does afford the ability to use it a little more generally. I’m still hoping for a more optimal and elegant solution…
Okay, so the reason for the problem has been established, but I’m still at a loss for a solution.
I am trying to figure out an (easy/effective) way to modify a few bytes of an array in a struct. My current work-around of dynamically allocating a buffer of equal size, copying the array, making the changes to the buffer, using the buffer in place of the array, then releasing the buffer seems excessive and less-than optimal. If I have to do it this way, I may as well just put two arrays in the struct and initialize them both to the same data, making the changes in the second. My goal is to reduce both the memory footprint (store just the differences between the original and modified arrays), and the amount of manual work (automatically patch the array).
Original post:
I wrote a program last night that worked just fine but when I refactored it today to make it more extensible, I ended up with a problem.
The original version had a hard-coded array of bytes. After some processing, some bytes were written into the array and then some more processing was done.
To avoid hard-coding the pattern, I put the array in a structure so that I could add some related data and create an array of them. However now, I cannot write to the array in the structure. Here’s a pseudo-code example:
main() {
char pattern[]="\x32\x33\x12\x13\xba\xbb";
That one works but this one does not:
struct ENTRY {
char* pattern;
int somenum;
main() {
ENTRY Entries[] = {
{"\x32\x33\x12\x13\xba\xbb\x9a\xbc", 44}
, {"\x12\x34\x56\x78", 555}
Entries[0].pattern[2]='\x65'; //0xC0000005 exception!!! :(
The second version causes an access violation exception on the assignment. I’m sure it’s because the second version allocates memory differently, but I’m starting to get a headache trying to figure out what’s what or how to get fix this. (I’m currently working around it by dynamically allocating a buffer of the same size as the pattern array, copying the pattern to the new buffer, making the changes to the buffer, using the buffer in the place of the pattern array, and then trying to remember to free the—temporary—buffer.)
(Specifically, the original version cast the pattern array—+offset—to a DWORD* and assigned a DWORD constant to it to overwrite the four target bytes. The new version cannot do that since the length of the source is unknown—may not be four bytes—so it uses memcpy instead. I’ve checked and re-checked and have made sure that the pointers to memcpy are correct, but I still get an access violation. I use memcpy instead of str(n)cpy because I am using plain chars (as an array of bytes), not Unicode chars and ignoring the null-terminator. Using an assignment as above causes the same problem.)
Any ideas?
It is illegal to attempt to modify string literals. Your
line attempts exactly that. In your second example you are not allocating any memory for the strings. Instead, you are making your pointers (in the struct objects) to point directly at string literals. And string literals are not modifiable.
This question gets asked several times every day. Read Why is this string reversal C code causing a segmentation fault? for more details.
The problem boils down to the fact that a char[] is not a char*, even if the char[] acts a lot like a char* in expressions.
Other answers have addressed the reason for the error: you're modifying a string literal which is not allowed.
This question is tagged C++ so the easy way to solve your problem is to use std::string.
struct ENTRY {
std::string pattern;
int somenum;
Based on your updates, your real problem is this: You want to know how to initialize the strings in your array of structs in such a way that they're editable. (The problem has nothing to do with what happens after the array of structs is created -- as you show with your example code, editing the strings is easy enough if they're initialized correctly.)
The following code sample shows how to do this:
// Allocate the memory for the strings, on the stack so they'll be editable, and
// initialize them:
char ptn1[] = "\x32\x33\x12\x13\xba\xbb\x9a\xbc";
char ptn2[] = "\x12\x34\x56\x78";
// Now, initialize the structs with their char* pointers pointing at the editable
// strings:
ENTRY Entries[] = {
{ptn1, 44}
, {ptn2, 555}
That should work fine. However, note that the memory for the strings is on the stack, and thus will go away if you leave the current scope. That's not a problem if Entries is on the stack too (as it is in this example), of course, since it will go away at the same time.
Some Q/A on this:
Q: Why can't we initialize the strings in the array-of-structs initialization? A: Because the strings themselves are not in the structs, and initializing the array only allocates the memory for the array itself, not for things it points to.
Q: Can we include the strings in the structs, then? A: No; the structs have to have a constant size, and the strings don't have constant size.
Q: This does save memory over having a string literal and then malloc'ing storage and copying the string literal into it, thus resulting in two copies of the string, right? A: Probably not. When you write
char pattern[] = "\x12\x34\x56\x78";
what happens is that that literal value gets embedded in your compiled code (just like a string literal, basically), and then when that line is executed, the memory is allocated on the stack and the value from the code is copied into that memory. So you end up with two copies regardless -- the non-editable version in the source code (which has to be there because it's where the initial value comes from), and the editable version elsewhere in memory. This is really mostly about what's simple in the source code, and a little bit about helping the compiler optimize the instructions it uses to do the copying.