Compile using Direct X June 2010 SDK on Visual Studio 2012 - c++

I want to use the June 2010 SDK rather than the Windows 8 SDK to compile my DirectX code in Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 8 Release Candidate.
The problem is that since the DirectX 8 SDKs are in the same folder as the Windows SDK, I don't know which include/library folders I can change.
As it stands, seemingly nothing I change in the directory settings or the linker settings solves the issue of something or another referring to the Windows 8 SDK, which causes a bunch of redefinition warnings among other things.
Has anyone been able to get this to work?

Not sure this is the easiest way, but I ended up installing VS2010 and compiling that way.
As a side note, the DirectX June 2010 SDK fails to install correctly (probably for Windows 8 reasons), but it leaves the \program files folder intact when it finishes -- so all the .libs and .hs are there to use.


How to build C++ project in Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2002 at one time

I need to build my C++ projects in two environments:
Visual Studio 2015 (VS2015) installed on Windows 10 x64
Visual Studio 2002 (VS2002) installed on Windows XP
Now every time I need to trigger to build my projects twice on 2 PC and this way is not sufficient for me.
I do some research before and someone suggest to install multiple compiler in one PC, but the problem is that VS2002 is too old to be installed on Windows 10 x64.
I am looking for any method or software tool that I can trigger the build once then I can build my projects on both VS2015 and VS2002 (e.g. if I can install both VS2015 and VS2002 in one PC, I can write a simple batch file to build my project in both compiler).
This answer is outdated because of clarification that the software is installed on two physically different machines.
If you have both VS .NET 2002 and VS2015 installed then you already have two compilers installed and they will be installed in two different places. You then should just be able to write a batch file to call each version of cl.exe (making sure the paths are absolute) and compile/link/build each project.

Missing Api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-1.dll on Visual Studio 2015 under Windows 7

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 under Windows 7 and I'm not capable to run any programs because of missing Api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-1.dll, independently which of the target platform version I choose (Available are 8.1 and 10).
In my folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Redist\ucrt\DLLs, only version l1-1-0.dll is available. I tried out different Windows Kit 10 versions, but the required api dll's were not available.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
1.) How can I bring VS2015 to use older versions of Api-ms-win-core-**.dlls or
2.) How can I update my existing Api-ms-win-core-*.dlls to newer versions?
Thank you for any responses
Compile your code with the Visual Studio 2015 – Windows XP (v140_xp) platform toolset to generate code which is compatible for Windows XP/Vista/7.
Based on your comment I see you used the qt-opensource-windows-x86-winrt-msvc2015-5.7.0.exe which is for Store Based apps. So this explains why you get a message that dependency files are not found.
Install the non WinRT files of QT to solve the issue.

Can't change Windows SDK version in Visual Studio C++ project

I have a Visual Studio C++ console application that I created with Visual Studio 2015 and now I can't compile it (with Visual Studio 2017) because it is targeting the Windows 8.1 SDK, which is not installed. The problem is that I can't retarget the project to the Windows 10 SDK.
What happens is that when I open the project properties page and go to General - Target Platform I see the Windows 10 SDK in the dropdown, and I am able to select it... but as soon as I press Apply, it reverts back to 8.1 by itself. No error message is provided.
Visual Studio installer says that, indeed, the listed SDK version is installed:
So what's going on here? Is there a way to retarget my project without having to install the Windows 8.1 SDK?
Not sure if that matters but: this project is actually just a "wrapper" around an existing bare project consisting of just a bunch of .cpp and .h files, which was developed by another person. I'm really not familiar with C++ development.
After hours of struggling with this problem, I coincidentally discovered that selecting Project Properties/General, changing "Platform Toolset" to v141_xp (instead of v141) forcibly drops the Windows SDK Version to 8.1 or 7.0. I'm not sure how Visual Studio chooses which SDK to use.
EDIT: You must edit .vcxproj and change both:

How can I reference CChannel.h in Visual Studio 2012?

I'm trying to create a C++ DLL to register with Terminal Services to provide virtual channel functionality. Unfortunately the header CChannel.h cannot be found.
I'm using Visual Studio 2012, which is targeting Windows SDK 8.0. Sure enough, the required header is missing. However, it is present in the 8.1 \include\um directory
Reinstalling the SDK has not changed matters. Manually referencing the 8.1 include directories causes all sorts of issues.
Is there a simple way to get these headers installed under 8.0?
This seems to be a problem others have encountered before, without a direct resolution.
Oddly, cchannel.h is only missing from Windows SDK 8. It is present in SDK 7 and SDK 8.1.
I resolved the problem by using the v110_xp platform toolset. This targets a version of the Windows 7 SDK, but uses the latest compiler (as of VS2012).
VS2012 Update 4 must be installed to access this toolset. More details can be found here.

'dxerr9.h': No such file or directory

I am trying to compile a program I took off a cd from a book that uses directx to render 3d objects. when i press compile I get the following error
C1083: Cannot open include file: 'dxerr9.h': No such file or directory
I am using VC++ 2008 Express Edition and i am running off of Vista. I went to the following folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (February 2010)\Include
I was able to find dxerr.h in the folder and the path is also being included in the VC++ Directories tab in the options window. dont know whats going on.
It seems your program was written using older version of DirectX SDK. The 'dxerr9.h' is present at least in "Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK (December 2004)", but is absent at least in "Microsoft DirectX SDK (August 2009)".
I think VitalyVal was right. about the following:
It seems your program was written using an older version of DirectX SDK. The 'dxerr9.h' is present at least in "Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK (December 2004)", but is absent at least in "Microsoft DirectX SDK (August 2009)".
I think the files now go by dxerr.h. I removed the 9 to the header and lib files and it worked.
That header was precisely duped in Aug2009 SDK, though that shouldn't surprise since it was already two years older DX versions had been deprecated, thus allowing for just a single library for everything.
By the way, people might be interested to check this post for a kind of more updated version.