Is it possible to use a natural key for a GenericForeignKey in Django? - django

I have the following:
target_content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, related_name='target_content_type')
target_object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
target = generic.GenericForeignKey('target_content_type', 'target_object_id')
I would like dumpdata --natural to emit a natural key for this relation. Is this possible? If not, is there an alternative strategy that would not tie me to target's primary key?

TL;DR - Currently there is no sane way of doing so, short of creating a custom Serializer / Deserializer pair.
The problem with models that have generic relations is that Django doesn't see target as a field at all, only target_content_type and target_object_id, and it tries to serialize and deserialize them individually.
The classes responsible for serializing and deserializing Django models are in the modules django.core.serializers.base and django.core.serializers.python. All the others (xml, json and yaml) extend either of them (and python extends base). The field serialization is done like this (irrelevant lines ommited):
for obj in queryset:
for field in concrete_model._meta.local_fields:
if field.rel is None:
self.handle_field(obj, field)
self.handle_fk_field(obj, field)
Here's the first complication: the foreign key to ContentType is handled ok, with natural keys as we expected. But the PositiveIntegerField is handled by handle_field, that is implemented like this:
def handle_field(self, obj, field):
value = field._get_val_from_obj(obj)
# Protected types (i.e., primitives like None, numbers, dates,
# and Decimals) are passed through as is. All other values are
# converted to string first.
if is_protected_type(value):
self._current[] = value
self._current[] = field.value_to_string(obj)
i.e. the only possibility for customization here (subclassing PositiveIntegerField and defining a custom value_to_string) will have no effect, since the serializer won't call it. Changing the data type of target_object_id to something else than a integer will probably break many other stuff, so it's not an option.
We could define our custom handle_field to emit natural keys in this case, but then comes the second complication: the deserialization is done like this:
for (field_name, field_value) in six.iteritems(d["fields"]):
field = Model._meta.get_field(field_name)
data[] = field.to_python(field_value)
Even if we customized the to_python method, it acts on the field_value alone, out of the context of the object. It's not a problem when using integers, since it will be interpreted as the model's primary key no matter what model it is. But to deserialize a natural key, first we need to know which model that key belongs to, and that information isn't available unless we got a reference to the object (and the target_content_type field had already been deserialized).
As you can see, it's not an impossible task - supporting natural keys in generic relations - but to accomplish that a lot of things would need to be changed in the serialization and deserialization code. The steps necessary, then (if anyone feels up to the task) are:
Create a custom Field extending PositiveIntegerField, with methods to encode/decode an object - calling the referenced models' natural_key and get_by_natural_key;
Override the serializer's handle_field to call the encoder if present;
Implement a custom deserializer that: 1) imposes some order in the fields, ensuring the content type is deserialized before the natural key; 2) calls the decoder, passing not only the field_value but also a reference to the decoded ContentType.

I've written a custom Serializer and Deserializer which supports GenericFK's. Checked it briefly and it seems to do the job.
This is what I came up with:
import json
from django.contrib.contenttypes.generic import GenericForeignKey
from django.utils import six
from django.core.serializers.json import Serializer as JSONSerializer
from django.core.serializers.python import Deserializer as \
PythonDeserializer, _get_model
from django.core.serializers.base import DeserializationError
import sys
class Serializer(JSONSerializer):
def get_dump_object(self, obj):
dumped_object = super(CustomJSONSerializer, self).get_dump_object(obj)
if self.use_natural_keys and hasattr(obj, 'natural_key'):
dumped_object['pk'] = obj.natural_key()
# Check if there are any generic fk's in this obj
# and add a natural key to it which will be deserialized by a matching Deserializer.
for virtual_field in obj._meta.virtual_fields:
if type(virtual_field) == GenericForeignKey:
content_object = getattr(obj,
dumped_object['fields'][ + '_natural_key'] = content_object.natural_key()
return dumped_object
def Deserializer(stream_or_string, **options):
Deserialize a stream or string of JSON data.
if not isinstance(stream_or_string, (bytes, six.string_types)):
stream_or_string =
if isinstance(stream_or_string, bytes):
stream_or_string = stream_or_string.decode('utf-8')
objects = json.loads(stream_or_string)
for obj in objects:
Model = _get_model(obj['model'])
if isinstance(obj['pk'], (tuple, list)):
o = Model.objects.get_by_natural_key(*obj['pk'])
obj['pk'] =
# If has generic fk's, find the generic object by natural key, and set it's
# pk according to it.
for virtual_field in Model._meta.virtual_fields:
if type(virtual_field) == GenericForeignKey:
natural_key_field_name = + '_natural_key'
if natural_key_field_name in obj['fields']:
content_type = getattr(o, virtual_field.ct_field)
content_object_by_natural_key = content_type.model_class().\
obj['fields'][virtual_field.fk_field] =
for obj in PythonDeserializer(objects, **options):
yield obj
except GeneratorExit:
except Exception as e:
# Map to deserializer error
six.reraise(DeserializationError, DeserializationError(e), sys.exc_info()[2])

I updated the OmriToptix answer for Django 2.2 and above.
In Django 2.0:
The Model._meta.virtual_fields attribute is removed.
So, the new Serializer and Deserializer:
import json
from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey
from django.utils import six
from django.core.serializers.json import Serializer as JSONSerializer
from django.core.serializers.python import Deserializer as \
PythonDeserializer, _get_model
from django.core.serializers.base import DeserializationError
import sys
class Serializer(JSONSerializer):
def get_dump_object(self, obj):
dumped_object = super(JSONSerializer, self).get_dump_object(obj)
if hasattr(obj, 'natural_key'):
dumped_object['pk'] = obj.natural_key()
for field in obj._meta.get_fields():
if type(field) == GenericForeignKey:
content_object = getattr(obj,
dumped_object['fields'][ + '_natural_key'] = content_object.natural_key()
return dumped_object
def Deserializer(stream_or_string, **options):
if not isinstance(stream_or_string, (bytes, six.string_types)):
stream_or_string =
if isinstance(stream_or_string, bytes):
stream_or_string = stream_or_string.decode('utf-8')
objects = json.loads(stream_or_string)
for obj in objects:
Model = _get_model(obj['model'])
if isinstance(obj['pk'], (tuple, list)):
o = Model.objects.get_by_natural_key(*obj['pk'])
obj['pk'] =
for field in Model._meta.get_fields():
if type(field) == GenericForeignKey:
natural_key_field_name = + '_natural_key'
if natural_key_field_name in obj['fields']:
content_type = getattr(o, field.ct_field)
content_object_by_natural_key = content_type.model_class().\
obj['fields'][field.fk_field] =
del obj['fields'][natural_key_field_name]
for obj in PythonDeserializer(objects, **options):
yield obj
except GeneratorExit:
except Exception as e:
six.reraise(DeserializationError, DeserializationError(e), sys.exc_info()[2])
Then, in your, set this configuration:
"json": ""
Now, you can use:
python3 dumpdata --natural-foreign --natural-primary > dump.json
Other way, if you need to dump some data (filter querysets), you can make it from code:
from import Serializer, Deserializer
# Serialize
registers = YourModel.objects.filter(some_attribute=some_value)
dump = Serializer().serialize(registers, use_natural_foreign_keys=True, use_natural_primary_keys=True)
# Deserialize
for deserialized_object in Deserializer(dump, use_natural_foreign_keys=True, use_natural_primary_keys=True):
print(deserialized_object.object) # See here


Display possible values (choices) of SlugRelatedField in drf-yasg OpenAPI and Swagger views

I have several models that I use as enums (basically, the model is just a name and a slug), like currencies and countries etc, and I'm trying to show the available choices in drf-yasg without success.
My last attempt was adding this to the serializer's Meta class:
swagger_schema_fields = {
'currency': {'enum': list(Currency.objects.values_list('slug', flat=True))}
But of course it failed miserably - not only it didn't show the enum values, it also broke the serializer (because it used the strings instead of the actual model).
Is there any way of doing this?
Eventually I added a new field class that does exactly what I needed. I can't promise it's the most efficient way of solving this (retrieving the swagger page seems to take longer) but it does the job:
from drf_yasg.inspectors import RelatedFieldInspector
from rest_framework.metadata import SimpleMetadata
from rest_framework.relations import SlugRelatedField
from rest_framework.serializers import ManyRelatedField, RelatedField
class ShowChoicesMetadata(SimpleMetadata):
def get_field_info(self, field):
field_info = super().get_field_info(field)
if (not field_info.get('read_only') and
isinstance(field, (ManyRelatedField, RelatedField)) and
hasattr(field, 'choices') and
getattr(field, 'show_choices', False)):
field_info['choices'] = [
'value': choice_value,
'display_name': str(choice_name)
for choice_value, choice_name in field.choices.items()
return field_info
class ShowChoicesMixin:
show_choices = True
class ChoicesSlugRelatedField(ShowChoicesMixin, SlugRelatedField):
class ShowChoicesFieldInspector(RelatedFieldInspector):
def field_to_swagger_object(self, field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs):
dataobj = super().field_to_swagger_object(field, swagger_object_type, use_references, **kwargs)
if (isinstance(field, ChoicesSlugRelatedField) and hasattr(field, 'choices')
and getattr(field, 'show_choices', False) and 'enum' not in dataobj):
dataobj['enum'] = [k for k, v in field.choices.items()]
return dataobj

GeoDJango: retrieve last inserted primary key from LayerMapping

I am building an application with GeoDjango and I have the following problem:
I need to read track data from a GPX file and those data should be stored in a model MultiLineStringField field.
This should happen in the admin interface, where the user uploads a GPX file
I am trying to achieve this, namely that the data grabbed from the file should be assigned to the MultiLineStringField, while the other fields should get values from the form.
My model is:
class GPXTrack(models.Model):
nome = models.CharField("Nome", blank = False, max_length = 255)
slug = models.SlugField("Slug", blank = True)
# sport natura arte/cultura
tipo = models.CharField("Tipologia", blank = False, max_length = 2, choices=TIPOLOGIA_CHOICES)
descrizione = models.TextField("Descrizione", blank = True)
gpx_file = models.FileField(upload_to = 'uploads/gpx/')
track = models.MultiLineStringField(blank = True)
objects = models.GeoManager()
published = models.BooleanField("Pubblicato")
rel_files = generic.GenericRelation(MyFiles)
#publish_on = models.DateTimeField("Pubblicare il", auto_now_add = True)
created = models.DateTimeField("Created", auto_now_add = True)
updated = models.DateTimeField("Updated", auto_now = True)
class Meta:
#verbose_name = "struttura'"
#verbose_name_plural = "strutture"
ordering = ['-created']
def __str__(self):
return str(self.nome)
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s' % (self.nome)
def put(self):
self.slug = sluggy(self.nome)
key = super(Foresta, self).put()
# do something after save
return key
While in the file I have overwritten the save method as follows:
from django.contrib.gis import admin
from trails.models import GPXPoint, GPXTrack
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
from django.contrib.gis.gdal import DataSource
#from gpx_mapping import GPXMapping
from django.contrib.gis.utils import LayerMapping
from django.template import RequestContext
import tempfile
import os
import pprint
class GPXTrackAdmin(admin.OSMGeoAdmin):
list_filter = ( 'tipo', 'published')
search_fields = ['nome']
list_display = ('nome', 'tipo', 'published', 'gpx_file')
inlines = [TrackImagesInline, TrackFilesInline]
prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ("nome",)}
def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
"""When creating a new object, set the creator field.
if 'gpx_file' in request.FILES:
# Get
gpxFile = request.FILES['gpx_file']
# Save
targetPath = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
destination = open(targetPath, 'wt')
for chunk in gpxFile.chunks():
#define fields of interest for LayerMapping
track_point_mapping = {'timestamp' : 'time',
'point' : 'POINT',
track_mapping = {'track' : 'MULTILINESTRING'}
gpx_file = DataSource(targetPath)
mytrack = LayerMapping(GPXTrack, gpx_file, track_mapping, layer='tracks')
#remove the temp file saved
orig = GPXTrack.objects.get(
#assign the parsed values from LayerMapping to the appropriate Field
obj.track = orig.track
As far as I know:
LayerMapping cannot be used to update a field but only to save a new one
I cannot access a specific field of the LayerMapping object (ie in the code above: mytrack.track) and assign its value to a model field (ie obj.track) in the model_save method
I cannot retrieve the primary key of the last saved LayerMapping object (ie in the code above: in order to update it with the values passed in the form for the field not mapped in LayerMapping.mapping
What can I do then?!?!
I sorted it out subclassing LayerMapping and adding a method get_values() that instead of saving the retrieved data, returns them for any use or manipulation.The get_values method is a copy of the LayerMapping::save() method that returns the values instead of saving them.
I am using django 1.5
import os
from django.contrib.gis.utils import LayerMapping
import sys
class MyMapping(LayerMapping):
def get_values(self, verbose=False, fid_range=False, step=False,
progress=False, silent=False, stream=sys.stdout, strict=False):
Returns the contents from the OGR DataSource Layer
according to the mapping dictionary given at initialization.
Keyword Parameters:
If set, information will be printed subsequent to each model save
executed on the database.
May be set with a slice or tuple of (begin, end) feature ID's to map
from the data source. In other words, this keyword enables the user
to selectively import a subset range of features in the geographic
data source.
If set with an integer, transactions will occur at every step
interval. For example, if step=1000, a commit would occur after
the 1,000th feature, the 2,000th feature etc.
When this keyword is set, status information will be printed giving
the number of features processed and sucessfully saved. By default,
progress information will pe printed every 1000 features processed,
however, this default may be overridden by setting this keyword with an
integer for the desired interval.
Status information will be written to this file handle. Defaults to
using `sys.stdout`, but any object with a `write` method is supported.
By default, non-fatal error notifications are printed to stdout, but
this keyword may be set to disable these notifications.
Execution of the model mapping will cease upon the first error
encountered. The default behavior is to attempt to continue.
# Getting the default Feature ID range.
default_range = self.check_fid_range(fid_range)
# Setting the progress interval, if requested.
if progress:
if progress is True or not isinstance(progress, int):
progress_interval = 1000
progress_interval = progress
# Defining the 'real' save method, utilizing the transaction
# decorator created during initialization.
def _get_values(feat_range=default_range, num_feat=0, num_saved=0):
if feat_range:
layer_iter = self.layer[feat_range]
layer_iter = self.layer
for feat in layer_iter:
num_feat += 1
# Getting the keyword arguments
kwargs = self.feature_kwargs(feat)
except LayerMapError, msg:
# Something borked the validation
if strict: raise
elif not silent:
stream.write('Ignoring Feature ID %s because: %s\n' % (feat.fid, msg))
# Constructing the model using the keyword args
is_update = False
if self.unique:
# If we want unique models on a particular field, handle the
# geometry appropriately.
# Getting the keyword arguments and retrieving
# the unique model.
u_kwargs = self.unique_kwargs(kwargs)
m = self.model.objects.using(self.using).get(**u_kwargs)
is_update = True
# Getting the geometry (in OGR form), creating
# one from the kwargs WKT, adding in additional
# geometries, and update the attribute with the
# just-updated geometry WKT.
geom = getattr(m, self.geom_field).ogr
new = OGRGeometry(kwargs[self.geom_field])
for g in new: geom.add(g)
setattr(m, self.geom_field, geom.wkt)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
# No unique model exists yet, create.
m = self.model(**kwargs)
m = self.model(**kwargs)
# Attempting to save.
pippo = kwargs
num_saved += 1
if verbose: stream.write('%s: %s\n' % (is_update and 'Updated' or 'Saved', m))
except SystemExit:
except Exception, msg:
if self.transaction_mode == 'autocommit':
# Rolling back the transaction so that other model saves
# will work.
if strict:
# Bailing out if the `strict` keyword is set.
if not silent:
stream.write('Failed to save the feature (id: %s) into the model with the keyword arguments:\n' % feat.fid)
stream.write('%s\n' % kwargs)
elif not silent:
stream.write('Failed to save %s:\n %s\nContinuing\n' % (kwargs, msg))
# Printing progress information, if requested.
if progress and num_feat % progress_interval == 0:
stream.write('Processed %d features, saved %d ...\n' % (num_feat, num_saved))
# Only used for status output purposes -- incremental saving uses the
# values returned here.
return pippo
nfeat = self.layer.num_feat
if step and isinstance(step, int) and step < nfeat:
# Incremental saving is requested at the given interval (step)
if default_range:
raise LayerMapError('The `step` keyword may not be used in conjunction with the `fid_range` keyword.')
beg, num_feat, num_saved = (0, 0, 0)
indices = range(step, nfeat, step)
n_i = len(indices)
for i, end in enumerate(indices):
# Constructing the slice to use for this step; the last slice is
# special (e.g, [100:] instead of [90:100]).
if i + 1 == n_i: step_slice = slice(beg, None)
else: step_slice = slice(beg, end)
pippo = _get_values(step_slice, num_feat, num_saved)
beg = end
stream.write('%s\nFailed to save slice: %s\n' % ('=-' * 20, step_slice))
# Otherwise, just calling the previously defined _save() function.
return _get_values()
In a custom save or save_model method you can then use:
track_mapping = {'nome': 'name',
targetPath = "/my/gpx/file/path.gpx"
gpx_file = DataSource(targetPath)
mytrack = MyMapping(GPXTrack, gpx_file, track_mapping, layer='tracks')
pippo = mytrack.get_values()
obj.track = pippo['track']

Django: Merge databases for same app

I have the same django app running on two servers, each has its own local database. I want to migrate to a single server, again with a local database.
What's the easiest way to populate the new database with the models data of the old databases without losing references between models? (primary keys issues etc...)
there's always the dump data from django, which is pretty easy to use.
or you could do this manually:
if the 2 databases share the same data (they are mirror one to another) and the same table structure, you could just run a syncdb from django to create the new table structure and then dump and import (i'm assuming you're using mysql, but the general idea is the same) the old database into the new one
if the two databases share different data (still with the same structure) you should import every single row of the two databases: this way, you'll keep relations etc, but you'll have your unique id updated to the new sole db.
if the two databases are different in both data and structure, you'll have to run two sincdb and two imports, but this doesn't seem to be your case
This is a reference to MySQL dump command
If your databases share the same data model with different objects, you could use this custom command I created for a similar problem.
Instead of merging fixture data with your existing models (as it does loaddata) it appends all fixtures object by resetting all pk.
M2M relations are managed at the end of the process, mapping the old primary keys with the new primary keys:
import os
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from import CommandError
from import parse_apps_and_model_labels
from import Command as LoadDataCommand, humanize
from import no_style
from django.db import (
DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, DatabaseError, IntegrityError, connections, router
from django.core import serializers
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.models.fields.related import RelatedField, ManyToManyField
class Command(LoadDataCommand):
help = 'Installs the named fixture(s) in the database.'
missing_args_message = (
"No database fixture specified. Please provide the path of at least "
"one fixture in the command line."
def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('args', metavar='fixture', nargs='+', help='Fixture labels.')
'--database', default=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS,
help='Nominates a specific database to load fixtures into. Defaults to the "default" database.',
'--app', dest='app_label',
help='Only look for fixtures in the specified app.',
'-e', '--exclude', action='append', default=[],
help='An app_label or app_label.ModelName to exclude. Can be used multiple times.',
help='Format of serialized data when reading from stdin.',
# TODO delete equals to overridden
def handle(self, *fixture_labels, **options):
self.using = options['database']
self.app_label = options['app_label']
self.verbosity = options['verbosity']
self.excluded_models, self.excluded_apps = parse_apps_and_model_labels(options['exclude'])
self.format = options['format']
with transaction.atomic(using=self.using):
# Close the DB connection -- unless we're still in a transaction. This
# is required as a workaround for an edge case in MySQL: if the same
# connection is used to create tables, load data, and query, the query
# can return incorrect results. See Django #7572, MySQL #37735.
if transaction.get_autocommit(self.using):
def appenddata(self, fixture_labels):
# Most of the code is used only to manage transaction and fixture file format reuser it and override load_label instead
def load_label(self, fixture_label):
"""Load fixtures files for a given label."""
self.objs_idx = ObjectDict()
self.objects = []
self.show_progress = self.verbosity >= 3
self.deferred_m2m = []
for fixture_file, fixture_dir, fixture_name in self.find_fixtures(fixture_label):
_, ser_fmt, cmp_fmt = self.parse_name(os.path.basename(fixture_file))
open_method, mode = self.compression_formats[cmp_fmt]
fixture = open_method(fixture_file, mode)
self.fixture_count += 1
objects_in_fixture = 0
loaded_objects_in_fixture = 0
if self.verbosity >= 2:
"Installing %s fixture '%s' from %s."
% (ser_fmt, fixture_name, humanize(fixture_dir))
objects = serializers.deserialize(
ser_fmt, fixture, using=self.using, ignorenonexistent=True,
for obj in objects:
objects_in_fixture += 1
if (obj.object._meta.app_config in self.excluded_apps or
type(obj.object) in self.excluded_models):
if router.allow_migrate_model(self.using, obj.object.__class__):
loaded_objects_in_fixture += 1
# Load all fixture in memory
if obj.deferred_fields:
if objects and self.show_progress:
self.stdout.write('') # add a newline after progress indicator
self.loaded_object_count += loaded_objects_in_fixture
self.fixture_object_count += objects_in_fixture
except Exception as e:
if not isinstance(e, CommandError):
e.args = ("Problem installing fixture '%s': %s" % (fixture_file, e),)
raise e
# Warn if the fixture we loaded contains 0 objects.
if objects_in_fixture == 0:
"No fixture data found for '%s'. (File format may be "
"invalid.)" % fixture_name,
# Once you have all object in memory you can load them
for obj in self.objects:
if self.verbosity >= 1:
self.stdout.write('... All objects saved ...')
# Once all objects have been save (append mode) and new pks have been assigned add m2m relations
for obj, field_attname, related_pk in self.deferred_m2m:
attr = getattr(obj, field_attname)
if self.verbosity >= 3:
self.stdout.write('Adding relation for field {0}: {1} -> {2}'.format(field_attname,, related_pk))
# Disabled for security reason
# raise ValueError('Disabled')
def process_object(self, obj):
if obj is None:
raise ValueError('None object in process object')
old_pk =
new_pk = self.objs_idx[obj]['new_pk']
# Object has been save yet no work
if new_pk:
return new_pk
if self.verbosity >= 2:
self.stdout.write('Saving object: (%s, %s)' % (obj.__class__, obj)) = None
if self.show_progress:
'\rSaving object: (%s, %s)' % (obj.__class__, obj),
# psycopg2 raises ValueError if data contains NUL chars.
except (DatabaseError, IntegrityError, ValueError) as e:
e.args = ("Could not load %(app_label)s.%(object_name)s(pk=%(pk)s): %(error_msg)s" % {
'app_label': obj.object._meta.app_label,
'object_name': obj.object._meta.object_name,
'error_msg': e,
raise[obj._meta.model][old_pk]['new_pk'] =
def manage_related_field(self, obj):
related_fields = [field for field in obj._meta.get_fields() if isinstance(field, RelatedField)]
if len(related_fields) > 0: # has not related field
for field in related_fields:
if field.related_model in self.excluded_models:
if type(field) is ManyToManyField:
attr = getattr(obj, field.attname)
m2m_pks = self.objs_idx[obj]['deserialized_object'].m2m_data[]
for m2m_pk in m2m_pks:
related_obj =[field.related_model][m2m_pk]['object']
new_related_pk = self.process_object(related_obj)
self.deferred_m2m.append((obj, field.attname, new_related_pk))
# attr.add(new_related_pk)
related_obj =[field.related_model][getattr(obj, field.attname)]['object']
if related_obj is not None:
new_related_pk = self.process_object(related_obj)
setattr(obj, field.attname, new_related_pk)
class ObjectDict(object):
Dictionary to easily retrieve fixture object based on class and their original primary key
def __init__(self): = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: {'new_pk': None, 'object': None}))
def from_deserialized_objects(deserialized_objects):
instance = ObjectDict()
for deserialized_object in deserialized_objects:
return instance
def __getitem__(self, item):
def append_deserialized_object(self, deserialized_object):
obj = deserialized_object.object
setattr(obj, 'old_pk',
self[obj]['object'] = obj
self[obj]['deserialized_object'] = deserialized_object
I suggest you to test everything in the django default test DB, with this TestCase.
It uses a pre dumped fixture file from the django app (using python dumpdata) to populate the test DB, after that it applies the custom command to append all object from other database fixture dumps.
from collections import defaultdict
from django.core import serializers
from import parse_apps_and_model_labels
from django.test import Client, TestCase
from utils.tests import reverse
from import call_command
from django.test import TestCase
from django.apps import apps
from apps.commons.accounts.models import User
from apps.commons.accounts.tests import MultiUserTestCase
class TestCustomCommands(TestCase):
# Create fixture from the primary database to test everything
fixtures = ['tmp/dump/test_append_data_fixtures_pre.json']
def test_appenddata(self):
fixture_to_import = 'tmp/dump/fixtures_to_import.json'
excludes = ['sites.Site']
# Counts objects before appenddata per model
count_pre = {}
for model in apps.get_models():
count_pre[model] = model.objects.count()
self.excluded_models, self.excluded_apps = parse_apps_and_model_labels(excludes)
# Counts objects to append per model
with open(fixture_to_import, 'r') as f:
objects = serializers.deserialize('json', f, ignorenonexistent=True)
count_new = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for obj in objects:
if obj.object._meta.model in excludes:
count_new[obj.object._meta.model] += 1
command = ['appenddata', fixture_to_import]
for exclude in excludes:
command += ['-e', exclude]
command += ['-v', '0']
# Verify with count that all objects have been imported
for model in apps.get_models():
self.assertEqual(count_pre[model] + count_new[model], model.objects.count(), msg='Count mismatch for model %s' % model)
Example of test (appending data from Website2 into Website1):
# Website 1
python dumpdata app1 app2 ... > test_append_data_fixtures_pre.json
# Website 2
python dumpdata app1 app2 ... > fixture_to_import.json
# Website 1, run the provided test
python test TestCustomCommands.test_appenddata
Example of usage (appending data from Website2 into Website1):
# Website 1
python appenddata fixture_to_import.json

How to serialize cleaned_data if it contains models?

I'm trying to serialize some form data so that I can stuff it into a hidden field until the user is ready to submit the whole form (think of a wizard).
I'm trying this:
print simplejson.dumps(vehicle_form.cleaned_data)
But I keep getting errors like this:
<VehicleMake: Honda> is not JSON serializable
Really I just need it to output the PK for "Honda".
This doesn't work either:
print serializers.serialize('json', vehicle_form.cleaned_data)
'str' object has no attribute '_meta'
Presumably because it's iterating over the keys, which are all strings, whereas I think it expects a queryset, which I don't have.
So how do I do this?
Okay, so far I've come up with this:
from django.utils.simplejson import JSONEncoder, dumps, loads
from django.utils.functional import curry
from django.db.models import Model
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.core.serializers import serialize
class DjangoJSONEncoder(JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, Model):
elif isinstance(obj, QuerySet):
return loads(serialize('json', obj, ensure_ascii=False))
return JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
json_encode = curry(dumps, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)
json_decode = loads
Based on the answers I found [here][1]. Now I'm trying this:
json = json_encode(vehicle_form.cleaned_data)
data = json_decode(json)
vehicle = Vehicle(**data)
The first 2 lines work perfectly, but the 3rd results in an exception:
Cannot assign "3": "Vehicle.model" must be a "VehicleModel" instance.
Getting close! Not sure how to deal with this one though...
This is a bit of a hack, but I don't know of a better way:
vehicle_data = simplejson.loads(request.POST['vehicle_data'])
except ValueError:
vehicle_data = []
request.POST['vehicle_data'] = simplejson.dumps(vehicle_data)
It grabs the JSON data from hidden field in your form and decodes it into a Python dict. If it doesn't exist, it starts a new list. Then it appends the new raw/uncleaned data and re-encodes it and dumps it into the hidden field.
For this to work you need to either make a copy of the POST data (request.POST.copy()) so that it becomes mutable, or hack it like I did: request.POST._mutable = True
In my form template I put this:
<input type="hidden" name="vehicle_data" value="{{request.POST.vehicle_data}}" />
And lastly, to access the raw data for a form I added these methods:
from django.forms import *
def _raw_data(self):
return dict((k,[self.add_prefix(k)]) for k in self.fields.iterkeys())
def _raw_value(self, key, value=None):
if value is None:
return[self.add_prefix(key)][self.add_prefix(key)] = value
Form.raw_data = _raw_data
Form.raw_value = _raw_value
ModelForm.raw_data = _raw_data
ModelForm.raw_value = _raw_value
Since .data returns too much data (in fact, it just returns the POST data you initially passed in), plus it's got the prefixes, which I didn't want.

How do you serialize a model instance in Django?

There is a lot of documentation on how to serialize a Model QuerySet but how do you just serialize to JSON the fields of a Model Instance?
You can easily use a list to wrap the required object and that's all what django serializers need to correctly serialize it, eg.:
from django.core import serializers
# assuming obj is a model instance
serialized_obj = serializers.serialize('json', [ obj, ])
If you're dealing with a list of model instances the best you can do is using serializers.serialize(), it gonna fit your need perfectly.
However, you are to face an issue with trying to serialize a single object, not a list of objects. That way, in order to get rid of different hacks, just use Django's model_to_dict (if I'm not mistaken, serializers.serialize() relies on it, too):
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
# assuming obj is your model instance
dict_obj = model_to_dict( obj )
You now just need one straight json.dumps call to serialize it to json:
import json
serialized = json.dumps(dict_obj)
That's it! :)
To avoid the array wrapper, remove it before you return the response:
import json
from django.core import serializers
def getObject(request, id):
obj = MyModel.objects.get(pk=id)
data = serializers.serialize('json', [obj,])
struct = json.loads(data)
data = json.dumps(struct[0])
return HttpResponse(data, mimetype='application/json')
I found this interesting post on the subject too:
It uses django.forms.models.model_to_dict, which looks like the perfect tool for the job.
There is a good answer for this and I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned. With a few lines you can handle dates, models, and everything else.
Make a custom encoder that can handle models:
from django.forms import model_to_dict
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.db.models import Model
class ExtendedEncoder(DjangoJSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o, Model):
return model_to_dict(o)
return super().default(o)
Now use it when you use json.dumps
json.dumps(data, cls=ExtendedEncoder)
Now models, dates and everything can be serialized and it doesn't have to be in an array or serialized and unserialized. Anything you have that is custom can just be added to the default method.
You can even use Django's native JsonResponse this way:
from django.http import JsonResponse
JsonResponse(data, encoder=ExtendedEncoder)
It sounds like what you're asking about involves serializing the data structure of a Django model instance for interoperability. The other posters are correct: if you wanted the serialized form to be used with a python application that can query the database via Django's api, then you would wan to serialize a queryset with one object. If, on the other hand, what you need is a way to re-inflate the model instance somewhere else without touching the database or without using Django, then you have a little bit of work to do.
Here's what I do:
First, I use demjson for the conversion. It happened to be what I found first, but it might not be the best. My implementation depends on one of its features, but there should be similar ways with other converters.
Second, implement a json_equivalent method on all models that you might need serialized. This is a magic method for demjson, but it's probably something you're going to want to think about no matter what implementation you choose. The idea is that you return an object that is directly convertible to json (i.e. an array or dictionary). If you really want to do this automatically:
def json_equivalent(self):
dictionary = {}
for field in self._meta.get_all_field_names()
dictionary[field] = self.__getattribute__(field)
return dictionary
This will not be helpful to you unless you have a completely flat data structure (no ForeignKeys, only numbers and strings in the database, etc.). Otherwise, you should seriously think about the right way to implement this method.
Third, call demjson.JSON.encode(instance) and you have what you want.
If you want to return the single model object as a json response to a client, you can do this simple solution:
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from django.http import JsonResponse
movie = Movie.objects.get(pk=1)
return JsonResponse(model_to_dict(movie))
If you're asking how to serialize a single object from a model and you know you're only going to get one object in the queryset (for instance, using objects.get), then use something like:
import django.core.serializers
import django.http
import models
def jsonExample(request,poll_id):
s = django.core.serializers.serialize('json',[models.Poll.objects.get(id=poll_id)])
# s is a string with [] around it, so strip them off
return django.http.HttpResponse(o, mimetype="application/json")
which would get you something of the form:
{"pk": 1, "model": "polls.poll", "fields": {"pub_date": "2013-06-27T02:29:38.284Z", "question": "What's up?"}}
.values() is what I needed to convert a model instance to JSON.
.values() documentation:
Example usage with a model called Project.
Note: I'm using Django Rest Framework
from django.http import JsonResponse
def get_project(request):
id = request.query_params['id']
data = Project.objects.filter(id=id).values()
if len(data) == 0:
return JsonResponse(status=404, data={'message': 'Project with id {} not found.'.format(id)})
return JsonResponse(data[0])
Result from a valid id:
"id": 47,
"title": "Project Name",
"description": "",
"created_at": "2020-01-21T18:13:49.693Z",
I solved this problem by adding a serialization method to my model:
def toJSON(self):
import simplejson
return simplejson.dumps(dict([(attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in [ for f in self._meta.fields]]))
Here's the verbose equivalent for those averse to one-liners:
def toJSON(self):
fields = []
for field in self._meta.fields:
d = {}
for attr in fields:
d[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
import simplejson
return simplejson.dumps(d)
_meta.fields is an ordered list of model fields which can be accessed from instances and from the model itself.
Here's my solution for this, which allows you to easily customize the JSON as well as organize related records
Firstly implement a method on the model. I call is json but you can call it whatever you like, e.g.:
class Car(Model):
def json(self):
return {
'model': self.model,
'colors': [color.json for color in self.colors.all()],
Then in the view I do:
data = [car.json for car in Car.objects.all()]
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type='application/json; charset=UTF-8', status=status)
Use list, it will solve problem
result=list(result) #after getting data from model convert result to list
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), content_type = "application/json")
Use Django Serializer with python format,
from django.core import serializers
qs = SomeModel.objects.all()
serialized_obj = serializers.serialize('python', qs)
What's difference between json and python format?
The json format will return the result as str whereas python will return the result in either list or OrderedDict
To serialize and deserialze, use the following:
from django.core import serializers
serial = serializers.serialize("json", [obj])
# .next() pulls the first object out of the generator
# .object retrieves django object the object from the DeserializedObject
obj = next(serializers.deserialize("json", serial)).object
All of these answers were a little hacky compared to what I would expect from a framework, the simplest method, I think by far, if you are using the rest framework:
rep = YourSerializerClass().to_representation(your_instance)
This uses the Serializer directly, respecting the fields you've defined on it, as well as any associations, etc.
It doesn't seem you can serialize an instance, you'd have to serialize a QuerySet of one object.
from django.core import serializers
from models import *
def getUser(request):
return HttpResponse(json(Users.objects.filter(id=88)))
I run out of the svn release of django, so this may not be in earlier versions.
ville = UneVille.objects.get(nom='lihlihlihlih')
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(ville.__dict__))
I return the dict of my instance
so it return something like {'field1':value,"field2":value,....}
how about this way:
def ins2dic(obj):
SubDic = obj.__dict__
del SubDic['id']
del SubDic['_state']
return SubDic
or exclude anything you don't want.
This is a project that it can serialize(JSON base now) all data in your model and put them to a specific directory automatically and then it can deserialize it whenever you want... I've personally serialized thousand records with this script and then load all of them back to another database without any losing data.
Anyone that would be interested in opensource projects can contribute this project and add more feature to it.
Let this is a serializers for CROPS, Do like below. It works for me, Definitely It will work for you also.
First import serializers
from django.core import serializers
Then you can write like this
class CropVarietySerializer(serializers.Serializer):
crop_variety_info = serializers.serialize('json', [ obj, ])
OR you can write like this
class CropVarietySerializer(serializers.Serializer):
crop_variety_info = serializers.JSONField()
Then Call this serializer inside your
For more details, Please visit
serializers.JSONField(*args, **kwargs) and serializers.JSONField() are same. you can also visit for JSONField() details.