How to trigger "running state" in Flash Player? - c++

If I use windowed activation (giving a valid HWND to the Flash PLayer in the GetWindow function is enough to trigger this), the player will run the loaded swf file. However, if I use windowless activation, the loaded file does not run, only the very first frame is displayed. This article claims that I'm supposed to call
DoVerb(OLEIVERB_SHOW, NULL, (IOleClientSite *)this, 0, NULL, NULL);
However, this does not have any effect. What am I doing wrong?
Edit: Since I made this post, I found out that it returns -2147467259, which is not a known HRESULT, but certainly not 0. What does it mean?
After some more digging I found out that the return value is OLE_E_NOTRUNNING.

I have found the problem. Before this call, I was doing:
hr = _shockwaveFlash->put_WMode(BSTR("opaque"));
BUT I blatantly ignored the HRESULT there. It made the Flash Player confused, because it is not a valid way to insert a BSTR constant in the code (which is a wide string). Correctly:
hr = _shockwaveFlash->put_WMode(L"opaque");
Now it works as it should. Check you HRESULTs, kids :)


What does the BluetoothGATTSetCharacteristicValue ReliableWriteContext parameter actually do?

Using C++ VS2017 Win10...
I am testing some code to set a characteristic value on a BLE device. I had originally had the default function call
HRESULT hr = BluetoothGATTSetCharacteristicValue(
I had to switch the flag to BLUETOOTH_GATT_FLAG_WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE to get any sets to take place even though IsWritable and IsReadable were the only 2 properties set showing true but that is a different story and another topic.
Anyway, before I found the problem with the flag I had tried to use the ReliableWriteContext parameter so the code changed to
HANDLE hDevice = _bleDeviceContext.getBleDeviceHandle();
HRESULT hr1 = BluetoothGATTBeginReliableWrite(hDevice,
HRESULT hr = BluetoothGATTSetCharacteristicValue(
if (NULL != ReliableWriteContext) {
Once I fixed the flag issue my BluetoothGATTSetCharacteristicValue() function would work with either the NULL or the ReliableWriteContext parameters. No difference that I could see.
My question is,then, what does the ReliableWriteContext do exactly? MS docs only say:
The BluetoothGATTBeginReliableWrite function specifies that reliable
writes are about to begin.
Well that doesn't tell me anything. So should I keep the reliable writes because the word "Reliable" sure sounds like it is something that I want? Or do I not use it because it does not seem to be necessary>
Any insight would be appreciated.

Unexpected behavior when placing Unicode text on Clipboard with NULL owner window

I'm trying to place text on the clipboard from a Windows desktop application that I'm working on, but I am getting some behavior I don't understand.
The function I'm using is as follows:
bool Clipboard::CopyText(const XStringW& txt)
size_t memsize = sizeof(wchar_t) * (txt.Length() + 1);
HGLOBAL glob = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, memsize);
if (glob != NULL)
void* mem = GlobalLock(glob);
if (mem != NULL)
memcpy(mem, (LPCWSTR) txt, memsize);
HANDLE handle = NULL;
if (OpenClipboard(NULL))
handle = SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, glob);
ASSERT(handle != NULL);
return handle != NULL;
What happens after else is not especially important.
If I execute the above block of code, everything actually works as it should. This is strange to me, because according to the documentation:
If an application calls OpenClipboard with hwnd set to NULL, EmptyClipboard sets the clipboard owner to NULL; this causes SetClipboardData to fail.
But I find that it's working as it should.
However, I only added EmptyClipboard() as an experiment. Prior to this, my code was not working properly. Let's say I placed the text "Hello" from a Word document. Then I copied a number 999 from my application. What would happen is, if I tried pasting to Excel or Word (for example), it would paste "Hello". However if I selected "Paste Special" in (say) Excel and pasted as text, it would paste "999". So it would work, but only if a non-default paste was used.
If I add in the EmptyClipboard() (as per my code above), it works perfectly. It clears whatever was there before. But it shouldn't, according to the documentation.
Can anybody help me understand?
I don't know how to respond to this question with anything other than:
"Because the documentation says so." tm
and leave it at that. The documentation and the examples provided therein specifically state that you must call, in order* (pseudo-code):
if(::OpenClipboard(hwnd)) {
if(::EmptyClipboard()) {
//Copy data...
Which also says basically: "Do not call EmptyClipboard without first calling OpenClipboard with a proper handle to a window".
Failing to do that and then wondering why it doesn't work is an exercise in frustration.
*There are cases where responding to specific WM messages should not call ::OpenClipboard but they do not apply here.

Cannot get an image handle from a bitmap within the resources when using "LoadImageA()" and cannot understand why

I am trying to load an image resource using the LoadImageA() function, yet it doesn't work and I don't understand why.
Here's a bit of my code :
bool isRessource = IS_INTRESOURCE(107);
// Load the resource to the HGLOBAL.
HGLOBAL imageResDataHandle = LoadImageA(
HRESULT hr = (imageResDataHandle ? S_OK : E_FAIL);
The image I want to load is a bitmap saved in the resources, and represented as such within resources.h:
#define IDB_BITMAP1 107
When I execute the code, isRessource is equal to true, yet hr is equal to E_FAIL.
Any idea as to why this is happening? I am using Visual Studio 2019, and I made the image using Gimp.
After making the same image with the same format on another application (I used "Krita") and importing it again, the image finally loads with the same code (I only changed the reference to the resource). I guess that all types of bitmaps made from Gimp won't work in Visual Studio (I tried most formats of bitmaps from Gimp).
The first link searched with LoadImage gimp as a keyword is enough to answer this question.
This is some useful information:
The bitmap exported by GIMP has a broken header. Specifically, the
code seems to not write the RGBA masks, which AFAIK are not optional
in a BITMAPV5HEADER. This misaligns and changes the size of the entire
extended header, incidentally making it look like a BITMAPV4HEADER,
which explains why most programs will still open it fine. Without
having done any testing, I'd guess LoadImage() is more picky about the
values in this extended header; returning NULL is how it indicates
By the way, when you import a bitmap, the system does not remind you that the format of the image is unknown?
After testing, use LoadImage to load such an image will return NULL, and GetLastError will also return 0.

c++ win32 DLL - need to dynamically load a base64 string (very strange!)

First of all, sorry if the title isn't really accurate, I have no idea how I can put my problem into a single sentence.
The problem I'm facing is that I have a win32 DLL which needs to dynamically load a binary file and do something with it (the binary file is found in a base64 string, which the DLL then decodes and writes to disk).
Pretty simple, in theory. However, here come the problems:
I tried putting the string into the resources by an external program. That worked and it does appear in the resources (according to reshack), BUT when I try to access it from inside the DLL it doesn't work. And yes, I do know that you need the hInstance of the DLL itself, not from the executable file that contains it, it didn't work either though.
I also tried to load the string from another source (I tried file, URL and even the registry), but whenever I save it in a variable, the program crashes ("X stopped working" message), I'm assuming that the program which loaded the DLL didn't clear enough RAM to store that extra variable.
And last but not least an extra note: I do not have access to the source code of the program containing the DLL (I'm writing a plugin more or less), so I couldn't pass a parameter either.
I really hope someone can help me out of this dilemma.
Edit: Code upon request
Method 1: Loading the base64 string from a resource
HMODULE handle = itsamee; // "itsamee" was set in DllMain
if(hResa == 0)
printf("FAIL"); // it ALWAYS prints "FAIL" ...
.rc file:
#include "resource.h" // there it just defines IDR_PEFILE and includes <windows.h>
Method 2: Loading the base64 string from the registry
HKEY hkey;
RegOpenKeyEx(root, key, 0, REG_READ, &hkey); // "root" is "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" and "key" is "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\run"
DWORD cbData;
RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, NULL, &type, NULL, &cbData);
char* value = new char[cbData];
RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&value, &cbData); // "name" is "pefile"
// now here I had two lines of code. the first one is:
printf("Okay"); // it would always print "Okay"
// this is the second version:
printf("Okay, value is %s", value); // it wouldn't print this, instead I'd get the "X stopped working" error
std::vector<char> dec = base64_decode(value); // this would never happen, "stopped working", regardless of which printf was called before
The mistake was that (LPBYTE)&value made the function write to the pointer and not the buffer itself. It had to be changed to (LPBYTE)value. Thanks to Mark Ransom for this answer!

First and last window don't show up

I'm creating a WinApi application for my programming course. The program is supposed to show an LED clock using a separate window for each 'block'. I have figured most of it out, except for one thing: when creating the two-dimensional array of windows, the first and last window never show up. Here's the piece of code from the InitInstance function:
for (int x=0;x<8;x++)
for (int y=0;y<7;y++) {
szWindowClass, szTitle, (WS_POPUP| WS_BORDER), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dummyWnd, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
ShowWindow(digitWnd[x][y], nCmdShow);
The same loop bounds are used everytime I interact with the windows (set position and enable/disable). All the windows seem to be working fine, except for digitWnd[0][0] and digitWnd[7][6]... Any ideas as to what is happening?
Open Spy++ and check if the missing windows are really missing or just overlapped by other windows. It's possible that you have some small error in the position calculations code that puts them behind another window or outside of the screen.
To validate your creation mechanism I would check:
the array initialisation HWND digitWnd[8][7]
if the parent window dummyWnd is valid
the return value of CreateWindowEx() != NULL
Another point which comes to my mind is, that you create windows with dimension 0 - no width or height. So maybe it would be a good idea to set the size within CreateWindowEx(...)
Is this your first call to ShowWindow()? If so, according to MSDN, "nCmdShow: [in] Specifies how the window is to be shown. This parameter is ignored the first time an application calls ShowWindow". This could mean that you can fix your program by simply calling ShowWindow() twice. Give it a try and see if it works. Other than that, you'll probably have to provide more of the code for us to look at.