Init reference with invalid value - c++

I have a class:
class node
node& parent;
I want to set the parent value when I know its right value:
node parent;
node n; // here node.parent is a not valid value
n.parent = parent;
But I have to set it's value in the constructor too. How can I do?

You can't change what variable a reference references. So if you can't initialize it in the constructor, you don't want a reference. You can use a regular pointer, but it's probably better to use some kind of smart pointer appropriate to your particular use. The correct answer depends primarily on how the lifetime of the referenced object is managed.

If you want to use references and not pointers because you want to suggest that the class instance does not own the parent node, then you can use std::reference_wrapper from C++11's <functional>.
I would advise against using smart pointers (except maybe std::weak_ptr) if the parent holds references to the children and the children hold references to the parent. Using smart pointers in this case would create a cyclic dependency, which means your objects would never get destroyed.


unique_ptr in class how to work with them

I am implementing AVL tree in C++ and using unique_ptr for children.
struct Node
const int key;
std::unique_ptr<Node> left, right;
Node* parent;
std::size_t height; ///< for avl tree.
Node(const int key) : key(key), height(0) {}
class AVL
std::unique_ptr<Node> root;
AVL(int rootKey) : root(std::unique_ptr<Node>(new Node(rootKey))) {
void insert(std::unique_ptr<Node> newNode) {
std::unique_ptr<Node> & node = root;
Node* parentWeak;
while(node.get()) {
parentWeak = node->parent;
if (node->key == newNode->key)
throw std::runtime_error("Key already present");
if (node->key < newNode->key)
node = node->right;
node = node->left;
auto parent = parentWeak;
const int key = newNode->key;
if (parent == nullptr) {
// there is no root
root = std::move(newNode);
} else {
if (parent->key < newNode->key) {
assert(NULL == parent->right.get());
parent->right = std::move(newNode);
} else {
assert(NULL == parent->left.get());
parent->left = std::move(newNode);
// Now increment the height upto down.
// balance starting from parent upwards untill we find some dislanace in height
balance(parent, key);
I am getting compiler errors on line node = node->right;. Which is right because it can be possible with only std::move semantics. but that would be wrong because i want to just iterate over the tree, otherwise it would just remove them from the child-list.
However, i need the unique_ptr also, as it would passed in function balance as it would modify the pointers and re-balance the tree.
If i use shared_ptr it would all work. However, i do not need to share the ownership with others. Or am i misunderstanding ownership ?
Your problem seems to be caused by a lack of understanding how to use unique_ptr in real programs, which is related to the concept of ownership. If a something owns an object, it means, this something is responsible for keeping the object alive as long as this something keeps owning the object, and is responsible to destroy the object as soon as nothing owns the object anymore.
Both unique_ptr and shared_ptr can be used to own objects. The difference, you seem to be aware of, is that an object pointed to by unique_ptr can only have a single owner, while there might be multiple shared_ptr objects sharing ownership of a specific object. If a unique_ptr is destroyed or assigned a different value, by definition it can destroy the object it previously pointed to, as a unique_ptr is the single (unique) owner of an object.
Now you have to think about your tree: You can use shared_ptr for everything, which will likely (seems to) work, as objects are kept alive as long as there are references to them. If there really is the parent member in node which you use in your method but did not declare in the node structuer, you would be likely to create reference cycles, though, creating the danger of keeping objects around way too long (or even forever, this is called a memory leak), as shared_ptr in C++ is purely reference-counted. Two objects containing shared_ptrs pointing to each other keep themselves alive forever, even if no other pointer points to them. It seems like in your shared_ptr solution, the parent member was a weak_ptr which is a sensible way to work around this problem, although possibly not the most efficient one.
You seem to want to improve performance and strictness of your code by using unique_ptr instead of shared_ptr which is commonly accepted as a very good idea, as it forces you to deal with ownership in much greater detail. Your choice that the tree owns the root node, and each node owns the children is a sound design. You seem to have removed the parent pointer, because it can not be a unique_ptr, as in that case, a node would be owned by its parents and any childrens it might have, violating the constraint that an object pointed to by unique_ptr may only have one owner. Also, the parent member can not be a weak_ptr, as weak_ptr can only be used with objects managed by shared_ptr. If you want to translate a design from shared_ptr to unique_ptr, you should consider changing weak_ptrs into raw pointers. A non-owning pointer to an object managed by unique_ptr that detects expiration of that object does not exist (it would not be effienctly implementable with the typical C++ memory management). If you need the property of being able to detect a non-owning pointer to be stale, keep using shared_ptr. The overhead for tracking non-owning pointers is almost as big as full shared-ownership semantics, so there is no middle ground in the standard library.
Finally, let's discuss the insert method. The node variable quite surely is not what you want. You correctly found out (possibly by a compiler error message) that node can not be a unique_ptr, as that would take away ownership from the tree object. In fact, having this variable refer to the root pointer in the tree is the right solution, as you don't want to mess around with ownership at this point, but just want to be able to get a grip on some node. But declaring it as a reference does not fit to the way you want to use it, because in C++ you can't re-seat a reference. What you do is you declare node to be just another name for this->root, so if you assign to node, you are overwriting your root node pointer. I am sure this is not what you intended. Instead, you want node to refer to a different object than it referred to before, so it needs to be something that references the root node and can be made to refer to something else. In C++, this means you want a pointer (as Jarod42 said in the comment). You have two choices at hand for the loop scanning the position where to insert:
Use a raw pointer to node instead of a unique_ptr to node. As you don't need ownership, a raw pointer to node is good enough: You can be sure the owning pointer (this->root) keeps alive as long a you need it, so there is no danger of the object disappearing.
Use a raw pointer to unique_ptr to node. This is essentially your approach, fixed to use a pointer instead of a reference.
As you say, you later need the unique_ptr to pass it to the balance function. If the balance function works out as it is now, and needs a unique_ptr argument, the decision is made: Having a copy of the raw pointer in node just doesn't do what you want, so you need the pointer-to-unique_ptr.

List of smart pointers - Managing object lifetime and pointer validity

I have a list of smart pointers where each pointer points to a separate Entity class.
std::list<std::unique_ptr<Entity>> m_entities;
I would like the constructor to handle the assigning of each pointer to a std::list class as it is "automatically" handled by the code on class instantiation. However, if this design is bad then I would welcome a better alternative as it only makes sense to me coming from a C# background.
Entity::Entity(Game &game)
: m_game(game),
The main problem I have encountered with this method is that the Entity class' lifetime is unmanaged by the Entity class.
For example if I allocate an Entity class on the stack it will call the Entity destructor after leaving the method in which it was allocated and the pointer will no longer be valid.
I therefore considered the alternative of creating a smart pointer, allocating the Entity class to the heap and then explicitly adding the pointer to the list.
std::unique_ptr<Entity> b(new Entity(*this));
m_entities.push_back(b); // ERROR
This produces the following error
error C2664: 'void std::list<_Ty>::push_back(_Ty &&)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'std::unique_ptr<_Ty>' to 'std::unique_ptr<_Ty> &&'
What would be considered the best approach for allocating each pointer to the list and is a constructor based version possible?
I'm currently thinking that it is the list of smart pointers that should handle the lifetime for each Entity class and that assigning pointers in a constructor is not a good design choice. In that case I should probably create a CreateEntity method that adds the pointer to list rather than let the constructor handle it. Is this better?
I considered what type of smart pointer would be appropriate for this operation after reading through questions found here, here and here (offsite). It is difficult to get an exact answer based on what I've read so far though as they all offer somewhat conflicting advice.
Using constructor this way is definitely not good idea because constructor has no information about how object is created and controlled - on the stack, statically, dynamically by some smart pointer, dynamically by dumb pointer?
To solve this problem you could use static factory method to create Entity instances:
class Entity
// Variant with unique ownership
static void CreateGameEntity(Game& game)
std::unique_ptr<Entity> p(new Entity());
// OR (you cannot use both)
// Variant with shared ownership
static std::shared_ptr<Entity> CreateGameEntity(Game& game)
std::shared_ptr<Entity> p(new Entity());
return p;
// Declare ctors private to avoid possibility to create Entity instances
// without CreateGameEntity() method, e.g. on stack.
Entity(const Entity&);
Which smart pointer to use? Well, this depends on your design. If Game object solely owns Entity instances and completely manages their lifetime, using std::unique_ptr is OK. If you need some kind of shared ownership (e.g. you have several Game objects that can share same Entity objects) you shall use std::shared_ptr.
Also in case of unique ownership you may use Boost Pointer Container library. It contains specialized owning pointer containers like ptr_vector, ptr_list, ptr_map etc.
I won't comment on your design questions, but to fix your error, change your code to either:
m_entities.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Boundary>(new Boundary(*this, body)));
std::unique_ptr<Boundary> b(new Boundary(*this, body));
The reason is that b in your code is an lvalue, but std::unique_ptr<> is a move-only type (i.e. has no copy constructor).
The problem in your code is that you try to move a std::unique_ptr<T> from an l-value. The instantiations of std::unique_ptr<T> are non-copyable and are only movable. To move from an l-value you need to explicitly do so:
The call to std::move() won't really move anything but it does yield a type which indicates to the compiler that the object can be moved.
To address the issue with the stack-created instance, you could simply add a parameter to the constructor that tells it to not add the new instance to the list, eg:
Entity::Entity(Game &game, bool AddToList = true)
: m_game(game),
if (AddToList) m_game.m_entities.push_back(this);
Entity e(game, false);
Another option might be to add a destructor to Entity that removes it from the list if it is still present, but that might get a little complex trying to avoid conflicts between direct Entity destructions and unique_ptr destructions.

Can references replace pointers?

More specifically, I am wondering why we use pointers in a typical linked list implementation. Are there any problems that the following implementation of a Node might cause?
template <typename T>
class Node {
T data;
Node<T>& next;
Node<T>& prev;
Is there some reason we should use pointers here instead of references?
You can't set references after creating them, which makes a non-mutable linked-list implementation somewhat tricky. (You'd need to wrap the references in objects that you can re-crate when you want to change the reference).
There's also no way to set a NULL value on a reference, so representing the ends of your list would require some imagination.
Probably better to stick to pointers in a linked list, or even better, use std::list<>.
Lvalue references can't replace pointers; they do different things.
An lvalue reference must be initialized with an lvalue and the lvalue reference will refer to that object for the rest of it's lifetime. It cannot be rebound. This presents two immediate problems for your list node.
How do you start the list? You want to construct a node that has no "previous" yet the prev member must be initialized with a Node object. You could conceivably use a Node whose prev is it self to represent the head of a list, but this is working around the poor choice of lvalue reference. (E.g. Node<T> emptylist = { T(), emptylist, emptylist }; //eurgh)
Second, how do you manipulate the list? You can't change the bindings of next and prev meaning that the only way to alter the list would be to construct a completely new set of nodes and copy every single data element.

N-Ary Tree Design with Smart Pointers

I'm trying to design a tree class in C++, but I'm running into some trouble with node destruction.
If I destroy a node, I don't want to destroy it's entire sub-tree because there might be something else pointed to it. So the obvious solution is the use reference counting. I'd have a weak pointer to the parent, and a vector of shared pointers to the child nodes. That way if a node is destroyed, it's children are only destroyed if nothing is pointing to them.
But I run into another problem here: adding a child to a node. weak_ptr only works if there's already a shared_ptr pointing to an object. And if I adding a child to a node, I don't know where to find a shared_ptr that's pointing to it. So what do I do here?
To expand on David Rodriguez's idea, a skeleton tree might look like this:
struct node : std::enable_shared_from_this<node>
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<node>> children;
std::weak_ptr<node> parent;
void add_child()
auto n = std::make_shared_node>();
n->parent = std::weak_ptr<node>(shared_from_this());
auto root = std::make_shared<node>();
(Of course a real-world node would have a non-trivial constructor with payload values, and add_child would take similar arguments or be a template...)
You might want to look into enable_shared_from_this that allows you to obtain the shared_ptr directly from the object. It still requires that the object is managed by a shared_ptr, but you don't need to find who is holding it.

Pointers vs auto_ptr vs shared_ptr

I was recently introduced to the existence of auto_ptr and shared_ptr and I have a pretty simple/naive question.
I try to implement a data structure and I need to point to the children of a Node which (are more than 1 and its) number may change. Which is the best alternative and why:
class Node
// ...
Node *children;
class Node
// ...
share_ptr<Node> children;
I am not sure, but I think auto_ptr does not work for arrays. I am not, also, sure about whether I should use double pointers. Thanks for any help.
You're right that auto_ptr doesn't work for arrays. When it destroys the object it owns, it uses delete object;, so if you used new objects[whatever];, you'll get undefined behavior. Perhaps a bit more subtly, auto_ptr doesn't fit the requirements of "Copyable" (as the standard defines the term) so you can't create a container (vector, deque, list, etc.) of auto_ptr either.
A shared_ptr is for a single object as well. It's for a situation where you have shared ownership and need to delete the object only when all the owners go out of scope. Unless there's something going on that you haven't told us about, chances are pretty good that it doesn't fit your requirements very well either.
You might want to look at yet another class that may be new to you: Boost ptr_vector. At least based on what you've said, it seems to fit your requirements better than either auto_ptr or shared_ptr would.
I have used std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node> > children successfully in a similar situation.
The main benefit of using a vector of shared_ptrs rather than an array is that all of the resource management is handled for you. This is especially handy in two situations:
1) When the vector is no longer in scope, it automatically calls delete on all of its contents. In this case, the reference count of the child Node will drop by 1 and if nothing else is referencing it, delete will be called on the object.
2) If you are referencing the Node elsewhere, there is no risk of being left with a dangling pointer to a deleted object. The object will only be deleted when there are no more references to it.
Unless you want behaviour that is substantially more complicated (perhaps there is a reason why an array is necessary), I would suggest this might be a good approach for you.
A simple implementation of the idea:
class Node {
T contents;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node> > children;
Node(T value) : contents(value) {};
void add_child(T value) {
auto p = std::make_shared<Node>(value);
std::shared_ptr<Node> get_child(size_t index) {
// Returning a shared pointer ensures the node isn't deleted
// while it is still in use.
void remove_child(size_t index) {
// The whole branch will be destroyed automatically.
// If part of the tree is still needed (eg. for undo), the
// shared pointer will ensure it is not destroyed.
children.erase(children.begin() + index);
auto_ptr is deprecated in favor of std::unique_ptr and btw. std::unique_ptr does work for arrays. You just need c++11 support. And there is already lots of resources about smart pointers and move semantics out there. The main difference between auto_ptr and unique_ptr is that auto_ptr does a move when you call the copy constructor and unique_ptr forbids the copy constructor, but allows a move when calling the move constructor. Therefore you need c++11 support with move semantics.
Stroustrup discusses the question of "What is an auto_ptr and why isn't there an auto_array" and concludes that there no need for the latter since the desired functionality can be accomplished with a vector.