Difference between Get and post method in comparision with HTTP and REST - web-services

I am new to REST. I want to know when to use get methods and when to use post methods. In the process of my literature survey I came across this knowledge.
Actually when I searched for HTTP get and post methods, I read that get doesnt encode URL and post encodes the URL
When I searched for rest get and post methods, I read that get method is used to retrieve data from server and post method is to add some data to server.
But I also read that rest is nothing but a convention to use HTTP.
So I feel like some things are contradicting here. Are the methods of HTTP different?
Please clarify. Also any suggestions on when to use get and post methods are welcome
Resource from which i got this information:

GET should be used to retrieve a resource. This operation should be idempotent, meaning it should not change any state on the server.
POST should be used to add new information to the server. This is usually performed on a URL that represents a "container" of resources. The POST will add a new resource to this container.
PUT should be used to update an existing resource.
DELETE should be obvious.
You might enjoy reading this: http://tomayko.com/writings/rest-to-my-wife

The portion of your question which has not received any attention as of yet, and which is probably causing some of your confusion, is: "REST is nothing but a convention to use HTTP." Which is an inaccurate way of describing what REST is/does in terms of it using HTTP to manipulate the state of an app. This is officially known as HATEOAS - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HATEOAS and is pretty much the heart of RESTful web services concept.


RESTful API: how to tell whether an object retrieved by GET is editable (e.g, PUT-able) by the current user?

Currently I set up a RESTful API backend using Django and I can list a set of articles by the following GET:
Also, I can get a single article by:
Each article is owned by a certain user, and one user could have multiple articles of course.
On the frond end side, I present all the articles at loading of the page, and I hope the user who is logged in currently could see the articles that they own in a different style, e.g, outlined by a box, and has a associated "delete" or "edit" button.
This requires me to tell, after the retrieval of the articles, which ones are owned by the current user programmatically. One way of doing this is to check the current user id with the owner id. However I feel this is not a good choice as the user id is the check is done fully on the client side and may be not consistent with the actual server judgement.
Therefore, is there a way, to tell by looking at the response of the GET, (say, let the server return a property "editable=true/false") to get whether the current user could edit(PUT) the resource?
I understand that this could be done at the server side, by attaching such a property manually. However, I am just asking whether there is better/common practice.
I just started learning web development and I am sorry if the question sounds trivial. Thank you!
You can attach propriety manually as you suggested. The advance of this approach is that you dont need any other http request.
Second possibility might be, that your client intentionally request information about endpoint permissions. In this case I would suggest to use OPTIONS HTTP method. You send OPTIONS HTTP request to api/articles/1 and backend returns wanted info. This might be exactly what OPTIONS method and DRF metadata were made for.
I think that this is a very interesting question.
Several options that come to me:
You can add to the GET api/article/1 response a HTTP header with this information i.e. HTTP_METHODS_ALLOWED=PUT,PATH,DELETE. Doing this way helps the API client because it does not need to know anything else. I think that this is not a good approach when more than one entity is returned.
call to OPTIONS api/article/1. Allowed methods for that user on that resource can be returned but notice that, in my opinion, this approach is not very good in terms of performance, because it duplicates the number of requests to the server.
But what if the entity returned also contains information on the owner or it? can, in this case the client know which policy apply and try to figure out it by itself? notice that the policy can be obtained from another endpoint (just one call would be needed) or even with the login response. If your entities do not contain that kind of information, it could be also returned as a HTTP header (like first option above)

Mobile REST API - only use POST in place of GET?

A colleague and I were discussing the implementation of our REST API, and he mentioned that in his previous work they never used GET and instead used POST in place of that. His reasoning is that it promotes consistency; the client (a mobile device) does not need to worry about whether a certain API call is POST or GET, it can assume that it's a POST.
As I said this API is used by mobile devices, so the various browser specific differences between GET and POST don't apply (such as caching GET requests and having GET requests in browser history etc).
Does this have warrant? Still seems like bad practice to me. Can anyone explain the benefits of using both GET and POST instead of all POST?
This is not RESTful. One of the principles of REST is the Uniform Interface. One constraint for this principle is Identification of resources:
Individual resources are identified in requests, for example using URIs in web-based REST systems.
In the context of HTTP a resource is identified by a URI:
This URI identifies room 456 in hotel 1234. To interact with this resource, HTTP verbs are used. To get the state of the resource, GET is used. To change it, PUT is used. POST is used if a subresource of the resource is manipulated but how this pattern is used best is still open for discussion.
Proposing to only use POST for every interaction shows a complete lack of knowledge about REST. Most often people don't think "REST" and they don't think "resources" when the propose this. What they do think is Remote Procedure Call (RPC) which can be implemented over HTTP but has nothing do to with REST.
Summary: Don't use POST for everything. Model your resources and use the proper HTTP verbs.

Major drawback of REST web service

I am reading a Javascript book where it talks about web services but I find it hard to understand the following sentence as being a drawback of using REST (Representational State Transfer).
One of the biggest drawbacks to using REST is that some browsers
support only GET and POST methods, whereas many firewalls allow
passage of only GET and POST methods.
I don't really see how this is regarded as a drawback.
English is not my 1st language so it could be just me finding it hard.
Can someone elaborate on this?
REST supports PUT and DELETE methods as well as GET and POST - so if your app should run in a browser you're limited.
The convention is to use GET to retrieve information, POST to create new object/entity, PUT to update an existing object/entity and DELETE to delete...
Restful web service typically utilize many of the methods defined in the Http spec. So, Create methods use Http Post, Read methods use Http Get, Update methods Http Put, Delete methods use Http Delete. See http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html and Which HTTP methods match up to which CRUD methods?.
The concern raised in the book is that Put and Delete may not be usable through firewalls or in some browsers. I don't know if this is a valid concern. I think the Internet infrastructure today handles this stuff pretty well.
The Crud methods Stack Overflow article mentioned above includes a helpful comment:
And since PUT and DELETE aren't yet supported by web browsers, it's
considered okay to "overload POST" by adding a query string argument
like method=PUT or method=DELETE on the URI being POSTed
It is a drawback in that if your application relies on DELETE or PUT requests not every client or network configuration will support that, meaning that there will be situations where you may not be able to deploy it (without workarounds).
I am not sure if this remains a real problem, though, and it is easily solved by having some filter rewrite requests for clients that cannot issue proper DELETE or PUT.
Well REST Web services uses the HTTP Request Methods: POST, GET, DELETE, PUT.
So this means that the PUT and DELETE HTTP Request methods are not supported. It is a draw back but there are ways to get around it by manipulating the DTO's. This however will mean that you don't follow the full REST approach.

How would REST handle post-processing / including relevant resources?

I have a web service for a forum, and I have the following two resources:
/threads/frontpage, returns all the posts that belong on the front page of my site
/users/1, users/2, etc. returns users specified by the number.
And I want to make it so the user can ask for "all the threads on the frontpage, plus all the users that posted to those threads".
Normally I would separate it out into multiple requests, but that takes more time.
My only thought is to make a URL like this:
In a way, it's taking the original result, and then using it to include additional info, in this case, the users that posted the threads.
But that doesn't seem very RESTful. There's a verb in there, and it just feels awkward. How would I do this RESTfully?
Having a verb in a query parameter is not necessary un-RESTful. I would say that it is common (and more important) to have clean resources and verbs, but to include more involved functionality into query parameters, as you would do with ?includePostingUsers=true.
Apigee published a nice pragmatic booklet on Crafting Restful APIs:
Web API Design – Crafting Interfaces that Developers Love (PDF), and a related video with real world observations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpAhXa12xvU#t=39m
If you don't want to show ?includePostingUsers=true in url then use Post request.
And why don't you just pass parameter like

Can you explain the Web concept of RESTful?

Looking for clear and concise explanations of this concept.
A RESTful application is an application that exposes its state and functionality as a set of resources that the clients can manipulate and conforms to a certain set of principles:
All resources are uniquely addressable, usually through URIs; other addressing can also be used, though.
All resources can be manipulated through a constrained set of well-known actions, usually CRUD (create, read, update, delete), represented most often through the HTTP's POST, GET, PUT and DELETE; it can be a different set or a subset though - for example, some implementations limit that set to read and modify only (GET and PUT) for example
The data for all resources is transferred through any of a constrained number of well-known representations, usually HTML, XML or JSON;
The communication between the client and the application is performed over a stateless protocol that allows for multiple layered intermediaries that can reroute and cache the requests and response packets transparently for the client and the application.
The Wikipedia article pointed by Tim Scott gives more details about the origin of REST, detailed principles, examples and so on.
The best explanation I found is in this REST tutorial.
REST by way of an example:
POST /user
The server responds:
200 OK
Location: /user/123
In the future, you can then retrieve the user information:
GET /user/123
The server responds:
200 OK
To update:
PUT /user/123
Frankly, the answer depends on context. REST and RESTful have meanings depending on what language or framework you're using or what you're trying to accomplish. Since you've tagged your question under "web services" I'll answer in the context of RESTful web services, which is still a broad category.
RESTful web services can mean anything from a strict REST interpretation, where all actions are done in a strict "RESTful" manner, to a protocol that is plain XML, meaning its not SOAP or XMLRPC. In the latter case, this is a misnomer: such a REST protocol is really a "plain old XML" (or "POX") protocol. While REST protocols usually use XML and as such are POX protocols, this doesn't necessarily have to be the case, and the inverse is not true (a just because a protocol uses XML doesn't make it RESTful).
Without further ado, a truly RESTful API consists of actions taken on objects, represented by the HTTP method used and the URL of that object. The actions are about the data and not about what the method does. For example, CRUD actions (create, read, update, and delete) can map to a certain set of URLs and actions. Lets say you are interacting with a photo API.
To create a photo, you'd send data via a POST request to /photos. It would let you know where the photo is via the Location header, e.g. /photos/12345
To view a photo, you'd use GET /photos/12345
To update a photo, you'd send data via a PUT request to /photos/12345.
To delete a photo, you'd use DELETE /photos/12345
To get a list of photos, you'd use GET /photos.
Other actions might be implemented, like the ability to copy photos via a COPY request.
In this way, the HTTP method you're using maps directly to the intent of your call, instead of sending the action you wish to take as part of the API. To contrast, a non-RESTful API might use many more URLs and only use the GET and POST actions. So, in this example, you might see:
To create a photo, send a POST to /photos/create
To view a photo, send a GET to /photos/view/12345
To update a photo, send a POST to /photos/update/12345
To delete a photo, send a GET to /photos/delete/12345
To get a list of photos, send a GET to /photos/list
You'll note how in this case the URLs are different and the methods are chosen only out of technical necessity: to send data, you must use a POST, while all other requests use GET.
Just a few points:
RESTFul doesn't depend on the framework you use. It depends on the architectural style it describes. If you don't follow the constraints, you're not RESTful. The constraints are defined in half a page of Chapter 5 of Roy Fielding's document, I encourage you to go and read it.
The identifier is opaque and does not cary any information beyond the identification of a resource. It's a nmae, not input data, just names. as far as the client is concerned, it has no logic or value beyond knowing how to build querystrings from a form tag. If your client builds its own URIs using a schema you've decided up-front, you're not restful.
The use or not use of all the http verbs is not really the constraint, and it's perfectly acceptable to design an architecture that only supports POST.
Caching, high decoupling, lack of session state and layered architecture are the points few talk about but the most important to the success of a RESTful architecture.
If you don't spend most of your time crafting your document format, you're probably not doing REST.
It means using names to identify both commands and parameters.
Instead of names being mere handles or monikers, the name itself contains information. Specifically, information about what is being requested, parameters for the request, etc..
Names are not "roots" but rather actions plus input data.
I've learned the most from reading the articles published on InfoQ.com:
http://www.infoq.com/rest and the RESTful Web Services book (http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596529260/).
Disclaimer: I am associated with InfoQ.com, but this recommendation is based on my own learning experience.