Searching for suitable data structure in c++ - c++

Suggest a suitable data structure (in C++), such that the below mentioned purpose is solved:
insert an element to the end.
read and delete an element from the end.
read and delete an element from beginning.
find out if a particular element exists.
Right now i am using vectors..but finding if a particular element exists has a great time complexity in vectors as my elements are not sorted.
Is there some better data structure than vectors to accomplish this..if yes..then which one and please give an example.

One possibility is to use std::set or std::unordered_set which is basically a hash table and maintain the order between the elements yourself. This will give you O(log(n)) or amortized O(1) lookup complexity and constant insertion/deletion at the beginning/end. In Java this is called LinkedHashSet. Unfortunately STL doesn't provide this kind of data structure out of the box, but it should be easy to implement on top of a set/unordered_set or map/unordered_map.
Here's a piece of code that illustrates the idea:
template <typename T>
class linked_set {
// Comparator of values with dereferencing.
struct value_deref_less {
bool operator()(const T *lhs, const T *rhs) const {
return *lhs < *rhs;
typedef std::set<const T*, value_deref_less> Set;
Set set_; // Used for quick lookup
std::deque<T> store_; // Used for ordered storage. deque is used instead of
// vector because the former doesn't invalidate
// pointers/iterators when elements are pushed.
void push_back(const T& value) {
// TODO: handle the case of duplicate elements.
// TODO: better provide your own iterator.
typedef typename Set::iterator iterator;
iterator find(const T& value) { return set_.find(&value); }
// ...

You won't be able to have both fast insertions at the two sides AND fast searches with the same container, at least if you restrict the possibilities to the STL. More exotic non-standard containers may help.
But the approach I generally choose in these cases is to use two containers. For storing the elements, the obvious option is std::deque. For searches, make a std::map<K,V> in which V is an iterator for the deque. Since insert/delete in deques does not invalidate iterators that are not involved, it should be OK IF you always remember to synchronize the map and the deque (i.e. when you do an insert or delete on the deque, do that also on the map).
Another simpler/safer option, instead of using iterators - if after a search in the map you just need the element found (you don't need to visit nearby elements, etc.) - is to have in both the deque and the map smart pointers to the actual objects (more specifically, shared_ptr). Again, you have to be careful to keep both in sync; although it won't be as catastrophic if they loose sync, probably the consistency of your program will be compromised, of course.
struct MyItem
std::string name;
int something;
int another;
MyItem(const std::string &name_, int something_, int another_)
:name(name_), something(something_), another(another_) {}
class MyContainer
typedef std::shared_ptr<MyItem> MyItemPtr;
void push_front(MyItemPtr item)
assert(map.find(item->name) == map.end());
map[item->name] = item;
void push_back(MyItemPtr item)
assert(map.find(item->name) == map.end());
map[item->name] = item;
MyItemPtr pop_front()
item = deque.front();
return item;
MyItemPtr pop_back()
item = deque.back();
return item;
MyItemPtr find(const std::string &name)
std::map<std::string, MyItemPtr>::iterator iter = map.find(name);
if (iter == map.end())
return MyItemPtr();
return iter->second;
std::deque<MyItemPtr> deque;
std::map<std::string, MyItemPtr> map;
To use it:
MyContainer container;
MyContainer::MyItemPtr a(new MyItem("blah", 1, 2));
MyContainer::MyItemPtr b(new MyItem("foo", 5, 6));
MyContainer::MyItemPtr f = container.find("blah");
if (f)
cout << f->name << ", " << f->something << ", " << f->another;

You can keep the vector, but also use a std::set for fast queries.
The set is not enough for deleting an element from the beginning/end, as you don't really know which is the first/last element you've inserted. You could keep references to those elements, but then in order to support deletion, you would need the next ones and so on, which degrades back to using one more container.

You should start with a std::map to see if logarithmic complexity is suitable.
A B+Tree would be a bit more complex and would require your own implementation or research to find an open source implmentation. But it is a reasonable choice given the requirements and the pain point you cited (searching), if the std::map still proves inadequate.
You would map an element's value to its iterator in a std::list, for example. All operations would be O(lg n) with std::map.

Use std::deque. This is a double-ended queue and it is also used as a container for standard interfaces such as std::stack.
It usually uses a quasi-linked list implementation and has amortized O(1) time complexity for insertions and deletions at edges.

If there is a lot of insert/delete a linked list would be more appropriate.
Beware that a linked list (single or double) will have quite an overhead (usually the size of a pointer, but implementation vary).
The standard template library offers you std::list.


Implementation of a contiguous (flat) unordered container

I am trying to implement or conceptually design a container that has contiguous memory but where the element order is unimportant (and that is exploited for insertion/removal of objects).
This is something that is similar to std::vector, but lifting the constraint that when an element is removed the relative order of the other elements is preserved, as in this case the last element can be put in place of the removed one.
I more or less know how to implement it (based on std::vector and some special back referenced iterator) but I am looking for a reference implementation to avoid reinventing the wheel.
I am familiar with Boost.Container, but I didn't find such container.
boost::container::flat_set is close, but it maintains the order, which is unnecessary. In some sense, I am looking for some sort of "boost::container::unordered_flat_set" or "unordered_vector".
This is the behavior that I expect:
unordered_flat_set<T> ufs(100); // allocates 100 elements
unordered_flat_set<T>::iterator it = ...; // find something
ufs.erase(it); // overwrite last element to that position, destroy last element
ufs.insert(T{}); //add element at "end", only if necessary reallocate, keep buffer memory in multiples of 2 (or 1.6). Element order is not fundamental, can be altered completely by a call to "erase".
ufs.size(); // report size
Both erase and insert are O(1), (unless reallocation is necessary).
Is this a concept that is not already in standard or non-standard containers.
(Perhaps it is the concept of being unordered that doesn't play well with the current containers.
After all the only "unordered" currently is std::unordered_set and it is fairly new.)
This is a reference (very minimal) implementation, it is mainly to give a concrete realization of the concept I am looking for. In fact I am looking to see if the concept already exists to apply it to an existing base-code.
I am not trying to reinvent the wheel.
template<class T>
class unordered_vector{
std::vector<T> impl_;
void reserve(int i){impl_.reserve(i);}
struct iterator{
std::vector<T>* back_ptr;
int i;
T& operator*(){return back_ptr->operator[](i);}
iterator operator++(){++i; return *this;}
iterator operator--(){--i; return *this;}
bool operator==(iterator const& other) const{return back_ptr == other.back_ptr and i == other.i;}
bool operator!=(iterator const& other) const{return not(*this == other);}
int size(){return impl_.size();}
iterator erase(iterator it){
*it = it.back_ptr->last(); // should I use placement new here to not rely in customized (or not assignable object type)?
return it.back_ptr->erase(it.rbegin()); // I return this for compatibility, although there is no use for this
iterator insert(T t){
impl_.push_back(t); return {&impl_, size()-1};
iterator begin(){return {&impl_, 0};} // does an unordered container have a begin ?? ok, for compatibility, like std::unordered_set
iterator end(){return {&impl_, (int)impl_.size()};} // same question,
T& operator[](int i){return impl_[i];} // same question, if it is unordered v[i] has not a "salient" meaning.
int main(){
unordered_vector<double> uv;
std::cout << uv.size() << std::endl;
auto it = uv.begin();
assert( uv.begin() != uv.end());
assert( it != uv.end() );
for(auto it = uv.begin(); it != uv.end(); ++it){
std::cout << *it << std::endl;
Please see sfl library that I have recently updated to GitHub:
It is C++11 header only library that offers flat ordered and unordered containers that store elements contiguously in memory. All containers meet requirements of Container, AllocatorAwareContainer and ContiguousContainer.

STL container that combines sequential ordering with constant access time?

This strikes me as something I should have been able to find on Stackoverflow, but maybe I'm searching for the wrong terms here.
I have the scenario where there is a class
class Foo
int key;
int b;
and I want to push new elements of that class onto a list. Number of items is unknown beforehand.
At the same time, I want to be able to quickly check the existence of (and retrieve) an element with a certain key, e.g. key==5.
So, to summarize:
It should have O(1) (or thereabouts) for existence/retrieval/deletion
It should retain the order of the pushed items
One solution to this strikes me a "use a std::list to store the items, and std::unordered_map to retrieve them, with some book-keeping". I could of course implement it myself, but was wondering whether something like this already exists in a convenient form in STL.
EDIT: To preempt the suggestion, std::map is not a solution, because it orders based on some key. That is, it won't retain the ordering in which I pushed the items.
STL does not have the kind of container, you may write your own using std::unordered_map and std::list. Map your keys to the list iterators in std::unordered_map and store key-value pairs in std::list.
void add(const Key& key, const Value& value)
auto iterator = list.insert(list.end(), std::pair<Key, Value>(key, value));
map[key] = iterator;
void remove(const Key& key)
auto iterator = map[key];
Or use boost multi-index container

Why does `std::unordered_map` "speak like the Yoda" - re-arrange elements?

When trying to write the std::string keys of an std::unordered_map in the following example, the keys get written in a different order than the one given by the initializer list:
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
class Data
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, double> MapType;
typedef MapType::const_iterator const_iterator;
MapType map_;
Data(const std::initializer_list<std::string>& i)
int counter = 0;
for (const auto& name : i)
map_[name] = counter;
const_iterator begin() const
return map_.begin();
const_iterator end() const
return map_.end();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Data& d)
for (const auto& pair : d)
os << pair.first << " ";
return os;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
Data d = {"Why", "am", "I", "sorted"};
// The unordered_map speaks like Yoda.
cout << d << endl;
return 0;
I expected to see 'Why am I sorted', but I got a Yoda-like output:
sorted I am Why
Reading on the unordered_map here, I saw this:
Internally, the elements are not sorted in any particular order, but organized into buckets. Which bucket an element is placed into depends entirely on the hash of its key. This allows fast access to individual elements, since once hash is computed, it refers to the exact bucket the element is placed into.
Is this why the elements are not ordered in the same way as in the initializer list?
What data structure do I then use when I want the keys to be ordered in the same way as the initializer list? Should I internally keep a vector of strings to somehow save the argument order? Can the bucket organization be turned off somehow by choosing a specific hashing function?
What data structure do I then use when I want the keys to be ordered in the same way as the initializer list? Should I internally keep a vector of strings to somehow save the argument order?
Maybe all you want is actually a list/vector of (key, value) pairs?
If you want both O(1) lookup (hashmap) and iteration in the same order as insertion - then yes, using a vector together with an unordered_map sounds like a good idea. For example, Django's SortedDict (Python) does exactly that, here's the source for inspiration:
Python 2.7's OrderedDict is a bit more fancy (map values point to doubly-linked list links), see:
I'm not aware of an existing C++ implementation in standard libs, but this might get you somewhere. See also:
a C++ hash map that preserves the order of insertion
A std::map that keep track of the order of insertion?
unordered_map is, by definition, unordered, so you shall not expect any ordering when accessing the map sequentially.
If you don't want elements sorted by the key value, just use a container that keeps your order of insertion, be it a vector, deque, list or whatever, of pair<key, value> element type if you insist on using it.
Then, if an alement B is added after element A, it will always appear later. This holds true for initializer_list initialization as well.
You could probably use something like Boost.MultiIndex to keep it both sorted by insertion order and arbitrary key.

Determining if an unordered vector<T> has all unique elements

Profiling my cpu-bound code has suggested I that spend a long time checking to see if a container contains completely unique elements. Assuming that I have some large container of unsorted elements (with < and = defined), I have two ideas on how this might be done:
The first using a set:
template <class T>
bool is_unique(vector<T> X) {
set<T> Y(X.begin(), X.end());
return X.size() == Y.size();
The second looping over the elements:
template <class T>
bool is_unique2(vector<T> X) {
typename vector<T>::iterator i,j;
for(i=X.begin();i!=X.end();++i) {
for(j=i+1;j!=X.end();++j) {
if(*i == *j) return 0;
return 1;
I've tested them the best I can, and from what I can gather from reading the documentation about STL, the answer is (as usual), it depends. I think that in the first case, if all the elements are unique it is very quick, but if there is a large degeneracy the operation seems to take O(N^2) time. For the nested iterator approach the opposite seems to be true, it is lighting fast if X[0]==X[1] but takes (understandably) O(N^2) time if all the elements are unique.
Is there a better way to do this, perhaps a STL algorithm built for this very purpose? If not, are there any suggestions eek out a bit more efficiency?
Your first example should be O(N log N) as set takes log N time for each insertion. I don't think a faster O is possible.
The second example is obviously O(N^2). The coefficient and memory usage are low, so it might be faster (or even the fastest) in some cases.
It depends what T is, but for generic performance, I'd recommend sorting a vector of pointers to the objects.
template< class T >
bool dereference_less( T const *l, T const *r )
{ return *l < *r; }
template <class T>
bool is_unique(vector<T> const &x) {
vector< T const * > vp;
vp.reserve( x.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++ i ) vp.push_back( &x[i] );
sort( vp.begin(), vp.end(), ptr_fun( &dereference_less<T> ) ); // O(N log N)
return adjacent_find( vp.begin(), vp.end(),
not2( ptr_fun( &dereference_less<T> ) ) ) // "opposite functor"
== vp.end(); // if no adjacent pair (vp_n,vp_n+1) has *vp_n < *vp_n+1
or in STL style,
template <class I>
bool is_unique(I first, I last) {
typedef typename iterator_traits<I>::value_type T;
And if you can reorder the original vector, of course,
template <class T>
bool is_unique(vector<T> &x) {
sort( x.begin(), x.end() ); // O(N log N)
return adjacent_find( x.begin(), x.end() ) == x.end();
You must sort the vector if you want to quickly determine if it has only unique elements. Otherwise the best you can do is O(n^2) runtime or O(n log n) runtime with O(n) space. I think it's best to write a function that assumes the input is sorted.
template<class Fwd>
bool is_unique(In first, In last)
return adjacent_find(first, last) == last;
then have the client sort the vector, or a make a sorted copy of the vector. This will open a door for dynamic programming. That is, if the client sorted the vector in the past then they have the option to keep and refer to that sorted vector so they can repeat this operation for O(n) runtime.
The standard library has std::unique, but that would require you to make a copy of the entire container (note that in both of your examples you make a copy of the entire vector as well, since you unnecessarily pass the vector by value).
template <typename T>
bool is_unique(std::vector<T> vec)
std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
return std::unique(vec.begin(), vec.end()) == vec.end();
Whether this would be faster than using a std::set would, as you know, depend :-).
Is it infeasible to just use a container that provides this "guarantee" from the get-go? Would it be useful to flag a duplicate at the time of insertion rather than at some point in the future? When I've wanted to do something like this, that's the direction I've gone; just using the set as the "primary" container, and maybe building a parallel vector if I needed to maintain the original order, but of course that makes some assumptions about memory and CPU availability...
For one thing you could combine the advantages of both: stop building the set, if you have already discovered a duplicate:
template <class T>
bool is_unique(const std::vector<T>& vec)
std::set<T> test;
for (typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) {
if (!test.insert(*it).second) {
return false;
return true;
BTW, Potatoswatter makes a good point that in the generic case you might want to avoid copying T, in which case you might use a std::set<const T*, dereference_less> instead.
You could of course potentially do much better if it wasn't generic. E.g if you had a vector of integers of known range, you could just mark in an array (or even bitset) if an element exists.
You can use std::unique, but it requires the range to be sorted first:
template <class T>
bool is_unique(vector<T> X) {
std::sort(X.begin(), X.end());
return std::unique(X.begin(), X.end()) == X.end();
std::unique modifies the sequence and returns an iterator to the end of the unique set, so if that's still the end of the vector then it must be unique.
This runs in nlog(n); the same as your set example. I don't think you can theoretically guarantee to do it faster, although using a C++0x std::unordered_set instead of std::set would do it in expected linear time - but that requires that your elements be hashable as well as having operator == defined, which might not be so easy.
Also, if you're not modifying the vector in your examples, you'd improve performance by passing it by const reference, so you don't make an unnecessary copy of it.
If I may add my own 2 cents.
First of all, as #Potatoswatter remarked, unless your elements are cheap to copy (built-in/small PODs) you'll want to use pointers to the original elements rather than copying them.
Second, there are 2 strategies available.
Simply ensure there is no duplicate inserted in the first place. This means, of course, controlling the insertion, which is generally achieved by creating a dedicated class (with the vector as attribute).
Whenever the property is needed, check for duplicates
I must admit I would lean toward the first. Encapsulation, clear separation of responsibilities and all that.
Anyway, there are a number of ways depending on the requirements. The first question is:
do we have to let the elements in the vector in a particular order or can we "mess" with them ?
If we can mess with them, I would suggest keeping the vector sorted: Loki::AssocVector should get you started.
If not, then we need to keep an index on the structure to ensure this property... wait a minute: Boost.MultiIndex to the rescue ?
Thirdly: as you remarked yourself a simple linear search doubled yield a O(N2) complexity in average which is no good.
If < is already defined, then sorting is obvious, with its O(N log N) complexity.
It might also be worth it to make T Hashable, because a std::tr1::hash_set could yield a better time (I know, you need a RandomAccessIterator, but if T is Hashable then it's easy to have T* Hashable to ;) )
But in the end the real issue here is that our advises are necessary generic because we lack data.
What is T, do you intend the algorithm to be generic ?
What is the number of elements ? 10, 100, 10.000, 1.000.000 ? Because asymptotic complexity is kind of moot when dealing with a few hundreds....
And of course: can you ensure unicity at insertion time ? Can you modify the vector itself ?
Well, your first one should only take N log(N), so it's clearly the better worse case scenario for this application.
However, you should be able to get a better best case if you check as you add things to the set:
template <class T>
bool is_unique3(vector<T> X) {
set<T> Y;
typename vector<T>::const_iterator i;
for(i=X.begin(); i!=X.end(); ++i) {
if (Y.find(*i) != Y.end()) {
return false;
return true;
This should have O(1) best case, O(N log(N)) worst case, and average case depends on the distribution of the inputs.
If the type T You store in Your vector is large and copying it is costly, consider creating a vector of pointers or iterators to Your vector elements. Sort it based on the element pointed to and then check for uniqueness.
You can also use the std::set for that. The template looks like this
template <class Key,class Traits=less<Key>,class Allocator=allocator<Key> > class set
I think You can provide appropriate Traits parameter and insert raw pointers for speed or implement a simple wrapper class for pointers with < operator.
Don't use the constructor for inserting into the set. Use insert method. The method (one of overloads) has a signature
pair <iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& _Val);
By checking the result (second member) You can often detect the duplicate much quicker, than if You inserted all elements.
In the (very) special case of sorting discrete values with a known, not too big, maximum value N.
You should be able to start a bucket sort and simply check that the number of values in each bucket is below 2.
bool is_unique(const vector<int>& X, int N)
vector<int> buckets(N,0);
typename vector<int>::const_iterator i;
for(i = X.begin(); i != X.end(); ++i)
if(++buckets[*i] > 1)
return false;
return true;
The complexity of this would be O(n).
Using the current C++ standard containers, you have a good solution in your first example. But if you can use a hash container, you might be able to do better, as the hash set will be nO(1) instead of nO(log n) for a standard set. Of course everything will depend on the size of n and your particular library implementation.

C++ STL map I don't want it to sort!

This is my code
map<string,int> persons;
persons["B"] = 123;
persons["A"] = 321;
for(map<string,int>::iterator i = persons.begin();
cout<< (*i).first << ":"<<(*i).second<<endl;
Expected output:
But output it gives is:
I want it to maintain the order in which keys and values were inserted in the map<string,int>.
Is it possible? Or should I use some other STL data structure? Which one?
There is no standard container that does directly what you want. The obvious container to use if you want to maintain insertion order is a vector. If you also need look up by string, use a vector AND a map. The map would in general be of string to vector index, but as your data is already integers you might just want to duplicate it, depending on your use case.
Like Matthieu has said in another answer, the Boost.MultiIndex library seems the right choice for what you want. However, this library can be a little tough to use at the beginning especially if you don't have a lot of experience with C++. Here is how you would use the library to solve the exact problem in the code of your question:
struct person {
std::string name;
int id;
person(std::string const & name, int id)
: name(name), id(id) {
int main() {
using namespace::boost::multi_index;
using namespace std;
// define a multi_index_container with a list-like index and an ordered index
typedef multi_index_container<
person, // The type of the elements stored
indexed_by< // The indices that our container will support
sequenced<>, // list-like index
ordered_unique<member<person, string,
&person::name> > // map-like index (sorted by name)
> person_container;
// Create our container and add some people
person_container persons;
persons.push_back(person("B", 123));
persons.push_back(person("C", 224));
persons.push_back(person("A", 321));
// Typedefs for the sequence index and the ordered index
enum { Seq, Ord };
typedef person_container::nth_index<Seq>::type persons_seq_index;
typedef person_container::nth_index<Ord>::type persons_ord_index;
// Let's test the sequence index
persons_seq_index & seq_index = persons.get<Seq>();
for(persons_seq_index::iterator it = seq_index.begin(),
e = seq_index.end(); it != e; ++it)
cout << it->name << ":"<< it->id << endl;
cout << "\n";
// And now the ordered index
persons_ord_index & ord_index = persons.get<Ord>();
for(persons_ord_index::iterator it = ord_index.begin(),
e = ord_index.end(); it != e; ++it)
cout << it->name << ":"<< it->id << endl;
cout << "\n";
// Thanks to the ordered index we have fast lookup by name:
std::cout << "The id of B is: " << ord_index.find("B")->id << "\n";
Which produces the following output:
The id of B is: 123
Map is definitely not right for you:
"Internally, the elements in the map are sorted from lower to higher key value following a specific strict weak ordering criterion set on construction."
Quote taken from here.
Unfortunately there is no unordered associative container in the STL, so either you use a nonassociative one like vector, or write your own :-(
I had the same problem every once in a while and here is my solution: It's a header-only C++11 solution and can be used as drop-in replacement for a std::map.
For your example, it can be used as follows:
#include "fifo_map.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using nlohmann::fifo_map;
int main()
fifo_map<std::string,int> persons;
persons["B"] = 123;
persons["A"] = 321;
for(fifo_map<std::string,int>::iterator i = persons.begin();
std::cout<< (*i).first << ":"<<(*i).second << std::endl;
The output is then
Besides Neil's recommendation of a combined vector+map if you need both to keep the insertion order and the ability to search by key, you can also consider using boost multi index libraries, that provide for containers addressable in more than one way.
maps and sets are meant to impose a strict weak ordering upon the data. Strick weak ordering maintains that no entries are equavalent (different to being equal).
You need to provide a functor that the map/set may use to perform a<b. With this functor the map/set sorts its items (in the STL from GCC it uses a red-black tree). It determines weather two items are equavalent if !a<b && !b<a -- the equavelence test.
The functor looks like follows:
template <class T>
struct less : binary_function<T,T,bool> {
bool operator() (const T& a, const T& b) const {
return a < b;
If you can provide a function that tells the STL how to order things then the map and set can do what you want. For example
template<typename T>
struct ItemHolder
int insertCount;
T item;
You can then easily write a functor to order by insertCount. If your implementation uses red-black trees your underlying data will remain balanced -- however you will get a lot of re-balancing since your data will be generated based on incremental ordering (vs. Random) -- and in this case a list with push_back would be better. However you cannot access data by key as fast as you would with a map/set.
If you want to sort by string -- provide the functor to search by string, using the insertCount you could potentiall work backwards. If you want to search by both you can have two maps.
map<insertcount, string> x; // auxhilary key
map<string, item> y; //primary key
I use this strategy often -- however I have never placed it in code that is run often. I'm considering boost::bimap.
Well, there is no STL container which actually does what you wish, but there are possibilities.
1. STL
By default, use a vector. Here it would mean:
struct Entry { std::string name; int it; };
typedef std::vector<Entry> container_type;
If you wish to search by string, you always have the find algorithm at your disposal.
class ByName: std::unary_function<Entry,bool>
ByName(const std::string& name): m_name(name) {}
bool operator()(const Entry& entry) const { return == m_name; }
std::string m_name;
// Use like this:
container_type myContainer;
container_type::iterator it =
std::find(myContainer.begin(), myContainer.end(), ByName("A"));
2. Boost.MultiIndex
This seems way overkill, but you can always check it out here.
It allows you to create ONE storage container, accessible via various indexes of various styles, all maintained for you (almost) magically.
Rather than using one container (std::map) to reference a storage container (std::vector) with all the synchro issues it causes... you're better off using Boost.
For preserving all the time complexity constrains you need map + list:
struct Entry
string key;
int val;
typedef list<Entry> MyList;
typedef MyList::iterator Iter;
typedef map<string, Iter> MyMap;
MyList l;
MyMap m;
int find(string key)
Iter it = m[key]; // O(log n)
Entry e = *it;
return e.val;
void put(string key, int val)
Entry e;
e.key = key;
e.val = val;
Iter it = l.insert(l.end(), e); // O(1)
m[key] = it; // O(log n)
void erase(string key)
Iter it = m[key]; // O(log n)
l.erase(it); // O(1)
m.erase(key); // O(log n)
void printAll()
for (Iter it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); it++)
cout<< it->key << ":"<< it->val << endl;
You could use a vector of pairs, it is almost the same as unsorted map container
std::vector<std::pair<T, U> > unsorted_map;
Use a vector. It gives you complete control over ordering.
I also think Map is not the way to go. The keys in a Map form a Set; a single key can occur only once. During an insert in the map the map must search for the key, to ensure it does not exist or to update the value of that key. For this it is important (performance wise) that the keys, and thus the entries, have some kind of ordering. As such a Map with insert ordering would be highly inefficient on inserts and retrieving entries.
Another problem would be if you use the same key twice; should the first or the last entry be preserved, and should it update the insert order or not?
Therefore I suggest you go with Neils suggestion, a vector for insert-time ordering and a Map for key-based searching.
Yes, the map container is not for you.
As you asked, you need the following code instead:
struct myClass {
std::string stringValue;
int intValue;
myClass( const std::string& sVal, const int& iVal ):
stringValue( sVal ),
intValue( iVal) {}
std::vector<myClass> persons;
persons.push_back( myClass( "B", 123 ));
persons.push_back( myClass( "A", 321 ));
for(std::vector<myClass>::iterator i = persons.begin();
std::cout << (*i).stringValue << ":" << (*i).intValue << std::endl;
Here the output is unsorted as expected.
Map is ordered collection (second parametr in template is a order functor), as set. If you want to pop elements in that sequenses as pushd you should use deque or list or vector.
In order to do what they do and be efficient at it, maps use hash tables and sorting. Therefore, you would use a map if you're willing to give up memory of insertion order to gain the convenience and performance of looking up by key.
If you need the insertion order stored, one way would be to create a new type that pairs the value you're storing with the order you're storing it (you would need to write code to keep track of the order). You would then use a map of string to this new type for storage. When you perform a look up using a key, you can also retrieve the insertion order and then sort your values based on insertion order.
One more thing: If you're using a map, be aware of the fact that testing if persons["C"] exists (after you've only inserted A and B) will actually insert a key value pair into your map.
Instead of map you can use the pair function with a vector!
vector<::pair<unsigned,string>> myvec;
myvec[0]=(1,"a"); myvec[1]=(5,"b"); myvec[2]=(3,"aa");
or another ex:
vector<::pair<string,unsigned>> myvec2;
Output: myvec2[0]=("aa",1); myvec2[1]=("a",3); myvec2[2]=("ab",2);
Hope this can help someone else in the future who was looking for non sorted maps like me!
struct Compare : public binary_function<int,int,bool> {
bool operator() (int a, int b) {return true;}
Use this to get all the elements of a map in the reverse order in which you entered (i.e.: the first entered element will be the last and the last entered element will be the first). Not as good as the same order but it might serve your purpose with a little inconvenience.
Use a Map along with a vector of iterators as you insert in Map. (Map iterators are guaranteed not to be invalidated)
In the code below I am using Set
set<string> myset;
vector<set<string>::iterator> vec;
void printNonDuplicates(){
vector<set<string>::iterator>::iterator vecIter;
for(vecIter = vec.begin();vecIter!=vec.end();vecIter++){
void insertSet(string str){
pair<set<string>::iterator,bool> ret;
ret = myset.insert(str);
If you don't want to use boost::multi_index, I have put a proof of concept class template up for review here:
using std::map<KT,VT> and std::list<OT*> which uses pointers to maintain the order.
It will take O(n) linear time for the delete because it needs to search the whole list for the right pointer. To avoid that would need another cross reference in the map.
I'd vote for typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::string, int > > UnsortedMap;
Assignment looks a bit different, but your loop remains exactly as it is now.
There is std::unordered_map that you can check out. From first view, it looks like it might solve your problem.