Detecting that the stack is full - c++

When writing C++ code I've learned that using the stack to store memory is a good idea.
But recently I ran into a problem:
I had an experiment that had code that looked like this:
void fun(const unsigned int N) {
float data_1[N*N];
float data_2[N*N];
/* Do magic */
The code exploted with a seqmentation fault at random, and I had no idea why.
It turned out that problem was that I was trying to store things that were to big on my stack, is there a way of detecting this? Or at least detecting that it has gone wrong?

float data_1[N*N];
float data_2[N*N];
These are variable length arrays (VLA), as N is not a constant expression. The const-ness in the parameter only ensures that N is read-only. It doesn't tell the compiler that N is constant expression.
VLAs are allowed in C99 only; in other version of C, and all versions of C++ they're not allowed. However, some compilers provides VLA as compiler-extension feature. If you're compiling with GCC, then try using -pedantic option, it will tell you it is not allowed.
Now why your program gives segfault, probably because of stack-overflow due to large value of N * N:
Consider using std::vector as:
#include <vector>
void fun(const unsigned int N)
std::vector<float> data_1(N*N);
std::vector<float> data_2(N*N);
//your code

It's extremely difficult to detect that the stack is full, and not at all portable. One of the biggest problems is that stack frames are of variable size (especially when using variable-length arrays, which are really just a more standard way of doing what people were doing before with alloca()) so you can't use simple proxies like the number of stack frames.
One of the simplest methods that is mostly portable is to put a variable (probably of type char so that a pointer to it is a char*) at a known depth on the stack and to then measure the distance from that point to a variable (of the same type) in the current stack frame by simple pointer arithmetic. Add in an estimate of how much space you're about to allocate, and you can have a good guess as to wether the stack is about to blow up on you. The problems with this are that you don't know the direction that the stack is growing in (no, they don't all grow in the same direction!) and working out the size of the stack space is itself rather messy (you can try things like system limits, but they're really quite awkward). Plus the hack factor is very high.
The other trick I've seen used on 32-bit Windows only was to try to alloca() sufficient space and handle the system exception that would occur if there was insufficient room.
int have_enough_stack_space(void) {
int enough_space = 0;
__try { /* Yes, that's got a double-underscore. */
enough_space = 1;
return enough_space;
This code is very non-portable (e.g., don't count on it working on 64-bit Windows) and building with older gcc requires some nasty inline assembler instead! Structured exception handling (which this is a use of) is amongst the blackest of black arts on Windows. (And don't return from inside the __try construct.)

Try using instead functions like malloc. It will return null explicitly, if it failed to find a block of memory of the size you requested.
Of course, in that case don't forget to free this memory in the end of function, after you are done.
Also, you can check the settings of your compiler, with what stack memory limit it generates the binaries.

One of the reasons people say it is better to use stack instead of heap memory can be because of the fact that variables allocated on top of the stack will be popped out automatically when you leave the body of the function. For storing big blocks of information it is usual to use heap memory and other data structures like linked lists or trees. Also memories allocated on the stack is limited and much more less than you can allocate in the heap space. I think it is better to manage the memory allocation and releasing more carefully instead of trying to use stack for storing big data.
You can use framework which manage your memory allocations. As well you can use VDL to check your memory leaks and memories which is not released.

is there a way of detecting this?
No, in general.
Stack size is platform depedent. Typically, Operating System decides the size of the stack. So you can check your OS (ulimit -s on linux) to see how much stack memory it allocates for your program.
If your compiler supports stackavail() then you can check it. It's better to go heap-allocated memory in situations where you are unsure whether you'd exceed the stack limit.


Maximum Size of an Array in FLINT? [duplicate]

The following code is generating a stack overflow error for me
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int sieve[2000000];
return 0;
How do I get around this? I am using Turbo C++ but would like to keep my code in C
Thanks for the advice. The code above was only for example, I actually declare the array in a function and not in sub main. Also, I needed the array to be initialized to zeros, so when I googled malloc, I discovered that calloc was perfect for my purposes.
Malloc/calloc also has the advantage over allocating on the stack of allowing me to declare the size using a variable.
Your array is way too big to fit into the stack, consider using the heap:
int *sieve = malloc(2000000 * sizeof(*sieve));
If you really want to change the stack size, take a look at this document.
Tip: - Don't forget to free your dynamically allocated memory when it's no-longer needed.
There are 3 ways:
Allocate array on heap - use malloc(), as other posters suggested. Do not forget to free() it (although for main() it is not that important - OS will clean up memory for you on program termination).
Declare the array on unit level - it will be allocated in data segment and visible for everybody (adding static to declaration will limit the visibility to unit).
Declare your array as static - in this case it will be allocated in data segment, but visible only in main().
That's about 7MB of stack space. In visual studio you would use /STACK:###,### to reflect the size you want. If you truely want a huge stack (could be a good reason, using LISP or something :), even the heap is limited to small'sh allocations before forcing you to use VirtualAlloc), you may also want to set your PE to build with /LARGEADDRESSAAWARE (Visual Studio's linker again), but this configure's your PE header to allow your compiled binary to address the full 4GB of 32'bit address space (if running in a WOW64). If building truely massive binaries, you would also typically need to configure /bigobj as an additional linker paramerter.
And if you still need more space, you can radically violate convention by using something simular to (again MSVC's link) /merge:, which will allow you to pack one section into another, so you can use every single byte for a single shared code/data section. Naturally you would also need to configure the SECTIONS permissions in a def file or with #pgrama.
Use malloc. All check the return type is not null, if it is null then your system simply doesn't have enought memory to fit that many values.
You would be better off allocating it on the heap, not the stack. something like
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int * sieve;
sieve = malloc(20000);
return 0;
Your array is huge.
It's possible that your machine or OS don't have or want to allocate so much memory.
If you absolutely need an enormous array, you can try to allocate it dynamically (using malloc(...)), but then you're at risk of leaking memory. Don't forget to free the memory.
The advantage of malloc is that it tries to allocate memory on the heap instead of the stack (therefore you won't get a stack overflow).
You can check the value that malloc returns to see if the allocation succeeded or failed.
If it fails, just try to malloc a smaller array.
Another option would be to use a different data structure that can be resized on the fly (like a linked list). Wether this option is good depends on what you are going to do with the data.
Yet another option would be to store things in a file, streaming data on the fly. This approach is the slowest.
If you go for storage on the hard drive, you might as well use an existing library (for databases)
As Turbo C/C++ is 16 bit compiler int datatype consumes about 2 bytes.
2bytes*2000000=40,00,000 bytes=3.8147MB space.
The auto variables of a function is stored in stack and it caused the overflow of the stack memory. Instead use the data memory [using static or global variable] or the dynamic heap memory [using the malloc/calloc] for creating the required memory as per the availability of the processor memory mapping.
Is there some reason why you can't use alloca() to allocate the space you need on the stack frame based on how big the object really needs to be?
If you do that, and still bust the stack, put it in allocated heap. I highly recommend NOT declaring it as static in main() and putting it in the data segment.
If it really has to be that big and your program can't allocate it on the heap, your program really has no business running on that type of machine to begin with.
What (exactly) are you trying to accomplish?

C++ code is terminating before taking inputs [duplicate]

The following code is generating a stack overflow error for me
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int sieve[2000000];
return 0;
How do I get around this? I am using Turbo C++ but would like to keep my code in C
Thanks for the advice. The code above was only for example, I actually declare the array in a function and not in sub main. Also, I needed the array to be initialized to zeros, so when I googled malloc, I discovered that calloc was perfect for my purposes.
Malloc/calloc also has the advantage over allocating on the stack of allowing me to declare the size using a variable.
Your array is way too big to fit into the stack, consider using the heap:
int *sieve = malloc(2000000 * sizeof(*sieve));
If you really want to change the stack size, take a look at this document.
Tip: - Don't forget to free your dynamically allocated memory when it's no-longer needed.
There are 3 ways:
Allocate array on heap - use malloc(), as other posters suggested. Do not forget to free() it (although for main() it is not that important - OS will clean up memory for you on program termination).
Declare the array on unit level - it will be allocated in data segment and visible for everybody (adding static to declaration will limit the visibility to unit).
Declare your array as static - in this case it will be allocated in data segment, but visible only in main().
That's about 7MB of stack space. In visual studio you would use /STACK:###,### to reflect the size you want. If you truely want a huge stack (could be a good reason, using LISP or something :), even the heap is limited to small'sh allocations before forcing you to use VirtualAlloc), you may also want to set your PE to build with /LARGEADDRESSAAWARE (Visual Studio's linker again), but this configure's your PE header to allow your compiled binary to address the full 4GB of 32'bit address space (if running in a WOW64). If building truely massive binaries, you would also typically need to configure /bigobj as an additional linker paramerter.
And if you still need more space, you can radically violate convention by using something simular to (again MSVC's link) /merge:, which will allow you to pack one section into another, so you can use every single byte for a single shared code/data section. Naturally you would also need to configure the SECTIONS permissions in a def file or with #pgrama.
Use malloc. All check the return type is not null, if it is null then your system simply doesn't have enought memory to fit that many values.
You would be better off allocating it on the heap, not the stack. something like
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int * sieve;
sieve = malloc(20000);
return 0;
Your array is huge.
It's possible that your machine or OS don't have or want to allocate so much memory.
If you absolutely need an enormous array, you can try to allocate it dynamically (using malloc(...)), but then you're at risk of leaking memory. Don't forget to free the memory.
The advantage of malloc is that it tries to allocate memory on the heap instead of the stack (therefore you won't get a stack overflow).
You can check the value that malloc returns to see if the allocation succeeded or failed.
If it fails, just try to malloc a smaller array.
Another option would be to use a different data structure that can be resized on the fly (like a linked list). Wether this option is good depends on what you are going to do with the data.
Yet another option would be to store things in a file, streaming data on the fly. This approach is the slowest.
If you go for storage on the hard drive, you might as well use an existing library (for databases)
As Turbo C/C++ is 16 bit compiler int datatype consumes about 2 bytes.
2bytes*2000000=40,00,000 bytes=3.8147MB space.
The auto variables of a function is stored in stack and it caused the overflow of the stack memory. Instead use the data memory [using static or global variable] or the dynamic heap memory [using the malloc/calloc] for creating the required memory as per the availability of the processor memory mapping.
Is there some reason why you can't use alloca() to allocate the space you need on the stack frame based on how big the object really needs to be?
If you do that, and still bust the stack, put it in allocated heap. I highly recommend NOT declaring it as static in main() and putting it in the data segment.
If it really has to be that big and your program can't allocate it on the heap, your program really has no business running on that type of machine to begin with.
What (exactly) are you trying to accomplish?

STM32 Creating Large Array Causes Weird Behavior [duplicate]

The following code is generating a stack overflow error for me
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int sieve[2000000];
return 0;
How do I get around this? I am using Turbo C++ but would like to keep my code in C
Thanks for the advice. The code above was only for example, I actually declare the array in a function and not in sub main. Also, I needed the array to be initialized to zeros, so when I googled malloc, I discovered that calloc was perfect for my purposes.
Malloc/calloc also has the advantage over allocating on the stack of allowing me to declare the size using a variable.
Your array is way too big to fit into the stack, consider using the heap:
int *sieve = malloc(2000000 * sizeof(*sieve));
If you really want to change the stack size, take a look at this document.
Tip: - Don't forget to free your dynamically allocated memory when it's no-longer needed.
There are 3 ways:
Allocate array on heap - use malloc(), as other posters suggested. Do not forget to free() it (although for main() it is not that important - OS will clean up memory for you on program termination).
Declare the array on unit level - it will be allocated in data segment and visible for everybody (adding static to declaration will limit the visibility to unit).
Declare your array as static - in this case it will be allocated in data segment, but visible only in main().
That's about 7MB of stack space. In visual studio you would use /STACK:###,### to reflect the size you want. If you truely want a huge stack (could be a good reason, using LISP or something :), even the heap is limited to small'sh allocations before forcing you to use VirtualAlloc), you may also want to set your PE to build with /LARGEADDRESSAAWARE (Visual Studio's linker again), but this configure's your PE header to allow your compiled binary to address the full 4GB of 32'bit address space (if running in a WOW64). If building truely massive binaries, you would also typically need to configure /bigobj as an additional linker paramerter.
And if you still need more space, you can radically violate convention by using something simular to (again MSVC's link) /merge:, which will allow you to pack one section into another, so you can use every single byte for a single shared code/data section. Naturally you would also need to configure the SECTIONS permissions in a def file or with #pgrama.
Use malloc. All check the return type is not null, if it is null then your system simply doesn't have enought memory to fit that many values.
You would be better off allocating it on the heap, not the stack. something like
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int * sieve;
sieve = malloc(20000);
return 0;
Your array is huge.
It's possible that your machine or OS don't have or want to allocate so much memory.
If you absolutely need an enormous array, you can try to allocate it dynamically (using malloc(...)), but then you're at risk of leaking memory. Don't forget to free the memory.
The advantage of malloc is that it tries to allocate memory on the heap instead of the stack (therefore you won't get a stack overflow).
You can check the value that malloc returns to see if the allocation succeeded or failed.
If it fails, just try to malloc a smaller array.
Another option would be to use a different data structure that can be resized on the fly (like a linked list). Wether this option is good depends on what you are going to do with the data.
Yet another option would be to store things in a file, streaming data on the fly. This approach is the slowest.
If you go for storage on the hard drive, you might as well use an existing library (for databases)
As Turbo C/C++ is 16 bit compiler int datatype consumes about 2 bytes.
2bytes*2000000=40,00,000 bytes=3.8147MB space.
The auto variables of a function is stored in stack and it caused the overflow of the stack memory. Instead use the data memory [using static or global variable] or the dynamic heap memory [using the malloc/calloc] for creating the required memory as per the availability of the processor memory mapping.
Is there some reason why you can't use alloca() to allocate the space you need on the stack frame based on how big the object really needs to be?
If you do that, and still bust the stack, put it in allocated heap. I highly recommend NOT declaring it as static in main() and putting it in the data segment.
If it really has to be that big and your program can't allocate it on the heap, your program really has no business running on that type of machine to begin with.
What (exactly) are you trying to accomplish?

Why is it impossible to allocate an array of an arbitrary size on the stack?

Why can't I write the following?
char acBuf[nSize];
Only to prevent the stack from overgrowing?
Or is there a possibility to do something similar, if I can ensure that I always take just a few hundred kilobytes?
As far as I know, the std::string uses the memory of its members to store the assigned strings, as long as they are 15 characters or less. Only if the strings are longer, it uses this memory to store the address of some heap-allocated memory, which then takes the data.
It seems like it has to be 100%ly determined, during compile-time, how the stack will be aligned during runtime. Is that true? Why is that?
It has nothing to do with preventing stack overflow, you can overflow the stack just fine with char a[SOME_LARGE_CONSTANT]. In C++ the array size has to be known at compile time, this is among other things needed to compute the size of structures containing arrays.
C on the other hand had Variable Length Arrays since C99, which adds an exception and allow runtime dependant size for arrays within function scope. As to why C++ does not have this? It was never adopted by a C++ standard.
Why can't I write the following?
char acBuf[nSize];
Those are called Variable Length Arrays (VLA's) and aren't supported by C++. The reason being that the stack is very fast but tiny compared to the free store (the heap in your words). Which means that at any moment that you add lots of elements to a VLA your stack might just overflow and you get a vague runtime exception. This can also happen with compile-time sized stack arrays but these are way easier to catch because the behaviour of the program doesn't influence their size. Which means that x doesn't have to happen after y to create a stack overflow, it's just there right off the bat. This covers it in more detail and rage.
Containers like std::vector use the free store which is way bigger and has a way to deal with over-allocation (throws bad_alloc).
Unlike C, C++ doesn't support variable length arrays. If you want them, you can use non-standard extensions such as alloca or GNU extensions (supported by clang and GCC). They have their caveats, so be sure to read the manual to make sure you use them safely.
The reason the stack layout is mostly determined statically is so that the generated code has to perform fewer computations (additions, multiplications, and pointer dereferencing) to figure out where the data is on the stack. The offsets can instead be hardcoded into the generated machine code.
My advice is to take a look at alloca.h
void *alloca(size_t size);
The alloca() function allocates size bytes of space in the stack
frame of the caller. This temporary space is automatically freed
when the function that called alloca() returns to its caller.
One possible problem I see with VLA in C++ is the type.
What is the type of acBuf in char acBuf[nSize] or even worse in char acBuf[nSize][nSize] ?
template <typename T> void foo(const T&);
void foo(int n)
char mat[n][n];
You cannot pass that array by reference to
template <typename T, std::size_t N>
void foo_on_array(const T (&a)[N]);
You should be happy that the C++ standard discourages a dangerous practice (variable-length arrays on the stack) and instead encourages a less dangerous practice (variable-length arrays and std::vector with heap allocation).
Variable-length arrays on the stack are more dangerous because:
The available stack space is typically 8 MB, much smaller than the 2 GB (or more) of available heap space.
When the stack space is exhausted, the program crashes with SIGSEGV, and it requires special software such as GNU libsigsegv to recover from such a situation.
In typical C++ programs, the programmer does not know whether the array length will definitely stay under a limit such as 4 MB.
Why can't I write the following?
char acBuf[nSize];
You can't do that because in C++ the lenght of the array has to be known at compile time, that's because the compiler reserves the specified memory for the array and it can not be modified during runtime. it's not about prevent a stack overflow, it's about memory layout.
If you want to make a dynamic array you should use the new operator so it will be stored in heap.
char *acBuf = new char[nsize];

In which cases is alloca() useful?

Why would you ever want to use alloca() when you could always allocate a fixed size buffer on the stack large enough to fit all uses? This is not a rhetorical question...
It could be useful if the size of the buffer varies at runtime, or if you only sometimes need it: this would use less stack space overall than a fixed-size buffer in each call. Particularly if the function is high up the stack or recursive.
You might want to use it if there's no way to know the maximum size you might need at compile time.
Whether you should is another question - it's not standard, and there's no way to tell whether it might cause a stack overflow.
In which cases is alloca() useful?
The only time I ever saw alloca being used was in Open Dynamics Engine.
AFAIK they were allocating HUGE matrices with it (so compiled program could require 100MB stack), which were automatically freed when function returns (looks like smartpointer ripoff to me). This was quite a while ago.
Although it was probably much faster than new/malloc, I still think it was a bad idea.
Instead of politely running out of RAM program could crash with stack overflow (i.e. misleading) when scene became too complex to handle. Not a nice behavior, IMO, especially for physics engine, where you can easily expect someone to throw few thousands bricks into scene and see what happens when they all collide at once. Plus you had to set stack size manually - i.e. on system with more RAM, program would be still limited by stack size.
a fixed size buffer on the stack large enough to fit all uses? This is not a rhetorical question...
If you need fixed-size buffer for all uses, then you could as well put it into static/global variable or use heap memory.
Using alloca() may be reasonable when you are unable to use malloc() (or new in C++, or another memory allocator) reliably, or at all, but you can assume there's more space available on your stack - that is, when you can't really do anything else.
For example, in glibc's segfault.c, we have:
/* This function is called when a segmentation fault is caught. The system
is in an unstable state now. This means especially that malloc() might
not work anymore. */
static void
catch_segfault (int signal, SIGCONTEXT ctx)
void **arr;
/* ... */
/* Get the backtrace. */
arr = alloca (256 * sizeof (void *));
/* ... */
Never - it's not part of C++, and not useful in C. However, you cannot allocate "a static buffer on the stack" - static buffers are allocated at compile time, and not on the stack.
The point of alloca() is of course that it is not fixed sized, it is on the stack, and that it is freed automatically when a function exits. Both C++ and C have better mechanisms to handle this.
The alloca() function is virtually never needed; for memory allocation purposes, you can use malloc()/free() in C (or one of the collection of possibilities in C++) and achieve pretty much the same practical effect. This has the advantage of coping better with smaller stack sizes.
However I have seen[1] one legit (if hacky!) use of it: for detecting potential stack overflow on Windows; if the allocation (of the amount of slop space you wanted to access) failed, you were out but had enough room to recover gracefully. It was wrapped in __try/__except so that it didn't crash, and needed extra assembler tricks to avoid gcc-induced trouble. As I said, a hack. But a clever one that is the only valid use for alloca() that I've ever seen.
But don't do that. Better to write the code to not need such games.
[1] It was in Tcl 8.4 (and possibly earlier versions of Tcl). It was removed in later versions. Later versions removed it because it was finicky, very tricky and deeply troubling. 8.6 uses a stackless implementation of the execution engine instead of that sort of funkiness.