I read so many blogs and I understand how to use virtual function in c++. But, still I don't understand why we use virtual functions. Can you give me a real world example so that I can more easily visualize the actual meaning of virtual function.
An important thing to mention is that inheritance (which the keyword virtual is fundamental for) should not be for the sole purpose of code re-use, use delegation for this.
Delegation would be when we have a class say BroadbandConnection with a method called connection(). Then your manager says we want to add encryption, so you create a class BroadbandConnectionWithEncryption. Your natural instinct may be to use inheritance and then make the new class BroadbandConnectionWithEncryption derive from BroadbandConnection.
Drawback's to this is that the creator of the initial class had not designed it for inheritance so you would need to change its definition to make the method connection() virtual so you can override its behavior in the derived class. This is not always ideal. A better idea is to use delegation here for the purpose of code reuse.
class BroadBandConnection
void Connection (string password)
//connection code.
class BroadBandConnectionWithEndcryption
void Connection (string password)
//now do some stuff to zero the memory or
//do some encryption stuff
BroadBandConnection mbroadbandconnection;
The keyword virtual is used for the purpose of polymorphism. As the name suggest, it is the ability for an object to have more than one form. This sort of decision would be made at the time of designing an interface or class.
class IShape
virtual void Draw () = 0;
class Square
void Draw()
//draw square on screen
class Circle
void Draw()
//draw circle on screen
I made Draw() pure virtual with the = 0. I could have left this out and added some default implementation. Pure virtual makes sense for Interfaces where there is no reasonable default implementation.
What this lets me do is pass around a Shape object to various methods and they do not need to be concerned with what I have just given them. All they know is that I have to provide something that supports the ability for a shape to draw itself.
IShape* circle = new Circle ();
IShape* square = new Square ();
void SomeMethod (IShape* someShape)
someShape->Draw(); //This will call the correct functionality of draw
In the future as people begin thinking of new shapes, they can derive from IShape and so long as they implement some functionality for Draw. They can pass this object to SomeMethod.
First, this.
Now, a real life example. I have a program with a GUI with three tabs. Each tab is an object of a class that derives from a common base, TabBase. It has a virtual function OnActivate(). When a tab is activated, the dispatcher calls it on the current tab. There's some common action and there are actions that are specific to this tab. This is implemented via virtual functions.
The benefit is that the controller does not need to know what kind of tab it is. It stores an array of TabBase pointers, and just calls OnActivate() on them. The magic of virtual functions makes sure the right override is called.
class TabBase
virtual void OnActivate()
//Do something...
class SearchTab: public TabBase
void OnActivate() //An override
TabBase::OnActivate(); //Still need the basic setup
//And then set up the things that are specific to the search tab
We have one base class (animal) that have method, that can be implemented differently by it's children (say). When we declare this method virtual, we can adress that method and it will be implemented from it's children's definition. You don't have to use virtual if you adress children's overloaded methods, but you have to, when you adress parent's methods.
For example, if you have a vector of animals each one of whom is different. You declare method (say) as virtual and call it from animal class and it will be called from corresponding child.
Correct me if I'm wrong, that's how I understood it.
They actually give an example on Wiki
using animals. Animals is the super class, all animals eat (the superclass virtual function). Each animal may eat differently than all the other animals (overriding the virtual function). I have a list of arbitrary animals, and when I call the eat function, they will display their own differing eating habit.
If you are familiar with Java - that should be easy. In Java, ALL class methods are effectively virtual. If you override it in a derived class, and you call it via a base class reference, the override will be called, not the base.
That's not the default behavior in C++. If you want a function to behave in that way, you have to declare it as virtual in the base class. Easy enough.
Java is choke full of virtual functions. It just does not have an explicit keyword for them.
The purpose of virtual functions is to achieve dynamic dispatch.
You say you are familiar with Java, so then for a real world use of virtual functions, think of any place in Java where you would have used an interface or used #Override on a public/protected method.
The decision to use virtual functions is a simple matter. You just need to know when you'd want to override a base method. Take the following code as an example:
class animal
void sound()
cout << "nothing";
class bird : public animal
void sound()
cout << "tweet";
In this case, I'd want to override bird(). But what if I didn't? This is what would happen:
animal * a = new bird;
The screen would say nothing because for all intents and purposes, C++ only sees an animal. However, if you declared it virtual, it knows to search for the lowest method in the class hierachy. Try it again:
class animal{
virtual void sound(){cout<<"nothing";}
class bird : public animal
void sound()
cout << "tweet";
animal * a = new bird;
Hope this helps.
I'm trying to process classes instance two by two.
I have a abstract base class (IBase here) that contains a doStuff method.
This method will be overriden in extended class in order to process all other defined classes.
This is part of a library I'm building. I want Base objects to be written by the library user. Each Base class need to interact with another Base objects through the doStuff methode. The container is needed to handle multiples Base objects.
It is not the first time I run into this problem, but I can't remember how I did the last times. This kind of class can be used for a lot of thing. Here, it is a collision detection system. IBase represent an abstract HitBox and Container represente the Scene where collision occures. In this case, Container::process checks for transitions between hit boxes and Container::process is used to implement the optimizing algorithm (quadtree, ...).
I built those class in this way:
class IBase {
virtual void doStuff(IBase* base) = 0;
class Base {
virtual void doStuff(Base* base) {
virtual void doStuff(IBase* base) {
// irrelevant
class Container {
void process() {
for (std::list<IBase*>::iterator it=base_list.begin() ; it!=base_list.end() ; it++) {
for (std::list<IBase*>::itarator jt=std::next(it) ; jt!=base_list.end() ; jt++) {
std::list<Ibase*> base_list;
But in the loop, I can't reach void Base::doStuff(Base*) when working with two Base objects.
I can only call Base::doStuff(IBase*) which is not something I want.
Any help on this one ? I understand the problem, but I can't see a solution to it. Is this the good way to handle it or do I need to think again my architecture ? How would you do this ? I think a design pattern must exists for such a problem, but I didn't find any that fits.
C++ does not support contravariance for arguments. See also Why is there no parameter contra-variance for overriding?.
You might be better off explicitly invoking doStuff(Base* base) from within the doStuff(IBase* base) body.
Your objects, when dereferenced from *it and *jt, are referenced as IBase objects, not Base objects. This means that only methods from IBase can be called.
Your virtual method:
virtual void doStuff(Base* base) { ... }
is not overriding anything. It is creating a new virtual method that is accessible from Base downward only. When you call doStuff from a IBase pointer, it's going to call:
virtual void doStuff(IBase* base) { ... }
which matches the signature defined in IBase.
If you want to execute your foobar function, you should do some kind of check on base when it's based into the overriding doStuff, cast it to Base* once you're sure it's safe, then work with it as needed.
virtual void doStuff(IBase* base) {
// not irrelevant
if (base->isBase())
And finally, as previously suggested, make doStuff public.
I've just learned about polymorphism in my OOP Class and I'm having a hard time understanding how abstract base classes are useful.
What is the purpose of an abstract class? What does defining an abstract base class provide that isn't provided by creating each necessary function in each actual class?
The purpose of an abstract class is to define a common protocol for a set of concrete subclasses. This is useful when defining objects that share code, abstract ideas, etc.
Abstract classes have no instances. An abstract class must have at least one deferred method (or function). To accomplish this in C++, a pure virtual member function is declared but not defined in the abstract class:
class MyClass {
virtual void pureVirtualFunction() = 0;
Attempts to instantiate an abstract class will always result in a compiler error.
"What does defining an abstract base class provide that isn't provided
by creating each necessary function in each actual class?"
The main idea here is code reuse and proper partitioning across classes. It makes more sense to define a function once in a parent class rather than defining over and over again in multiple subclasses:
class A {
void func1();
virtual void func2() = 0;
class B : public A {
// inherits A's func1()
virtual void func2(); // Function defined in implementation file
class C : public A {
// inherits A's func1()
virtual void func2(); // Function defined in implementation file
Having an abstract class like "Dog" with a virtual method like "bark" allows all classes that inherit from Dog to have their bark code called in the same way, even though the Beagle's bark is implemented way differently than the Collie's.
Without a common abstract parent (or at least a common parent with a bark virtual method) it'd be difficult to do the following:
Have a Vector of type Dog that contains Collies, Beagles, German Shepherds etc and make each of them bark. With a Vector of Dogs that contains Collies, Beagles, German Shepherds all you would have to do to make them all bark is to iterate through in a for loop and call bark on each one. Otherwise you'd have to have a separate Vector of Collies, Vector of Beagles etc.
If the question is "why make Dog abstract when it could be concrete, have a virtual bark defined with a default implementation that can be overriden?", the answer would be that this may be acceptable sometimes -- but, from a design perspective, there really isn't any such thing as a Dog that isn't a Collie or a Beagle or some other breed or mix so although they are all Dogs, there is not one of them in reality that is a Dog but not some other derived class too. Also, since dogs barking is so varied from one breed to another, there is unlikely to be any real acceptable default implementation of bark that would be acceptable for any decent group of Dogs.
I hope this helps you understand the purpose: yes, you're going to have to implement bark in each subclass anyway, but the common abstract ancestor lets you treat any subclass as a member of a base class and invoke behaviors that may be conceptually similar like bark but in fact have very different implementations.
Abstract classes allow for compile time protocol enforcement. These protocols define what it means to be a part of a class family.
Another way to think of it is that a abstract class is a contract that your implementing classes must fulfill. If they do not fulfill this contract they cannot be part of the class family and they must be modified to conform to the contract. The provided contract may provide default functionality, but it also leaves it up to the sub-class to define more specific or different functionality while still remaining within the scope of the contract.
For small projects this may not seem useful but for large projects it provides conformity and structure as it provides documentation through the abstract class contract. This makes for more maintainable code and makes for the sub-classes to each have the same protocol making using and developing new sub-classes easier.
The purpose of an abstract class is to provide an appropriate base class from which other classes can inherit. Abstract classes cannot be used to instantiate objects and serves only as an interface. Attempting to instantiate an object of an abstract class causes a compilation error. (because vtable entry is not filled with memory location for virtual function we mentioned in Abstract Class)
Thus, if a subclass of an ABC needs to be instantiated, it has to implement each of the virtual functions, which means that it supports the interface declared by the ABC. Failure to override a pure virtual function in a derived class, then attempting to instantiate objects of that class, is a compilation error.
class mobileinternet
virtual enableinternet()=0;//defines as virtual so that each class can overwrite
class 2gplan : public mobileinternet
int providelowspeedinternet(); //logic to give less speed.
void enableinternet(int) {
// implement logic
class 3gplan : public enableinternet
private: high speed logic (different then both of the above)
/* */
here in this example, you can understand.
I have a dog. Abstract class dog with a method bark. My particular dog makes one bark. Other dogs bark in a different way. So defining a dog in the abstract way is useful.
Abstract classes are used to define an interface to be implemented. See some references:
An abstract class AbstractClass as a base class is needed when there is functionality that is desired for all objects that have a type deriving from AbstractClass, but cannot sensibly be implemented on the AbstractClass itself.
The old and somewhat artificial OO example of having a base class Vehicle with derived classes Car, Motorcycle, ... provides a good example here, say you want a method move() - you can implement the way that a Car or a Motorcycle moves, but Vehicles don't move in a generic way, so Vehicle::move() will have to be pure virtual and Vehicle therefore abstract.
why don't we create each necessary function in each class ? (C++)
You have to create each necessary function marked as abstract in each derived class.
If you question is, why to create abstract function in abstract class?
It allows strict run time polymorphism.
Also read Interface vs Abstract Class (general OO)
abstract class dog
// function inside another module
dogbarking(dog obj)
dog.bark(); // function will call depend up on address inside the obj
// our class
ourclass: inherit dog
ourclass obj;
we can see that dogbarking is a function written in another module. it knows only the abstract class dog. even though it can call the function bark inside ourclass. in main function we create object of ourclass and pass to function dogbarking where it received using reference object of abstract class dog.
Imagine you have two methods for displaying a string:
DisplayDialog(string s);
PrintToConsole(string s);
And you want to write some code that can be switched between these two methods:
void foo(bool useDialogs) {
if (useDialogs) {
DisplayDialog("Hello, World!");
} else {
PrintToConsole("Hello, World!");
if (useDialogs) {
DisplayDialog("The result of 2 * 3 is ");
} else {
PrintToConsole("The result of 2 * 3 is ");
int i = 2 * 3;
string s = to_string(i);
if (useDialogs) {
} else {
This code is tightly coupled to the specific methods used for displaying the string. Adding an additional method, changing how the method is selected, etc. will affect every piece of code that uses this. This code is tightly coupled to the set of methods we use to display strings.
Abstract base classes are a way of decoupling code that uses some functionality from the code that implements that functionality. It does this by defining a common interface to all the various ways of doing the task.
class AbstractStringDisplayer {
virtual display(string s) = 0;
virtual ~AbstractStringDisplayer();
void foo(AbstractStringDisplayer *asd) {
asd->display("Hello, World!");
asd->display("The result of 2 * 3 is ");
int i = 2 * 3;
string s = to_string(i);
int main() {
AbstractStringDisplayer *asd = getStringDisplayerBasedOnUserPreferencesOrWhatever();
Using the interface defined by AbstractStringDisplayer we can create and use as many new ways of displaying strings as we want, and code that uses the abstract interface won't need to be changed.
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Can someone explain C++ Virtual Methods?
I have a question regarding to the C++ virtual functions.
Why and when do we use virtual functions? Can anyone give me a real time implementation or use of virtual functions?
You use virtual functions when you want to override a certain behavior (read method) for your derived class rather than the one implemented for the base class and you want to do so at run-time through a pointer to the base class.
The classic example is when you have a base class called Shape and concrete shapes (classes) that derive from it. Each concrete class overrides (implements a virtual method) called Draw().
The class hierarchy is as follows:
The following snippet shows the usage of the example; it creates an array of Shape class pointers wherein each points to a distinct derived class object. At run-time, invoking the Draw() method results in the calling of the method overridden by that derived class and the particular Shape is drawn (or rendered).
Shape *basep[] = { &line_obj, &tri_obj,
&rect_obj, &cir_obj};
for (i = 0; i < NO_PICTURES; i++)
basep[i] -> Draw ();
The above program just uses the pointer to the base class to store addresses of the derived class objects. This provides a loose coupling because the program does not have to change drastically if a new concrete derived class of shape is added anytime. The reason is that there are minimal code segments that actually use (depend) on the concrete Shape type.
The above is a good example of the Open Closed Principle of the famous SOLID design principles.
You use virtual functions when you need handle different objects in the same way. It`s called polymorphism. Let's imagine you have some base class - something like classical Shape:
class Shape
virtual void draw() = 0;
virtual ~Shape() {}
class Rectange: public Shape
void draw() { // draw rectangle here }
class Circle: public Shape
void draw() { // draw circle here }
Now you can have vector of different shapes:
vector<Shape*> shapes;
shapes.push_back(new Rectangle());
shapes.push_back(new Circle());
And you can draw all shapes like this:
for(vector<Shape*>::iterator i = shapes.begin(); i != shapes.end(); i++)
In this way you are drawing different shapes with one virtual method - draw(). Proper version of method is selected based on run time information about type of object behind pointer.
When you use virtual functions you can declare them as pure virtual(like in class Shape, just place " = 0" after method proto). In this case you won't be able to create instance of object with pure virtual function and it will be called Abstract class.
Also notice "virtual" before destructor. In case when you are planning work with objects through pointers to their base classes you should declare destructor virtual, so when you call "delete" for base class pointer, all chain of destructors will be called and there won't be memory leaks.
Think of animals class, and derived from it are cat, dog and cow. Animal class has a
virtual void SaySomething()
cout << "Something";
Animal *a;
a = new Dog();
Instead of printing "Something", dog should say "Bark", cat should say "Meow". In this example you see that a is a Dog, but there are some times that you have an animal pointer and don't know which animal it is. You don't want to know which animal it is, you just want the animal to say something. So you just call virtual function and cats will say "meow" and dogs will say "bark".
Of course, SaySomething function should have been pure virtual to avoid possible errors.
You would use a virtual function to implement "polymorphism", in particular where you have an object, don't know what the actual underlying type is, but know what operation you want to perform on it, and the implementation of this (how it does it) differs dependent on what type you actually have.
Essentially what is commonly called the "Liskov Substitution Principle" named after Barbara Liskov who spoke about this around 1983.
Where you need to use dynamic runtime decisions where, at the point the code invoking the function is called, you do not know what types may pass through it, either now or in the future, this is a good model to use.
It isn't the only way though. There are all sorts of "callbacks" that can take a "blob" of data and you might have tables of callbacks dependent on a header block in the data that comes in, e.g. a message processor. For this there is no need to use a virtual function, in fact what you would probably use is sort-of how a v-table is implemented only with one entry (e.g. a class with just one virtual function).
Ok, this is my problem. I have the following classes:
class Job {
bool isComplete() {}
void setComplete() {}
//other functions
class SongJob: public Job {
vector<Job> v;
string getArtist() {}
void setArtist() {}
void addTrack() {}
string getTrack() {}
// other functions
// This were already implemeted
Now I want to implement a VideoJob and derived it from Job. But here is my problem. I also have the following function witch it was set to work only with SongJob:
void process(SongJob s)
// not the real functions
Here I just want it to show that the function uses only derived object methods. So if I have another object derived from Job, I will need to change the parameter to Job, but then the compiler would not know about thoose functions and I dont what to test for everyone what kind of object it is and then cast it so I can call the correct function.
So it is okay to put all the functions in the base class, because then I will have no problem, but I don't know if this is correct OOP, if one class deals with Songs and the other with videos, I thing good oop means to have 2 clases.
If I didn't make myself clear, please say so and I will try explaining better.
And in short words, I want to use polymorfism.
It is totally fine to put all the things that the classes SongJob and VideoJob have in common into a common base-class. However, this will cause problems once you want to add a subclass of Job that has nothing to do with artists.
There are some things to note about the code you have posted. First, your class Job is apparently not an abstract base class. This means that you can have jobs that are just jobs. Not SongJob and not VideoJob. If you want to make it clear that there can not be a simple Job, make the base-class abstract:
class Job {
virtual bool isComplete() = 0;
virtual void setComplete() = 0;
//other functions
Now, you cannot create instances of Job:
Job job; // compiler-error
std::vector<Job> jobs; // compiler-error
Note that the functions are now virtual, which means that subclasses can override them. The = 0 and the end means that subclasses have to provide an implementation of these functions (they are pure virtual member functions).
Secondly, your class SongJob has a member std::vector<Job>. This is almost certainly not what you want. If you add a SongJob to this vector, it will become a normal Job. This effect is called slicing. To prevent it, you'd have to make it a std::vector<Job*>.
There is much more to say here, but that would go to far. I suggest you get a good book.
In your Base class Job you could add those methods as virtual methods so that a class deriving from Job may or may not override these specific methods.
In your SongJob class you override the methods and dont override them in VideoJob
In, void process() pass a pointer to Base class Job
void process(Job *s)
It will then call the appropriate methods depending on the adress of the objec s is pointing to which will be a SongJob object.
In C++, you have to do two things to get polymorphism to work:
Access polymorphic functions by a reference (&) or pointer (*) to a base type
Define the polymorphic functions as virtual in the base type
So, change these from:
class Job {
bool isComplete() {}
void setComplete() {}
void process(SongJob s)
// ...
class Job {
public: // You forgot this...
virtual bool isComplete() { }
virtual void setComplete() { }
void process(Job& s)
// ...
If you can't define all the functionality you need inside process on your base class (if all the member functions you'd want don't apply to all the derived types), then you need to turn process into a member function on Job, and make it virtual:
class Job {
virtual bool isComplete() { }
virtual void setComplete() { }
virtual void process() = 0;
// ...
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
SongJob sj;
Job& jobByRef = sj;
Job* jobByPointer = new SongJob();
// These call the derived implementation of process, on SongJob
delete jobByPointer;
jobByPointer = new VideoJob();
// This calls the derived implementation of process, on VideoJob
return 0;
And of course, you'll have two different implementations of process. One for each class type.
People will tell you all sorts of "is-a" vs "has-a" stuff, and all sorts of complicated things about this silly "polymorphism" thing; and they're correct.
But this is basically the point of polymorphism, in a utilitarian sense: It is so you don't have to go around checking what type each class it before calling functions on it. You can just call functions on a base type, and the right derived implementation will get called in the end.
BTW, in C++, virtual ... someFunc(...) = 0; means that the type that function is defined in cannot be instantiated, and must be implemented in a derived class. It is called a "pure virtual" function, and the class it is defined on becomes "abstract".
Your problem comes from the fact you're calling a process method on an object. You should have a method Process on the Job class and override this method in your derived classes.
use pure virtual functions:
class Job
virtual string getArtist() =0;
I'm developing a GUI library with a friend and we faced the problem of how to determine whether a certain element should be clickable or not (Or movable, or etc.).
We decided to just check if a function exists for a specific object, all gui elements are stored in a vector with pointers to the base class.
So for example if I have
class Base {};
class Derived : public Base
void example() {}
vector<Base*> objects;
How would I check if a member of objects has a function named example.
If this isn't possible than what would be a different way to implement optional behaviour like clicking and alike.
You could just have a virtual IsClickable() method in your base class:
class Widget {
virtual bool IsClickable(void) { return false; }
class ClickableWidget : public Widget
virtual bool IsClickable(void) { return true; }
class SometimesClickableWidget : public Widget
virtual bool IsClickable(void);
// More complex logic punted to .cc file.
vector<Base*> objects;
This way, objects default to not being clickable. A clickable object either overrides IsClickable() or subclasses ClickableWidget instead of Widget. No fancy metaprogramming needed.
EDIT: To determine if something is clickable:
if(object->IsClickable()) {
// Hey, it's clickable!
The best way to do this is to use mixin multiple inheritance, a.k.a. interfaces.
class HasExample // note no superclass here!
virtual void example() = 0;
class Derived : public Base, public HasExample
void example()
vector<Base*> objects;
objects.push_back(new Derived());
Base* p = objects[0];
HasExample* he = dynamic_cast<HasExample*>(p);
if (he)
dynamic_class<>() does a test at runtime whether a given object implements HasExample, and returns either a HasExample* or NULL. However, if you find yourself using HasExample* it's usually a sign you need to rethink your design.
Beware! When using multiple inheritance like this, then (HasExample*)ptr != ptr. Casting a pointer to one of its parents might cause the value of the pointer to change. This is perfectly normal, and inside the method this will be what you expect, but it can cause problems if you're not aware of it.
Edit: Added example of dynamic_cast<>(), because the syntax is weird.
If you're willing to use RTTI . . .
Instead of checking class names, you should create Clickable, Movable, etc classes. Then you can use a dynamic_cast to see if the various elements implement the interface that you are interested in.
IBM has a brief example program illustrating dynamic_cast here.
I would create an interface, make the method(s) part of the interface, and then implement that Interface on any class that should have the functionality.
That would make the most sense when trying to determine if an Object implements some set of functionality (rather than checking for the method name):
class IMoveable
virtual ~IMoveable() {}
virtual void Move() = 0;
class Base {};
class Derived : public Base, public IMoveable
virtual void Move()
// Implementation
Now you're no longer checking for method names, but casting to the IMoveable type and calling Move().
I'm not sure it is easy or good to do this by reflection. I think a better way would be to have an interface (somethign like GUIElement) that has a isClickable function. Make your elements implement the interface, and then the ones that are clickable will return true in their implementation of the function. All others will of course return false. When you want to know if something's clickable, just call it's isClickable function. This way you can at runtime change elements from being clickable to non-clickable - if that makes sense in your context.