Parallelization efficiency of openMP - c++

I have a C++ code containig many for-loops parallelized with openMP on a 8-thread computer.
But the speed of execution with single thread is faster than parallel 8 thread. I was told that if the load of the for-loops increases parallelization will become efficient.
Here with load I mean for example maximum number of iterations for a loop. The thing is I dont have a chance to compare single and 8-thread parallel code for a huge amount of data.
Should I use parallel code anyway? Is it true that parallelization efficiency will increase with load of for-loops?

The canonical use case for OpenMP is the distribution among a team of threads of the iterations of a high iteration count loop with the condition that the loop iterations have no direct or indirect dependencies.
You can spot what I mean by direct dependencies by considering the question Does the order of loop iteration execution affect the results ?. If, for example, iteration N+1 uses the results of iteration N you have such a dependency, running the loop iterations in reverse order will change the output of the routine.
By indirect dependencies I mean mainly data races, in which threads have to coordinate their access to shared data, in particular they have to ensure that writes to shared variables happen in the correct sequence.
In many cases you can redesign a loop-with-dependencies to remove those dependencies.
IF you have a high iteration count loop which has no such dependencies THEN you have a candidate for good speed-up with OpenMP. Here are the buts:
There is some parallel overhead to the computation at the start and end of each such loop, if the loop count isn't high enough this overhead may outweigh, partially or wholly, the speedup of running the iterations in parallel. The only way to determine if this is affecting your code is to test and measure.
There can be dependencies between loop iterations more subtle than I have already outlined. Depending on your system architecture and the computations inside the loop you might (without realising it) program your threads to fight over access to cache or to I/O resources, or to any other resource. In the worst cases this can lead to increasing the number of threads leading to decreasing execution rate.
You have to make sure that each OpenMP thread is backed up by hardware, not by the pseudo-hardware that hyperthreading represents. One core per OpenMP thread, hyperthreading is snake oil in this domain.
I expect there are other buts to put in here, perhaps someone else will help out.
Now, turning to your questions:
Should I use parallel code anyway? Test and measure.
Is it true that parallelization efficiency will increase with load of for-loops? Approximately, but for your code on your hardware, test and measure.
Finally, you can't become a serious parallel computationalist without measuring run times under various combinations of circumstances and learning what the measurements you make are telling you. If you can't compare sequential and parallel execution for huge amounts of data, you'll have to measure them for modest amounts of data and understand the lessons you learn before making predictions about behaviour when dealing with huge amounts of data.


How to enqueue as many kernels as there are threads available on version 1.2

I'm trying to do some calculations where it starts off with 10-20~ objects, but by doing calculations on these objects it creates 20-40 and so on and so forth, so slightly recursive but not forever, eventually the amount of calculations will reach zero. I have considered using a different tool but it's kind of too late for that for me. It's kind of an odd request which is probably why no results came up.
In short I'm wondering how it is possible to set global work size to as many threads as there are available. For example if the GPU can have X different processes running in parallel it will set that to global work size to X.
edit:it would also work if I can call more kernels from the GPU but that doesn't look possible on version 1.2.
There is not really a limit to global work size (only above 2^32 threads you have to use 64-bit ulong to avoid integer overflow), and the hard limit at 2^64 threads is so large that you can never possibly come even close to it.
If you need a billion threads, than set global work size to a billion threads. The GPU scheduler and hardware will handle that just fine, even if the GPU only has a few thousand physical cores. In fact, you should always launch much more threads than there are cores on the GPU; otherwise the hardware won't be fully saturated and you loose performance.
Only issue could be to run out of GPU memory.
Launching kernels from within kernels is only possible in OpenCL 2.0-2.2, on AMD or Intel GPUs.
It sounds like each iteration depends on the result of the previous one. In that case, your limiting factor is not the number of available threads. You cannot cause some work-items to "wait" for others submitted by the same kernel enqueueing API call (except to a limited extent within a work group).
If you have an OpenCL 2.0+ implementation at your disposal, you can queue subsequent iterations dynamically from within the kernel. If not, and you have established that your bottleneck is checking whether another iteration is required and the subsequent kernel submission, you could try the following:
Assuming a work-item can trivially determine how many threads are actually needed for an iteration based on the output of the previous iteration, you could speculatively enqueue multiple batches of the kernel, each of which depends on the completion event of the previous batch. Inside the kernel, you can exit early if the thread ID is greater or equal the number of threads required in that iteration.
This only works if you either have a hard upper bound or can make a reasonable guess that will yield sensible results (with acceptable perf characteristics if the guess is wrong) for:
The maximum number of iterations.
The number of work-items required on each iteration.
Submitting, say UINT32_MAX work items for each iteration will likely not make any sense in terms of performance, as the number of work-items that fail the check for whether they are needed will dominate.
You can work around incorrect guesses for the latter number by surrounding the calculation with a loop, so that work item N will calculate both item N and M+N if the number of items on an iteration exceeds M, where M is the enqueued work size for that iteration.
Incorrect guesses for the number of iterations would need to be detected on the host, and more iterations enqueued.
So it becomes a case of performing a large number of runs with different guesses and gathering statistics on how good the guesses are and what overall performance they yielded.
I can't say whether this will yield acceptable performance in general - it really depends on the calculations you are performing and whether they are a good fit for GPU-style parallelism, and whether the overhead of the early-out for a potentially large number of work items becomes a problem.

What's the "real world" performance improvement for multithreading I can expect?

I'm programming a recursive tree search with multiple branches and works fine. To speed up I'm implementing a simple multithreading: I distribute the search into main branches and scatter them among the threads. Each thread doesn't have to interact with the others, and when a solve is found I add it to a common std::vector using a mutex this way:
if (CubeTest.IsSolved())
{ // Solve algorithm found
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(SearchMutex); // Thread safe code
Solves.push_back(Alg); // Add the solve
I don't allocate variables in dynamic store (heap) with new and delete, since the memory needs are small.
The maximum number of threads I use is the quantity I get from: std::thread::hardware_concurrency()
I did some tests, always the same search but changing the amount or threads used, and I found things that I don't expected.
I know that if you double the amount of threads (if the processor has enougth capacity) you can't expect to double the performance, because of context switching and things like that.
For example, I have an old Intel Xeon X5650 with 6 cores / 12 threads. If I execute my code, until the sixth thread things are as expected, but if I use an additional thread the performace is worst. Using more threads increase the performace very little, to the point that the use of all avaliable threads (12) barely compensates for the use of only 6:
Threads vs processing time chart for Xeon X5650:
(I repeat the test several times and I show the average times of all the tests).
I repeat the tests in other computer with an Intel i7-4600U (2 cores / 4 threads) and I found this:
Threads vs processing time chart for i7-4600U:
I understand that with less cores the performance gain using more threads is worst.
I think also that when you start to use the second thread in the same core the performance is penalized in some way. Am I right? How can I improve the performance in this situation?
So my question is if this performance gains for multithreading is what I can expect in the real world, or on the other hand, this numbers are telling me that I'm doing things wrong and I should learn more about mutithreading programming.
What's the “real world” performance improvement for multithreading I can expect?
It depends on many factors. In general, the most optimistic improvement that one can hope for is reduction of runtime by factor of number of cores1. In most cases this is unachievable because of the need for threads to synchronise with one another.
In worst case, not only is there no improvement due to lack of parallelism, but also the overhead of synchronisation as well as cache contention can make the runtime much worse than the single threaded program.
Peak memory use often increases linearly by number of threads because each thread needs to operate on data of their own.
Total CPU time usage, and therefore energy use also increases due to extra time spent on synchronisation. This is relevant to systems that operate on battery power as well as those that have poor heat management (both apply to phones and laptops).
Binary size would be marginally larger due to extra code that deals with threads.
1 Whether you get all of the performance out of "logical" cores i.e. "hyper threading" or "clustered multi threading" also depends on many factors. Often, one executes the same function in all threads, in which case they tend to use the same parts of the CPU, in which case sharing the core with multiple threads doesn't necessarily yield benefit.
A CPU which uses hyperthreading claims to be able to execute two threads simultaneously on one core. But actually it doesn't. It just pretends to be able to do that. Internally it performs preemptive multitasking: Execute a bit of thread A, then switch to thread B, execute a bit of B, back to A and so on.
So what's the point of hyperthreading at all?
The thread switches inside the CPU are faster than thread switches managed by the thread scheduler of the operating system. So the performance gains are mostly through avoiding overhead of thread switches. But it does not allow the CPU core to perform more operations than it did before.
Conclusion: The performance gain you can expect from concurrency depend on the number of physical cores of the CPU, not logical cores.
Also keep in mind that thread synchronization methods like mutexes can become pretty expensive. So the less locking you can get away with the better. When you have multiple threads filling the same result set, then it can sometimes be better to let each thread build their own result set and then merge those sets later when all threads are finished.

why does having more than one thread(parallel processing) in some specific cases degrade performance?

i noticed that having more than a thread running for some code is much much slower than having one thread, and i have been really pulling my hair to know why,can anyone help?
code explanation :
i have ,sometimes, a very large array that i need to process parts of in a parallel way for optimization,each "part" of a row gets looped on and processed on in a specific thread, now i've noticed that if i only have one "part",i.e the whole array and a single worker thread that runs through it is noticeably faster than if i divide the array and process it as separate sub arrays with different threads.
bool m_generate_row_worker(ull t_row_start,ull t_row_end)
return true;
for(unsigned short thread_indx=0;thread_indx<noThreads-1;thread_indx++)
for(unsigned short thread_indx=0;thread_indx<noThreads;thread_indx++)
inline ull m_singularity_checker(ull t_to_be_ckecked_with,ull
return (t_to_be_ckecked & (t_to_be_ckecked_with<<1)
& (t_to_be_ckecked_with>>1) ) | (t_to_be_ckecked_with &
why does having more than one thread(parallel processing) in some specific cases degrade performance?
Because thread creation has overhead. If the task to be performed has only small computational cost, then the cost of creating multiple threads is more than the time saved by parallelism. This is especially the case when creating significantly more threads than there are CPU cores.
Because many algorithms do not easily divide into independent sub-tasks. Dependencies on other threads requires synchronisation, which has overhead that can in some cases be more than the time saved by parallelism.
Because in poorly designed programs, synchronization can cause all tasks to be processed sequentially even if they are in separate threads.
Because (depending on CPU architecture) sometimes otherwise correctly implemented, and seemingly independent tasks have effectual dependency because they operate on the same area of memory. More specifically, when a threads writes into a piece of memory, all threads operating on the same cache line must synchronise (the CPU does this for you automatically) to remain consistent. The cost of cache misses is often much higher than the time saved by parallelism. This problem is called "false sharing".
Because sometimes introduction of multi threading makes the program more complex, which makes it more difficult for the compiler / optimiser to make use of instruction level parallelism.
In conclusion: Threads are not a silver bullet that automatically multiplies the performance of your program.
Regarding your program, we cannot count out any of the above potential issues given the excerpt that you have shown.
Some tips on avoiding or finding above issues:
Don't create more threads than you have cores, discounting the number of threads that are expected to be blocking (waiting for input, disk, etc).
Only use multi-threading with problems that are computationally expensive, (or to do work while a thread is blocking, but this may be more efficiently solved using asynchronous I/O and coroutines).
Don't do (or do as little as possible) I/O from more than one thread into a single device (disk, NIC, virtual terminal, ...) unless it is specially designed to handle it.
Minimise the number of dependencies between threads. Consider all access to global things that may cause synchronisation, and avoid them. For example, avoid memory allocation. Keep in mind that things like operations on standard containers do memory allocation.
Keep the memory touched by distinct threads far from each other (not adjacent small elements of array). If processing an array, divide it in consecutive blocks, rather than striping one element every (number of threads)th element. In some extreme cases, extra copying into thread specific data structures, and then joining in the end may be efficient.
If you've done all you can, and multi threading measures slower, consider whether perhaps it is not a good solution for your problem.
Using threads do not always mean that you will get more work done. For example using 2 threads does not mean you will get a task done in half the time. There is an overhead to setting up the threads and depending on how many cores and OS etc... how much context switching is occurring between threads (saving the thread stack/regs and loading the next one - it all adds up). At some point adding more threads will start to slow your program down since there will be more time spent switching between threads/setting threads up/down then there is work being done. So you may be a victim of this.
If you have 100 very small items (like 1 instruction) of work to do, then 100 threads will be guaranteed to be slower since you now have ("many instructions" + 1) x 100 of work to do. Where the "many instructions" are the work of setting up the threads and clearing them up at the end - and switching between them.
So, you may want to start to profile this for yourself.. How much work is done processing each row and how many threads in total are you setting up?
One very crude, but quick/simple way to start to measure is to just take the time elapsed to processes one row in isolation (e.g. use std::chrono functions to measure the time at the start of processing one row and then take the time at the end to see total time spent. Then maybe do the same test over the entire table to get an idea how total time.
If you find that a individual row is taking very little time then you may not be getting so much benefit from the threads... You may be better of splitting the table into chunks of work that are equal to the number of cores your CPU has, then start changing the number of threads (+/-) to find the sweet spot. Just making threads based on number of rows is a poor choice - you really want to design it to max out each core (for example).
So if you had 4 cores, maybe start by splitting the work into 4 threads to start with. Then test it with 8 if its better try 16, if its worse try 12....etc...
Also you might get different results on different PCs...

General tips to improve multithreading (in C++)

I have build a C++ code without thinking that I would later have the need to multithread it. I have now multithreaded the 3 main for loops with openMP. Here are the performance comparisons (as measured with time from bash)
Single thread
real 5m50.008s
user 5m49.072s
sys 0m0.877s
Multi thread (24 threads)
real 1m22.572s
user 28m28.206s
sys 0m4.170s
The use of 24 cores have reduced the real time by a factor of 4.24. Of course, I did not expect the code to be 24 times faster. I did not really know what to expect actually.
- Is there a rule of thumb that would allow one to make prediction about how much faster will a given code run with n threads in comparison to a single thread?
- Are there general tips in order to improve the performance of multithreaded processes?
I'm sure you know of the obvious like the cost of barriers. But it's hard to draw a line between what is trivial and what could be helpful to someone. Here are a few lessons learned from use, if I think of more I'll add them:
Always try to use thread private variables as long as possible, consider that even for reductions, providing only a small number of collective results.
Prefer parallel runs of long sections of code and long parallel sections (#pragma omp parallel ... #pragma omp for), instead of parallelizing loops separately (#pragma omp parallel for).
Don't parallelize short loops. In a 2-dimensional iteration it often suffices to parallelize the outer loop. If you do parallelize the whole thing using collapse, be aware that OpenMP will linearize it introducing a fused variable and accessing the indices separately incurs overhead.
Use thread private heaps. Avoid sharing pools and collections if possible, even though different members of the collection would be accessed independently by different threads.
Profile your code and see how much time is spent on busy waiting and where that may be occurring.
Learn the consequences of using different schedule strategies. Try what's better, don't assume.
If you use critical sections, name them. All unnamed CSs have to wait for each other.
If your code uses random numbers, make it reproducible: define thread-local RNGs, seed everything in a controllable manner, impose order on reductions. Benchmark deterministically, not statistically.
Browse similar questions on Stack Overflow, e.g., the wonderful answers here.

Intel Tbb overhead issue

Im using Intel TBB to parallel processing some parts of an algorithm processed on images. Although the processing for each pixel is data dependent, there are some cases which 2 consecutive pixels could be processed in parallel as below.
for each row in image // Create and wait root task for each line here using allocate_root()
for each 2 pixel
ProcessPixel(A) and ProcessPixel(B) in parallel // For testing, create and process 2 tbb::empty_task() here as child tasks
However, the overhead occurs because this processing is very fast. For each input image (size of 512x512), the processing costs about 5-6 ms.
When I experimentally used Intel TBB as comment block above, the processing costs more than 25 ms.
So is there any better way using Intel TBB without overhead issue or other more efficient way to improve performance of simple and fast processing program like this ?
TBB does not add such a big (~20ms) overheads for invocation of a parallel algorithm. My guess (since there is no specifics provided) is that it is related to one of the following:
If you measure only the first invocation, it includes overheads for worker threads creation. And note, TBB does not have barriers like OpenMP, so one call to parallel_for might not be enough to create all the threads)
Same situation happens after worker threads go to sleep because of absence of the parallel work for them. The overheads for the wakeup are orders of magnitude lower than for the threads creation but still can affect measurements and impose wrong conclusions.
TBB scheduler can steal a task from outer level to the nested level (blocking call) thus the measurements will look like it takes too long for processing the nested part only while it is busy with an extra work there.
There is a contention for processing (A) and (B) in parallel caused by either explicit (e.g. mutex) or implicit (e.g. false sharing) reasons. But anyway, it is not TBB-specific.
Thus, the advice for performance measurements with TBB is to consider only the total time for long enough sequence of computations that will hide initialization overheads.
And of course as was advised, parallel first on the outer level. TBB provides enough different patterns for that including tbb::parallel_pipeline and tbb::flow::graph