Validate mathematical expressions using regular expression? - regex

I want to validate mathematical expressions using regular expression. The mathematical expression can be this
It can be blank means nothing is entered
If specified it will always start with an operator + or - or * or / and will always be followed by a number that can have
any number of digits and the number can be decimal(contains . in between the numbers) or integer(no '.' symbol within the number).
examples : *0.9 , +22.36 , - 90 , / 0.36365
It can be then followed by what is mentioned in point 2 (above line).
examples : *0.9+5 , +22.36*4/56.33 , -90+87.25/22 , /0.36365/4+2.33
Please help me out.

Something like this should work:
Regexr Demo
^ - beginning of the string
[-+/*] - one of these operators
\d+ - one or more numbers
(\.\d+)? - an optional dot followed by one or more numbers
()* - the whole expression repeated zero or more times

You could try generating such a regex using moo and such:
(?:(?:((?:(?:[ \t]+))))|(?:((?:(?:\/\/.*?$))))|(?:((?:(?:(?<![\d.])[0-9]+(?![\d.])))))|(?:((?:(?:[0-9]+\.(?:[0-9]+\b)?|\.[0-9]+))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:\+)))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:\-)))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:\*)))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:\/)))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:%)))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:\()))))|(?:((?:(?:(?:\)))))))
This regex matches any amount of int, float, braces, whitespace, and the operators +-*/%.
However, expressions such as 2+ would still be validated by the regex, so you might want to use a parser instead.

If you want negative or positive expression you can write it like this>
And a second one
With parenthesis in expression but doesn't count the number you will need method that validate it or regex.
// the method
public static bool IsPairParenthesis(string matrixExpression)
int numberOfParenthesis = 0;
foreach (char character in matrixExpression)
if (character == '(')
if (character == ')')
if (numberOfParenthesis == 0)
{ return true; }
return false;

This is java regex, but this is only if not have any braces
Also this with braces in java code
In this case I raplace (..) to number (..), should matches without brace pattern
// without brace pattern
static Pattern numberPattern = Pattern.compile("[+\\-]?(([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\\.?)|(\\.?[0-9]+))([+\\-/*](([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\\.?)|(\\.?[0-9]+)))*");
static Pattern bracePattern = Pattern.compile("\\([^()]+\\)");
public static boolean matchesForMath(String txt) {
if (txt == null || txt.isEmpty()) return false;
txt = txt.replaceAll("\\s+", "");
if (!txt.contains("(") && !txt.contains(")")) return numberPattern.matcher(txt).matches();
if (txt.contains("(") ^ txt.contains(")")) return false;
if (txt.contains("()")) return false;
Queue<String> toBeRematch = new ArrayDeque<>();
while (toBeRematch.size() > 0) {
String line = toBeRematch.poll();
Matcher m = bracePattern.matcher(line);
if (m.find()) {
String newline = line.substring(0, m.start()) + "1" + line.substring(m.end());
String withoutBraces = line.substring(m.start() + 1, m.end() - 1);
if (!numberPattern.matcher(withoutBraces).matches()) return false;
return true;


Regular expression to match all digits of unknown length except the last 4 digits

There is a number with unknown length and the idea is to build a regular expression which matches all digits except last 4 digits.
I have tried a lot to achieve this but no luck yet.
Currently I have this regex: "^(\d*)\d{0}\d{0}\d{0}\d{0}.*$"
Input: 123456789089775
Expected output: XXXXXXXXXXX9775
which I am using as follows(and this doesn't work):
String accountNumber ="123456789089775";
String pattern = "^(\\d*)\\d{1}\\d{1}\\d{1}\\d{1}.*$";
String result = accountNumber.replaceAll(pattern, "X");
Please suggest how I should approach this problem or give me the solution.
In this case my whole point is to negate the regex : "\d{4}$"
You may use
See the regex demo.
\G - start of string or end of the previous match
\d - a digit
(?=\d{4,}$) - a positive lookahead that requires 4 or more digits up to the end of the string immediately to the right of the current location.
Java demo:
String accountNumber ="123456789089775";
String pattern = "\\G\\d(?=\\d{4,}$)"; // Or \\G.(?=.{4,}$)
String result = accountNumber.replaceAll(pattern, "X");
System.out.println(result); // => XXXXXXXXXXX9775
still not allowed to comment as I don't have that "50 rep" yet but DDeMartini's answer would swallow prefixed non-number-accounts as "^(.*)" would match stuff like abcdef1234 as well - stick to your \d-syntax
seems to work fine and demands numbers (minimum length 6 chars). Tested it like
public class AccountNumberPadder {
private static final Pattern LAST_FOUR_DIGITS = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)(\\d{4})");
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] accountNumbers = new String[] { "123456789089775", "999775", "1234567890897" };
for (String accountNumber : accountNumbers) {
Matcher m = LAST_FOUR_DIGITS.matcher(accountNumber);
if (m.find()) {
System.out.println(paddIt(accountNumber, m));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Whooaaa - don't work for %s", accountNumber));
public static String paddIt(String input, Matcher m) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
return input.replace(, b.toString());
String pattern = "^(.*)[0-9]{4}$";
Addendum after comment: A refactor to only match full numerics could look like this:
String pattern = "^([0-9]+)[0-9]{4}$";

Remove first zero values from string using regex

I've created a string value using padStart method (padLeft), for example:
"5".padStart(19, "0")
which results into "0000000000000000005"
How can I get that 5 back using regex?
I've tested this:
which return 5 correctly.
But this regex returns null for something like "00000012.22"
5 > 5
005 > 5
0011.22 > 11.22 >> This is a first problem!
00100 >> 100
001001 >> 1001
00.5 >> 0.5 This is a second problem!
Working codes but without regex:
function toDb(d) {
if (d == null) return null;
var precisionIndex = d.indexOf('.');
return d.toString().padStart((29 + precisionIndex + 1), '0');
function fromDb(d) {
if (d == null) return null;
d = d.replace(/^0+/, ''); // I'd like to use regex here
if (d.indexOf('.') == 0) // I'd like to use regex here
d = '0' + d; // I'd like to use regex here
return d;
fromDb(toDb('0.5')) returns 0.5 for me. But I'd like to use regex in my codes.
Use String#replace method to replace leading 0.
"0000000000000000005".replace(/^0+(?=\d)/, '')
"000000000000000000.5".replace(/^0+(?=\d)/, '')
In the regex start anchor(^) assert the beginning position of the string and 0+ matches combination one or more repetition of 0, altogether ^0+ matches 0s at the beginning.
UPDATE : To avoid removing 0 just before the . use positive look ahead assertion, (?=\d) match up to the 0 which follows a digit.

Reg expression validate / \ # & characters

I've been learning how Regular expressions work, which is very tricky for me. I would like to validate this chars below from input field. Basically if string contains any of these characters, alert('bad chars')
I found this code, but when I change it around doesn't seem to work. How can I alter this code to meet my needs?
var str = $(this).val();
if(/^[a-zA-Z0-9- ]*$/.test(str) == false) {
return false;
} else {
/^[a-zA-Z0-9- ]*$/ means the following:
^ the string MUST start here
[a-zA-Z0-9- ] a letter between a and z upper or lower case, a number between 0 and 9, dashes (-) and spaces.
* repeated 0 or more times
$ the string must end here.
In the case of "any character but" you can use ^ like so: /^[^\/\\#&]*$/. If this matches true, then it doesn't have any of those characters. ^ right after a [ means match anything that isn't the following.
You could just try the following:
if("/[\\/#&]/".test(str) == true) {
return false;
} else {
NOTE: I'm not 100% on what characters need to be escaped in JavaScript vs. .NET regular expressions, but basically, I'm saying if your string contains any of the characters \, /, # or &, then alert 'bad'.

How to use regular expressions to extract 3-tuple values from a string

I am trying to extract n 3-tuples (Si, Pi, Vi) from a string.
The string contains at least one such 3-tuple.
Pi and Vi are not mandatory.
|----------1-------------|----------2-------------|-- n
The desired output would be:
So for n occurrences in the string the output should look like this:
[S1,P1,V1] [S2,P2,V2] ... [Sn-1,Pn-1,Vn-1] (without the brackets)
The input string could be something like this:
Once processed the output should be:
Mustang,PS,500 Porsche,PS,425
Is there an efficient way to extract those 3-tuples using a regular expression
(e.g. using C++ and std::regex) and what would it look like?
#(.*?)\(\(property\((.*?)\)val\((.*?)\)\) should do the trick.
example at
# # Matches the # symbol
(.*?) # Captures everything until it encounters the next part (ungreedy wildcard)
\(\(property\( # Matches the string "((property(" the backslashes escape the parenthesis
(.*?) # Same as the one above
\)val\( # Matches the string ")val("
(.*?) # Same as the one above
\)\) # Matches the string "))"
How you should implement this in C++ i don't know but that is the easy part :)
I used C's <regex.h> instead of std::regex because std::regex isn't implemented in g++ (which is what IDEONE uses). The regular expression I used:
" In C(++)? regexes are strings.
# Literal match
([^(#]+) As many non-#, non-( characters as possible. This is group 1
( Start another group (group 2)
\\(\\(property\\( Yet more literal matching
([^)]+) As many non-) characters as possible. Group 3.
\\)val\\( Literal again
([^)]+) As many non-) characters as possible. Group 4.
\\)\\) Literal parentheses
) Close group 2
? Group 2 optional
" Close Regex
And some c++:
int getMatches(char* haystack, item** items){
first, calculate the length of the string (we'll use that later) and the number of # found in the string (the maximum number of matches)
int l = -1, ats = 0;
while (haystack[++l])
if (haystack[l] == '#')
malloc a large enough array.
*items = (item*) malloc(ats * sizeof(item));
item* arr = *items;
Make a regex needle to find. REGEX is #defined elsewhere.
regex_t needle;
regcomp(&needle, REGEX, REG_ICASE|REG_EXTENDED);
regmatch_t match[5];
ret will hold the return value (0 for "found a match", but there are other errors you may want to be catching here). x will be used to count the found matches.
int ret;
int x = -1;
Loop over matches (ret will be zero if a match is found).
while (!(ret = regexec(&needle, haystack, 5, match,0))){
Get the name from match1
int bufsize = match[1].rm_eo-match[1].rm_so + 1;
arr[x].name = (char *) malloc(bufsize);
strncpy(arr[x].name, &(haystack[match[1].rm_so]), bufsize - 1);
Check to make sure the property (match[3]) and the value (match[4]) were found.
if (!(match[3].rm_so > l || match[3].rm_so<0 || match[3].rm_eo > l || match[3].rm_so< 0
|| match[4].rm_so > l || match[4].rm_so<0 || match[4].rm_eo > l || match[4].rm_so< 0)){
Get the property from match[3].
bufsize = match[3].rm_eo-match[3].rm_so + 1;
arr[x].property = (char *) malloc(bufsize);
strncpy(arr[x].property, &(haystack[match[3].rm_so]), bufsize - 1);
Get the value from match[4].
bufsize = match[4].rm_eo-match[4].rm_so + 1;
arr[x].value = (char *) malloc(bufsize);\
strncpy(arr[x].value, &(haystack[match[4].rm_so]), bufsize - 1);
} else {
Otherwise, set both property and value to NULL.
arr[x].property = NULL;
arr[x].value = NULL;
Move the haystack to past the match and decrement the known length.
haystack = &(haystack[match[0].rm_eo]);
l -= match[0].rm_eo;
Return the number of matches.
return x+1;
Hope this helps. Though it occurs to me now that you never answered kind of a vital question: What have you tried?

how to solve adding with REGEX

i want to get math equation only with addition such as 1+2+3 and return its result. i have the following code, and the problem is that it doesn't deal with doubles (i cant write 2.2+3.4)
I tried to change the regex expression to ([\+-]?\d+.\d+)([\+-])(-?(\d+.\d+)) and now it doesnt deal with integers (i cant write 2+4). what should be the correct regex expression to deal with doubles and integers? thanx
the code:
regEx = new Regex(#"([\+-]?\d+)([\+-])(-?(\d+))");
m = regEx.Match(Expression, 0);
while (m.Success)
double result;
switch (m.Groups[2].Value)
case "+":
result = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[1].Value) + Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[3].Value);
if ((result < 0) || (m.Index == 0)) Expression = regEx.Replace(Expression, DoubleToString(result), 1);
else Expression = regEx.Replace(Expression, "+" + result, 1);
m = regEx.Match(Expression);
case "-":
result = Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[1].Value) - Convert.ToDouble(m.Groups[3].Value);
if ((result < 0) || (m.Index == 0)) Expression = regEx.Replace(Expression, DoubleToString(result), 1);
else Expression = regEx.Replace(Expression, "+" + result, 1);
m = regEx.Match(Expression);
if (Expression.StartsWith("--")) Expression = Expression.Substring(2);
return Expression;
As the comments have stated, RegEx is not a good solution to this problem. You would be much better off with either a simple split statement (if you only want to support the + and - operators), or an actual parser (if you want to support actual mathematical expressions).
But, for the sake of explaining some RegEx, your problem is that \d+.\d+ matches "one or more digits, followed by any character, followed by one or more digits." If you gave it an integer greater than 99, it would work, since you're matching . (any character) and not \. (specifically the dot character).
A simpler version would be [\d\.]+, which matches one-or-more digits-or-dots. The problems is that it allows multiple dots, so is a valid match. So what you really want is \d+\.?\d*, which matches one-or-more digits, one-or-zero dots, and zero-or-more digits. Thus 2, 2., and 2.05 are all valid matches.