How do I find my project name in a Django project? - django

I have a pycharm project and, presumably, a Django project. Perhaps they are one and the same, perhaps not - I'm unsure as to the distinction.
Anyway, in my file (which is in the root of project directory, which is what I presume is my pycharm project) I have:
ROOT_URLCONF = 'dumpstown.urls'
Does that mean dumpstown is my project name? Or my pycharm project name? What is the distinction? Because I also have a folder called dumpstownapp and this has all my and files. I would have thought that dumpstownapp was the Django project, but I really don't know!
So, to be concise:
In this folder setup
<other stuff>
templates folder
<other stuff>
which is the "Django project name" ~ and by that I mean, if I have a UserProfile defined in my (shown above) what would be the AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE entry I'd need for it? I'm getting several understandings from the django docs - I'd assume
But from the docs I'd get
Or maybe my app is called dumpstown? and then what do I get?

FolderA is the Django project folder, and folderB is the Django app folder.
I haven't used a UserProfile, but according to the docs ( it should contain a string containing the Django app name and the model name separated by a dot, so "dumpstownapp.UserProfile" should be correct. If you show the error someone can probably give you better help..
Django documentation used to say that the parent of the project folder (i.e. the parent of folderA) should be on the path, but I believe that has been changed to also include the project folder itself (i.e. folderA) -- since it makes sharing of Django apps much easier. PyCharm seems to assume that is the case, since pressing Alt+F7 to auto-add an import for a newly used module create an import statement that assumes folderA is on the import path (I'm a relative newcomer to PyCharm, and I'm using it on a project that started in the Django 0.96 era, so I might just have things set up wrong..) But folderA is both the Django and the PyCharm project (the .idea file is where PyCharm stores its project data).

In one of my django-app git-submodule projects I needed to find out the name of the Django project that django-app/library was used in. To that end, I tried to get the path of the file that was being executed, find my package in the path and take the folder above it. However, it turned out that on the production server the project was deployed in a folder with a different name (a standard name like www or something along those lines). So this way is not fully reliable.
So I ended up setting a PROJECT variable in the django settings file and using that instead.


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'config.wsgi'

I'm trying to run a .py file and in the file I have this import
from config.wsgi import *
import os
from django.template.loader import get_template
from weasyprint import HTML, CSS
from config import settings
The whole project works, if I set runserver, the project starts without any problem, but this file does not work. The structure of the project is as follows
the case as I say the project works, but in the views of the applications that I have been doing to put imports I get in red underlined but as I say it works for example:
from core.general.forms import ActividadForm
That comes out in red, if I put in front of the core, app.core as follows
from app.core.general.forms import ActividadForm
it does not show red but the project does not work and I get the following error
from app.core.general.forms import ActividadForm
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'app'
I understand that it is the routes or something I did wrong from the beginning, please could someone help me.
Thank you very much.
I tried adding the route, changing the app's route in settings, but to no avail.
You've named the file but it needs to be
Rename your file in config and retry.
To your question, I think its because you're missing the file in the general app.
If you haven't already go one, you'll likely need to have add the same again in your core app too.
You probably manually created all of these files and structures I suspect, and if that's the case, please take a look at the documentation regarding creating new apps inside a django project.
If you go a bit further up the page, it will also tell you how to create the initial django project structure with a command.
Thank you very much for the answer, I managed to solve it after a lot of testing.
There are two ways, open the project again from the app folder (I had it open in the ProjectName folder).
Or as a second option in pyCharm on the left where the project folders are, I went to the app folder (which is the root) and right clicked and in the menu, Mark Directorie as - Sources root. Then my problem is fixed.
I had all the arcvhiso, and where I put the wrong name is that I wrote it wrong here but in the project it was right.
Thank you very much for the help.

django dev on mac having to explicitly name full path

After a long time away from an app i wrote in Django and didn't complete, I've come back to it on a new Mac.
I'm struggling to get the code to refer to the apps and the files within them without the explicit path. For instance:
from import object
Whereas I remember not having to use myproject every time.
Is this something that has changed? I seem to remember being about to add to the path in which is called every time you run the dev server, but this hasn't worked this time.
sys.path.append /path/to/myproject
Should that fix the issue I'm having?
I started with a simple answer and it grew into more details on how to add subdirectories of your project to python path. Maybe a bit off-topic, but it could be useful to you so I'm pushing the post button anyway.
I usually have a bunch of small re-usable apps of mine I keep inside my project tree, because I don't want them to grow into independent modules. My projet tree will look like this:
Still, by default, Django only adds the project root to python path. Yet it makes no sense in my opinion to have apps load modules with full path:
from import Author
from myproject.libs.rest_filters import filters
That's both way too verbose, and it breaks reusability as I only use absolute imports. Not to mention if I someday build an actual python package out of some of the libs, it will break.
So, I took the following steps. I added the relevant folders to the path:
# in
root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, 'myproject', 'apps')))
sys.path.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, 'myproject', 'libs')))
But you must ensure those packages cannot be loaded from the root of the project, or you will have odd issues as python would load another copy of the module. For instance, isinstance(, == False
It's not hard though : just remove from the folders you add to the path. That will make sure they cannot be descended into from the project.
Also, Django's discover runner will not descend into those paths unless you specify them manually. That may be fine with you (if every module has its own test suite). Or you can extend the runner, so it knows about this: sample code.

How to create a file for an existing django project

It seems to be a Django best practice to add the file to the ignore list of the version control system. But how does one start to set up a project when the file was not included in the (Github) project*?
Starting from a default settings file is not at all easy because I have no experience with Django, and see that there are an specific settings for included modules/frameworks that need to be included.
Is there a way to create a file from the code in an existing Django project? Is there any other alternative to trial and error if the author cannot be contacted or is not responding to the request for an example file?
In fact is not a best practice to put it on the ignore list based on the opinion of Daniel Greenfeld (AKA Pydany) and Audrey Roy on "Two Scoops of Django". In fact is recommended that you keep one setting file for every setup your team members have.
Of course the easiest way to proceed is to contact the author and if he is that kind you can get it.
I would recommend the following:
Take a default from an new project
Locate the requirements.txt and verify which one of the apps located there are
django base and include them to the
Include all the
apps explicitly defined on the project (all the folders different to
the appname folder)
After that is just trial en error( or more
like trial and exception).

Django: What is the most ideal place to store project-specific middleware?

I'm aware I can "store it anywhere in my python path" and all, but what's an organized pattern I can use to store middleware classes for my project?
I am appending my project root directory and project directory to the sys path through mod_wsgi:
sys.path.append( '/srv/' )
sys.path.append( '/srv/workarounds/' )
The latter line being the project root. As an example, let's say I want to apply this middleware class:
Would I just copy the snippet contents into a file and dump it in my project root? Create a directory for middleware, add that directory to my python path?
My usual layout for a django site is:
projects contains your main project and any others
common contains things you may share across sites, or are at least not project-specific, like if you need to download django-profile and django-registration rather than having it directly in python/site-packages
templates contains just that
local contains things that are going to be specific to the current machine, so that you can have properly separated data, like database location and password - I then soft-link the machine-specific versions (say "") to local/ and then can "import localconfig" in
I generally put middleware that's project-specific inside a project, and middleware that's not project-specific in common/middleware/
Make sure to add the templates directory to the right place in settings (or most probably, and then import it in settings), and makse sure to add the projects, common, and local directories to your PYTHONPATH.
If you have only a couple of tightly coupled middleware classes put them into a module under the app root. (This is how the django.contrib apps do it - see the sessions' app middleware here).
If you have many varying middleware classes, create a middleware pacakge with submodules of the related middleware classes. Though if you do end up in this situation, consider how you can refactor your project into several mini-apps that all solve a specific need (and open source them :)).
Personally, I have a common django package where I dump common middleware (like the your linked LoginRequiredMiddleware class) into a middleware package. If this makes sense in your project's context I would highly suggest it. It's saved my countless hours of duplication, and bug fixing. django-common and django-annoying are good examples of this kind of project layout

How to copy a django project from one folder location to another?

Am using eclipse+pydev to build my django apps. I created a new workspace, built a new pydev project then created an empty folder in the new pydev project. In that empty folder i imported my old django application. Eclipse copied all the files & folders from my old django location to the new workspace.
I made the necessary changes in the on my new location, pointed the templates & data location to my new location workspace folder.
But when i run runserver from the new location workspace folder, django seems to point to my old folder location. All the html templates seems to point to the old location.
How can i make django execute stuff in my new location?
What am i missing?
When i run the server inside eclipse, everything seems to be OK! funny.
There is no reason why you could not move your django folder, except for the presence of some absolute file path that you added. You should never have an absolute path in your project.
You should use the following trick in the file, as explained in the django wiki:
import os
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# then for each subdirectory:
SOME_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'my_dir')
Then you can move your whole project without ever changing a single character inside.
I agree that something seems odd. Not hardcoding your paths is of course the first place to start. One other possible cause of the error could be that you have added your original project/app to the PYTHONPATH and that it gets imported from there instead of the new place.
If being on a *NIX-system you could symlink your old location to the Eclipse workspace.