How do I use LIMIT in a codeigniter/doctrine query? - doctrine-orm

I am using CodeIgniter2 + Doctrine2, and have the following query:
$query = $this->doctrine->em->createQuery("
FROM ORM\Dynasties2\Characters u
WHERE u.fathersId = $key
AND u.deathDate IS NULL
AND u.isRuler = '0'
AND u.isFemale = '0'
AND u.useAI = '1'
AND u.bornDate <= $of_age
$sons_of_age = $query -> getResult();
And I only want to get ONE result, assuming there are any hits.
I've looked at Doctrine documentation about using ->LIMIT(1) but I have tried putting this into my query in various places, and only get errors.
Codeigniter has some functions builtin to do $query->row() but this does not seem to work - I wager because of the Doctrine integration.

You're looking for method Query::setMaxResults($number); Then you can use Query:getSingleResult();, but method Query:getSingleResult(); throws error if there's no record.
$query = $this->doctrine->em->createQuery("
FROM ORM\Dynasties2\Characters u
WHERE u.fathersId = $key
AND u.deathDate IS NULL
AND u.isRuler = '0'
AND u.isFemale = '0'
AND u.useAI = '1'
AND u.bornDate <= $of_age
try {
$sons_of_age = $query->getSingleResult();
} catch (\Doctrine\ORM\NoResultException $e) {
$sons_of_age = null;


Doctrine - How to hydrate a collection when using query builder

A previous question I asked was to do with hydrating a result set when using Doctrine and query builder. My issue was how to return an array and their sub-sets:
This was for a single result set and the answer was quite simple:
$qb = $this->stoneRepository->createQueryBuilder('S');
$query = $qb->addSelect('A','P','I','C')
->leftJoin('S.attribute', 'A')
->leftJoin('A.category', 'C')
->innerJoin('S.product' , 'P')
->innerJoin('S.image' , 'I')
->where(' = :sid')
->setParameter('sid', (int) $stone_id)
$resultArray = $query->getOneOrNullResult(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
return $resultArray;
My next question is how to do this exact same thing for a collection? This is what I have tried:
public function fetchAll()
$qb = $this->stoneRepository->createQueryBuilder('S');
->leftJoin('S.attribute', 'A')
->leftJoin('A.category', 'C')
->innerJoin('S.product' , 'P')
->innerJoin('S.image' , 'I')
->setParameter('state' , 1 );
$adapter = new DoctrineAdapter( new ORMPaginator( $qb ) );
$collection = new StoneCollection($adapter);
return $collection;
The problem I am facing with this solution is that the join tables are not being populated and I am ending up with a collection of empty results.
The StoneCollection class simply extends paginator:
namespace Api\V1\Rest\Stone;
use Zend\Paginator\Paginator;
class StoneCollection extends Paginator
I am thinking that perhaps the best mehod is to get an array and to page the array?
I have this working although I am not keen on it as I hit the DB twice. The first time to build the array (Which is the entire result set which could be very big for some applications) and then the second time to page the results which is then returned to HAL in ApiGility for processing...
Ideally this should be done in one go however I am not sure how to hydrate the results in a single instance...
public function fetchAll( $page = 1 )
$qb = $this->stoneRepository->createQueryBuilder('S');
->leftJoin('S.attribute', 'A')
->leftJoin('A.category', 'C')
->innerJoin('S.product' , 'P')
->innerJoin('S.image' , 'I')
->setParameter('state' , 1 );
$resultArray = $qb->getQuery()->getResult(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
$paginator = new \Zend\Paginator\Paginator(new \Zend\Paginator\Adapter\ArrayAdapter($resultArray));
return $paginator;
The Answer to this is as I have above:
I have this working although I am not keen on it as I hit the DB twice. The first time to build the array (Which is the entire result set which could be very big for some applications) and then the second time to page the results which is then returned to HAL in ApiGility for processing...
Ideally this should be done in one go however I am not sure how to hydrate the results in a single instance...
public function fetchAll( $page = 1 )
$qb = $this->stoneRepository->createQueryBuilder('S');
->leftJoin('S.attribute', 'A')
->leftJoin('A.category', 'C')
->innerJoin('S.product' , 'P')
->innerJoin('S.image' , 'I')
->setParameter('state' , 1 );
$resultArray = $qb->getQuery()->getResult(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
$paginator = new \Zend\Paginator\Paginator(new \Zend\Paginator\Adapter\ArrayAdapter($resultArray));
return $paginator;
On the Doctrine documentation for Pagination they state to use $fetchJoinCollection = true, which I believe is the same as the HYDRATE you are trying to use.
Doctrine Pagination
On my pagination code for my QueryBuilder I use it like the following:
public function getAllPaginated($page, $limit){
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('o')
$paginator = new Paginator($query, $fetchJoinCollection = true);
->setFirstResult($limit * ($page - 1)) // Offset
return $paginator;

Doctrine Querybuilder, binding Parameters

My Select function of my QueryManager:
* Führt eine SELECT - Query durch
* #param $select = array( array(column, [...]), table, shortcut )
* $orderby = array(column, sorting-type)
* $where = array( array( column, value, type[or, and] ), [...] )
* $innerjoin = array( table, shortcut, condition )
* $pagination = array( page, limit )
* #return array $data
public function select($select,$orderby, $where, $innerjoin, $pagination)
$qb = $this->conn->createQueryBuilder()
->from($select[1], $select[2])
if ($orderby) {
if ($where) {
foreach($where as $cond) {
$x = 0;
if ( key($cond) == 0 ) {
->where($cond[0] . ' = ?')
elseif ( $cond[2] == 'and' ) {
->andWhere($cond[0] . ' = ?')
elseif ( $cond[2] == 'and' ) {
->orWhere($cond[0] . ' = :' . $x)
if ($innerjoin) {
$this->sql = $qb->getSQL();
$this->totalRowCount = count( $qb->execute() ) ;
if ($pagination) {
$max = $pagination[0] * $pagination[1];
$first = $max - $limit;
$stmt = $qb->execute();
return $stmt->fetchAll();
I don't know why, but in action, this function produces a select query without inserted values for the parameters:
* Lädt einen User nach dessen Username
* #param $username
* #return User $user | null
public function getUser($username)
if($data = $this->select(array('*','users','u'), null, array( array('username',$username) ), null,null)) {
return $user = $this->hydrate($data);
return null;
I didn't get a result, and the query is not setup correctly:
array(0) { }
SELECT * FROM users u WHERE username = ?
In my opinion the Builder doesn't supstitute my parameters with the provided values ...
I got the latest version of Doctrine DBAL (2.4) and this version should support this features!
Thanks for Help and Suggestions :)
I also had this Problem. I have readed here doctrine 2 querybuilder with set parameters not working that:
You cant bind parameters to QueryBuilder, only to Query
But im creating SQL conditions as collected AND & OR experssions in deep nested objects, and the toppest object creates the query object. So i cant create the query object before, i always return expression objects.
So i solved the problem with direct including the variable into the prepared variable's position.
$qb->where($cond[0] . '=' . $cond[1]);
And because i expect strings there i added hard coded quotes. This is not the desired way, but at the moment i dont know how to solve that in an other way with binding parameters to the QueryBuilder object.
$expr = $d_qb->expr()->between($t_c, "'" . $date_from . "'", "'" . $date_from . "'");
Other suggestions?
Following codes results:
$expr = $d_qb->expr()->between($t_c, ':from', ':to');
$d_qb->setParameter('from', 1);
$d_qb->setParameter('to', 1);
$expr = $d_qb->expr()->between($t_c, ':from', ':to');
$d_qb->setParameter(':from', 1);
$d_qb->setParameter(':to', 1);
e0_.created BETWEEN ? AND ?

Symfony2 Doctrine2 : querybuilder bad query

New to Symfony2 and Doctrine2, i have a function in my entity repository to search entities after form submission. Input is array $get that contain form fields like $get['name'] = 'aname'.
My problem is that when i request with an id, or an id and a name, it's ok by with only a name, all my entities are matched because the query that has been build have no where clause.
Here is my code :
public function search(array $get, $flag = False){
/* Indexed column (used for fast and accurate table cardinality) */
$alias = 'd';
/* DB table to use */
$tableObjectName = 'mysiteMyBundle:DB';
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()
$arr = array();
//Simple array, will grow after problem solved
$numericFields = array(
$textFields = array(
while($el = current($get)) {
$field = key($get);
if ( $field == '' or $field == Null or $el == '' or $el == Null ) {
if ( in_array($field,$numericFields) ){
if ( is_numeric($el) ){
$arr[] = $qb->expr()->eq($alias.".".$field, $el);
} else {
if ( in_array($field,$textFields) ) {
$arr[] = $qb->expr()->like($alias.".".$field, $qb->expr()->literal('%'.$el.'%') );
if(count($arr) > 0) $qb->andWhere(new Expr\Orx($arr));
else unset($arr);
$query = $qb->getQuery();
return $query;
return $query->getResult();
The query generated with only a name (ex "myname") input is :
It should be:
SELECT AS id0 FROM DB d0_ WHERE LIKE '%myname%'
What's wrong with my code ?
Thanks !
I don't know if it's related, but do not use "OR" or "AND" operators, because they have a different meaning that the classic "&&" or "||". cf
So, first, replace "AND" by "&&", and "OR" by "||".
you should use the setParameter method
$query->where('id = :id')->setParameter('id', $id);

Return number of results from Doctrine query that uses createQuery

$q = $this->_em->createQuery("SELECT s FROM app\models\Quest s
LEFT JOIN s.que c
WHERE s.type = '$sub'
AND = '$id'");
Given a query like the one above, how would I retrieve the number of results?
Alternatively one can look at what Doctrine Paginator class does to a Query object to get a count (this aproach is most probably an overkill though, but it answers your question):
public function count()
if ($this->count === null) {
/* #var $countQuery Query */
$countQuery = $this->cloneQuery($this->query);
if ( ! $countQuery->getHint(CountWalker::HINT_DISTINCT)) {
$countQuery->setHint(CountWalker::HINT_DISTINCT, true);
if ($this->useOutputWalker($countQuery)) {
$platform = $countQuery->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform(); // law of demeter win
$rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
$rsm->addScalarResult($platform->getSQLResultCasing('dctrn_count'), 'count');
$countQuery->setHint(Query::HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, 'Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\CountOutputWalker');
} else {
$countQuery->setHint(Query::HINT_CUSTOM_TREE_WALKERS, array('Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\CountWalker'));
try {
$data = $countQuery->getScalarResult();
$data = array_map('current', $data);
$this->count = array_sum($data);
} catch(NoResultException $e) {
$this->count = 0;
return $this->count;
You can either perform a count query beforehand:
$count = $em->createQuery('SELECT count(s) FROM app\models\Quest s
LEFT JOIN s.que c
WHERE s.type=:type
->setParameter('type', $sub);
->setParameter('id', $id);
Or you can just execute your query and get the size of the results array:
$quests = $q->getResult();
$count = count($quests);
Use the first method if you need the count so that you can make a decision before actually retrieving the objects.

doctrine2 - querybuilder, empty parameters

what can i do if the parameter has no value?
my query:
$query = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()
->from('Users', 'u')
->where(' = ?1')
->andWhere('u.status= ?2')
->setParameter(1, $userid)
->setParameter(2, $status)
return $query->getResult();
if theres no $status, then it doesnt display anything.
i tried putting a condition before the query to check if its null but what value can i set $status iif theres no status set
The query builder is exactly there for building conditional queries. You could do:
$qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();
$query = $qb->select('u')
->from('Users', 'u')
->where(' = ?1')
->setParameter(1, $userid);
if ($status) {
$qb->andWhere('u.status = ?2')
->setParameter(2, $status);
return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
On a side note, it is best practice to use named placeholders e. g. like this:
$qb->andWhere('u.status = :status')
->setParameter('status', $status);
You could write:
->andWhere('(u.status= ?2 or ?2 is null)')