What is the difference between these? - c++

Can anyone please explain me the difference about the below used methods to insert a new object in the map container? I already know about pointers and such, I'm not really deep into virtual memory, only the basics (addresses etc..)
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class CUser
CUser() { Init(); };
~CUser() {};
BOOL m_bActive;
BOOL m_bLoggedIn;
void Init();
void CUser::Init()
(*this).m_bActive = FALSE;
m_bLoggedIn = FALSE;
GetSystemTime( &m_sysTime );
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
map<DWORD, CUser*>mUserMap;
//what is the difference between this
CUser pUser;
pUser.m_bActive = FALSE;
pUser.m_bLoggedIn = FALSE;
GetSystemTime( &pUser.m_sysTime );
mUserMap.insert( make_pair( 351, &pUser ) );
//and this?
CUser *pUser = new CUser;
if( pUser )
pUser->m_bActive = TRUE;
pUser->m_bLoggedIn = TRUE;
GetSystemTime( &pUser->m_sysTime );
mUserMap.insert( make_pair( 351, pUser ) );
/* map<DWORD, CUser*>::iterator it = mUserMap.find( 351 );
if( it == mUserMap.end() )
std::cout << "Not found" << std::endl;
CUser *pUser = it->second;
if( pUser )
std::cout << pUser->m_sysTime.wHour << std::endl;
} */
return 0;

In the first case, pUser is created on the stack, and will automatically be deleted when its name goes out of scope (i.e. at the next closing curly bracket). Generally speaking, it's unwise to insert pointers to stack objects into containers, because the object will cease to exist while the container still have a value pointing to it. This can cause a crash in the best case. In the worst case, it could cause erratic and hard to locate bugs in distant parts of the code.

//what is the difference between this
CUser pUser;
pUser.m_bActive = FALSE;
pUser.m_bLoggedIn = FALSE;
GetSystemTime( &pUser.m_sysTime );
mUserMap.insert( make_pair( 351, &pUser ) );
this creates a local object: your pUser variable only exists inside the scope of this block, and ceases to exist when the last } is reached. That means its destructor is called, and the memory it lived in is reclaimed and may be reused.
Now, when you store a pointer to this short-lived object in your map, you're storing a problem. If you de-reference that pointer at any time after the closing } of this block, you're invoking undefined behaviour. It may work. It may work sometimes, and then start to fail. Basically, it's a logical error and a good source of unpredictable bugs.
//and this?
CUser *pUser = new CUser;
if( pUser )
pUser->m_bActive = TRUE;
pUser->m_bLoggedIn = TRUE;
GetSystemTime( &pUser->m_sysTime );
mUserMap.insert( make_pair( 351, pUser ) );
here you explicitly create an instance which will outlive the enclosing scope, and all is good. You don't need to check if new returns NULL though: it'll throw an exception unless you explicitly request it not to.

The difference is here is that the object created by the call to new is created on the heap and not the stack. This means that once the pointer goes out of scope, the memory allocated is still in existence on the heap and you can safely reference it through the pointer stored in your map.
In the first case, you create an object on the stack and add its address to the map. This means that when your locally created variable goes out of scope it is destroyed and the pointer in your map now points to a variable that is no longer in existence. This will undoubtedly lead to problems in your code.
Use the first approach if you must use pointers and not actual objects themselves.
When you use new the memory will persist until you delete it (or get another object to take care of it like a shared pointer). Stack objects are destroyed as soon as they go out of scope.

CUser pUser;
pUser.m_bActive = FALSE;
pUser.m_bLoggedIn = FALSE;
GetSystemTime( &pUser.m_sysTime );
mUserMap.insert( make_pair( 351, &pUser ) );
//pUser is not available here
pUser (Object) unavailable (deleted), pointer in mUserMap is invalid!
CUser *pUser = new CUser;
if( pUser )
pUser->m_bActive = TRUE;
pUser->m_bLoggedIn = TRUE;
GetSystemTime( &pUser->m_sysTime );
mUserMap.insert( make_pair( 351, pUser ) );
//pUser is not available here
pUser (Pointer!!) unavailable (deleted), memory is still claimed so pointer in mUserMapis valid!


GDAL DestroyFeature() method produces segmentation fault

I have a method which loads OGRFeature's and extracts data from them.
However, when I call the method OGRFeature::DestroyFeature() to release the memory, I get a segmentation fault.
void Class::processFeatures() {
OGRFeature* feature;
feature = layer->GetNextFeature();
while( feature != NULL ) {
handleGeometries(); //Handling Geometries
doY(); //Handling Fields
feature = layer->GetNextFeature();
void Class::handleGeometries() {
OGRGeometry* geometry = feature->GetGeometryRef();
//Some handling code
delete geometry;
The code runs and saves the information if I exclude the DestroyFeature. This example does work.
#include "gdal.h"
#include "gdal_priv.h"
#include <ogrsf_frmts.h>
int main()
GDALDataset* map;
map = (GDALDataset*) GDALOpenEx("shape.shp",GDAL_OF_VECTOR,NULL,NULL,NULL);
if (map)
OGRLayer* layer = map->GetLayer(0);
OGRFeature* feature;
feature = layer->GetNextFeature();
while( feature != NULL ) {
feature = layer->GetNextFeature();
return 0;
What is causing the problem? And how would I solve it?
EDIT: second example expanded
This answer comes after a series of comments/edits to the original question that lead to this conclusion:
Deleting the geometry pointer in the handleGeoemtry() method is what causes the memory violation when the DestroyFeature() function is called, as the geometry OGRFeature::GetGeometryRef() returns a reference to an object but does not transfer the ownership to the caller.
You can use the OGRFeature::StealGeoemtry to take the ownership, or simply remove the delete geometry instruction as the DestroyFeature() function will dispose of it anyway.

NPAPI: need to RetainObject() a handler twice, otherwise SIGBUS

In my NPAPI plugin, some of the objects have an "onEvent" property that is readable and writeable, and which is called on certain events.
What I have in my Javascript code will look like this:
myObject.onEvent = function( event ) {
console.log("Event: " + event );
// if I put this next line, the next call to the 'onEvent' handler will SIGBUS
// when there's no RetainObject() in the getter.
console.log("Event handler : " + myObject.onEvent);
And on the C++ side of the plugin, I have that kind of code:
bool MyPluginObject::getOnEvent(NPIdentifier id, NPVariant *result)
if( _onEvent )
OBJECT_TO_NPVARIANT( _onEvent, *result);
NPN_RetainObject( _onEvent ); // needed ???? why??
return true;
bool MyPluginObject::setOnEvent( NPIdentifier id, const NPVariant *value )
if ( value && NPVARIANT_IS_OBJECT( *value ) )
if( _onEvent != NULL )
// release any previous function retained
NPN_ReleaseObject( _onEvent );
_onEvent = NPVARIANT_TO_OBJECT( *value );
NPN_RetainObject( _onEvent ); // normal retain
return true;
return false;
void MyPluginObject::onEvent(void)
NPVariant event = [...];
if ( _onEvent!= NULL )
NPVariant retVal;
bool success = NPN_InvokeDefault( _Npp, _onEvent, &event, 1, &retVal );
if( success )
What's strange is that I've been struggling with a SIGBUS problem for a while, and once I added the NPN_RetainObject() in the getter, as you can see above, everything went fine.
I didn't find in the statement that it is needed in the Mozilla doc, neither in Taxilian's awesome doc about NPAPI.
I don't get it: when the browser requests a property that I've retained, why do I have to retain it a second time?
Should I maybe retain the function when calling InvokeDefault() on it instead? But then, why?? I already stated that I wanted to retain it.
Does getProperty() or InvokeDefault() actually does an NPN_ReleaseObject() without telling me?
You always have to retain object out-parameters with NPAPI, this is not specific to property getters.
In your specific case the object may stay alive anyway, but not in the general case:
Consider returning an object to the caller that you don't plan on keeping alive from your plugin. You have to transfer ownership to the caller and you can't return objects with a retain count of 0.

Memory validate in difficult task within thread

I'm currently creating a sound system for my project. Every call PlayAsync creating instance of sound in std::thread callback. The sound data proceed in cycle in this callback. When thread proceeds it store sound instance in static vector. When thread ends (sound complete) - it delete sound instance and decrement instance count. When application ends - it must stop all sounds immediate, sending interrupt to every cycle of sound.
The problem is in array keeping these sounds. I am not sure, but I think vector isn't right choice for this purpose.. Here is a code.
void gSound::PlayAsync()
std::thread t(gSound::Play,mp_Audio,std::ref(*this));
HRESULT gSound::Play(IXAudio2* s_XAudio,gSound& sound)
gSound* pSound = new gSound(sound);
pSound->m_Disposed = false;
// Create the source voice
IXAudio2SourceVoice* pSourceVoice;
if( FAILED( hr = s_XAudio->CreateSourceVoice( &pSourceVoice, pSound->pwfx ) ) )
gDebug::ShowMessage(L"Error creating source voice");
return hr;
// Submit the wave sample data using an XAUDIO2_BUFFER structure
XAUDIO2_BUFFER buffer = {0};
buffer.pAudioData = pSound->pbWaveData;
buffer.Flags = XAUDIO2_END_OF_STREAM; // tell the source voice not to expect any data after this buffer
buffer.AudioBytes = pSound->cbWaveSize;
if( FAILED( hr = pSourceVoice->SubmitSourceBuffer( &buffer ) ) )
gDebug::ShowMessage(L"Error submitting source buffer");
return hr;
hr = pSourceVoice->Start( 0 );
// Let the sound play
BOOL isRunning = TRUE;
mp_SoundInstances.push_back(pSound); #MARK2
while( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && isRunning && pSourceVoice != nullptr && !pSound->m_Interrupted)
pSourceVoice->GetState( &state );
isRunning = ( state.BuffersQueued > 0 ) != 0;
delete pSound;pSound = nullptr; //its correct ??
return 0;
void gSound::InterrupAllSoundInstances()
for(auto Iter = mp_SoundInstances.begin(); Iter != mp_SoundInstances.end(); Iter++)
if(*Iter != nullptr)//#MARK1
(*Iter)->m_Interrupted = true;
And this I call in application class before disposing sound objects, after main application loop immediate.
while (gSound::m_soundInstanceCount>0)//waiting for deleting all sound instances in threads
So #MARK1 - How to check memory validation in vector? I don't have experience about it. And get errors when try check invalid memory (it's not equals null)
And #MARK2 - How to use vector correctly? Or maybe vector is bad choice? Every time I create sound instance it increases size. It's not good.
A typical issue:
delete pSound;
pSound = nullptr; // issue
This does not do what you think.
It will effectively set pSound to null, but there are other copies of the same pointer too (at least one in the vector) which do not get nullified. This is why you do not find nullptr in your vector.
Instead you could register the index into the vector and nullify that: mp_SoundInstances[index] = nullptr;.
However, I am afraid that you simply do not understand memory handling well and you lack structure. For memory handling, it's hard to tell without details and your system seems complicated enough that I am afraid it would tell too long to explain. For structure, you should read a bit about the Observer pattern.

Problem with realloc implementation resulting in Access violation

I have a custom string class that malloc/realloc/free's internally; For certain strings appending works fine, but on certain others it will always fail (small or large allocations). The same code worked fine on a different project, although it was an ANSI build.
I believe I'm implementing this correctly, but most likely I've overlooked something. The error occurs when I attempt to utilize the "szLog" buffer once the log has been opened. This simply contains the path to the program files directory (40 characters total). Using this same buffer without the "Log file '" prefix works fine, so it's an issue with the realloc section. And yes, the log does open properly.
I get 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00660063. only when realloc is used (but as previously stated, it doesn't always fail - in this situation, when szLog is input - but other variable strings/buffers do it too).
HeapReAlloc is the failing function inside realloc.c, errno being 22.
I've stripped the comments to try and keep the post as small as possible! Any help would be much appreciated.
gData.szLogStr is a UString, IsNull is a definition for "x == NULL" and unichar is simply a typedef for wchar_t
class UString : public Object
unichar* mpsz;
unichar* mpszPrev;
UINT muiAlloc;
UINT muiLen;
... other functions ...
UString& operator << (const unichar* pszAdd)
if ( IsNull(pszAdd) )
return (*this);
if ( IsNull(mpsz) )
muiAlloc = ((str_length(pszAdd)+1) * sizeof(unichar));
if ( IsNull((mpsz = static_cast<unichar*>(malloc(muiAlloc)))) )
muiAlloc = 0;
return (*this);
mpszPrev = mpsz;
muiLen = str_copy(mpsz, pszAdd, muiAlloc);
UINT uiNewAlloc = (muiAlloc + (str_length(pszAdd) * sizeof(unichar)));
if ( muiAlloc < uiNewAlloc )
uiNewAlloc *= 2;
/* Fails */
if ( IsNull((mpsz = static_cast<unichar*>(realloc(mpsz, uiNewAlloc)))) )
mpsz = mpszPrev;
return (*this);
mpszPrev = mpsz;
muiAlloc = uiNewAlloc;
muiLen = str_append(mpsz, pszAdd, muiAlloc);
return (*this);
and this being called from within main via:
UString szConf;
unichar szLog[MAX_LEN_GENERIC];
szConf << ppszCmdline[0];
szConf.replace(_T(".exe"), _T(".cfg"));
if ( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Application"), _T("LogFile"), NULL, szLog, sizeofbuf(szLog), szConf.str()) == 0 )
UINT uiLen = str_copy(szLog, szConf.str(), sizeofbuf(szLog));
szLog[uiLen-3] = 'l';
szLog[uiLen-2] = 'o';
szLog[uiLen-1] = 'g';
if ( ApplicationLog::Instance().Open(szLog, CREATE_ALWAYS) )
/* Erroring call */
gData.szLogStr << _T("Log file '") << szLog << _T("' opened");
APP_LOG(LL_WriteAlways, NULL, gData.szLogStr);
You are programming in c++, so use new and delete. To 'renew', allocate a new memory area large enough to hold the new string, initialize it with the correct values and then delete the old string.
What is str_length() returning when it fails? I'd trace the value of muiAlloc and see what you're actually trying to allocate. It may not be a sane number.
Are you certain that whatever's in szLog is null-terminated, and that the buffer has room for whatever you're copying into it? It's not clear if str_copy is safe or not. It may be a wrapper around strncpy(), which does not guarantee a null terminator, but some people mistakenly assume it does.

C++ STL Set: Cannot find() last element inserted

I am in the process of writing an application in which I use the Set class in the C++ STL. I've discovered that the call to set->find() always seems to fail when I query for the last element I inserted. However, if I iterate over the set, I am able to see the element I was originally querying for.
To try to get a grasp on what is going wrong, I've created a sample application that exhibits the same behavior that I am seeing. My test code is posted below.
For the actual application itself, I need to store pointers to objects in the set. Is this what is causing the weird behavior. Or is there an operator I need to overload in the class I am storing the pointer of?
Any help would be appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
#define MySet set<FileInfo *,bool(*)(const FileInfo *, const FileInfo*)>
class FileInfo
m_fileName = 0;
FileInfo( const FileInfo & file )
setFile( file.getFile() );
if( m_fileName )
delete m_fileName;
m_fileName = 0;
void setFile( const char * file )
if( m_fileName )
delete m_fileName;
m_fileName = new char[ strlen( file ) + 1 ];
strcpy( m_fileName, file );
const char * getFile() const
return m_fileName;
char * m_fileName;
bool fileinfo_comparator( const FileInfo * f1, const FileInfo* f2 )
if( f1 && ! f2 ) return -1;
if( !f1 && f2 ) return 1;
if( !f1 && !f2 ) return 0;
return strcmp( f1->getFile(), f2->getFile() );
void find( MySet *s, FileInfo * value )
MySet::iterator iter = s->find( value );
if( iter != s->end() )
printf( "Found File[%s] at Item[%p]\n", (*iter)->getFile(), *iter );
printf( "No Item found for File[%s]\n", value->getFile() );
int main()
MySet *theSet = new MySet(fileinfo_comparator);
FileInfo * profile = new FileInfo();
FileInfo * shell = new FileInfo();
FileInfo * mail = new FileInfo();
profile->setFile( "/export/home/lm/profile" );
shell->setFile( "/export/home/lm/shell" );
mail->setFile( "/export/home/lm/mail" );
theSet->insert( profile );
theSet->insert( shell );
theSet->insert( mail );
find( theSet, profile );
FileInfo * newProfile = new FileInfo( *profile );
find( theSet, newProfile );
FileInfo * newMail = new FileInfo( *mail );
find( theSet, newMail );
printf( "\nDisplaying Contents of Set:\n" );
for( MySet::iterator iter = theSet->begin();
iter != theSet->end(); ++iter )
printf( "Item [%p] - File [%s]\n", *iter, (*iter)->getFile() );
The Output I get from this is:
Found File[/export/home/lm/profile] at Item[2d458]
Found File[/export/home/lm/profile] at Item[2d458]
No Item found for File[/export/home/lm/mail]
Displaying Contents of Set:
Item [2d478] - File [/export/home/lm/mail]
Item [2d468] - File [/export/home/lm/shell]
Item [2d458] - File [/export/home/lm/profile]
It's kind of sad that I have to add this. But as I mentioned before, this is a sample application that was pulled from different parts of a larger application to exhibit the failure I was receiving.
It is meant as a unit test for calling set::find on a set populated with heap allocated pointers. If you have a problem with all the new()s, I'm open to suggestions on how to magically populate a set with heap allocated pointers without using them. Otherwise commenting on "too many new() calls" will just make you look silly.
Please focus on the actual problem that was occurring (which is now solved). Thanks.
Perhaps I should have put these in my original question. But I was hoping there would be more focus on the problem with the find() (or as it turns out fileinfo_comparator function that acts more like strcmp than less), then a code review of a copy-paste PoC unit test.
Here are some points about the code in the full application itself.
FileInfo holds a lot of data along with the filename. It holds SHA1 sums, file size, mod time, system state at last edit, among other things. I have cut out must of it's code for this post. It violates the Rule of 3 in this form (Thanks #Martin York. See comments for wiki link).
The use of char* over std::string was originally chosen because of the use of 3rd_party APIs that accept char*. The app has since evolved from then. Changing this is not an option.
The data inside FileInfo is polled from a named pipe on the system and is stored in a Singleton for access across many threads. (I would have scope issues if I didn't allocate on heap)
I chose to store pointers in the Set because the FileInfo objects are large and constantly being added/removed from the Set. I decided pointers would be better than always copying large structures into the Set.
The if statement in my destructor is needless and a left over artifact from debugging of an issue I was tracking down. It should be pulled out because it is unneeded.
Your comparison function is wrong - it returns bool, not integer as strcmp(3). The return statement should be something like:
return strcmp( f1->getFile(), f2->getFile() ) < 0;
Take a look here.
Also, out of curiosity, why not just use std::set<std::string> instead? STL actually has decent defaults and frees you from a lot of manual memory management.
It looks to me like your FileInfo doesn't work correctly (at least for use in a std::set). To be stored in a std::set, the comparison function should return a bool indicating that the two parameters are in order (true) or out of order (false).
Given what your FileInfo does (badly designed imitation of std::string), you'd probably be better off without it completely. As far as I can see, you can use std::string in its place without any loss of functionality. You're also using a lot of dynamic allocation for no good reason (and leaking a lot of what you allocate).
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
int main() {
char *inputs[] = { "/export/home/lm/profile", "/export/home/lm/shell", "/export/home/lm/mail" };
char *outputs[] = {"Found: ", "Could **not** find: "};
std::set<std::string> MySet(inputs, inputs+3);
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
<< outputs[MySet.find(inputs[i]) == MySet.end()]
<< inputs[i] << "\n";
std::copy(MySet.begin(), MySet.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n"));
return 0;
Edit: even when (or really, especially when) FileInfo is more complex, it shouldn't attempt to re-implement string functionality on its own. It should still use an std::string for the file name, and implement an operator< that works with that:
class FileInfo {
std::string filename;
// ...
bool operator<(FileInfo const &other) const {
return filename < other.filename;
FileInfo(char const *name) : filename(name) {}
std::ostream &operator(std::ostream &os, FileInfo const &fi) {
return os << fi.filename;
int main() {
// std::set<std::string> MySet(inputs, inputs+3);
std:set<FileInfo> MySet(inputs, inputs+3);
// ...
std::copy(MySet.begin(), MySet.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<FileInfo>(std::cout, "\n"));
In your constructor:
FileInfo( const FileInfo & file )
setFile( file.getFile() );
m_fileName seems to be not initialized.