OCCI compilation with g++ in Linux - c++

I'm trying to compile a basic program using OCCI library.
The compilation task is OK.
g++ -I. -g -I/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/precomp/public -I/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/rdbms/public -I/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/rdbms/demo -I/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/plsql/public -I/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/public -DMAX_SEND_SIZE=2000 -c -o test.o test.cpp
the output is OK, test.o is generated. But, when I want to link the object file, with the following command,
g++ -L/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/lib/ -lclntsh -locci -o test test.o
The linking task fails, the output is:
test.o: In function `main':
/home/xxx/occi/test.cpp:128: undefined reference to `oracle::occi::Environment::createEnvironment(oracle::occi::Environment::Mode, void*, void* (*)(void*, unsigned int), void* (*)(void*, void*, unsigned int), void (*)(void*, void*))'
/home/xxx/occi/test.cpp:170: undefined reference to `oracle::occi::Environment::terminateEnvironment(oracle::occi::Environment*)'
/home/xxx/occi/test.cpp:158: undefined reference to `oracle::occi::SQLException::~SQLException()'
/home/xxx/occi/test.cpp:158: undefined reference to `oracle::occi::SQLException::SQLException(oracle::occi::SQLException const&)'
/home/xxx/occi/test.cpp:163: undefined reference to `oracle::occi::SQLException::what() const'
/home/xxx/occi/test.cpp:158: undefined reference to `oracle::occi::SQLException::~SQLException()'
test.o:(.gcc_except_table+0xe0): undefined reference to `typeinfo for oracle::occi::SQLException'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
My environment resume:
Ubuntu Linux 11.04
gcc version 4.6.1 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.1-9ubuntu3)
ORACLE_HOME = /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/lib
Oracle version: 10.2.0
Can you help me please?, I really need to create a connection to Oracle using OCCI in Linux and I don't want to use Pro*C.

To use OCCI you need to install Instant Client provided by Oracle (have you installed?). I'm using Oracle 11.2, so my include directory path is /usr/include/oracle/11.2/client64 and my share libraries is /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/lib.
I saw here
that 10.2 path is /usr/lib/oracle/ and /usr/lib/oracle/
In 11.2, I also need to link with nnz11 lib first as http://xme.im/connect-oracle-database-eclipse-linux-using-occi
This is an usefull blog describe about Instant Client http://oradim.blogspot.com/2009/08/getting-started-with-occi-linux-version.html


Build library libtorrent debian and link it to program c++

I always have problems when building libraries and linking them, so I hope someone can give me a hand.
I downloaded libtorrent from here and I've built it like they explain here in the building with autotools section (skipping step 1). The building process was successfull I think, but when I did make check the output was:
Testsuite summary for libtorrent-rasterbar 1.0.5
# TOTAL: 0
# PASS: 0
# SKIP: 0
# XFAIL: 0
# FAIL: 0
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 0
Maybe it should say: total X?
I did a little program where I added #include <libtorrent/session.hpp> and when I compile with g++ file.cpp -o file it says libtorrent/session.hpp: No such file or directory.
Should I add some flags to g++ such as -lpthread for other projects and thinks like that?
When installing without building using sudo apt-get install libtorrent-rasterbar-dev and compiling my main.cpp file I get this error:
g++ main.cpp -o file
In file included from /usr/include/libtorrent/session.hpp:49:0,
from main.cpp:2:
/usr/include/libtorrent/config.hpp:46:2: error: #error you must define either BOOST_ASIO_SEPARATE_COMPILATION or BOOST_ASIO_DYN_LINK in your project in order for asio's declarations to be correct. If you're linking dynamically against libtorrent, define BOOST_ASIO_DYN_LINK otherwise BOOST_ASIO_SEPARATE_COMPILATION. You can also use pkg-config or boost build, to automatically apply these defines
#error you must define either BOOST_ASIO_SEPARATE_COMPILATION or BOOST_ASIO_DYN_LINK in your project in \
Modified the main.cpp file to add the the following above the libtorrent #include directives:
But then I have this problem:
$ g++ main.cpp
/tmp/ccM2ItFb.o: In function `main':
main.cpp:(.text+0x57): undefined reference to `libtorrent::default_storage_constructor(libtorrent::file_storage const&, libtorrent::file_storage const*, std::string const&, libtorrent::file_pool&, std::vector<unsigned char, std::allocator<unsigned char> > const&)'
main.cpp:(.text+0xb9): undefined reference to `libtorrent::session::~session()'
main.cpp:(.text+0x105): undefined reference to `libtorrent::session::~session()'
/tmp/ccM2ItFb.o: In function `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)':
main.cpp:(.text+0x162): undefined reference to `boost::system::generic_category()'
main.cpp:(.text+0x16e): undefined reference to `boost::system::generic_category()'
main.cpp:(.text+0x17a): undefined reference to `boost::system::system_category()'
main.cpp:(.text+0x192): undefined reference to `boost::asio::error::get_netdb_category()'
main.cpp:(.text+0x19e): undefined reference to `boost::asio::error::get_addrinfo_category()'
main.cpp:(.text+0x1aa): undefined reference to `boost::asio::error::get_misc_category()'
/tmp/ccM2ItFb.o: In function `boost::asio::error::get_system_category()':
main.cpp (.text._ZN5boost4asio5error19get_system_categoryEv[_ZN5boost4asio5error19get_system_categoryEv]+0x5): undefined reference to `boost::system::system_category()'
/tmp/ccM2ItFb.o: In function `libtorrent::session::session(libtorrent::fingerprint const&, int, unsigned int)':
main.cpp:(.text._ZN10libtorrent7sessionC2ERKNS_11fingerprintEij[_ZN10libtorrent7sessionC5ERKNS_11fingerprintEij]+0x3c): undefined reference to `libtorrent::rel_clocktime_pools_nolog_resolvecountries_deprecated_dht_ext_()'
main.cpp:(.text._ZN10libtorrent7sessionC2ERKNS_11fingerprintEij[_ZN10libtorrent7sessionC5ERKNS_11fingerprintEij]+0x75): undefined reference to `libtorrent::session::init(std::pair<int, int>, char const*, libtorrent::fingerprint const&, int, unsigned int)'
/tmp/ccM2ItFb.o: In function `void boost::checked_delete<libtorrent::torrent_info const>(libtorrent::torrent_info const*)':
main.cpp:(.text._ZN5boost14checked_deleteIKN10libtorrent12torrent_infoEEEvPT_[_ZN5boost14checked_deleteIKN10libtorrent12torrent_infoEEEvPT_]+0x1a): undefined reference to `libtorrent::torrent_info::~torrent_info()'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Also tried compiling using: g++ -I /usr/include/ -L /usr/local/lib -lboost_system -lpthread -lboost_thread main.cpp with the same result.
I was able to solve the problem. I had to compile using:
g++ -I /usr/include/ -L /usr/local/lib -lboost_system -lpthread -lboost_thread main.cpp and add also the link library -ltorrent-rasterbar
Sounds like you've compiled the library but not actually installed it anywhere. An #include directive looks in /usr/include by default, but the libtorrent headers are somewhere in the directory where you built the library. You'll need to either install the library's files into the system directories, or give the compiler an -I option pointing to the libtorrent build directory. (You'll probably also need an -L option when linking, for the same reason.)

Program with protocol-buffers don't compile with MinGW-w64: "undefined reference to google::protobuf:: ..."

I have installed the libprotobuf-dev=2.6.0-4 and protobuf-compiler=2.6.0-4 packages from Debian Jessie repository. Now I'm trying to compile a program that use the 'addressbook.proto' file from the Google Developers example with the MinGW-w64 compiler. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.
With this command the program works:
$ g++ main.cpp addressbook.pb.cc -lprotobuf
But I want to compile for Windows too.
I added the symlink: /usr/include/google -> /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/include/google.
$ i686-w64-mingw32-g++ main.cpp addressbook.pb.cc -lprotobuf
/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-ld: cannot find -lprotobuf
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
With the library location still not working:
$ i686-w64-mingw32-g++ -L /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ main.cpp addressbook.pb.cc -lprotobuf
/tmp/ccB1VJyR.o:main.cpp:(.text$_ZN6google8protobuf8internal27GetEmptyStringAlreadyInitedEv[__ZN6google8protobuf8internal27GetEmptyStringAlreadyInitedEv]+0x7): undefined reference to `google::protobuf::internal::empty_string_'
/tmp/ccB1VJyR.o:main.cpp:(.text$_ZN6google8protobuf8internal27GetEmptyStringAlreadyInitedEv[__ZN6google8protobuf8internal27GetEmptyStringAlreadyInitedEv]+0x2f): undefined reference to `google::protobuf::internal::empty_string_'
/tmp/ccPz4uiI.o:addressbook.pb.cc:(.text+0x78): undefined reference to `google::protobuf::DescriptorPool::generated_pool()'
/tmp/ccPz4uiI.o:addressbook.pb.cc:(.text+0x87): undefined reference to `google::protobuf::DescriptorPool::FindFileByName(std::string const&) const'
libprotobuf-dev contains library headers and pre-built binaries for your system. If you are cross-compiling you need to compile library from sources to target system as well. Something like "./configure CC=i686-w64-mingw32-g++" in library sources directory should do the job.

FFMPEG: undefined reference to `avcodec_register_all' does not link

So I have a very sample code for trying to decode a FFMPEG video stream.
My problem is avcodec does not want to link, to do so I made a clean installation of Ubuntu 13.04. I have build ffmpeg from source following the guide here: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu
I just want to compile my file. Note that my ubuntu does not have any implementations or header files for avcodec. The command line I use is:
gcc -I/home/USER/ffmpeg_build/include -L/home/USER/ffmpeg_build/lib -lavcodec -o test.exe Downloads/auv/src/dronerosvideo/src/ar2.cpp
/tmp/ccKTprFq.o: In function `fetch_and_decode(int, int, bool)':
undefined reference to `avcodec_register_all'
undefined reference to `av_log_set_level'
undefined reference to `avcodec_find_decoder'
undefined reference to `avcodec_alloc_context3'
undefined reference to `avcodec_open2'
undefined reference to `av_init_packet'
undefined reference to `avcodec_decode_video2'
undefined reference to `av_free_packet'
/tmp/ccKTprFq.o:(.eh_frame+0x13): undefined reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Just for a sane test if I remove the -L argument compiler says:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lavcodec
Which means that the linker finds the library in /home/USER/ffmpeg_build/lib. Also if we check the library for implementation it exists:
nm ffmpeg_build/lib/libavcodec.a | grep "register_all"
0000000000000000 T avcodec_register_all
Also as advised since it is C++ I have exten "C" around the include of the library.
At this point I'm falling out of any ideas at all, why exactly compilation fails?
First, it is C++, so you'll need to use g++ not gcc so that the C++ standard library gets linked. This should get rid of undefined reference to '__gxx_personality_v0'.
Then, the order of libaries to link is actually important.
You'll need to specify a library after the object (or source or other library) using it.
Putting it together, a command line like this works (in my tests):
g++ -o test.exe -I$HOME/ffmpeg/include test.cc -L$HOME/ffmpeg/lib -lavcodec
(Actually, depending on how ffmpeg was built, you might need other libraries as well, like pthreads or libx264)
If you got pkg-config installed, it might be possible to just ask that it for proper clags:
# Since you didn't install ffmpeg to a known location, tell pkg-config about that location.
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/ffmpeg/lib/pkgconfig
g++ -o test.exe $(pkg-config -clags libavcodec) test.cc $(pkg-config -libs libavcodec)

Linking against boost_thread fails under Ubuntu 11.10

I already updated to the new Ubuntu 11.10.The problem is now, that the software I am working on is not linking any more. I found this wiki entry which seems to describe the problem. None the less I am unable to fix it. To reproduce the problem I wrote the following small test program:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
void blubb() {
std::cout << "hello world" << std::endl;
int main() {
boost::thread t(&blubb);
Than I use the following command to compile:
g++ -o test -lboost_thread test.cc
The output I get is the following:
/tmp/cc0O0dAC.o: In function `main':
test.cc:(.text+0x49): undefined reference to `boost::thread::join()'
test.cc:(.text+0x55): undefined reference to `boost::thread::~thread()'
test.cc:(.text+0x70): undefined reference to `boost::thread::~thread()'
/tmp/cc0O0dAC.o: In function `boost::detail::thread_data_base::thread_data_base()':
test.cc:(.text._ZN5boost6detail16thread_data_baseC2Ev[_ZN5boost6detail16thread_data_baseC5Ev]+0x24): undefined reference to `vtable for boost::detail::thread_data_base'
/tmp/cc0O0dAC.o: In function `boost::thread::thread<void (*)()>(void (*)(), boost::disable_if<boost::is_convertible<void (*&)(), boost::detail::thread_move_t<void (* ()> >, boost::thread::dummy*>::type)':
test.cc:(.text._ZN5boost6threadC2IPFvvEEET_NS_10disable_ifINS_14is_convertibleIRS4_NS_6detail13thread_move_tIS4_EEEEPNS0_5dummyEE4typeE[_ZN5boost6threadC5IPFvvEEET_NS_10disable_ifINS_14is_convertibleIRS4_NS_6detail13thread_move_tIS4_EEEEPNS0_5dummyEE4typeE]+0x30): undefined reference to `boost::thread::start_thread()'
/tmp/cc0O0dAC.o: In function `boost::detail::thread_data<void (*)()>::~thread_data()':
test.cc:(.text._ZN5boost6detail11thread_dataIPFvvEED2Ev[_ZN5boost6detail11thread_dataIPFvvEED5Ev]+0x1f): undefined reference to `boost::detail::thread_data_base::~thread_data_base()'
/tmp/cc0O0dAC.o:(.rodata._ZTIN5boost6detail11thread_dataIPFvvEEE[typeinfo for boost::detail::thread_data<void (*)()>]+0x10): undefined reference to `typeinfo for boost::detail::thread_data_base'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I also tried to add -lpthread and -pthread in several orders with no success. This command works smoothly on an older Ubuntu version. What am I doing wrong (I have similar problems with PCRE and Google Protocol Buffers).
Thanks in advance for any help!
Ok I mamaged to fix it, it is ridiculous:
as written in the question
g++ -o test -lboost_thread test.cc
does not work, but
g++ -o test test.cc -lboost_thread
does... So not only the order of libraries matter, but also the source files must be written before the dependencies...

undefined referance to LibSerial

So i'm writing a serial transmision program, and have just changed over to using C++, it been a while since I used C++
(I've been working with C recently, and before that java)
Now I need to use LibSerial,
(it seems much simpler to use than C's termios)
my code is:
#include "string2num.h" // a custom header
#include <iostream>
#include <SerialStream.h>
using namespace LibSerial;
//using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
if (argc<2)
std::cout<<argv[0]<<"requires the device name eg \"dev/tty0\" as a parameter\nterminating.\n";
return 1;
SerialStream theSerialStream(argv[1]); //open the device
return 0;
When I compile the output:
g++ -Wall -o gen1 gen1.cpp string2num.o
/tmp/cchPBWgx.o: In function `main':
gen1.cpp:(.text+0x121): undefined reference to `LibSerial::SerialStream::SerialStream(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::_Ios_Openmode)'
/tmp/cchPBWgx.o:(.rodata._ZTVN9LibSerial15SerialStreamBufE[vtable for LibSerial::SerialStreamBuf]+0x24): undefined reference to `LibSerial::SerialStreamBuf::showmanyc()'
/tmp/cchPBWgx.o:(.rodata._ZTVN9LibSerial15SerialStreamBufE[vtable for LibSerial::SerialStreamBuf]+0x28): undefined reference to `LibSerial::SerialStreamBuf::xsgetn(char*, int)'
/tmp/cchPBWgx.o:(.rodata._ZTVN9LibSerial15SerialStreamBufE[vtable for LibSerial::SerialStreamBuf]+0x2c): undefined reference to `LibSerial::SerialStreamBuf::underflow()'
/tmp/cchPBWgx.o:(.rodata._ZTVN9LibSerial15SerialStreamBufE[vtable for LibSerial::SerialStreamBuf]+0x34): undefined reference to `LibSerial::SerialStreamBuf::pbackfail(int)'
/tmp/cchPBWgx.o:(.rodata._ZTVN9LibSerial15SerialStreamBufE[vtable for LibSerial::SerialStreamBuf]+0x38): undefined reference to `LibSerial::SerialStreamBuf::xsputn(char const*, int)'
/tmp/cchPBWgx.o:(.rodata._ZTVN9LibSerial15SerialStreamBufE[vtable for LibSerial::SerialStreamBuf]+0x3c): undefined reference to `LibSerial::SerialStreamBuf::overflow(int)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [gen1] Error 1
This is the linker complaining that it cannot find the functions referenced by the libserial header file.
If I look on my Linux system to see how the shared library is called:
$ dpkg -L libserial0
On my system this implies I would add -lserial as a g++ option (aka link with libserial.so) this would turn your compilation command into
g++ -Wall -lserial -o gen1 gen1.cpp string2num.o
Including the header file is not enough - you also need to link with the library that implements SerialStream. Assuming it is a static library called serstream.a (it is almost certainly actually called something else):
g++ -Wall -o gen1 gen1.cpp string2num.o serstream.a
old thread, but i still use Libserial. here the completed answer
My working setup.
Ubuntu 18.04
g++ 7.3.0
1) Install package for libserial
apt install libserial-dev
2) check for your headers(.h) and .so files
dpkg -l libserial0
dpkg -l libserial-dev
the first command give you the directory of shared library and the second gives you the headers location.
3) Your code.
I have to change a little your code, first i delete the custom header and modifing the constuctor call to this.
SerialStream theSerialStream;
4) compile with g++
Here my compiling command
g++ -o test -I/usr/include test.cpp -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lserial -lpthread
check for the -lpthread linking option, beacuse Libserial uses mutex.
In Ubuntu/Debian make sure you have to libserial-dev package installed and use the '-lserial' flag for gcc.