flatiron implementing WP style plates - templates

How would I insert my navigation into my html file as following. (sort of wordpress style)
(I dont know what to put here for nav)
<div main>
<img scr="logo.png">
And then how do I implement the template on the with plates?
I'm using flatiron,plates,director

Plates doesn't support a way to inject html into another string.
It's used to bind DATA to your markup.
The easiest solution would be using files which can be concatenated in a sequence to form the page you want.
After choosing which components you need (let's say header.html, page2.html and footer.html) you can use plates to bind your data to the page markup and send everything back to the client.

Plates does support partials, see https://github.com/flatiron/plates#partials.
And here's another method (probably from before Plates had explicit support for partials):


Django 3.0: How to use different Boostrap versions in same template

I have made a template (Base.html) in my django project, of Bootstrap 4 which working is fine independently.
I have also made another template (Child_Base.html) which is made with Bootstrap 3 and supposed to be injected in Base.html.
But what happening here is, when I include BS3 template in first one it is ruining many things. So, I am looking for a solution in which both co-exist and doesn't spoil other one.
Code of Base.html is supposed as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
{% block bodyblock %}
Hello World!
{% include "Child_Base.html" %}
{% endblock %}
Code of Child_Base.html is supposed as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
{% block bodyblock %}
Good Morning!
{% endblock %}
In actual scenario, there is product page, displaying all the books available for user to add in cart (made in BS4) in which I want to include search box (made in BS3). But code is tangled and not so self-elaborated so I have used above examples. Thanks.
why you want this?
you either include CSS files in your templatename.html file or in a different name.css file that is linked to your template, when you include bt3 and bt4 browser DOM looks like this:
and then it gets crazy cause two different CSS files with same tags are in browser DOM.
I'm not telling this is not possible cause in frontend frameworks like vue.js you can config it to use CSS locally just for one component, but Django doesn't generate files like that so you can't have two different CSS files isolated from each other for one HTML page.
on second Thought:
maybe if you make your page.html with a scheme like this:
headers and other head tags...
include the entire bootstrap 4 css here
enter your bt4 elements here
include entire bootstrap 3 css here
enter your bt3 elements here
you should put .min.css in this may cause the browser to render the page with your desired styles as always CSS files are overwritten by lower CSS's in the file.

dotCMS - Creating a Custom page (page content-type)

My objective:
Create a news page template with header and footer and body.
The news page needs a form for a content editor to add content to with two fields: Headline and story.
Each news page requires its own SEO meta data (keywords / description title).
These stories need to be easy to find within the CMS for future editing etc etc.
What is the best way of going about this?
What I currently have is a "Page" content-type which has all the form fields I require.
To create a new news item, I currently do:
Go to Site Browser
Right-Click [myFolder]
Click "New" --> Page
Choose my page from the select box (that was the page content-type I created earlier)
I now see my form, fill it in and save/publish and I see it, but with the issues I expressed before.
I am pretty sure I am going about this in the wrong way, but what is the right way?
I am struggling to create a very basic page in dotCMS.
Here is what I want to do:
Create a form for a content editor to be able to add content to the page (Content-Type: Page called "myForm") DONE
The form contains all the default fields (seo stuff etc that comes with the Page content-type) + two extra text fields I have created (fieldA and fieldB) DONE
Create a container and add in the velocity variable names. DONE
Surround the velocity variable names in some HTML. <div>$fieldA</div> and <div>$fieldB</div> DONE
Create a new theme with a template.vtl file DONE
So that is all set up. I now go and create a new page in a folder via Site Browser choosing my new "Page" called "myForm" from the drop down menu. I see my form and enter my data, save and publish.
Result. I dont see any of my data. Just a blank page.
So I check the docs and see what I have missed.
There is a page explaining that I need to add in some velocity into my template.vtl that looks like this:
#if($dotPageContent && $dotPageContent.fieldA)
<div class="row">
#if($dotPageContent && $dotPageContent.fieldB)
<div class="row">
(link to dotCMS help page)
OK, so now when I check my page again, the data is indeed being displayed. But there is a problem. The HTML that is in my container does not get parsed.
E.g. <div>$fieldA</div> and <div>$fieldB</div> does not have the <div></div> tags.
So now I'm worried this is not the way to create pages.
The reason I chose the "Page" content-type was that it comes ready to go with the "Advanced Propertied" for the page like SEO meta data (which by the way all worked fine).
Can someone point out what I may have missed or perhaps a better way of going about this?
Thanks in advance.
If you could post your container and template code somewhere and include the links here I could help you resolve the issue for sure, but I think what might be happening is that you are confusing the Page Content Type with the Container defined Content Types.
Here is a quick explanation that might help conceptual differentiation:
What I explain in the video is that the Page Content Types are for page properties only - not content addition. Like you want a different facebook link on many of your pages, or some other special property tied to each page. To place content in a container, you use a secondary "Content" Content Type, and you add that content type to a container's code field. When a page loads, the execution happens in this order, the Page content loads, page properties and metadata are set, the page calls a template that provides the layout, the template calls containers, the containers have the code that formats the content, and then the content executes in the order that it is placed in the container by the content publisher. The Page content type is not intended to really provide any information that the front end user actually sees other than the Page Title, page url, and properties and metadata that are set "silently" in the background html of the page.
You also might find it helpful to join the dotCMS communty forum: http://dotcms.com/forum/
Hope that helps
In addition to my other post, I did do the test with what you were trying to to, in a test advanced template, and the template.vtl file does display the Page Content, as long as you actually edit your page properties and set, in this case, field A:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html class="no-js"> <!--<![endif]-->
#set($dotTheme = $contents.getEmptyMap())
#set($blah1 = $dotTheme.put("path", "/application/themes/one-pager/"))
#set($dotThemeLayout = $contents.getEmptyMap())
#set($blah2 = $dotThemeLayout.put("title", "Bear Mountain"))
#if($dotPageContent && $dotPageContent.fieldA)
<div class="row">
#set($utilClass = $pageTitle.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-'))
<body data-spy="scroll" data-target=".top-nav" data-offset="100">
<div class="body-wrapper">
<div class="content-wrapper" id="hotel">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<h2>The Lodge</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12">
<div class="wow fadeInLeft" data-wow-delay=".8s">
## Container: Default 2 (Page Content)
## This is autogenerated code that cannot be changed
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12">
<div class="wow fadeInRight" data-wow-delay="1.2s">
## Container: Default 3 (Page Content)
## This is autogenerated code that cannot be changed
<div class="image-wrapper bg-image-1 hidden-xs" data-stellar-background-ratio="0.5"></div>
<div class="content-wrapper">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
## Container: Default 1 (Page Content)
## This is autogenerated code that cannot be changed
<div class="image-wrapper bg-image-2 hidden-xs" data-stellar-background-ratio="0.7"></div>
<div class="content-wrapper">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
## Container: Default 4 (Page Content)
## This is autogenerated code that cannot be changed
Powered by Dotcms - The Leading Open Source Java Content Management System
This was tested on demo.dotcms.com: U:admin#dotcms.com / P: admin

Django base template files

I would like to ask a question about django base templates. How do they exactly work..What do I mean.
I have a base file that lets say has a static conten and a block content that changes in templates that extend the base file.
<script src="main.js"></script>
<div class="side-nav">
<!--static content here-->
<div class="content">
{% block "content"%} {%endblock%}
I have three templates that extend base.html, e.g t1.html, t2.html and t3.html. All of them have some dom elements that are edited by the main.js file importedn in base.html. My question is the following. Does it load all the page its time i render a template and thus main.js is run again or does it only render the "dynamic" content of the base file? Will the code of main.js run everytime I load a template that extends base.html?
You basically have to understand a basic difference:
Rendering in done on the Server Side
JavaScript works on Clent side.
So if JS is sent again to Client side than it will definitely run again
You can read more about Templates in Django here : https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/topics/templates/
Django put together all templates at first. After that completed page will be send to browser. Your javascript code run in browser with full page.

Django Override blocks in template from within iframe

I have a template structured as follows:
<head><title> {%block title %} Default title {% endblock %} </title> </head>
<head> <title> {% block title %} Title for frame {% endblock %} </title> </head>
<body> Main content. This is what people see on the web page. </body>
<!-- Content that I do not want to reload every time. A player, to be precise. -->
Within the iframe, I inherit templates and so on, to display my final page. The title block within the iframe gets replaced properly, and the title of the iframe is what it should be.
However, I want to replace the title of the parent frame, when I load a page inside the iframe. Is it possible to do this? I don't want to do it via Javascript, because that defeats the purpose of SEO. I want the title to be changed when the page is loaded itself, from the server side.
Thanks in advance.
You have two blocks named with name title. Rename one of them and everything should work fine. The Django template construction isn't influenced at all if you are working with iframe or with any other element.
When an iframe gets a new location it sends a request to the server and renders all of its response inside the iframe. So no it is not possible to leverage Django's template system for a change in the iframe's parent site.
I am no SEO expert but using an iframe like this will probably not be liked by a search engine anyway. You should implement the traditional click-pageload way. If you want to speed things up you can use JavaScript on top of that. Captchure your menu clicks and load the needed parts of the site asynchronously. This way both you and your search engine can be happy :)

include scala.html files in play 2.0 scala

I am trying to learn Play 2.0 with scala but I dont think i quite understand how the template system for play 2.0 works. I have used play 1.2 before and i am sort of looking for an equivalent to the #{include 'views/blah.html' /}. I essentially want to create a navbar that is rendered on all the pages.
Essentially in main.scala.html i have
#(title: String)(navbar: Html)(content: Html)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="#routes.Assets.at("stylesheets/main.css")">
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="#routes.Assets.at("images/favicon.png")">
<script src="#routes.Assets.at("javascripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
This is my header
<section class="navbar">#navbar</section>
<section class="content">#content</section>
This is my footer
and in my index.scala.html:
#navbar = {
<a href=#routes.Application.tasks>Tasks</a>
in task.scala.html:
#(tasks: List[Task], taskForm: Form[String])
#import helper._
#main("Home") {
<a href=#routes.Application.tasks>Tasks</a>
} {
task code
Now to include this navbar it seems i have to repeat this in every page this way i would have to hard code this navbar into every page. Is there a way to do this without without writing the whole navbar in every page?
I have also tried creating a navbar.scala.html file that contains
<a href=#routes.Application.tasks>Tasks</a>
and saving under views/ then importing that using #import views.navbar but then i get an error stating 'navbar is not a member of views'. I am writing this in Eclipse Java EE IDE indigo if that helps.
Dont import it but just call it:
To include any other views template into another views template,
you simple call it using: #views.html.[location].[location].[location]()
Where [location] is just a break down of it's path.
for example:
Be sure to put the "()" ie the brackets at the end of the statement if it does not take any parameters. Without the "()" you will get an error message like this:
If your template has parameters, be sure to include them when you call it, like this:
#views.html.users.interface( "name" )