Merge Google fusion tables via GQL api - google-visualization

Is it possible to merge Google Fusion Tables using GQL or other Javascript/REST API?
I see how to do it manually via the application interface (i.e. select Merge from the menubar), but wonder if that can be done programmatically? Presumably the app itself is doing that via some web-based API, but don't know if that's hidden or one that's intended to be publicly accessible.
Ideal would be dynamically SELECT... but even CREATE TABLE... would be fine.
Fusion Tables Help topic on merge

NEW answer:
The new Fusion Tables API is public, and supports programmatic merge.
OLD answer:
The currently-public Fusion Tables SQL API does not support programmatic merge. However, the new Javascript API under Trusted Tester does support it.
You can join the TT program by applying for membership in this Google Group.


Power BI Embedded Approach for 100s of SQL Targets

I'm trying to find the best approach to delivering a BI solution to 400+ customers which each have their own database.
I've got PowerBI Embedded working using service principal licensing and I have the PowerBI service connected to my data through the On Premise Data Gateway.
I've build my first report pointing to 1 of the customer databases. Which works lovely.
What I want to do next, when embedding the report, is to tell PowerBI, for this session, to get the database from a different database.
I'm struggling to find somewhere where this is explained, or to understand if this is even possible.
I'm trying to avoid creating 400+ WorkSpaces or 400+ Data Sets.
If someone could point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated.
You can configure the report to use parameters and these parameters can be used to configure the source for your dataset:
These parameters can be set by the app hosting the embedded report:
Because the app is setting the parameter, each user will only see their own data. Since this will be a live connection, you would need to think about how the underlying server can support the workload.
An alternative solution would be to consolidate the customer databases into a single database (just the relevant tables) and use row level security to restrict access for each customer. The advantage to this design is that you take the burden off of the underlying SQL instance and push it into a PBI dataset that is made to handle huge datasets with sub-second response times.
More on that here:

Issues while working with Amazon Aurora Database

My Requirments:
I want to store real-time events data coming from e-commerce websites into a database
In parallel to storing the data, i want to access the events data from a database
I want to perform some sort of ad-hoc analysis(SQL)
Using some sort of built-in methods(either from Boto3 or JAVA SDK), I want to access the events data
I want to create some sort of Custom-API's to access events data stored in database
I recently came across with Amazon Aurora(mysql) database.
I thought Aurora is one of the good example for my requirements. But when I dig into this Amazon Aurora(mysql), I noticed that we can create a database using AWS-CDK
1. No equivalent methods to create tables using AWS-CDK/BOTO3
2. No equivalent methods in BOTO3 or JAVA SDK to store/access the database data
Can anyone tell me how i can create a table using(IAC) in AURORA db?
Can anyone tell me how i can store realtime data into AURORA?
Can anyone tell me how i can access realtime data stored in AURORA?
No equivalent methods to create tables using AWS-CDK/BOTO3
This is because only Aurora Serveless can be accessed using Data API, not regular database.
You have to use regular mysql tools (e.g., mysql cli, phpmyadmin, mysql workbench etc) to create tables and populate them.
No equivalent methods in BOTO3 or JAVA SDK to store/access the database data
Same reason and solution as for point 1.
Can anyone tell me how i can create a table using(IAC) in AURORA db?
Terraform has mysql, but its not for tables, but users and databases.
Can anyone tell me how i can store realtime data into AURORA?
There is no out-of-the box solution for that, so you need custom solution for that. Maybe stream data to Kinesis Streams or Firehose, then to lambda and lambda will populate your DB? Seems easiest to implement.
Can anyone tell me how i can access realtime data stored in AURORA?
If you stream data to Kinesis Stream first, you can use Kinesis Analytics to analyze it in real time.
Since many of the above requires custom solutions, other architectures are possible.
Create connectoin manager as
"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/$dbName", //replace here with you endpoints & database name
) then
val stmt: Statement = con.createStatement()
stmt.executeQuery("use productcatalogueinfo;")
Whenever your lambda is triggering then it performs this connection and DDL operations too.

Translation of a text column in BigQuery

I have a table in BigQuery containing consumers' reviews, some of them are in local languages and I need to use a translation API to translate them and create a new column to the existing table incorporating the transalted reviews. I was wondering whether I can automate this task? e.g. using Google Translate API in BigQuery....
An alter solution to achieve this if customer review has some limited review comments in response then you can create a Bigquery function to replace values.
A sample code is given over github repository.
If you want to use an external API in BigQuery, like a Language Translation API, you can use Remote Functions (a recent release).
In this GitHub repo you can see how to wrap the Azure Translator API (the same way you can use the Google Translate API) into a SQL function and use it in your queries.
Since you have created the Translation SQL function, you can write an update statement (and run it periodically - using scheduled queries) to achieve what you want.
UPDATE mytable SET translated_review_text=translation_function(review_text) WHERE translated_review_text IS NULL

Pulling Instagram data into Google Big Query

I am new to development, so I am sorry if this is a really basic question. I am trying to access some of the data available from instagram's API as documented here.
I would like some kind of data repository to pull the data into, so I am looking at Google Big Query to see if I can pull in the data. (The ultimate place will be PowerBi so I can publish online)
Looking at the Facebook request code - is it possible to put this into Google Big query to return the data?
I am replacing the 'instagram-business-user-id' with an ID I have generated already - but it feels like perhaps it needs more markup to let Big Query know what language it is in.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Looking at the Facebook request code - is it possible to put this into Google Big query to return the data?
Yes it's absolutely possible using bigQuery API or bigQuery CLI
You can use this Psuedo workflow as an example (using BigQuery API):
Create a table in bigQuery with the desired schema for this you also have 2 options:
Save the result in 1 column with the full JSON, This means to the select you need you use JSON_EXTRACT to fetch specific data
Process the JSON in your code and save it in specific columns to simplify the select statement
Call instagram's API
Call bigQuery API or bigQuery CLI to insert the data, This link provides one option how to do this
Call bigQuery API or bigQuery CLI to fetch the data, This link provides one option how to do this

semantic logging - Azure sink query

I am using semantic logging application block and using in proc to log entries into azure table storage(SLABLogsTable). But is there a way to query the SLABLogsTable using StorageClient?
The table you use with SLAB is just a regular azure table. You can work with it the same way as with any other azure table. Here's the official documentation.