Automatic cout flushing - c++

Good day,
I wrote a Java program that starts multiple C++ written programs using the Process object and Runtime.exec() function calls. The C++ programs use cout and cin for their input and output. The Java program sends information and reads information from the C++ programs input stream and outputstream.
I then have a string buffer that builds what a typical interaction of the program would look like by appending to the string buffer the input and output of the C++ program. The problem is that all the input calls get appended and then all the output calls get posted. For example, and instance of the StringBuffer might be something like this...
Please enter two numbers to add. Your result is 5
when the program would look like this on a standard console
Please enter two numbers to add. 2
Your result is 5
The problem is that I am getting the order of the input and output all out of wack because unless the C++ program calls the cout.flush() function, the output does not get written before the input is given.
Is there a way to automatically flush the buffer so the C++ program does not have to worry about calling cout.flush()? Similiar to as if the C++ program was a standalone program interacting with the command console, the programmer doesn't always need the cout.flush(), the command console still outputs the data before the input.
Thank you,

In case someone comes looking for a way to set cout to always flush. Which can be totally fair when doing some coredump investigation or the like.
Have a look to std::unitbuf.
std::cout << std::unitbuf;
At the beginning of the program.
It will flush at every insertion by default.

I can't guarantee that it will fix all of your problems, but to automatically flush the stream when you're couting you can use endl
cout << "Please enter two numbers to add: " << endl;
using "\n" doesn't flush the stream, like if you were doing:
cout << "Please enter two numbers to add:\n";
Keep in mind that using endl can be (relatively) slow if you're doing a lot of outputting
See this question for more info


An automatic grader in c++

I am trying to write an automatic grading program for a C++ course I am teaching. Usually, automatic graders use (input,output) pairs: the submitted program reads from standard input and writes to standart output, and the grader compares it with the expected output. But I want my students to practice specific C++ constructs (and not e.g. write a program in C), so the tests are written in C++. In a simple example, I give them a main program such as:
#include "func.hpp"
int main() {
/* some 100 tests, including some randomized tests */
cout << "Grade: " << grade << endl;
The students have to submit the files func.hpp and func.cpp (for more complex assignments, some more files are required).
There is a bash script that compiles main.cpp with func.cpp, runs the program and reads the grade from the last line (It is run within a docker container, to prevent inadvertent damage to the host computer).
The problem is that a student can, from within func, print "Grade: 100" and exit.
Is there a simple way to make the grader more reliable?
I don't want to go crazy with this, but if you want to make it safe, you should put the student work in a "clean room" so to speak. This is a tedious exercise, but once done, it will be very safe. You said you run in a docker container, so I would run the student's work in a sub-process with IO redirected (to a pipe, file, or to /dev/null, depending on whether some of your assignments involve console output). That way a smart-ass student can print whatever they want, but they will only be piping it to you, not printing to the console. I'm not going to go into the code for this - I saw lots of examples I liked here on Stack Overflow by searching for "fork with redirected stdout" and it's a classic forumula you probably know.
In pseudo code, it would look something like:
main() {
<tedious setup for stdin/stdout/stderr redirection>;
int ch = fork();
if (ch == 0) {
// test clearly generates "grade" so use it as an exit code as an
// easy way to return the information you want
} else {
for (;;) {
<wait on and read stdout and stderr and do whatever you want to it - it won't go to the console, so no dirty tricks.>;
<you could analyze the student's output as part of grading, or pass it to the console with a highlight, so you know it's not your grade output>
<wait on ch to exit, get the exit code, display it as the grade and break>;
<generate some input if you want to have an assignment where the students read from stdin>;
<add a time-out on waiting for the child to exit. That way evil student can't just hang or busy-loop, whether on purpose by accident.>;
<if it seems to be hanging, you have to process id and can kill it.>;
Obviously the above is sketchy. When you loop on managing a child process, you have to check on everything simultaneously with select or something similar, but you sound like a pretty senior engineer. You get the basic idea. The students can't get away with anything if you keep their run-time environment in a child process that you manage. Plus it gives you you a platform to pull the strings of their code anyway you see fit.
Easy. When you do the analysis, just use a different main than what you gave the students as a reference program. Your version prints your secret key.
int main() {
/* some 100 tests, including some randomized tests */
cout << "The student doesn't know my version prints this next line" << endl;
cout << "Secret validation code: NCC-1701" << endl;
cout << "Grade: " << grade << endl;
A clever student who does what you suggests (prints 100 and exits), won't know about the secret message that your version prints and script validates for.
True story. When I was teaching a networking class, there was a homework assignment to implement a "stop and wait" protocol with UDP sockets. My code implemented the "client". The student's version implemented the "server". One student didn't have the networking calls working, but was clever enough to just print the expected output with sleep calls in between print statements. He would have gotten away with it if I hadn't of stopped my client program first and noticed his was still printing our lines of "incoming" data being received.

New to C++, I do not understand how to display output in a .txt file

I am very new to C++. I have my code and it displays my desired output in a win32 console.
However, my Instructor wants the output to be run through a .txt file. We have done this before with a program that had input already written within the coding.
cout << "example1....example2";
We achieved this with his exact instructions:
*1) Probably the easiest way to obtain a hard copy of the generated
program output on a Microsoft Windows platform is to run your
program from a command prompt, redirecting the output to a file.
The command line syntax would like like this:
lab1prog >lab1.txt*
My problem, however, is that I did this again for lab2 and redirected the output to lab2.txt but I need user input for this time around. When I run the lab2.exe file, my lab2.txt file outputs my "cout" statement and waits for input but I cannot enter input through a .txt file.
Please help if you can.
When you redirect the output of the program with
lab1prog >lab1.txt
then the user is still able to input data. The only problem is that she doesn't know when to enter what data. This is usually done by prompt outputs that are hidden whith the >lab1.txt.
To circumvent the problem you could abuse the error output what is not redirected with the command above.
cerr << "prompt";
To avoid this abuse you should use a "tee" program like wintee instead of redirecting with a simple >lab1.txt.
If it's acceptable to get the input from a file instead from the user you can use the input redirection.
labprog1 <input.txt >lab1.txt
If you specifically want to use a text file as input into your program, the easiest way (as Kamil Mikolajczyk mentioned) is to run it this way:
> lab1prog >lab1.txt <input.txt
On the other hand, if you need to run the program as it is, but have complete control over what to output into the file, I'd suggest using a file handle. Check out this question on how to use file handles. You could even duplicate the output on the command prompt and the file when you want by outputting it as:
fout << "My output";
cout << "My output";
You can as well output the user input into your output file for your convenience.

C++ Primer 1.4.4 — Importance of EOF and how to write in a code that will end without EOF?

Referring to two questions:
Incorrect output from C++ Primer 1.4.4
Confused by control flow execution in C++ Primer example
My question is answered in both of those posts, but I want to delve further.
First, I know this is only the beginning, but let's say I make a fully functional program that runs in a designed window. By that level, will I already know how to implement a EOF? I can't expect someone running my program to know that they need to hit Control-Z.
Is there a way to implement a specific code that functions so that it does not need me to type in an unrecognized value?
Also one guy in those questions somewhat answered the importance of EOF, but how come the program doesn't even post the final cnt - 1?
Let's say I do the numbers 10 10 10 20 20 20. Without EOF, this will only show the "10 repeats 3 times." How come the program doesn't at least type in the count "10 repeats 3 times and 20 repeats 2 times" minus the final one with white space?
lets say I make a fully functional program that runs in a designed window. By that level, will I already know how to implement a eof? I can't expect someone running my program to know that they need to hit ctrl + z.
You could either tell the user explicitly to do a specific action to end input or the design of the window itself could tell the user the information implicitly. For instance, a dialog box could ask the user to enter input and click an OK button when done.
Is there a way to implement a specific code that functions so that it does not need me to type in an unrecognized value?
It seems like you would rather use a newline character to terminate your input. An example of this usage could be std::getline. Instead of writing
while (std::cin >> val)
you could instead use
std::string line;
if (std::getline(std::cin,line))
and assume that your user's input only consists of one line of values. There are plenty of other ways to similarly achieve this task depending on how you want to constrain the user's input.
Let's say I do the numbers 10 10 10 20 20 20. WIthout eof this will only show the "10 repeats 3 times." How come the program doesn't at least type in the count "10 repeats 3 times and 20 repeats 2 times" minus the final one with white space?
Without the eof your program is still executing the while (std::cin >> val) loop since std::cin >> val has not yet received invalid input.
Since the line
std::cout << currVal << " occurs " << cnt << " times" << std::endl;
occurs after that while loop finishes execution, you don't (yet) see any information about the three 20's in the input.
When you are reading a sequence of inputs you'll need some indication when your down. That could be a sentinel value ("enter 999 to stop reading"; you'd need to detect that while reading), an invalid input ("enter X to stop reading"; when reading an int the value X is illegal and causes the stream to got into failure mode, i.e., have std::ios_base::failbit set), or the more conventional "there isn't anything more to read". For a file, the last conditions is straight forward. When reading data from the console you'll either need to teach people how to terminate the input or you'll need to use a different approach.
If you want to intercept any keypressed and react on them directly you may do so, too. You could, e.g., use ncurses and control your input via that. You could also set the concole to non-buffering (on POSIX systems using tcgetattr() and tcsetattr() to clear the ICANON flag) and deal directly with all key presses to decide whether you want to continue reading or not.
Although I'm certainly up to doing fancy I/O stuff I normally don't bother: users will understand the "end of input" character and just deal with it. That is, my input normally looks something like this:
while (in >> whatever_needs_to_be_read) { ... }
... or, if the input is genuinely line oriented
for (std::string line; std::getline(in, line); ) { ... }
The function doing this input will then be called with a suitable std::istream which may be std::cin although I have typically some way to also read from a file (in addition to the shell-privided input redirection).
BTW, despite some indications in the questions referenced, "EOF" is not a character being read. It is a character entered, though (normally). ... and it is quite conventional to "know" the end of input character (on POSIX systems a ctrl-D and on Windows a ctrl-Z). You can use other indicators, e.g., the "interrupt" (ctrl-C) but that takes more work and doesn't integrate nicely with stream. To use the interrupt chacter you'd need to setup a signal handler for SIGINT and deal with that. One slightly annoying part of doing so is that if you get it wrong you'll need to find a different way to kill the program (e.g. on POSIX using ctrl-Z to put the process to sleep and kill it via a harsher signal).

Line spacing after endl and cout?

I noticed that in the following code:
cout << "Please enter your number: ";
cin >> Number;
cout << "Is this spaced";
The output in the command window for C++ automatically puts "Is this spaced" in the next line. It spaces whatever is after the cin line without needing to use the stream manipulator (why is this called a stream manipulator?) endl. Whereas if I just have the code:
cout << "Please enter your number: ";
cout << "Is this spaced";
It won't automatically space the line with "Is this spaced". Instead both lines are joined up. I am curious to know why this is the case because I always thought that you need endl in order to create a new line of space.
cout << "Please enter your number: ";
cin >> Number;
cout << "Is this spaced";
There's more to this than meets the eye. std::cout and std::cin are - by default - tied streams. That means that std::cout is automatically flushed (i.e. any pending output flushed from any buffers inside your program out to the operating system) whenever std::cin is asked for input. That's why you can be sure to see "Please enter your number: " before the program pauses to wait for you to type. Of course, in most Operating Systems you can start typing before the program's waiting - it will echo it to the terminal and remember it to provide to std::cin later: that's also what happens when you invoke a program with a pipeline such as:
echo "123" | the_program
The input's available when the_program starts running, but sits there for cin >> Number; to attempt parsing. In this case though, there's no keyboard input for the terminal program to echo, and hence the "123\n" sequence isn't echoed to the screen between your two lines of output - without that newline "\n" your output will all appear on one line.
If you want to read from the keyboard without the keyboard input moving the cursor to the next line, you'd be best off using ncurses or some similar library. The libraries can use escape sequences appropriate to your terminal (if available) to reposition the cursor to your liking. It may be practical to code that up yourself if you have a very limited range of terminals to support (e.g. just xterm-compatible ones, VT220, or Windows command shells). It's also generally possible to suppress the printing of keyboard input, but then the user couldn't see themselves type the digits. Another option is to set the terminal to an input mode supporting character-by-character input reading (some terminals default to line-by-line so you can't see characters until return is pressed) - combining that with the suppressed echo above your program can print digits as they're typed, but not print the newline.
Separately, it's good practice to end your program's output with a newline, as some invocation environments won't show the final line otherwise. And, it's somewhat contentious but IMHO best practice not to use std::endl when you don't need to flush the output - just use \n and let the C++ iostream library buffer multiple lines and write them in efficiently sized chunks to the operating system.
Explanation of flushing
Say you have a program like this:
std::string h = "hello ";
std::string w = "world";
std::cout << h;
std::cout << w << '\n';
At some stage, the program needs to tell the Operating System (Linux, Windows etc.) about the text to be printed, letting it send it to a shell/cmd prompt (which might send it on to the screen and put it in buffers for scrollbars etc.), a file or whatever. In the grand scheme of things, it's slow for the program to tell the operating system to do this kind of thing, so the program as a whole will work faster if it remembers "hello ", adds "world" and \n (a newline) to it, then sends "hello world\n" to the operating system all at once. That intra-program storage and concatenation of data is called buffering, and the act of writing data from the buffer to the Operating System is called flushing.
By default cin ends reading stream when it receives a newline which also adds a new line.
When you use cin (std::cin) with the terminal, you often have to press enter to tell the terminal "hey, my input is done."
Enter is also translated as a newline, so it's sticking what is essentially a std::endl because you pressed Enter.
In many cases, you can use the backspace character \b to backtrack the console's current writing. It may work for you to try std::cout << '\b': it happened to backtrack in my terminal (Windows).

C++ changing output on console

What is the easiest way to display changing numbers in the console? I have a normal command line program in C++ which uses cout, but I'd like to display a percentage number representing the progress which counts up to 100 without printing a new line. How is that done? (If it matters: I'm on Windows 7)
When I’ve needed that I have just output a carriage return character, in C++ \r.
Remember to flush the output each time, e.g.
cout << "\r" << x << "% completed. " << flush;
The spaces at the end to clear previous output on the line in case of Microsoft-like fluctuating progress.
Use the backspace character.
cout << "10%";
// ...
cout << "\b\b\b20%";
I normally place a carriage return after the progress information. That way, any other output will appear normal (as long as it has enough characters in the line to completely overwrite the progress info).
cerr<<percentage<<"% \r";
By the way, I prefer to use cerr instead of cout for this kind of status/diagnostic information so that cout can be reserved for real content. This way you can redirect the normal program output to a file and still see the progress in the console. Also, with cerr, you don't have to use "flush".