I want to do array fetch for DATE in oracle with following code. It compiles alright and export all other data types correctly, except for the DATE type. The program says "ora-32146 cannot peform operation on a null date".
Any one can see where I am wrong?
Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement("SELECT AGE,CASH2, BIRTHDATE from myTable2"); /*, CASH1, CASH2, BIRTHDATE*/
ResultSet *rs=stmt->executeQuery();
string myName[400];
int myAge[400];
double myCash1[400];
double myCash2[400];
oracle::occi::Date myBirthDate[400];
rs->setDataBuffer(2, myCash2, OCCIBDOUBLE, sizeof(double),NULL);
rs->setDataBuffer(3, myBirthDate,OCCI_SQLT_DATE, sizeof(oracle::occi::Date),NULL);
while (rs->next(200)==ResultSet::DATA_AVAILABLE)
//cout << "Exporting batch..." << endl;
for(size_t i=0;i<rs->getNumArrayRows();i++)
//cout << myName[i] << endl;
cout << myAge[i] << endl;
//cout << myCash1[i] << endl;
cout << myCash2[i] << endl;
int y;
unsigned int m,d,h,mm,s;
cout << y <<"-"<<m<<"-"<<s << endl;
Figured it out.
using rs->setDataBuffer(3, myBirthDate,OCCI_SQLT_DAT, 7,NULL);
works out all right.
No good document on OCCI...
my program is reading in 2 text files, one is going into an array and one is priming read normally. The one that is being read into an array has an item code, price, quantity, and item name. When the item code matches with the code on the other text document I need to get the price associated with it and cant figure out how.
while (!purchasesFile.eof())
purchasesFile >> PurchaseItem >> purchaseQty;
cout << purchaseNum << " " << PurchaseItem << " " << setw(4) <<
purchaseQty << " # " << dollarSign << endl;
int n = 0;
if (inventoryRec[n].itemCode != PurchaseItem)
cout << inventoryRec[n].itemPrice << endl;
if (PurchaseItem == inventoryRec[itemCount].itemCode)
inventoryRec[itemCount].itemOnHand - purchaseQty;
purchaseAmount = inventoryRec[itemCount].itemPrice * purchaseQty;
cout << purchaseAmount << " " <<
purchasesFile >> purchaseNum;
There are several statements in your code that do nothing:
inventoryRec[itemCount].itemOnHand - purchaseQty;
What you are looking for is probably something like the STL map
typedef struct inventory_item_t {
inventory_item_t(const std::string& item_code, double price, int quantity) :
quantity(quanity) { }
std::string item_code;
double price;
int quantity;
} inventory_item_t;
typedef std::map<std::string, inventory_item_t> inventory_items_t;
inventory_items_t inventory_items;
inventory_items.insert(make_pair("item1", inventory_item_t("item1", 1.0, 1)));
inventory_items.insert(make_pair("item2", inventory_item_t("item2", 1.1, 2)));
inventory_items.insert(make_pair("item3", inventory_item_t("item3", 1.2, 3)));
inventory_items_t::iterator inventory_item = inventory_items.find("item1");
if(inventory_item != inventory_items.end()) {
std::cout << "Inventory Item found - item_code: ["
<< inventory_item->first
<< "], price: ["
<< inventory_item->second.price
<< "]"
<< std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Inventory Item not found" << std::endl;
I am using google protobuffer for data deserialization, but my issue is that the field values for the nested structures are not getting set. I checked the bin file in a hex editor and the values look fine. However, since the first field in my nested struct is a float and if I try to get the corresponding number of bytes and decode it into a float, the value seems fine.
Can someone advice what else I can do to check this or what perhaps is happening? I have tried using ParseFromIstream as well.
the proto file is :
syntax = "proto3";
package generatedata;
message DataSample {
DataSample_Safe DataSafe = 1;
uint32 PassReSts = 2;
uint32 Dir = 3;
message DataSample_Safe {
float ALast = 1;
uint32 ALastQf = 2;
message DataSampleMultiple
repeated DataSample finaldata = 1;
The C++ code is
fstream in("test.bin", ios::in | ios::binary);
generatedata::DataSample test_data;
while(in.read((char *) &test_data,sizeof(test_data)))
const generatedata::DataSample_Safe& veh = test_data.datasafe();
cout << "safe" << veh.alast() << endl;
cout << "First " << test_data.passrests() << endl;
cout << "Second " << test_data.dir() << endl;
Using ParseFromIstream, the code is
generatedata::DataSampleMultiple test_data;
for(int i = 0 ; i < test_data.finaldata_size(); i ++)
const generatedata::DataSample& veh = test_data.finaldata(i);
const generatedata::DataSample_Safe& check = veh.datasafe();
cout << "safe" << check.alast() << endl;
cout << "First " << veh.passrests() << endl;
cout << "Second " << veh.dir() << endl;
in the above case using ParseFromIstream, the final data size is 0
The first cout gives segmentation fault as the value of safe has not been set. However, the second and third couts are output correctly when using istream::read
I have this code where I take a hashmap, take a key and update the value. However, the loop is never ending as the code is adding new keys to the hashmap rather than updation. Please let me know if you can help :-
typedef indri::utility::HashTable< Gram*, double, Gram::hash,Gram::string_comparator > HGramScore;
HGramScore _gramScores;
HGramScore::iterator iter_score;
cout << "Sizeee " << _gramScores.size() << endl;
int count = 0;
for (iter_score = _gramScores.begin(); iter_score != _gramScores.end() ; iter_score++)
cout << "Sizeee " << _gramScores.size() << endl;
_gramScores.insert(*iter_score->first , *iter_score->second / total_score_count);
cout << count << endl;
I've been having a slight issue with my program, what I'm trying to do is develop a way for users to simulate the possible strengths of passwords. This is assuming that all passwords are permutations (weird I know, but I presume that this is to stop data from becoming even more unwieldy.) using the equation...
//n!/(n-r)! when n! = (e^-n)*(n^n) sqrt(2(pi)n). When n is number of characters in use and r is length of password
No matter what I put I receive nan as an answer. I thought that perhaps my equation was off (maybe somehow I was dividing by zero) so I reworked it and simplified it a great deal. But that didn't seem to be the problem, though I feel that this got me closer to being correct. But I had the thought that maybe numeric overflow is having an effect here? But I really don't know how to fix something like that. I tried jumping from different data types but nothing seemed to work.
I have a problem with the modulus too. It returns back numbers less than zero for time, so with my noobish knowledge that tells me that maybe I'm overflowing it again but how else am I going to use % without defining it as an int? Maybe fixing the above problem will work out this one?
I would be beyond grateful for any help given to me. How does one go about dealing with return values of nan? Is there a step by step status quo for solving it? Is it pretty much always overflow or could it be something else?
The code itself.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
const int SECONDS_IN_YEAR = 31556926;
const int SECONDS_IN_DAY = 86400;
const int SECONDS_IN_HOUR = 3600;
const int SECONDS_IN_MIN = 60;
int main()
int passwordLength ,characterSymbols;
double instructionsPerSecond, instructionSuccess;
//Equations needed
// n!/(n-r)!
//n is the number of letters in the alphabet
//and r is the number of letters in the password
// n! = (e^-n)*(n^n) sqrt(2(pi)n)
double numeratorFactorial = (pow(M_E,-characterSymbols))
// (n-r)
double characterMinusLength= (characterSymbols-passwordLength);
// (n-r)! = (e^-(n-r)) * ((n-r)^(n-r)) * sqrt(2(pi)(n-r))
double denominatorFactorial = ((pow(M_E, -(characterMinusLength)))*
* (sqrt(2*M_PI*(characterMinusLength))));
// n!/(n-r)!
long double passwordPermutation = (numeratorFactorial / denominatorFactorial);
// (passwords)* (instructions/Password) * (seconds/instruction) = sec
int passwordSeconds = (passwordPermutation * instructionSuccess)
int passwordMin = passwordSeconds / SECONDS_IN_MIN ;
int passwordHour = passwordSeconds / SECONDS_IN_HOUR;
int passwordDay = passwordSeconds / SECONDS_IN_DAY ;
int passwordYear = passwordSeconds / SECONDS_IN_YEAR;
//Explain purpose of program
cout << "This program is designed to simulate the strength of passwords." << endl;
//Ask for alphabet
cout << "But first, share with me the max number of characters you'd be using."
<< endl;
cin >> characterSymbols;
//Reflect information
cout << "We will be using " << characterSymbols << " character symbols to "
<< " construct the password.\n" << endl;
//Input length of password
cout << "\n\nWill you give me the length of proposed password?" << endl;
cin >> passwordLength;
//Repeat information
cout << "The password length will be " << passwordLength << "." <<endl;
//cout permutations
cout << "This would lead to " << passwordPermutation << " unique password\n"
<< endl;
//Ask for computer strength
cout << "How powerful is this computer? How many instructions per second " << endl;
cout << "can it accomplish?" << endl;
cin >> instructionsPerSecond;
//Read out computer strength
cout << "The computer can do " << instructionsPerSecond << " instructions/second"
<< endl << endl;
//Ask for instructions/password
cout << "The number of instructions needed to test your password is." << endl
<< endl;
cin >> instructionSuccess;
cout << "This computer can do " << instructionSuccess
<< " instructions/password" << endl;
cout << "\n\nThe amount of seconds it'll take to crack this passcode is... "
<< endl << passwordSeconds << " seconds.\n\n\n\n\n" << endl;
//Reflect all information in an easily readable table
cout << "Number of character symbols using... " << characterSymbols << endl;
cout << "Length of password... " << passwordLength << endl;
cout << "Number of permutations... " << passwordPermutation << endl;
cout << "Instructions per second... " << instructionsPerSecond << endl;
cout << "Instructions per password..." << instructionSuccess << endl;
cout << endl << endl << endl;
//Add in conversions for min, hour, day, years
cout << "Number of seconds to break..." << passwordSeconds << endl;
cout << "Converted to minutes..." << passwordMin << endl;
passwordMin = passwordSeconds / SECONDS_IN_MIN;
passwordSeconds = passwordSeconds % SECONDS_IN_MIN;
cout << "Converted to hours..." << passwordHour << endl;
passwordHour = passwordSeconds / SECONDS_IN_HOUR;
passwordSeconds = passwordSeconds % SECONDS_IN_MIN;
cout << "Converted to days..." << passwordDay << endl;
passwordDay = passwordSeconds / SECONDS_IN_DAY;
passwordSeconds = passwordSeconds % SECONDS_IN_DAY;
cout << "Converted to years..." << passwordYear << endl;
passwordYear = passwordSeconds / SECONDS_IN_YEAR;
passwordSeconds = passwordSeconds % SECONDS_IN_YEAR;
return (0);
"nan" stands for "not a number". This is happening because you have declared the variables characterSymbols and passwordLength without giving them an initial value.
You must initialize any variable before you use it - if you don't then you will have undetermined behavior. For example:
int x;
int y;
int z = x + y;
There is no way to predict what z will be equal to here because we don't know what x or y are equal to. In the same way, your code should be something like:
int characterSymbols = 10; //or whatever you want the initial value to be
double numeratorFactorial = (pow(M_E,-characterSymbols))
In this way, numeratorFactorial will have a valid value.
It appears you think you are declaring "equations" when you are actually declaring variables. You write:
double numeratorFactorial = (pow(M_E,-characterSymbols))
But characterSymbols isn't defined, only "declared". characterSymbols is declared above it, but it doesn't have a value... yet. Later on you use cin to get a value into it, but when you first declare numeratorFactorial you can't simply expect the program to insert the value into numeratorFactorial when characterSymbols changes.
Some definitions are probably in order: The statement double numeratorFactorial = some_value; creates a variable named numeratorFactorial and uses some_value to fill that variable immediately. What you want is a function, a logical statement that you can "pass values" to so values are generated when you need them. For example, for your numerator factorial:
double numeratorFactorial(double characterSymbols) {
return (pow(M_E,-characterSymbols))
int main() {
std::cout << "Numerator Factorial test: " << numeratorFactorial(5.0) << std::endl;
Note that you cannot declare a function within the main function.
This sort of thing is programming fundamentals, and it seems like you are trying to run before you've learned to walk. Get a good book like C++ Primer and pace yourself.
Im new to programming and C++ and I started making a little string type game for fun, which gives the user two options through out the program, but in the final part of the program i cant get it to output a unique option for the final input(makeCure) - which i only want to output at the end not through out the program. Hope Im making sense :/ .Iv tried and tried and tried and the more i try the more probloms I create. Iv shown below in my code where Im sure the problom lies. Any advice would much appreciated.
using std::string;
bool intro(void);
void room(bool enemy, bool data, bool cure, string description);
//player stats
string Name = "";
//enemy states
string enemyName = "";
//data stats
string dataName = "";
//Cure - Option in room7 only
string makeCure = "";
//room descriptions(string constructs)
const string room1 = "You enter the first town of infected Zombies.";
const string room2 = "You are overwelmed by Zombies, and plunder into the sewers to escape.";
const string room3 = "You make your way to safety and find yourself in the Central Town Hall.";
const string room4 = "You decide to venture into the local forest to find the finalingrediants";
const string room5 = "You venture further for the final ingrediant, into a nearby Cave.";
const string room6 = "Its time for you to face the Zombie General!!!";
const string room7 = "You work day and Night in the Labs to make the Cure.";
int main(void)
return 0;
dataName = "First Ingrediant- Zombie Rags with infected DNA";
enemyName = "Zombie Soldior";
room(true, true, false, room1);
enemyName = "Massive Zombie Rat";
room(true, false, false, room2);
dataName = "Seconed Ingrediant- StemCells";
enemyName = "Mutated Scientists";
room(true, true, false, room3);
dataName = "Third Magic-Mushrooms";
room(false, true, false, room4);
dataName = "Fourth Final Ingrediant - Coffee Beans";
enemyName = "Commander Zombie";
room(true, true, false, room5);
enemyName = "Zombie General";
room(false, true, false, room6);
return 0;
makeCure = "Elixier to Save the World";
room(false, false, true, room7);
return 0;
bool intro(void)
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
cout << "Brave Soul!!! What is your name?\n";
cin >> Name;
cout << "Ahh... " << Name << " You say.." << "How about Zombie Slayer?.. Good, glad we agree!\n";
cout << "Humanity is in need of your Help, "
<< "The world is being infected by the\n"
<< "ZD1678 ZOMBIE VIRUS \n"
<< "And we need to send you to Cape Town to stop the central spread.\n"
<< "Your task will be tough, but we know you can do it \n"
<< "Will you accept the challenge?\n\n";
cout << "1)Yes. \n"
<< "2)No. \n\n";
int response;
cin >> response;
return !(response ==1);
void room(bool enemy, bool data, bool cure, string description)
using std::cout;
using std:: cin;
cout << description.c_str() << "\n\n";
int response = 0;
cout << "Shall Our Hero continue his Quest?\n";
cout << "1) Attack the "
<< enemyName.c_str() << "\n";
else if(!enemy)
cout << "1) venture further....";
cout << "2)Pick up the "
<< dataName.c_str() << "\n";
cin >> response;
/* Trying to create the last if that only kicks in at room7( string makeCure )
* that displays the option to make the cure
* This is where my Problem is.
* Iv tried anouther if
* and else
* and while and nothing works, its just messes up everything..
* badly
} while(response < 1 || response > 2);
case 1:
enemy = !enemy;
cout << "You slay the deadly "
<< enemyName.c_str() << "\n";
else if(!enemy)
case 2:
data = !data;
cout << "You pick up the "
<< dataName.c_str() << "\n";
what you probably want to do is dynamically generate a list of possible events each time you write out the list and present it to the user, then you can match the response to the list to get what the user wants to do. like this:
enum EventType
void room(bool enemy, bool data, bool cure, string description)
using std::cout;
using std:: cin;
int currentEventChoices[ET_MAX];
int numEventChoices;
cout << description.c_str() << "\n\n";
int response = 0;
numEventChoices = 0;
cout << "Shall Our Hero continue his Quest?\n";
cout << (numEventChoices+1) << ") Attack the "
<< enemyName.c_str() << "\n";
currentEventChoices[numEventChoices] = ET_Enemy;
cout << (numEventChoices+1) << ") Pick up the "
<< dataName.c_str() << "\n";
currentEventChoices[numEventChoices] = ET_Item;
cout << (numEventChoices+1) << ") cure related string "
<< makeCure.c_str() << "\n";
currentEventChoices[numEventChoices] = ET_Cure;
cout << (numEventChoices+1) << ") venture further....\n"; // note if this is only meant to be an option if there is no enemy, put it in an else after the if(enemy)
cin >> response;
} while(response < 1 || response > numEventChoices);
case ET_Enemy:
enemy = !enemy;
cout << "You slay the deadly "
<< enemyName.c_str() << "\n";
case ET_Item:
data = !data;
cout << "You pick up the "
<< dataName.c_str() << "\n";
case ET_Cure:
//do cure stuff
case ET_Continue:
the trouble you are having is that by just using a very static next of if/else statements each time you want to match the option number to the event, it gets very complex and messy, it was fine when there was just the 4 cases of there being an enemy or not, or data or not. but now you are adding another branch with cure, its just got really complex to do it that way.
It's a bit hard to understand what you need, so tell me if it's not what you wanted.
Using braces and indenting consistently can really help with this:
do {
cout << "Shall Our Hero continue his Quest?\n";
if (enemy) {
cout << "1) Attack the " << enemyName << "\n";
} else {
cout << "1) venture further....";
if (data) {
cout << "2) Pick up the " << dataName << "\n";
if (cure) {
cout << "2) take the " << makeCure << "\n";
cin >> response;
} while (response < 1 || response > 2);
and fix "case 2" in the switch part:
case 2:
if (data) {
data = false;
cout << "You pick up the " << dataName << "\n";
} else if (cure) {
// fill in ...
You can use endl (from std) instead of '\n'. cout << "hello" << endl;
You can pass many of your global variables as arguments, so you won't need them to be global (global is bad, in general).
Much of your game can be be squeeszed into arrays and structs - being "data driven" and "table driven". I don't know if you got there already, but you can try and identify these parts.
if(enemy) ... else if(!enemy) you don't need the !enemy part. it is implied by the else.