How to unit test with jasmine and browserify? - unit-testing

Any best way to run the jasmine HTML reporter with browserify styled code? I also want to be able to run this headless with phantomjs, thus the need for the HTML reporter.

I've created a detailed example project which addresses the jasmine testing (and others) - see Discussion at my blog post
The approach in this aspect was to create a Browserify bundle for the main source code (where all the modules are exposed), and one for tests which relies on external for the main source code. Then tests can be run both in PhantomJS or a real browser.

I don't think there's a jasmine-browserify package yet, and it doesn't really match Browserify/NPM's way of doing things (avoid global exports).
For now, I just include /node_modules/jasmine-reporters/ext/jasmine.js and jasmine-html.js at the top of my <head>, and require all my specs in a top-level spec_entry.js that I then use as the entry point for a Browserify bundle that I put right afterwards in the <head>. (Note that if the entry point is not top-level, you'll have a bad time due to a long-lasting, gnarly bug in Browserify).
This plays nicely with jasmine-node as long as you don't assume the presence of a global document or window. However, you do have to remember to register your specs in that spec_entry.js, unless you want to hack Browserify to get it to crawl your directories for .spec.js files.
I'd be very interested in a more elegant solution, though, that would transparently work with jasmine-node and browserify.

If you use grunt-watchify, no need to create spec_entry.js. Just use require in your specs, and then bundle your specs with grunt-watchify:
watchify: {
test: {
src: './spec/**/*Spec.js',
dest: 'spec/spec-bundle.js'
jasmine: {
test: {
options: {
specs: 'spec/spec-bundle.js'
Then run your tests with
grunt.registerTask('test', ['watchify:test','jasmine:test']);

As all above answers are little outdated (of course it doesn't mean that they are not working any more etc.) I would like to point to this is a preprocessor for karma runner. It combines test files with all required dependencies. Such created browserify bundle is passed to karma which base on configuration runs it. Please be aware that you can choose any modern test framework (jasmin,mocha...) and browsers (phantom, chrome ..) Probably this is exactly what you need :)

You may also want to look into Karma. It really simple to setup and it will watch for changes and rerun your test. Check out this sample project that uses Karma to test a browserify/react project. You just need to add a few dependancies and create a karma.conf.js file.


Using WebStorms IDE is it possible to run only one unit test from a unit test suite?

When using WebStorms as a test runner every unit test is run. Is there a way to specify running only one test? Even only running one test file would be better than the current solution of running all of them at once. Is there a way to do this?
I'm using Mocha.
not currently possible, please vote for WEB-10067
You can double up the i on it of d on describe and the runner will run only that test/suite. If you prefix it with x it will exclude it.
There is a plugin called ddescribe that gives you a gui for this.
You can use the --grep <pattern> command-line option in the Extra Mocha options box on the Mocha "Run/Debug Configurations" screen. For example, my Extra Mocha options line says:
--timeout 5000 --grep findRow
All of your test *.js files, and the files they require, still get loaded, but the only tests that get run are the ones that match that pattern. So if the parts you don't want to execute are tests, this helps you a lot. If the slow parts of your process automatically get executed when your other modules get loaded with require, this won't solve that problem. You also need to go into the configuration options to change the every time you want to run tests matching a different pattern, but this is quick enough that it definitely saves me time vs. letting all my passing tests run every time I want to debug one failing test.
You can run the tests within a scope when you have a Mocha config setting by using .only either on the describe or on the it clauses
I had some problems getting it to work all the time, but when it went crazy and kept running all my tests and ignoring the .only or .skip I added to the extra mocha options the path to one of the files containing unit tests just like in the example for node setup and suddenly the .only feature started to work again regardless of the file the tests were situated in.

CQ - Writing Server-side JUnit tests

I've been trying to write a JUnit test case for one of my Java class which creates a page with some given properties in CQ. For it, it need to get reference of SlingRepository and ResourceResolverFactory. I was using this to get an idea on how to achieve this. In the document it says that a POST to "http://$HOST:$PORT/system/sling/junit/" path is used to execute tests on server side. But in CQ I get a 404 error for this path.
Is there any alternative URL in CQ for this? Or will really appreciate if anyone can suggest a better approach?
One approach is to use a Sling test runner to execute the JUnit tests via a browser. This is the approach you are mentioning. We had to first install the code in this JAR ( to add the code that allows the URL you listed to work. Once that code is there, this URL will allow you to run tests using the test runner's built in page to run/display tests: http://localhost:4502/system/sling/junit/). My team did this for a while, but we soon moved to a different approach--using the Intellij IDE to develop the Java code for CQ and write the JUnit tests, then executing them within the IDE using the built-in JUnit test runner. The same approach works in Eclipse. For our team this approach was superior because it allowed developers to remain in context in the IDE without having to switch to a browser to run the tests.
The key is being able to resolve the references to classes that are installed/available via CQ, such as the SlingRepository and ResourceResolverFactory classes--and other stuff we commonly used, such as the Resource, ResourceResolver, Node, and Session classes. We use a CQ extension ( to allow our CQ instance to act like a Maven repository. This allows us to export the CQ JARs so we can then reference them as dependencies in the Java projects we create whenever we may need to use some of the classes available via CQ itself.
Once we set up the project dependencies, then we were able to write code--and corresponding unit tests--within the Intellij IDE. We were able to run the tests within the IDE, allowing developers to remain in context and work on the code that will run in CQ just like they work on any Java code (including things like running tests in debug mode or with code coverage, running single tests, running all tests in a class, using keyboard shortcuts to kick off tests, etc.). For us this approach had many advantages over the browser-based Sling test runner, so I recommend this approach.
Some potential considerations:
Exporting from CQ as a Maven repo may not be the best performance--you may want to add things to your own Maven repo for faster access
You may want to script some of the steps so adding project dependencies is not a manual process, but rather is something done via an automated process
You could even export all CQ JARs--or add some scripting to parse out and repackage only the public classes--and make any CQ class available to your Java projects

How do I unit test UI via console

I know this has been asked many times but I want to be specific.
I use to use selenium. After googling it looks like I can run it via console and it gives me a bunch of text output but I rather not parse that and I want a pass/fail type of thing
Every once in a while I like to run all of my unit test on the UI not code. I don't want to submit a form with certain values, I want to see if I click this img does the dropbox beside it pop out and if i select a name will it be in the form which I'll then submit after running a few other things.
The reason I'd like this is certain features MUST ALWAYS be working so i'm ok with adjusting the unit test everytime I modify the UI for those feature. For the rest the unit test in code which checks business logic will be enough as those UIs are always changing or not very important.
It be nice if something can kickoff firefox and chrome (or webkit) but thats not required.
Like I said I'd like pass/fail, some kind of easy text to parse. Complex test is ok as I know regex but I don't want to figure out when one unit test ends or starts.
If you're using java/maven - I wrote a maven plugin for selenium that should do what you want: You generate the tests in firefox + selenium, then save the files to a directory in your maven project.
If you're not using maven you can use the project that I built upon:
From the Readme:
We use selenium IDE to record our tests. We then saved the test cases into our project in the following fashion: (Note: currently the code from selenium4j only suports one level, so don't nest your folders)
We didn't save the test suites as maven takes care of finding your tests.
The contains setup information about:
# the web site being tested
# A comma separated values of the WebDrivers being used. Accepted drivers:
# HtmlUnitDriver, FirefoxDriver, ChromeDriver, InternetExplorerDriver
# How many times we want to iterate and test
The selenium maven plugin, which is bound to the process-test-resources phase, then converts these html files into junit 4 tests in your src/test/java folder.
So you end up with:

Nexus/Artifactory like maven proxy for unit tests

I am currently working on a testsuite for a relatively large test-project. It's the test-harness of the flexmojos project. I wrote down how the testsuite works in general here:
My problem now is that currently a lot of stuff is copied to the test-local-repo in the initialize phase of the build, but not everything (Listing up everything would result in a huge pom). The build is configured to look in my main local repo first and if it can't find it there, to download it. So when the build runs, a lot of stuff is loaded from remote repos. Unfortunately this is done every time the testsuite is executed.
What I would like to do, would be to setup some sort of local nexus/artifactory-like plugin, that serves things from my main local-repo and fetches things it can't find from my main mavens repos (configured in my main settings.xml). I would now like to use this plugin to serve as main repo for my build, so the artifacts it needs are downloaded only the first time the testsuite is executed.
Please tell me there is such a thing available :-)
The best thing i know is the Mock Repository Manager Maven Plugin which simulates a proxy. The best combination is usually for integration testing of Maven plugins which usually using maven-invoker-plugin. But i think the mrm plugin should fit you needs.

Google App Engine + GWT + Eclipse: where do your unit tests live?

I'm just getting started with a project that combines GWT, Google App Engine and the Google Eclipse plugin. Where is the best place to store my tests? I normally keep my code organized Maven-style, with src/main/java, and tests in src/test/java. The default setup I get from the plugin dumped my source directly into src, which I'm not too fond of, but I'd prefer not to fight against the tools. What's the "standard" place to put unit tests in such a project?
create src/main/java, move the existing code under there
create src/test/java, add your tests here
go to Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path, add the new locations as Source Folders.
I've faced a kind of problem woth GAE testing: Some tests require an appengine-testing.jar wich conflicts with the main appengine-api-xxx.jar of the poject. That way, I was able to run tests for GAE but it conflicted with a normal run/debug launch. To be able to run the app in my local machine, I had to remove the appengine-testing.jar and then, a lot of compilation errors appeared in my test/ clases.
If you want an advice, set your test clases in another project (where you can use the jars without conflict)
Otherwise, if you got make it work, please, tell me how did you do.
Thanks a lot.
Put it where it pains you least.
GWT on Google App Engine is pretty new at this point; you are
optimistic to expect there is a "standard" place, especially since
you've already found an inconsistency in what the tools do.
Since you've already accepted the source starting at "src/", why not
put the test source in "test/"? This is certainly standard in many