Spree Starting Server - spree

I cloned the git repository onto a local machine and Amazon Web Services.
I've tried using script/server and rails s
The code is cloned using git://github.com/spree/spree.git
How do you start the server?
I'd rather use the full git so I can ultimately change the template.

Check out the section on the github page under "Working With Edge Source"
Clone the Git repo
git clone git://github.com/spree/spree.git
cd spree
Install the gem dependencies
bundle install
Create a sandbox Rails application for testing purposes (and automatically perform all necessary database setup)
bundle exec rake sandbox
Start the server
cd sandbox
rails server
I just checked it out and it works, but edge currently isn't working. You might just want to fork it and use your own fork as a gem for a standard spree-store set up.


django digital ocean git

I have set up my python, virtualenv, django environment in my digital ocean Ubuntu droplet. I have also set up SSH access to be able to deploy using git. I have set a remote url, so to push I just use "git remote live master". I have used git webhooks to push remotely. Since I used git init --bare for my remote repo, I cannot see the source code, I just see the hooks folders, etc.
The only issue is after pushing to the remote repository, how do I connect that repository to my django environment so that I can run it, access those source codes, so that I can do "python manage.py runserver"? I am a beginner to webhosting automatic deployment using git and django, I do appreciate your help.

Upgrading Redmine from 3.0.7 to 3.2.0

I am trying to upgrade my Redmine 3.0.7 that was installed from the oneclick install to the newest stable version, 3.2.0. However, when I try to run svn update, it says it is updated, but doesn't show as updated in the info on the site. I tried to follow the information here:
You can checkout the latest stable source with one of the following commands:
svn co https://svn.redmine.org/redmine/branches/3.2-stable redmine-3.2
It will create a directory named redmine-3.2 and you'll be able to update your Redmine copy using svn update in this directory.
The information from the info page on the admin section of my redmine:
Redmine version 3.0.7.stable.15164
Ruby version 2.0.0-p643 (2015-02-25) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version 4.2.3
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Subversion 1.8.8
Redmine plugins:
no plugin installed
But it didn't work. Any help would be much appreciated.
In order to upgrade to a newer version of Redmine, specifically 3.2, you will need to switch to the 3.2-stable SVN branch and then perform the upgrade.
First off, I would recommend taking a snapshot of your Droplet so that you have a working state that you can restore in case anything goes wrong with the upgrade. If you can't power off your Droplet to take a snapshot, you can back up the files and settings manually. All uploaded files should be stored in /srv/redmine/files. The database can be backed up by running the following command:
mysqldump -u root redmine | gzip > ~/redmine_db_backup.sql.gz
Then, switch to the newer SVN branch:
cd /srv/redmine
svn switch ^/branches/3.2-stable
Make sure all the requires gems are installed and up-to-date:
bundle update
Next, you'll want to upgrade the database as well so that any changes in the database structure are applied to your existing database:
bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
Finally, clear the cache and restart Passenger. This will log out all users.
bundle exec rake tmp:cache:clear tmp:sessions:clear RAILS_ENV=production
touch tmp/restart.txt
You might also want to check out the Admin -> Roles & permissions page for any new permissions.
Let me know if you have any issues. I've just tested it on a Droplet and everything went fine - so I'm hoping that everything will go smoothly for you as well.

How to 'pre-bundle' a rails app

I'm trying to bundle a rails app on an Ubuntu staging server, so that I can more or less just copy the whole thing to the production server.
Reason: I do not have privileges to install gems on production, being a managed server.
So, I ran bundle install
on the staging server
followed by scp -rC vendor/bundle user#production:~/app_dir/vendor/
I'm not seeing the website after restarting the production webserver (apache/passenger) - instead I get "403 - You don't have permission to access / on this server.".
If I run for example rails c or rake assets:precompile I get "Could not find rake-10.4.2 in any of the sources" even though rake-10.4.2 exists in the vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0/gems folder
Is my approach of bundling and copying a sound one?
How do I make the rails app on production work with the gems from the vendor-folder?

Openshift and django deployment

I am trying to deploy a django project on openshift for testgin puposes. I tried to use this process described here but can't seem to be able to work it out. I successfully create my app using
rhc app create django python-2.6
But when I try to add the git it gives me the following error
fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount parent )
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
What am I doing wrong?
At creation time, Openshift should create a directory django with a skeleton WSGI application, and git folder containing the remotes needed so you can just git push its contents to the Openshift app repo.
If you are working in another directory, you have to git init and then add the remotes to Openshift.

Searching for a project skeleton for Chef + Django on Linux

Is there a pre-existing, best practices project skeleton for Chef + Django web applications on Linux (Ubuntu preferably)?
For production Django systems our preferred setup is Supervisor, Nginx, Ubuntu and Uwsgi. Additionally we use Chef to do configuration management and Vagrant + Chef to do development environment management.
While this system is great once they're all up and running they can be very time consuming to setup properly.
My ideal solution would be pre-made Chef Github repository which was a skeleton for a best-practices Django deployment. (It would come with a chef-solo.rb ready to be used to deploy to some cloud ubuntu instance and a Vagrantfile ready to be used to create Vagrant dev machine.) Basically all you would have to do is add a Chef cookbook to deploy your application code and tweak a few settings.
Does anything like that ideal solution exist?
Here's typical chef based configuration solution:
one git repo saves chef-repo. you can use knife solo init <repo-name> to create it. Or just clone that from git repo of opscode.com
one git repo per cookbook. you can use berkshelf cookbook <your-cookbook-name> to create a full set of cookbook content including cookbook itself, test-kitchen, vagrant and berks. Please install berkshelf first via gem install berkshelf
For any other cookbooks that from cookbook community or git repo, you can use berkshelf to download them and managed as local cookbooks.