VS2010 Remote debugger stopping where is no breakpoint - c++

I am remotely debugging a dll (C++, unmanaged) for Microsoft FSX (I do not know whether this matters). The dll is compiled as "Multi-threaded-dll", since it does not work as "Multi-threaded-dll debug". My dll currently just contains a DllStart and DllStop function, this is standard in FSX.
I general debugging works (it stops at my breakpoints), but somehow the debugger also stops in places where I did not place a breakpoint. First the issue came up in the "NO Source available" flavor. After checking
Suppress "No Source Available" pane in 2010 and
No Source available
the only solution working for me was to install the mentioned extension. Now I do not get the "No source" tab anymore, but debugger still stops somewhere outside my code. I have cleaned all breakpoints as recommended in " Debugger stops when there is no breakpoint VS2010 ".
bglmanx.dll is another dll, also started by FSX. I was thinking, OK, maybe there is some ambiguity about the symbols and have renamed my functions to DllStartFSXM and DllStopFSXM (and hence being unique). No improvement.
Any ideas, hints?

It could be caused by having __asm int 3 or a DebugBreak in the other code?
Perhaps there is some way of disabling these commands or reimplmenting the DebugBreak function?


Qt Creator can't break on thrown exceptions (when using CDB as debugger)

I set Qt Creator to break when a C++ exception is thrown:
I then tested it with this code:
try {
throw std::runtime_error("error");
} catch (std::exception &e) {
qDebug("%s", e.what());
But it didn't break on throw std::runtime_error("error");. I'm using CDB, not GDB, because I'm using the MSVC Kit.
Edit: There is another question where CDB is working for the OP, even if slowly. So it should work in principle. My configuration is: Qt Creator 3.3.0, compiling with Qt4/MSVC 9.0 (x86), the debugger is CDB 6.2.9200.16384.
Edit 2: This is what I'm getting in the CDB log window (I made a diff between the CDB log with and without the breakpoint):
<bu100400 CxxThrowException
<!qtcreatorcdbext.breakpoints -t 1 -v
<!qtcreatorcdbext.pid -t 2
d*** Bp expression 'CxxThrowException' contains symbols not qualified with module name.
1 breakpoint(s) pending...
*** Unable to resolve unqualified symbol in Bp expression 'CxxThrowException' from module 'C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.7601.18201_none_ec80f00e8593ece5\comctl32.dll'.
Full CDB log (in case needed): http://pastebin.com/jhNRy9bE
Edit 3: #HansPassant's explained why it fails in the comments:
Keep in mind that you are using a very old version of MSVC++, big changes at VS2012. The pastebin shows it being out of sync pretty badly, never getting to the DLL that contains __CxxThrowException#8 (MSVCR90D.dll) before the exception is thrown. It is simple with the sxe debugger command, automatic break when any exception is thrown.. Maybe you shouldn't be using QT's UI at all, it looks too gimpy. – Hans Passant 10 hours ago
Just look at the trace, the debugger shows what DLLs it is searching for "CxxThrowException". It never gets to msvcr90d.dll. And the exception is thrown while it is searching for the symbol after which it all ends. Completely out of sync. – Hans Passant 56 mins ago
I'll just write up why this is going wrong, a workaround is going to be difficult to find. The debugger trace in your pastebin tells the tale.
The basic issue is that the communication between the debugger and the QT front-end is rather poor. And in your case it gets out of sync, QT doesn't wait long enough for the debugger to complete the command. QT tries to set a breakpoint on the msvcr90d.dll!__CxxThrowException#8 function, the one that raises a C++ exception in the Microsoft CRT. This function can be present in more than one executable file if the program uses multiple CRTs. A pretty common mishap, caused by building with /MT. And sometimes intentional if you use a well-isolated DLL that you interface with by using COM.
This takes a while as you might imagine, the complaint in the linked question, the debugger has to plow through the symbol information for every DLL that's loaded. It will take especially long if the PDB for the DLL needs to be downloaded from the symbol server and doesn't otherwise get cached so it is available the next time you debug. Not your issue afaict, it does setup the cache location to C:\Users\sasho\AppData\Local\Temp\symbolcache. Go have a look-see to verify that you do see PDBs for the operating system DLLs there.
This operation is tricky, the debugger doesn't give a good signal that it is done searching the DLLs. What the QT should do is verify the debugger feedback against the list of DLLs it obtained. It does not do that, it issues the g command before the debugger is done searching. Could be a timeout that is too short but it actually looks like QT doesn't count on the debugger performing this command in the background. A convenience to a human, not exactly very helpful here :)
There ought to be a way to configure CDB to not perform this search in the background. This is well-hidden, I don't see anything in the debugger.chm help file but it probably wasn't updated in a while. Google doesn't help either. I'd recommend you ask a question about it. Most significantly perhaps is that you have a rather major mismatch in version numbers. The compiler you use is 2008 vintage, the debugger is quite new, SDK 8.0 version, I can't tell what QT version you use.
So a possible workaround is to intentionally use an older version of CDB, one that's more likely to have been tested with the QT front-end version you use. Download the corresponding SDK version, version 6.0 matches the VS2008 time frame. I think the "Debugging Tools for Windows" was still a separate download back then and not yet included in the SDK. Another workaround is to stop relying on the friendly QT front-end and learn to drive CDB from the command prompt. Moderately more useful is WINDBG, uses the same debugging engine but has a GUI interface. Just moderate, it is still mostly prompt driven. You do lose several days of your life learning the commands however. Getting the debugger to break when an exception is thrown is trivial, use the sxe command.

How to ignore breakpoints in DLLs in Visual Studio

I'm using a 3rd party dll with no source code available. It runs perfectly fine, but every time I run my program, an annoying pop-up says "MyProgram.exe has triggered a breakpoint".
If I press continue, my program runs 100% correctly.
If I press break, I can see that the breakpoint is occurring in the 3rd party file alp41basic.dll
I have no clue why they put breakpoints in their dll. How can I disable them?
My question is identical to one that went unanswered:
I eventually checked in with the company that distributed the dll, and indeed there are breakpoints in there for reasons that I won't get into. However, if I run the program outside the debugger (even simply open the binary from windows), these popup windows do not occur.
Thank you all for your help!

What causes the Visual Studio Debugger to make some issues not reproducible?

Environment: I have a .NET 4.0 solution that references some Visual C++ projects. Visual Studio 2010.
If I build my solution and run the resulting .exe right from the bin directory, I can reproduce my bug. But if I run it hitting the "play" button in Visual Studio (or if I run the process and attach to it) I can step through the code, and everything works as normal.
For reference, the problem I'm getting is an Access Violation which is most definitely happening the C++ code.
But more broadly, I'm wondering what other reasons there might be that attaching a debugger to a process "fixes" the issue.
MS VS is working like a sandbox. When you are starting app in that sandbox, your program inherits all settings from solution properties (or just VS settings). Make sure, all your options provided for the environment are correct. If that wont solve the problem, please double check those settings and think what can prevent access violation and uncheck/check it.
If you are using external DLL, those from you system and those from IDE may have different version. They, of course, may work in both cases, but also may cause problem like access violation or subcribent out of range, depending what is changed inside those dlls.
If its Windows app, try enabling/disabling LargeAddressAware.
If you are compiling stuff for another machine with different OS, it may happen very often due to changes in memory handling by native OS. Memory can sometimes be multi-blocked, extremely fragmented or even multi-deviced, so compile your program only with compilation especially made for targeted OS/machine
debug mode uses assert() and other stuff directly linked to debugging. If something is wrong in debugging and not in release, it means that it is acceptable by machine but not by debugging insertions. In that case you are screwed but if its not appear to be problem in other debugger, well... problem solved, its debugger issue, espeially if release without debugging options is working.
most tiring method - try to pinpoint access violation address and see inside memory windows to what are you referring.
in other cases, supply us with snippet, so we can tell something more!
#Matt this cant be heap problem, it can happen but its extremely rare.
#Huytard its wont happen, without linked dll's program should't even start.
The correct and short answer. Run Windows Updates.
The correct and long answer.
It turns out my build machine hasn't been updated in a while and was using an outdated version of Visual C++ compiler. There was a bug in the compiler for .NET 4 where static constructors were not getting called first before any other types of constructors (only in Release Mode).
But here's the kicker!
If you run the process in the Visual Studio debugger OR you attach to a remote process. The static constructors DO get called first like they are supposed to! (Hence making the issue completely un-reproducible in a debugging environment -- Even in Release mode) I found the issue by placing message boxes all over the place to determine the code path.
Running the green "play" button will use the IDE's environment
Executing from the directory will use the default environment
My guess is that there are probably some DLL's or dependencies that need to be added (directory paths) to your %PATH% environment variable.
Once you identify the dependencies and double check or something with dependency walker - you can set them in a batch script and then call your application.
For example:
#echo off
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\myLibs
call MyApp.exe

Visual Studio 2012 Release only error

There are a number of errors going on here but I'm sure they are all linked, so first off I'm getting Access violation reading location exceptions at locations (generally near 0x00000000)
but I only get these exceptions in release and not in debug, even if i setup debugging to do so. Also I found where the error happens but when I step over that it goes in to a complete unrelated function that is not called in the line or in any of the functions in that line of code. But when similar code is called it still goes to this unrelated function but doesn't fail. This all only happens in release versions. I know which piece of code is causing the error as if I comment it out its all fine. Also in the watch window in release all the numbers are wrong most of the time, which has never been a problem but it could help also a added some code to it to output the values of variables to a file and the variables are all fine, the pointers are sensible, but when the exception happens it always says their 0x00000020 but when I look at the log they are fine. This is in 32 bit , but on 64 bit windows 7 in c++. Please any help would be good!
Visual Studio's debugger will cause the program to use a debug heap that can hide uninitialized memory if you use the option "Start with Debugging" to start your program, in release or debug. You can try to run your program built in the Debug configuration without the debugger attached, and then use the Attach to Process... option in the debug menu to attach to your executable.
If this doesn't help, I recommend using windbg to debug your program. For help getting started with windbg, take a look at the answers on this question.
Once windbg is configured and symbol paths are set up, you can use the "!analyze -v" option once the program crashes to get a lot of information about the crash automatically.

Dubugging a program not run within the debugger and without a crash

I left a program running last night, it worked fine for about 5 hours and then one of its built-in self-diagnostic tests detected a problem and brought up a dialog box telling me the issue. The program was built with debug information (/Zi). Is it possible to somehow get the debugger started so I can examine the value of some variables within the program? Or is it too late?
You can attach the debugger to the running process:
Debug > Attach to Process...
Just open up the program's solution first.
Assuming you've still got the error dialog on the screen you can break into the program and work back up the call stack examining variables etc.
For the future crashes ... if you have windbg or Visual Studio Professional, you can debug crash dumps, even when program isn't running. It is quite useful sometimes. See "MiniDumpWriteDump" on MSDN for more info.
Other than that it is "Attach to process".
Professional edition of Visual Studio have Just-in-Time debugger, that will kick in as soon as anything crashes, even if MSVC wasn't running. It will also locate source code (if debug info and source code are available) and open/create solution for you.
There is an option in the Debug menu to attach the debugger to a running process, IIRC.