void getBookData(bookType books[], int& noOfBooks)
ifstream infile;
string file = "bookData.txt";
if (infile.fail()) {
cout << "No file found!" << endl;
while (true) {
string line;
getline(infile, line, '\r');
if (infile.fail()) {
cout << "Line: " << line << endl;
I've tried putting the file in every location I can think of, but somehow it's not loading in. Or, more likely, I'm doing something else wrong. This isn't anything like what the end result of my code is supposed to be like, right now I'm just trying to read out my file line by line.
I guess you really need help debugging why this is happening to you.
Try adding some more code to your routine to help you determine what is going on. One thing to try is to call getcwd.
#include <unistd.h>
char buf[PATH_MAX];
std::cout << "cwd: " << getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf)) << std::endl;
This should report to you where your program thinks it is running from.
Start with that first, and I am guessing the next steps will become obvious to you.
I copy/paste this console application, which is a banking record keeping system, and I get an error for the ">" operator not having operands; if (infile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this), sizeof(*this)) > 0)
Does it have something to do with types? I read vaguely somewhere about the int needing to be overloaded or something. Anyways, idk.
Here is part of the code:
void account_query::read_rec()
ifstream infile;
infile.open("record.bank", ios::binary);
if (!infile)
cout << "Error in Opening! File Not Found!!" << endl;
cout << "\n****Data from file****" << endl;
while (!infile.eof())
if (infile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this), sizeof(*this)) > 0)
ifstream::read() does not return the number of characters read. It returns a reference to itself.
Also, dont use while (!infile.eof()): Why is iostream::eof() inside a loop condition (i.e. while (!stream.eof())) considered wrong?
Instead, test if the ifstream is in a good state after reading from it. This can done with:
if(infile) { ... }
Since infile.read(...) returns a reference to infile, this could be a possible fix:
cout << "\n****Data from file****" << endl;
while (infile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this), sizeof(*this)))
my partner wrote a bunch of code for one of my projects in a text editor, when i run the code it works perfectly.....
now i have copy and pasted all the code into qt creator, and im having an issue
stringstream ss;
string line;
ifstream myfile;
if (myfile.is_open()){
while (getline(myfile,line)){
ss << line << ", ";
else cout << "bad open" << endl;
above is the part fo my code that is having the issue, i can assure you all Instructors.txt is indeed in in the correct file, but everytime our code reaches this point imstead of opening the file i get thrown to the else "bad open" why would this be?
It's hard to say what it may be without any error code, what you can do is to improve your error message with something more meaningful (for you and for your customers):
else cout << "Error opening file: " << strerror(errno) << endl;
strerror (see reference) function returns a string for a given error code captured in by errno macro.
Otherwise you can do it much more C++ish using exceptions: first enable them for your stream:
myfile.exceptions(ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit);
Then catch them, all together is:
ifstream myfile("Instructors.txt");
myfile.exceptions(ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit);
while (getline(myfile, line))
ss << line << ", ";
catch (ifstream::failure e)
cout << e.what() << endl;
Try to rewrite file name, may be it contains characters from different encodings.
double check the working directory, chances are it is in the build folder (where the executable gets dropped)
in QtCreator you can fix this by going to projects and selecting run; there you will be able to set the working directory
I think I should begin by saying that I've just installed linux(debian) in my pc and have zero foreknowledge about doing things in linux. This problem is probably due to some really simple thing.
The relevant part of the code is similar to this:
ifstream stockNames("names.txt");
while (!stockNames.eof())
string snline;
cout << snline << endl;
this should print the first line of the file 'names.txt'. Instead it prints an empty line. And when I try to use snline as an input in another function I get the error 'Segmentation Fault'. How should I modify my code to do this? Is there any difference in usage of the ifstream in linux? Cause in windows the code works just fine
I've written the simple code below
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
string dos = "names.txt";
ifstream stockNames(dos.c_str() );
string snline;
while (getline(stockNames,snline))
cout << snline << " ";
return 0;
content of names.txt is
instead of showing those line, cout << snline produces nothing
One more update: I've written two more codes.
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
cout << "program has initiated" << endl;
ifstream stockNames("names.txt");
if( !stockNames )
cout << "unable to open" << endl;
string snline;
while (getline(stockNames,snline))
cout << snline << endl;
return 0;
Result is as I desired. First 'program has initiated', then ABC, DEFG, HBO in different lines. But when I change this part
cout << snline << endl;
cout << snline << " hey" << endl;
Then ABC DEFG HBO does not appear and instead the only output is " hey".
This is crazy, how can this be??
btw I tried to make a debug with ddd and when I check the variable snline, ddd prints the following line
(gdb) print snline
$2 = {static npos = 4294967295, _M_dataplus = {> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator> = {}, }, _M_p = 0x804c1a4 "ABC\r"}}
new mini update: when I change the relevant line as "cout << snline << " " << endl;" what's printed out is ' BC' ' FGH' ' BO' in seperate lines. Why does << operator overwrites over snline??
First of all, your while loop is wrong, because the eof flag (or any other failure flag) is set after an attempt to read from the stream fails; that means, if the attempt to read fails using getline(), the loop doesn't immediately exit, instead the loop continues which is a serious bug with your code.
So write your loop as (an idiomatic way):
string snline;
while (getline(stockNames,snline))
cout << snline;
std::getline returns istream&, which can be implicitly converted into boolean type. So if getline reads successfully, then the returned value converts to true and the loop will continue, or else it will convert to false and the loop will exit.
After the edit in your question, all I can say that you need to check the stream object before using it to read contents from the file. More specifically, you need to check if the stream has been initialized properly and it has indeed opened the input file (i.e names.txt), and is ready to read data from it.
So try doing this:
ifstream stockNames(dos.c_str() );
if (!stockNames)
cout << "file couldn't open properly" << endl;
return 0;
string snline;
while (getline(stockNames,snline))
cout << snline << " ";
Now run this, and see what it prints.
You have a dos file which uses \r\n at the end of each line. Linux doesn't recognise \r as part of the line ending so it gets included in the snline string. \r causes the next thing printed to appear at the beginning of the line so " hey" overwrites the stock names you were expecting to see.
cout << snline << " " << endl;
and you'll see what I mean
stockNames will not actually appear to reach "end of file" until it has tried to input something and received the EOF character. Therefore, you're going to want to re-write your loop as follows:
ifstream stockNames("names.txt");
string snline;
while (!stockNames.eof())
cout << snline << endl;
or much simply
ifstream stockNames("names.txt");
string snline;
while (getline(stockNames, snline))
cout << snline << endl;
To answer your question; no, there is no significant difference in how ifstream operates on Linux and Windows. Of course if you write bugged code (as the other two answers have pointed out) then you might run into problems, but I can't see how the eof bug would cause the problems you are describing.
I would concentrate on the part where you say that using snline causes a segmentation fault, that indicates a more serious issue. Could you post code that demonstrates that?
You aren't checking whether the stream opened properly.
std::ifstream stockNames("names.txt");
if (! stockNames) {
std::cerr << "Unable to open file 'names.tex'\n";
else {
// Do the rest of your stuff here.
Always check status. Don't just plow ahead and assume everything is OK.
BTW, using namespace std; is something you see in a lot of bad books that are trying to save a tiny amount of ink. Try to get out of this bad habit.
I am working on a project for a class at school. It is a simple implementation of stacks and queues. However as part of the project we are require to read opcode in from a file. The opcode is formated as follows:
append 10
append 20
append 30
push 10
push 50
push 20
push 20
My problem is when I read in the file through a standard fstream it seems to pick up some kind of weird formatting or something, and won't match comparison checks.
I am wonder what I am doing wrong, how to fix it, and if there is a better way to manipulate opcode going forward. As it is, the if-else statement always goes to if. Kind of desperately need to get this working.
#include "StackAndQueue.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
Stack leStack;
Queue leQueue;
//Read in the datafile.
cout << "Reading default file: p2datafile.txt";
fstream data("p2datafile.txt");
while (data.fail()){
cout << " failed." << endl;
cout << "Please enter path to datafile: ";
string filename;
cin >> filename;
cout << endl << "Sucess!" << endl;
//Loop through all the commands in the file
// Determine what kind of command is running
// and if parsing will be needed.
string opcode;
getline(data,opcode,' ');
if (opcode == "pop"){
cout << "popping!" << endl;
else if (opcode == "serve"){
cout << "serving" << endl;
else if (opcode == "push"){
cout << "pushing";
cout << "else!" << endl;
return 0;
I apologize if the code is difficult to read, and the general half-finished nature of it. I am still pretty new to this.
getline used in that way considers just ' ' as a delimiter, so it won't stop at newlines; moreover, you're not extracting the argument (when the opcodes has any), so it will get read as an opcode (sticked in front of the real opcode) at the next iteration.
In my opinion, you could simply get away with using just the normal operator>>. It stops correctly at any whitespace (which is what you want to do) and supports the C++ strings correctly. The important thing is to remember to extract also the argument when needed (again, with operator>>), watching for istream::fail() errors in case of bad number formatting. You may even want to have the stream rise exceptions in case of these errors (so they don't go unnoticed).
string opcode;
//Loop through all the commands in the file
// Determine what kind of command is running
// and if parsing will be needed.
int argument;
if (opcode == "pop"){
cout << "popping!" << endl;
else if (opcode == "serve"){
cout << "serving" << endl;
else if (opcode == "push"){
cout << "pushing";
data >> argument;
else if (opcode == "append"){
cout << "appending";
data >> argument;
cout << "else!" << endl;
catch(const ios::failure & ex)
cout<<"IO error"<<endl;
the problem you are most likely having stems from the way you are reading input. std::getline(..., ' ') extracts a string that ends with a space. With the given input, the first string gotten will be append, but the second will be
because there are no spaces.
How about this, instead of trying to read in an opcode exactly, read a line, and see if you can figure out if it begins with an opcode.
Rather than reading the file a word a a time, read the entire line (using std::getline) then use a std::stringstream to process the line, something like this:
std::string line;
std::stringstream linestream(std::stringstream::in|std::stringstream::out);
linestream << line;
std::string command;
if(std::getline(linestream,command,' '))
//process line - chain 'if(std::getline(linestream,command,' '))' to advance the token steam
//error blank line
I am trying to read from file:
The file is multiline and basically i need to go over each "word". Word being anything non space.
Sample input file would be:
Sample file:
test 2d
word 3.5
test 13.5 12.3
another {
testing 145.4
So I tried something like this:
ifstream inFile(fajl.c_str(), ifstream::in);
cout << "Cannot open " << fajl << endl;
string curr_str;
char curr_ch;
int curr_int;
float curr_float;
cout << "HERE\n";
inFile >> curr_str;
cout << "Read " << curr_str << endl;
The problem is when it reads new line it just hangs. I read everything before test 13.5
but once it reaches that line it doesnt do anything.
Anyone can tell me what I am doing wrong?
Any better suggestion on how to do this???
I essentially need to go through file and go one "word" (non white char) at the time.
You open a file 'inFile' but are reading from the 'std::cin' any particular reason?
* Open the file.
std::ifstream inFile(fajl.c_str()); // use input file stream don't.
// Then you don't need explicitly specify
// that input flag in second parameter
if (!inFile) // Test for error.
std::cerr << "Error opening file:\n";
std::string word;
while(inFile >> word) // while reading a word succeeds. Note >> operator with string
{ // Will read 1 space separated word.
std::cout << "Word(" << word << ")\n";
Not sure how "in the spirit" of the iostream library this is, but you could do it with unformatted input. Something like:
char tempCharacter;
std::string currentWord;
while (file.get(tempCharacter))
if (tempCharacter == '\t' || tempCharacter == '\n' || tempCharacter == '\r' || tempCharacter == ' ')
std::cout << "Current Word: " << currentWord << std::endl;
Does that work?