How can I stop tables appearing in Enterprise guide? - sas

I'm writing procedure for other users to run in Enterprise guide based on SAS 9.3. It logs various bits of information to a table. Is there any way to stop this table appearing in the process flow?
NB This is almost all done using "User written code" steps. Unfortunately the setting in the menu (see vasja's answer below) does not seem to affect UWC steps.
(I've seen this: Tell SAS not to add newly generated tables on the Process Flow but I'm using 9.3 so it doesn't work!)

A colleague ( figured out a solution.
Tables are always added to EG projects in 9.3 if, at the end of the code step, the library in which it exists is still assigned(1). So, in the question above, the trick is to clear the libname at the end of the code step.
This can further be used to "discourage" - not stop - users from meddling with temporary tables.
Create a folder in &sasworklocation called _work
Register it as a library
Save any temporary tables in this new library
Clear this library at the end of the code step
At this point the temporary table is inacessible without running a libname statement
Re-registered the library when the table is required again.
(1) Even if it's assigned using a different name, so this won't work for pre-assigned libraries.

In EG 5.1:
go to Tools - Options, select Result General:
deselect Automatically add output to the project tree.


Cumilitive log in SAS EG

Long story short - Familiar with BASE 9, now using EG (7.1) due to a new role with another company. The transition is painful, but there is one thing that bothers me the most and that is the log.
As I am sure most know, it will rewrite/refresh for every piece of code you execute.
Surely there must be an option to maintain a "running log" within the SAS code you are running/building (not necessarily for the whole project, but just for the program node within the project).
Can this be done?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Searched for some reference, but none citing the subject specifically.
Yes - from SAS's support pages:
You’ll notice that a separate log node is generated for each code node. By turning on Project Logging, you can
easily tell Enterprise Guide that you’d like a single SAS log to be generated for all of the tasks and code nodes in your
Project. This single Project Log will be created in addition to the individual logs created for each task or code node.
Helpful Hint: If Project Logging is turned on, the log represents a running log of the entire project. To
turn on the Project Logging, select Project Log in the Context Menu of the Process Flow, and then select
Turn On.

Setting MXG macro variable &SMFEXIT to CICS globally

z/OS 1.11, MXG 32.10, SAS 9.3, Batch
I'm working on upgrading MXG to 32.10 with SAS 9.3. While running a CICS report today, I received the message that MXG was taking 20x to 30x CPU processing to decompress messages because the decompression exit was not enabled. To do so, I have to set the macro variable &SMFEXIT to CICS in each run, as follows (I had already assembled and linked the exit and had it available in STEPLIB):
Other options are available but they are more complex and still need set every time I want to access the CICS data. I used it in my program and it worked fine and ran much, much faster.
I figured I'd put this into AUTOEXEC. It didn't work there. AUTOEXEC seemed to process normally with no errors, meaning there was no output at all... It may have had a warning, but that wouldn't show. Only errors display from AUTOEXEC.
I found that I could specify global option ECHOAUTO, along with SOURCE, to display AUTOEXEC processing. That has to be done either in CONFIG or as an invocation parameter. I tried both options and neither worked. I purposefully misspelled it in CONFIG and that threw an error, so I know it was being found. SAS lists the invocation parameters in SASLOG, so ECHOAUTO and SOURCE were both listed there. I received no indication that those options were working and AUTOEXEC processing just didn't go to SASLOG.
I ran PROC OPTIONS RESTRICT and nothing was restricted.
All the messages kept telling me to talk to the System Administrator. I found nothing that told me who that was, what they were supposed to do or how to find out... I sit by our System Administrator and he was no help with this because I'm the one that knows SAS. Or, I thought I did...
So, how do I set &SMFEXIT to CICS globally? Bonus for information as to why ECHOAUTO totally ignored me and information about the System Administrator. Also, where can I find information about the limitations of AUTOEXEC as in what can or cannot be there. Better yet, tell me in what guide I can find this information myself. I searched for a long time and couldn't find any of that. SAS documents are many. SAS information about these questions is either scarce or just impossible to find.
UPDATE: I am considering setting up my MXG proc so that it has a concatenation that throws in this control card ahead of the MXG/SAS programs. Seems like an awful hack... Still would like other options and answers to the ancillary issues IAAP. Thanks again.
Ah yes, the head slap... Every issue above is easily explained by the fact that AUTOEXEC is not being called! Variables aren't set. Logic isn't added to the SASLOG.
We use Windows SAS, too. We use AUTOEXEC.SAS to extensively initialize that environment. On the other hand, on z/OS, we use JCL and parameters to initialize SAS without using AUTOEXEC, so it has never been implemented.
On z/OS, the AUTOEXEC global option defaults to the SASEXEC ddname. I added the appropriate JCL to my MXG PROC to point to my AUTOEXEC member. Voila. My variable is set. The logic is available in SASLOG. Everything appears to be working, all with one simple root cause.

How to generate a list of all metadata objects deployed in SAS Platform?

I have a production environment server using SAS Platform.
Is there a way to generate a report of a list of all metadata objects deployed in this production environment?
More accurately, is there an easy point-and-click way using one of the SAS Tools (e.g. SAS EG, SAS DI, SAS SMC)? If not I am open to the "right" way of doing it.
you can try using the %MDSECDS macro which is shipped whit SAS/Foundation. This macro provide a lot of informations like you are looking for.
If you are looking to extract a list of all the objects that can be seen in the folder tree, this macro from the macrocore library will do it:
Note - if you have multiple repositories, you will need to run this for each (and set options metarepository=YOURREPO; each time).
A macro to get the list of repos is available here.

Change stored macro SAS

In SAS using SASMSTORE option I can specify a place where the SASMACR catalog will exist. In this catalog will reside some macro.
At some moment I may need to change the macro and this moment may occure while this macro and therefore the catalog will be in use by another user. But then it will be locked and unavailable to be modified.
How can I avoid such a situation?
If you're using a SAS Macro catalog as a public catalog that is shared among colleagues, a few options exist.
First, use SVN or similar source control option so that you and your colleagues each have a local copy of the macro catalog. This is my preferred option. I'd do this, and also probably not used stored compiled macros - I'd just set it up as autocall macros, personally - because that makes it easy to resolve conflicts (as you have separate files for each macro). Using SCMs you won't be able to resolve conflicts, so you'll have to make sure everyone is very well behaved about always downloading the newest copy before making any changes, and discusses any changes so you don't have two competing changes made at about the same time. If SCMs are important for your particular use case, you could version control the macros that create the SCMs and build the SCM yourself every time you refresh your local copy of the sources.
Second, you could and should separate development from production here. Even if you have a shared library located on a shared network folder, you should have a development copy as well that is explicitly not locked by anyone except when developing a new macro for it (or updating a currently used macro). Then make your changes there, and on a consistent schedule push them out once they've been tested and verified (preferably in a test environment, so you have the classic three: dev, test, and prod environments). Something like this:
Changes in Dev are pushed to Test on Wednesdays. Anyone who's got something ready to go by Wednesday 3pm puts it in a folder (the macro source code, that is), and it's compiled into the test SCM automatically.
Test is then verified Thursday and Friday. Anything that is verified in Test by 3pm Friday is pushed to the Dev source code folder at that time, paying attention to any potential conflicts in other new code in test (nothing's pushed to dev if something currently in test but not verified could conflict with it).
Production then is run at 3pm Friday. Everyone has to be out of the SCM by then.
I suggest not using Friday for prod if you have something that runs over the weekend, of course, as it risks you having to fix something over the weekend.
Create two folders, e.g. maclib1 and maclib2, and a dataset which stores the current library number.
When you want to rebuild your library, query the current number, increment (or reset to 1 if it's already 2), assign your macro library path to the corresponding folder, compile your macros, and then update the dataset with the new library number.
When it comes to assigning your library, query the current library number from the dataset, and assign the library path accordingly.

data is generated in database even if we perform preview data option in spoon

can some one suggest me best idea to overcome this situation. Iam using kettle 4.1.0 community version, here when i want to preview the data in spoon for the transformation table output, then when i click on preview data option, the data is being generated in database directly even if we are not performing Run transformation option.. how can i overcome this problem..
kiran kumar.g
Thats just how it works. Perhaps the name "preview" is badly named.
Couple of ways around it. Preview the step before the table output, and disable the hop so no data goes to table output. If the table output step is collecting several inputs, then put a "dummy" step and make that do the collecting, and then preview that.
or change your db to use a local db (via properties or jndi or even a different connection on the step) then you wont care if the db is generated.