Clojure: Marginalia: Multi Page Documentation - clojure

(run-marginalia {})
produces a single file, docs/uberdoc.html
I would prefer it to produce many files in docs/*, one per *.clj file
I really like marginalia. I have recently started using it, and it's causing me to want to write documentation, as impossible as that sounds.
However, I have this problem that whenever I write docs, and refresh, and reload uberdoc.html, I lose the part of the doc I was previously looking at. Thus, I would prefer a system where each *.clj file had it's on *.html file for documentation. Is this possible with marginalia 0.7.0?

There was a mutlidoc functionality in a previous version, but it is not at command line in the latest version. However, by running something like (multidoc! "./docs" (find-processable-file-paths "./src" #"\.clj$") {}) you should get directory of individual files. is another Clojure documentation tool (which gives separate pages - see


How to fix aws console problem (every code became oneline)

I closed my AWS console after the session ended.
And I reopened it and found every file in every directory became one line like below.
I think this is about a format setting problem or something.
How can I fix it
The format of the text you've put above is known as JSON. It looks like your JSON has been consolidated to a one liner. There are plenty of free tools to format your JSON, infact most IDE's come with the feature to do it (and if not, there's always a plugin for it!). For now, you can use an online formatter:
Just remember to use the copy button and not try copy paste it yourself to avoid ruining the format due to the collapse/expand buttons.

.How do you create a new file in Ocaml and where does it store it?

I can't seem to find the answer, how do you create a new file in Ocaml? Do you edit your file in the terminal? Where does the source code appear?
I think you're asking how to write code in OCaml, i.e., how to create an OCaml source file. (This isn't completely clear. You could be asking how to write OCaml code that creates a file.)
The details of creating OCaml source depend on your development environment, not on the language itself. So there is no one answer.
The general answer is that you can use any tool you like that knows how to create a text file. If you like working from the command line (as I do) you can work in a terminal environment and run some kind of vintage text editor from the last millennium (as I do). If you like a GUI environment, you can run some kind of "programmer's editor" from the current millennium, or really any kind of editor that creates basic utf-8 files (or even ASCII files).
Generally the editor will have to be told where to store the files that you edit. You would probably want to make some kind of folder for the project and make sure you store the text files in there.
I hope this helps! If you have any programmers nearby, they can probably get you started a lot faster than asking on StackOverflow.

How to change back to code from html created by doxygen

I batch create the documents from the code by using doxygen. However, I lost code and I didn't lose the document. I want to convert the code back from the documents. Is there any option in doxygen to do this? Thank you very much.
By the way, the documents are all html files
Doxygen is a documentation generator; it's job is to go from code to documentation. As such, it has no functionality for reversing this process. Especially since the generated HTML can change from version to version.
Documentation conversion is also an inherently lossy process. Unless you outputted all of your source code into the documentation, you're not going to be able to reconstruct everything. The best you might do is rebuild most aspects of some headers, but even then, anything that goes undocumented (like header include files and such) won't be in the HTML.

Scan for changed files

I'm looking for a good efficient method for scanning a directory structure for changed files in Windows XP+. Something like how git does it is exactly what I'm looking for, when running a git status it displays all modified files, all new (untracked) files and deleted files very quickly which is exactly what I would like to do.
I have a basic model up and running which performs an initial scan and stores all filenames, size, dates and attributes.
On a subsequent scan it checks if the size, attributes or date have changed and marks as a changed file.
My issue now comes in detecting moved and deleted files. Is there a tried and tested method for this sort of thing? I'm struggling to come up with a good method.
I should mention that it will eventually use ReadDirectoryChangesW to monitor files and alert the user when something changes so a full scan is really a last resort after the initial scan.
EDIT: I think I may have described the problem badly. The issue I'm facing is not so much detecting the changes - I have ReadDirectoryChangesW() using IOCP on multiple threads to detected when a change happens, the issue is more what to do with the information. For example, a moved file is reported as a delete followed by a create and a rename comes in 2 parts, old name, followed by new name. So what I'm asking is how to differentiate between the delete as part of a move and an actual delete. I'm guessing buffering the changes and processing batches would be an option but feels messy.
In native code FileSystemWatcher is replaced by ReadDirectoryChangesW. Using this properly is not simple, there is a good baseline to build off here.
I have used this code in a previous job and it worked pretty well. The Win32 API itself (and FileSystemWatcher) are prone to problems that are described in the docs and also discussed in various places online, but impact of those will depending on your use cases.
EDIT: the exact change is indicated in the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION structure that you get back - adds, removals, rename data including old and new name.
I voted Liviu M. up. However, another option if you don't want to use the .NET framework for some reason, would be to use the basic Win32 API call FindFirstChangeNotification.
You can use USN journaling if you are up to it, that is pretty low level (NTFS level) stuff.
Here you can find detailed information and source code included. It is written in C# but most of it is PInvoking C/C++ functions.

How do I create skeleton files, or templates, for MacVim

I have seen instructions about creating a "skeleton" file in vim. This involves creating the file, naming it "tmpl" plus the extension of the file type you are targeting (ex: tmpl.html), saving it to the "skeleton" directory, and then editing the vimrc file.
But, in MacVim, I don't see a "skeleton" directory anywhere. Googling, etc., has returned no helpful information.
Can someone point me to a helpful tutorial/white paper/whatever to walk me through this process for MacVim?
I am determined to develop some skills with Vim/MacVim!
I feel dirty giving this as an answer (because I've never done it), but googlin' gave me this: Vim Recipes: Using Templates.
Seems like you make your own skeleton directory and point the line for your .vimrc file to it.
There are a multitude of vim plugins that can handle this task. I use snipMate to perform tasks like this. You can define snippets for each file type or globally. The best part about the snippets is that you can keep hitting tab while it takes you to each "variable" within the snippet so that you can fill in the missing information quickly.