GlassFish, set context-path of webservice - web-services

I have EAR with my web-service. No war module in my application.
I mean
For JBoss I am using jboss.xml
For WebLogic I am using weblogic-webservices.xml
What about GlassFish?

It looks like this document says to use the endpoint-address-uri to set the context-root for your web service on GlassFish... That element would go into the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file.


Assembling a WebLogic Web Service Manually

I implemented webservice as described in this guide by simply creating "web-services.xml" with the following content (and offcourse i create the 'com.example.WorkFlowEntry' handler class ) :
<handler-chain name="enterWorkflowChain">
<handler class-name="com.example.WorkFlowEntry">
<init-param name="workflow-eng-jndi-name"
value="workflow.entry" />
<web-service targetNamespace=""
name="myworkflow" uri="myWorkflowService">
<operations xmlns:xsd="" >
<operation name="enterWorkflow"
invocation-style="one-way" />
My issue is that when i deploy the EAR file in weblogic 11g the '' webservice is deployed successfully and i can access the WSDL of the webservice. When i deploy the same EAR in weblogic 12c it got deployed successfully but the WSDL is not accessible i am getting 404!
Manually assembling weblogic web service is valid if you are using the
Webservice 8.1 environment. The last Weblogic version for which this
approach can be used is Weblogic 12.1.1, from Weblogic 12.1.2 release,
the 8.1 WebLogic Web services run time has been removed.
that means using the 'web-services.xml' to build your webservice is valid till weblogic 12.1.1 version. for the newer version you have to upgrade your webservice implementation as mentioned in this link which mainly go through (Upgrading a 10.x WebLogic Web Service (JAX-WS or JAX-RPC) to 12.1.x). But this solution may affect the current running clients.
In my case i cannot ask the client to change their code. So my workaround for this case is to take the current WSDL and generate the webservice manually by ant as described in this link which is describes using wsdlc Ant task to generate the following artifacts:
JWS service endpoint interface (SEI) that implements the Web service described
by the WSDL file.
JWS implementation file that contains a partial (stubbed-out) implementation of
the generated JWS SEI. This file must be customized by the developer.
JAXB data binding artifacts.
Optional Javadocs for the generated JWS SEI.

WSO2 ESB Callout Mediator axis2Configuration

I have a question regarding the WSO2 ESB callout mediator using an individual Axis2 configuration file. I would like to have the individual Axis2 configuration to be deployed using a carbon application. Unfortunately the callout mediator doesn't seem to be able to read the Axis2 configuration from the registry. I'm getting an error that the file axis2_blocking_client_proxy.xml can't be resolved when I deploy the carbon application that contains the mediation with my callout mediator.
The deployment works when I Quote a relative file path that points to the configuration file. Does anybody know if there is a way to tweak carbon application files so that distinct resources will be written to a dedicated directory on the WSO2 ESB Server?
Best regards,
AFAIU, your requirement is to deploy an axis2 configuration file using a CAR (carbon application) file. This is not a recommended approach. If you need to deploy a configuration file in to the ESB, you can deploy that during the server creation time. CAR files are used to deploy the actual implementation code rather than the static configuration files.

Use CXF client api with Java web application

How to consume Web service suing Apache CXF client API.
I have generated the client Code using eclispe but I didn't found any document specifying how to use that generated code in my web application.
How to configure CXF? I am using tomcat to run my java web appliation.
How to use the generated code?
Do I need to add anyhting in my my web.xml?
I have downloaded CXF binaries from apache CXF website but don't know which libraries are needed. I am affraid i may end up adding all the jars.
I am using Tomcat 7, Java 1.6 and plane jsp/Servlet for my application
I am new to web services.
Thanks in advance
One sample code that may help.
URL wsdlurl=SOAPWebServiceTransport.class.getClassLoader().
// MyService will be one of the service class that you have generated (with different name ofcourse)and which must be extending Service class
//getOnlineServicePort will be a method (with different name ofcourse) in your service class which will give you the interface referrer using which you'll call the webservice method
OnlinePort service= new MyService(wsdlurl).getOnlineServicePort();
Client proxy = ClientProxy.getClient(service);
//configure security user name password as required
//Add interceptors if needed
//Now you can directly call the webservice methods using the service object
you can also refer to some example one is here

Axis2 webservice client weblogic webservice client jar confilct

My application is a war deployed in weblogic 10. In one of my class, I need to make 2 webservice calls A and W. A is based on AXIS2 using wstx-asl-3.2.4.jar, W is based on weblogic webservice using jars in weblogic. I guess due to the conflict between wstx-asl and weblogic stax implementation, they can not be made at the same time.
Here is the detail of the problem:
1. If I remove wstx-asl-3.2.4.jar from web-inf/lib folder,
B is OK but A is faild due to exception: ClassCastException:weblogic.xml.stax.XMLStreamInputFactory
2. If I keep wstx-asl-3.2.4.jar in web-inf/lib folder,
A is OK but B is faild due to the exception:
[java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.BindingContextImpl.createMarshaller( at weblogic.wsee.bind.runtime.internal.LiteralSerializerContext.( at weblogic.wsee.bind.runtime.internal.RuntimeBindingsImpl.createSerializerContext( at weblogic.wsee.bind.runtime.internal.RuntimeBindingsImpl.createSerializerContext( at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SerializationContextUtil.createSerializerContext( at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SoapEncoder.encodeParts( at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SoapEncoder.encode( at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SoapCodec.encode( at at at weblogic.wsee.handler.HandlerIterator.handleRequest( at weblogic.wsee.handler.HandlerIterator.handleRequest( at at at weblogic.wsee.jaxrpc.StubImpl._invoke( at
Please advise how to make them successful together. Thanks.
in your deployment weblogic.xml file, use the <prefer-web-inf-classes> tag and set it to true for the axis2 call. And set it to false for the weblogic web service.

tomcat soapui mock web services

I have a .war file which was created from a soapui mock service via the 'deployaswar' option and deployed to Tomcat 5.5. I can successfully view the WSDL in firefox but noticed the the schemaLocation attribute for my xsd import is invalid. Here is the current URL format:
It's missing the web application name in tomcat. I verified this by constructing the correct URL and viewing the xsd:
I also noticed the other references in the xsd have the same issue. How can I correct this?
I figured this out for myself. It was a matter of using "Deploy directory or WAR file located on server" to deploy the war and setting the context path to: /
That allowed everything to work correctly.