Find all clients in network - c++

I'm writing client-server application and I need my server to find all clients in some network. I've already found some info here: Discovering clients on a wifi network, but I still don't understand how to implement this. Maybe somebody can say where I can find some code examples.
Thanks in advance.
PS. Working on c++, windows.

Generally TCP/IP is used as a communication protocol between client and server. For Windows platform Winsock library is used to implement TCP/IP. The server binds and listens on a port for incoming connections. Just like a webserver like stackoverflow listens by default on port 80 and then client (browsers) connects to it.
Here is a link to start. Here is sample
Normally all the client connects to server which listens on a well defined port. The server is only one hence the IP address and port is well know to all the client and hence they can connect to it.
In you case you want your server to have ablity to discover all the clients in the network. To achieve this the server needs to broadcast to network some message. The client will receive this message and will respond to the server that they are available on such IP and they can connect to server or provide additional information to server. Normally instead of broadcast, multicast is used which is limited broadcast. All the clients and server will subscribe to the multicast group which is a special kind of IP address. When server send a message to this multicast address all the client, which are subscribers of this address will receive this message and can respond back. Here is a sample
Edit: you can also use boost lib to implement multicast: sender eg., receiver eg.


Checking if a program is running on local network

I want to write a simple program in c++ that use tcp socket to communicate with the same program on another computer in lan.
To create the tcp socket I could make the user write the ip and the port to make the connection. But I also need to be able to autodetect in the local area network if there is any computer also running the program.
My idea was:
when the program is autodetecting for available connection in lan, it will send all ips a message via udp to a specific port, meanwhile it will also keep listening to a port waiting to eventual answer.
when the program on the other computer is opened for lan connection, it will keep listening to the a port in case another computer is trying to detect, then it will send also via udp the response messagee notifying the possibility of connection.
All the security system is another problem for which I don't need answer now.
// Client 1:
// Search for all ips in local network
// create udp socket
// send check message
// thread function listening for answers
// if device found than show to menu
// continue searching process
// Client 2 (host) :
// user enable lan connection
// create udp socket
// thread function listening for detection requests
// if request structure is right send back identification message
// continue listening for request
My question - Is there a more efficient or standard way to do something like that?
Testing whether another computer is listening on a given port is what hackers do all day to try to take over the world...
When writing a software like you describe, though, you want to specify the IP and port information. A reason to search and automatically find a device would be if you are implementing a printer, for example. In that case, as suggested by Hero, you could use broadcasting. However, in that case, you use UDP (because TCP does not support that feature).
The software on one side must have a server, which in TCP parlance means a listen() call followed by an accept() until a connection materialized.
The client on the other side can then attempt a connect(). If the connect works, then the software on the other side is up and running.
If you need both to be able to attempt a connection, then both must implement the client and server (which is doable if you use ppoll() [or the old select()] you know which event is happening and can act on it, no need for threads or fork()).
On my end, I wrote the eventdispatcher library to do all those things under the hood. I also want many computers to communicate between each others, so I have a form of RPC service I call communicatord. This service is at the same time a client and a server. It listens on a port and tries to connect to other systems. If the other system has a lower IP address, it is considered a server. Otherwise, it is viewed as a client and I disconnect after sending a GOSSIP message. That way the client (larger IP address) can in turn connect to the server. This communicator service allows all my other services to communicate without having to re-implement the communication layer between computer over and over again.

C++ UDP Socket not working to send back from server to client after receiving first packets from client

Writing a UDP client-server app in C++ (done that lots of times before in many languages in the past 15 years), but somehow this one is not working correctly.
I cannot post actual code nor minimal reproducible app at the moment but I am willing to pay for live help if anyone is available to help solve this quickly with screensharing.
I think this is a particularity with C++ sockets and the way I am using them in this specific app which is quite complex.
Basically the issue is that the packets sent from the server to the client are not received by the client, only when said client is on a separate nat.
When both in same local networking and using their local IP, everything works as expected.
Here is what I am doing :
Client sendto(...) packets through UDP to the server using a specific server host and port 12345 (and keeps sending these non-stop)
On another thread, client bind(...) on port 12345 and "" and tries to poll() and recvfrom() in a loop (poll always returns 0 here when client is on a separate nat)
Server bind() on port 12345 and "" then poll() and recvfrom() in a loop
Upon receiving the first UDP message from a client, it starts a thread for sending
UDP messages back to the client on a new socket, using the
sockaddr_in that it got from the recvfrom() to pass in the sendto() commands.
Result : Server perfectly receives ALL messages from all clients, and sends all messages back to all clients, but any client that is not on the same NAT will never receive any messages (poll() always returns 0).
As far as I understand it, when the client sends a UDP message to the server on a specific remote port (12345 in this case), it will punch a hole in its NAT so that it can receive messages back from the remote server on that port...
I tested five different client network configurations :
Local network with the server, using local IP addresses (WORKS)
Local network with the server while client is using a VPN thus going through a remote NAT (DOES NOT WORK)
Local network with the server but client is using the WAN ip address to connect to the server (DOES NOT WORK)
Client at an actual remote network from a friend's connection, behind a router (DOES NOT WORK)
Client going through a wifi hotspot created using my phone (DOES NOT WORK)
For all tests above, the server was correctly receiving all communications from clients.
I also tried forcing the port to 12345 for the sendto() instead of using the sockaddr_in as set from recvfrom(), same issue.
Am I doing anything wrong ?
If you want to help but need to see actual code, I can do that live with screen sharing and I will pay for the help.
Also, if anyone can point me to a great site where I can pay for VERY QUICK help, please let me know, I don't even bother searching google because I really want actual advice from people who tried these services, not ads trying to rip me off...
Only the original receiver socket is allowed to reply to the client, because it's the client request that opens the port in the NAT. So either use the same socket in the server to receive and reply, or get the port that the second server socket was bound to and transfer it with an initial message through the original server port, so that A can send to it and punch the hole.
It looks so strange to create two half duplex sockets when a socket is a full duplex communication object that I'd go with the first option.

Find DBus server by broadcast (or otherwise)

In my Qt application I am using a peer to peer DBus connection. Server runs on computer A, client on B, connected via DBus TCP/IP connection. Works fine.
I wonder if I can somehow find out whether the server is running and what its IP address is? So far I need to provide the correct address/port in the client.
Both, server and client run in a local network. Of course, I can use a trial and error approach and ping all machines in my network. Is there something better, something like a broadcast asking for the server, and the server responding appropriately? Is Qt providing something for this?

0MQ - get message ip

First, I want to give thanks for that amazing lib! I love it. A client is connecting himself to a server. The server should save the IP and do stuff with it later on (I really need the IP). I found that answer: but I don't understand how I get the IP out of the message (a XREP)... I think I am only able to read the ID, but the IP is managed internally by 0MQ. His second solution suggests to send the IP as part of the message, but I don't understand how to get the "public"-IP. I found that post: Get TCP address information in ZeroMQ
is pass bind a service to an ephemeral port, get a full connection endpoint ("tcp://ipaddress:port")
I don't get how this works. Does he mean something like a web-service?
In my opinion, it would be best to get the IP out of 0MQ (it has the IP already). I would even adjust 0MQ for that, if somebody could point to the place where the IP is saved, couldn't find it. The socket types are not that important, at the moment. I would prefer smth REQ-REP like. Thank you!
TL;DR answer to your question is: you can't get IP address of the peer that sent a message, using ZeroMQ API.
ZeroMQ does not expose peer IP address because it is irrelevant for the message based communication that ZeroMQ is designed for. When it is possible for ZeroMQ to get IP address of client that is connecting to server (in example using method described here), it is useless. For a longer explanation here is how it works inside ZeroMQ and any other server implementation.
Server side of the connection does not handle connected clients by the means of the hashtable that maps IP to client, but by keeping track of connected "sockets" (socket descriptors) - when a server accepts (using accept()) a connection, it receives from operating system socket descriptor to use to communicate with connected peer. All server has to do is keep that descriptor around to read() from and write() to that client. Another client that connects to server receives another socket descriptor.
To summarize: even if ZeroMQ would be able to provide you with IP of connected peer, you should not depend on it. ZeroMQ hides from you connection management so you can focus on messaging. Connection management includes reconnections, which may result in a change of IP without changing the actual ZeroMQ socket connected on the other side.
So here's an example of why you might want to get the ip address a message was delivered from: we have a server whose job it is to synchronize updates onto occasionally-connected clients (think mobile devices here, though this is an extreme example of a mobile deivce.)
When the mobile unit comes onto the network, it sends a list of it's firmware files to the server via a dealer-router connection. The server has a list of all applicable firmware files; if the client needs an update it will initiate an update via a separate mechanism.
Since the IPs for the devices can (and do) change, we need to know the IP address associated with the mobile device FOR THIS CONNECTION, i.e. right now.
Yes, we absolutely can have the client send it's IP address in the message, but that's a waste of another n bytes of valuable satellite air time, and while not pure evil, is sure annoying. Zmq already has this information, if it didn't have it, it wouldn't be able to generate replies. The address is in the socket data, there's no reason the message couldn't (optionally, for all you guys who use wired networks and think disconnects are the exception) include a reference to the socket structure so you can get the address out of it. Other than pedantic religiosity, which is far too common in zmq.
The way ZeroMQ is designed there's no information provided on the remote IP. As far as I know you have to manage this through your application by sending that information as a message of some sort.
The messages themselves use an IP-agnostic ID which has more to do with the instance of ZeroMQ running than any particular interface. This is because there may be more than one transport method and interface connecting the two instances.

Running client and server on same machine

I have both a client and server application using UDP port 25565.
In order to run these on the same machine, because only one application may bind itself to port 25565, does this mean that it is necessary for me to use two separate ports for transmitting data between the applications?
What I have in mind is the following -
Client -> 25565 -> Server
Client <- 25566 <- Server
Is this the only solution or is there another way of handling this?
Your server application open a port and wait for client to connect.
Client need to know this port in advance so it can establish a connection to the desired service.
Client can use any available ports to initiate this connection (better to use ports > 1000).
The server sees in the incomming packet wich port the client is using, so it will send anwser to it. No need to specify it in your design.
After handshake the TCP/IP connection is then identified by these 4 values : server IP, server port, client IP, client port.
No other connection could have the same four values.
To answer your question. A TCP/IP connection is bi-directional, once established, the server can send data to the client and the other way around.
I would draw the scheme like this :
SERVER port 25565 <-> CLIENT port 25566 (or any other port)
Well, no. Only the server needs to listen on the port 25565 - the client will just connect to that port. There is no reason to specify which client the port should 'use' to connect to that port. Also, once the server has accepted the connection, the port can listen for other requests.
The whole point of separate UDP ports is to eliminate conflicts among applications listening to incoming packets. Changing one of these ports is probably the best solution.
However, if you really want both programs to listen on the same port you will need to use virtual network interfaces such as TUN/TAP (there is a Windows port). Then both applications will bind to the port with tha same number but on the different network interfaces.