simple binary search tree. Segmentation Fault - c++

Just a simple BST to print numbers inorder. Couldn't figure out what I did wrong.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class bst {
bst* root;
bst* left;
bst* right;
int value;
bst(const int& numb) : root(NULL), left(NULL), right(NULL) {
value = numb;
void insert(const int& numb) {
if (numb < value) {
if (left == NULL) {
left = new bst(numb);
left->root = left;
} else {
} else if (numb > value) {
if (right == NULL) {
right = new bst(numb);
right->root = right;
} else {
} else if (numb == value) {
cout << "duplicated value" << endl;
void inorder() {
if (left == NULL) cout << value << endl;
else left->inorder();
int main() {
bst tree(5);
return 0;

Line 29 should read:
where it currently reads:
I highly recommend looking into gdb for solving situations like this.

inorder() should be:
if (left != NULL) left->inorder();
cout << value << endl;
if (right != NULL) right->inorder();
I assume the rest are correct.

Logic errors throughout.
Crash is here:
if (right == NULL) {
right = new bst(numb);
right->root = right;
} else {
The else case shold use right, not left.

At least as I see it, your fundamental design is flawed. Although I realize many text books (and such) describe a tree as a recursive structure where each node has two sub-trees, I've never found that a very good way to design the code.
At least in my experience, in actual code, you're (much) better off separating the notion of a node in the tree from the notion of an entire tree. Only the tree should be visible to the outside world; node should be hidden away inside the tree, invisible to the outside world.
class bst {
class node {
int value;
node *left;
node *right;
// ...
// ...
node *root;
I'd then split insert into two pieces: a public function that takes a value, and just forwards to the second function with the root as the starting point. The second actually traverses the three and inserts the new item:
// public interface:
void insert(int v) {
insert(new node(v), root);
// private workhorse:
void insert(node *n, node *&pos) {
if (pos == NULL)
pos = n;
else if (n->value < pos->value)
else if (n->value > pos->value)
// duplicate value.
Likewise, inorder gets split into a public and private pair, with the public providing only an interface, and the private one doing all the real work:
// public interface:
void inorder() {
// private worker
void inorder(node *n) {
if (n==NULL)
std::cout << n->value << endl;
For what it's worth: yes, I have tested this code and it does work at least with the input you used in you main. It does have shortcomings though. For example, both insert and inorder traverse the tree recursively, so a large, badly imbalanced tree could lead to stack overflow. It's fairly easy to do insertion iteratively, but for real use you usually just switch to some sort of balanced tree instead.


void insert(int ) method for BST tree/C++

I have been trying to get this function working for the longest time now. It is part of an assignment for an online course, but it seems no matter what I submit, the function fails for both the empty child test and the left child test. See code below. The main() function is deliberately commented out. Any info./input is much appreciated.
// C++ binary trees and stuff;
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class BST
int data;
BST *left;
BST *right;
//BST *root;
// BST() constructor
BST (int num)
data = num;
left = nullptr;
right = nullptr;
root = nullptr;
// constructors for root node(s), initializing as root when no values exist yet;
BST() : root (nullptr){}
BST (BST *rootNode) : root(rootNode){}
void insert (int value)
BST *newNode = new BST();
newNode = root;
if (root == nullptr)
root = new BST (value);
root->data = value;
// check if newNode's value equals the passed-in value:
if (value == root->data)
//cout << "\nWarning! Value already exists in tree, so nothing will be done.\n";
// check if value is < or > newNode's value:
if (value <= root->data)
if (root->left == nullptr)
// make a new node as the left child of this node,
root->left = new BST(value);
// recursively call insert() on tree's left side,
if (root->right == nullptr)
// make a new node as the right child of this node,
root->right = new BST(value);
// recursively call insert() on tree's right side,
BST *root;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
//...insert code here,
// create nodes,...
BST rootNode(5);
BST leftNode(4);
BST rightNode(6);
// connect the nodes to the tree via rootNode.left and rootNode.right,..
rootNode.left = &leftNode;
rootNode.right = &rightNode;
printf ("\nData (root) value = %i, rootNode.left = %i, and rootNode.right = %i\n",, rootNode.left->data, rootNode.right->data);
cout << "\n\nHello, Solar System!\n";
return 0;
Okay, here's my suggestion. You need to reformat your code. You need two classes. You need a BST, and you need a Node. The various methods to add/remove/traverse are part of the BST class. Nodes are just Nodes.
class BST_Node {
int value;
BST_Node * left = nullptr;
BST_Node * right = nullptr;
// Define constructors, etc.
class BST {
BST_Node * root = nullptr;
BST_Node * insert(int value);
void insertNode(BST_Node *node);
void insertNodeBelow(BST_Node *nodeToInsert, BST_Node *startingNode);
BST_Node * BST::insert(int value) {
BST_Node * node = new BST_Node(value);
return node;
void BST::insertNode(BST_Node *node) {
if (node == nullptr) {
if (root == nullptr) {
root = node;
else {
insertNodeBelow(node, root);
void BST::insertNodeBelow(BST_Node *node, BST_Node *startingNode) {
if (node == nullptr || startingNode == nullptr) {
if (node->value < startingNode->value) {
if (startingNode->left != nullptr) {
insertNodeBelow(node, startingNode->left);
else {
startingNode->left = node;
else {
if (startingNode->right != nullptr) {
insertNodeBelow(node, startingNode->right);
else {
startingNode->right = node;
How this works... First, the logic of how to store nodes is in BST. Nodes don't care. Second, I made methods for either inserting a value or a node. Because I think that's handy. That should be fairly easy to understand.
The root node can be null, if so, then your inserted node is now root. Otherwise it calls the recursive insertion function. Now, you could simplify this a little, but I didn't want to get too clever.
So it's simple. We look to see where it belongs relative to the point we're at (initially the root). Either we go into the left branch or the right branch. But that branch could be empty, so you just plop it right in. If it's not empty, then you recurse.
I didn't test it.

Binary Tree only adding to the the root

I'm writing a simple Binary Tree program in C++ and right now it only stores the most recent value entered at the root node eg. if I enter 10 into the tree then 9 into the tree, 9 just overwrites 10 as the root node so the tree only stores the value 9.
I've looked at multiple C++ Binary Tree solutions online and tried their version of implementing them yet I still get no success.
Here is my struct for a single node in the tree
struct TreeNode{
int value;
TreeNode *left;
TreeNode *right;
TreeNode(int value){
this -> value = value;
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
My class for the binary tree so far
class IntTree{
private :
TreeNode *root;
public :
TreeNode* getRoot();
void insertValue(TreeNode *root, int intValue);
TreeNode* searchTree(TreeNode *root, int intValue);
void inOrder(TreeNode *root);
void deleteValue(int intValue);
void deleteTree(TreeNode *root);
The Insert Method
void IntTree::insertValue(TreeNode *root, int intValue){
if(root == NULL){
root = new TreeNode(intValue);
else if(intValue == root->value){
cout << "Value already exists in the tree" << endl;
else if(intValue < root->value){
insertValue(root->left, intValue);
insertValue(root->right, intValue);
And then this method is simply called in a menu like this
cout << "Enter Value to Insert : " << endl;
input = readInt();
theTree.insertValue(theTree.getRoot(), input);
The logic all seems fine to me, apart from that I've tried not using a constructor and just induvidually setting the variable, having two functions for inserting one with just the int parameter which so I don't have to use the getRoot() later on and a million other things which I've forgotten
The answer is simple, the pointer you are modifying is only a copy, so the copy is discarded at the end of the function and you have lost memory. You need to take a reference on the pointer to actually modify it (nothing else to modify):
void insertValue(TreeNode *& root, int intValue)
This should work:
New insertvalue function call will look as below
void insertValue(TreeNode **root, int intValue)
if(*root == NULL)
*root = newNode(intValue);
else if(intValue == (*root)->value)
cout << "Value already exists in the tree" << endl;
else if(intValue < (*root)->value)
insertValue(&(*(root))->left, intValue);
insertValue(&(*(root))->right, intValue);
int main()
//initial code
insertvalue(&root,value) //root is a single pointer variable.
//code for printing the tree
There are many less complex ways to implement the same. i have just modified your code.

Trouble in traversing BST

I started learning about trees and tried writing the code for BST. Unfortunately i am having trouble displaying the tree datas. I am trying to implement Depth-first traversal. But have no idea how to implement it. Below is my code
using namespace std;
class node
int data;
node *left,*right;
class btree
node *root;
void insert(int value)
{node *temp=new node;
if(root == NULL)
insertHelper(root, value);
void insertHelper(node* Node, int value)
if(value < Node->data)
if(Node->left == NULL)
Node->left=new node;
insertHelper(Node->left, value);
if(Node->right== NULL)
Node->right = new node;
insertHelper(Node->right, value);
void disp()
void disphelper(node *tmp)
int main()
btree binarytree;
the output is
Can anyone please tell me why 30 is not displayed?
MODIFY your code to
void disphelper(node *tmp)
if(tmp == NULL)
cout<<tmp->data<<endl; // print data for current node
if(tmp->left!=NULL) // traverse left branch
if(tmp->right!=NULL) // traverse right branch
And it should work.
void disp()
The reason you're not getting any output here is that in disphelper() you are first checking whether the left node is NULL and then changing it when you recurse into it. Same when you recurse into the right node.
void disphelper(node *tmp)
//tmp=tmp->left; // Get rid of this.
disphelper(tmp->left); // Use this.
//tmp=tmp->right; // Get rid of this
disphelper(tmp->right); // Use this.
Instead of changing the value of temp, which should be the same for both comparisons, just pass the left or right node in.
Two other things. Firstly, you're leaking memory like mad here: In your insert(), you create a new object every time, but only use it the first time, every other time it leaks. Your node class should be taking care of memory by having a destructor which deletes both nodes.
Secondly, before you post code, could you please take the trouble to format it so that the indentation is consistent? It's not the pain it use to be to do this - a lot of editors will do it for you or you can use the excellent Astyle. I know it's a small point but it's irritating for those who read your code - including, presumably the guy who's going to mark you homework! Thanks :-)

How to find the minimal element of a BST?

I'm a beginner to c++ and am having problems with finding the minimal element of a BST. The BST is implemented in this way:
class Tree{
struct Node {
int Element;
Node *Left, *Right;
Node(int Element) : Element(Element), Left(0), Right(0){}
Node *Root;
void InOrder(void(*Action)(int&), Node *Current);
void Destroy(Node *Current);
Tree() : Root(0){}
void Insert(int Element);
void InOrder(void(*Action)(int&)) {InOrder(Action,Root);}
void Destroy() {Destroy(Root);}
The InOrder, Destroy and Insert methods are implemented like this:
void Tree::Insert(int Element) {
Node *NewElement = new Node(Element);
if(!Root) Root = NewElement;
else {
Node *Previous, *Current = Root;
while(Current) {
Previous = Current;
if(Element < Current->Element) Current = Current->Left;
else Current = Current->Right;
if(Element < Previous->Element) Previous->Left = NewElement;
else Previous->Right = NewElement;
void Tree::InOrder(void(*Action)(int&),Node *Current) {
if(Current) {
void Tree::Destroy(Node *Current) {
if(Current) {
delete Current;
And the main function and function which I use to print the numbers look like this:
void Print(int &e) {
cout << e << endl;
int main() {
Tree t;
while(1) {
int Number;
cout << "Insert number (insert 0 to end): ";
cin >> Number;
if(Number == 0) break;
As you may noticed, the InOrder method is implemented also, maybe it can be used in some way to help solve my problem... Sorry for my bad English :/
The minimal value would be the first value that calls Action in the above code. Go left as far as you can, and the minimal value you shall find...

c++ binarysearchtree insert

I'm working on a project where I have to make a binary search tree that stores strings and takes account of doubles. While i've already tackled the specifics, I can't for the life of me get this damn insert function to work. It seems to only store the root node, leaving it's "children" NULL even though it does actually seem to assign the left and right pointers to new nodes. However when I attempt to output it, only the main parent (root) node exists. I guess the changes do not get saved for whatever reason.
Here's the header file:
#ifndef BST_H
#define BST_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef string ItemType;
class Node
Node(); // constructor
ItemType data; // contains item
Node* left; // points to left child
Node* right;// points to right child
int dataCount; // keeps track of repeats
vector<int> lineNumber; // keeps track of line numbers
class Tree
Tree(); // constructor
// ~Tree(); // destructor. not working.
bool isEmpty(); // tests for empty tree
Node* find(Node* root, ItemType item); // finds an item
void insert(Node* root, ItemType item, int lineN, Tree tree); // inserts an item
void outputTree(Node* root); // lists all items in tree
void treeStats(Tree tree); // outputs tree stats
void clearTree(); // erases the tree (restart)
Node* getRoot(); // returns the root
void setRoot(Node*& root);
// void getHeight(Tree *root); // gets height of tree
Node* root; // root of tree
int nodeCount; // number of nodes
#include "BST.h"
bool setRootQ = true;
/** Node constructor- creates a node, sets children
* to NULL and ups the count. */
left = right = NULL;
dataCount = 1;
/** Tree constructor- creates instance of tree
* and sets parameters to NULL */
root = NULL;
nodeCount = 0;
/** Destructor- deallocates tree/node data;
if(this->root->left) // if a left child is present
delete this->root->left; //recursive call to destructor ("~Tree(->left)")
this->root->left = NULL;
if(this->root->right) // if a right child is present
delete this->root->right; //recursive call to destructor
this->root->right = NULL;
} */
/** Returns true if tree is empty.
* Otherwise returns false (DUH). */
bool Tree::isEmpty()
return root == NULL;
/** Searches tree for item; returns the node if found
* #param root- tree node.
* item- data to look for. */
Node* Tree::find(Node* root, ItemType item)
if(root == NULL) // if empty node
return NULL;
else if(item == root->data) // if found
return root;
else if(item < root->data) // if item is less than node
find(root->left, item);
else if(item > root->data) // if item is more than node
find(root->right, item);
return NULL;
/** Adds a new node to the tree. If duplicate, increases count.
* #param item- data to insert.
* root- tree node/ */
void Tree::insert(Node* root, ItemType item, int lineN, Tree tree)
Node* temp = find(tree.getRoot(), item);
if(temp != NULL) // if item already exists
temp->dataCount += 1;
if(root == NULL) // if there is an empty space
root = new Node; // insert new node
root->data = item; // w/ data value
setRootQ = false;
if(item < root->data)
insert(root->left, item, lineN, tree);
if(item > root->data)
insert(root->right, item, lineN, tree);
/** Outputs tree to console in inorder.
* #param root- tree root. */
void Tree::outputTree(Node* root)
if(isEmpty()) // if empty tree
cout << "Error: No items in tree" << endl; // error message
if(root->left != NULL)
cout << "- " << root->data << " (" << root->dataCount << ") line#s: ";
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < root->lineNumber.size(); i++)
cout << root->lineNumber[i] << ", ";
cout << endl;
if(root->right != NULL)
/** Displays tree stats including number of nodes,
* tree height, and more frequent item.
* #param tree- tree instance. */
void Tree::treeStats(Tree tree)
cout << "Number of entries: " << nodeCount << endl;
// unfinished
/** Clears tree.
void Tree::clearTree()
} */
/** Returns the root of the tree. */
Node* Tree::getRoot()
return root;
void Tree::setRoot(Node*& rootS)
root = rootS;
I realize my destructor isn't working but I'll tackle that myself later. I've been pulling my hair out over this trying to figure out what I'm missing, but to no avail. If anyone can give me any help and point me in the direction towards a solution I would greatly appreciate it.
i think it might have something to do with
void Tree::insert(Node* root, ItemType item, int lineN, Tree tree)
and instead should be something like
void Tree::insert(Node* &root, ItemType item, int lineN, Tree tree)
but when i try i get a "no matching function" error. :/
The solution you suggest yourself (with insert() taking Node *& root) will work. You have to make a corresponding change to the .h file, AND also change getRoot() to return Node *& in both .h and .cc files.
This will work. But your code has other problems. For example, setRoot and setRootQ don't do anything useful, as far as I can tell. The fourth argument to insert() only confuses things and does nothing to detect duplicates. It should be removed. To detect a duplicate simply do if (item == root->data) just before you do if (item < root->data) in the insert() method (i.e. it'll be even more similar to find()).
Also, if anyone besides you will ever use your code, you shouldn't require passing in getRoot() to methods like find() and insert(). Instead, create private helper methods, like find_helper(Node*, Item) and insert_helper(Node*&,Item), and have the public methods call them with the root node as the first argument. E.g.:
Node *find(Item item) { return find_helper(root, item); }
This would also make the weird return type of getRoot() unnecessary, and you could change it back to returning the plain Node*, or get rid of that accessor altogether.
Seems like there is a lot of pointer comparison occurring but the pointer member variables are not being initialized. Ensure that the pointer member variables are initialized properly so that they evaluate properly in if statements.
Change from:
class Node
Node(); // constructor
class Node
Node() : left(0), right(0) {}