More graceful error handling in C++ library - jsoncpp - c++

I'm not sure if this will be a specific thing with jsoncpp or a general paradigm with how to make a C++ library behave better. Basically I'm getting this trace:
imagegeneratormanager.tsk: src/lib_json/json_value.cpp:1176: const Json::Value& Json::Value::operator[](const char*) const: Assertion `type_ == nullValue || type_ == objectValue' failed.
That happens when the input is bad. When the input - which is coming from another application of mine via memcached - happens to be bad, I would like to handle this error. You know, gracefully. Perhaps something like, "error: input for item 15006 is bad" going to the log. Not crashing my entire JSON-string-processing task.
Is this just a badly written library or is it possible to configure it more subtly?
Edit: here's some calling code:
Json::Value root;
Json::Reader reader;
succeeded = reader.parse(jsonString, root);
if(!succeeded) {
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Failed to parse JSON for key ") + emailInfoKey.str());
std::string userEmail = root.get("userId", "").asString();
std::string bodyFilePath = root.get("bodyFilePath", "").asString();
std::string msgId = root.get("msgId", "").asString();

According to the library reference:
Value & Json::Value::operator[] ( const StaticString & key )
Access an object value by name, create a null member if it does not exist.
Seems you are trying to call operator[] on a non-object, say an integer or a string (get internally uses operator[]). You are breaking the function precondition, and its an error on your side of the code, not the library. You could check if the Json::Value is an object before accessing it as such using isObject().

As I see from the JsonCpp Sourceforge repo, right now assertions aren't catchable (however it seems to be in their backlog to make throwing assertions).
Then, you'll have to test if the input is valid before calling the [] operator.
A link to the source code of the newest revision (I don't know the version you have). See line 1141:


Corrupted strings coming from libapt-pkg

I'm attempting to make a GUI package manager for Ubuntu similar to Synaptic which uses libapt but have run into a few strange bugs to do with getting information from the pkgCache. Specifically when using a pkgIterator and trying to access the FullName() and Name() properties but others like Section() are fine (you can look at documentation here).
Looking at the way Synaptic does it, it is pretty simple and I tried replicating it 1:1 with no luck.
const char *name() {
const char *n = package->Name();
if (n == NULL)
return "";
return n;
Which will usually return some garbage string that looks like a null termination was missed. The interesting thing is that all of the strings for packages in the same group from repositories will have the same garbage text while locally installed packages will have a NULL pointer and therefore will return an empty string.
Any ideas? I believe that I'm opening the pkgCache correctly and the iterator is not NULL. Theres also not many places to look online when debugging libapt so any references would be helpful as well!.

Get offset of node within rapidjson?

I am deserializing a json string into an object using rapidjson. When I encounter an issue, not with the structure of the json, but with the content, I want to report an error stating the offset of where the problem is.
Unfortunately, unless it is a parse error, I don't see where I can get the current offset of a Value within a Document. Anyone have any ways of accomplishing this?
For example:
Document doc;
if( doc.HasMember( "Country" ) ) {
const Value& country_node = doc["Country"];
if( !isValid(country_node.GetString()) )
cout << "Invalid country specified at position " << country_node.Offset()?????
Unfortunately, RapidJSON does not support this in the DOM API.
If you use the SAX API, when you encounter an invalid value, you can return false in the handler function, and the Reader will generate a kParseErrorTermination error with the offset.
The reason why this is not supported in DOM because this will incur memory overhead and may only be used rarely. Please drop an issue at GitHub if you would like to further discuss this feature with the community.

Xerces: How to check the validity of an XML file using ErrorHandler

I am trying to determine if a given XML file is valid (has proper syntax and structure), and I am using Xerces. I have been able to succesfully read proper files but when I give it files with incorrect syntax, no errors are thrown.
I have been fishing around and found out that I might have to use an Error handler and user setErrorHandler to catch the errors instead of the traditional try-throw-catch exception handling.
The problem that I am having though is that I am very confused how to declare the proper handler, set it to my parser and then read the errors if there are any that show up.
Is there any chance somebody could shed some light on my situation?
// #input_parameter from function: const string & xmlConfigArg
xercesc::DOMDocument* doc = NULL;
string xmlConfig(xmlConfigArg);
Handler handler; // I'm not sure what type of handler to use
doc = _parser-> getDocument();
//Nothing is ever caught here
You need to derive a class from ErrorHandler (< xercesc/sax/ErrorHandler.hpp >)
then overwrite all the virtual methods there.
After doing so, You can get the error code from the class you created. No exceptions will be thrown in the parsing, so you can wave the try/cache block (or keep it for a different use).

COM Error 0x80004003 (Invalid Pointer) access MS Outlook contacts

I am some ATL code that uses smart COM pointers to iterate through MS Outlook contacts, and on some PC's I am getting a COM error 0x80004003 ('Invalid Pointer') for each contact. The same code works fine on other PCs. The code looks like this:
_ApplicationPtr ptr;
_NameSpacePtr ns = ptr->GetNamespace(_T("MAPI"));
MAPIFolderPtr folder = ns->GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts);
_ItemsPtr items = folder->Items;
const long count = items->GetCount();
for (long i = 1; i <= count; i++)
_ContactItemPtr contactitem = items->Item(i);
// The following line throws a 0x80004003 exception on some machines
ATLTRACE(_T("\tContact name: %s\n"), static_cast<LPCTSTR>(contactitem->FullName));
catch (const _com_error& e)
ATLTRACE(_T("%s\n"), e.ErrorMessage());
I wonder if any other applications/add-ins could be causing this? Any help would be welcome.
FullName is a property and you do the GET operation (it's probably something like this in IDL: get_FullName([out,retval] BSTR *o_sResult)). Such operation works ok with null values.
My assumption is that contactItem smart pointer points to any valid COM object. In such case the formatting operation done by ATLTRACE can cause the problem. Internally it behaves probably like standard sprintf("",args...) function.
To avoid such problems just do something like below:
ATLTRACE(_T("\tContact name: %s\n"),
Just a guess:
Maybe the "FullName" field in the address book is empty and that's why the pointer is invalid?
hard to tell, because your code doesn't indicate which COM-interfaces you're using.
Does this make any difference?
ATLTRACE(_T("\tContact name: %s\n"), static_cast<LPCTSTR>(contactitem->GetFullName()));
In my example you format NULL value to a proper text value.
If the question is about the difference between FullName(as a property) and GetFullName() (as a method) then the answer is no. Property and method should give the same result. Sometimes property can be mapped to different methods then setXXX and getXXX. It can be achieved by using some specific syntax in IDL (and in reality in TLB after compilation of IDL to TLB). If property FullName is not mapped to method GetFullName then you will achieve different result.
So please examine file *.tlh after importing some type library to your project...

Exception handling aware of execution flow

For personn interested in a cleaner way to implemenent that, have a look to that answer.
In my job I often need to use third-made API to access remote system.
For instance to create a request and send it to the remote system:
#include "external_lib.h"
void SendRequest(UserRequest user_request)
external_lib::Request my_request;
// Meny other member affectations ...
catch(external_lib::out_of_range_error& e)
// Price , volume ????
catch(external_lib::error_t& e)
// Here I need to tell the user what was going wrong
Each lib's setter do checks the values that the end user has provided, and may thow an exception when the user does not comply with remote system needs. For instance a specific user may be disallowed to send a too big volume. That's an example, and actually many times users tries does not comply: no long valid instrument, the prices is out of the limit, etc, etc.
Conseqently, our end user need an explicit error message to tell him what to modify in its request to get a second chance to compose a valid request. I have to provide hiim such hints
Whatever , external lib's exceptions (mostly) never specifies which field is the source
of aborting the request.
What is the best way, according to you, to handle those exceptions?
My first try at handling those exceptions was to "wrap" the Request class with mine. Each setters are then wrapped in a method which does only one thing : a try/catch block. The catch block then throws a new exceptions of mine : my_out_of_range_volume, or my_out_of_range_price depending on the setter. For instance SetVolume() will be wrapped this way:
My_Request::SetVolume(const int volume)
catch(external_lib::out_range_error& e)
throw my_out_of_range_volume(volume, e);
What do you think of it? What do you think about the exception handling overhead it implies? ... :/
Well the question is open, I need new idea to get rid of that lib constraints!
If there really are a lot of methods you need to call, you could cut down on the code using a reflection library, by creating just one method to do the calling and exception handling, and passing in the name of the method/property to call/set as an argument. You'd still have the same amount of try/catch calls, but the code would be simpler and you'd already know the name of the method that failed.
Alternatively, depending on the type of exception object that they throw back, it may contain stack information or you could use another library to walk the stack trace to get the name of the last method that it failed on. This depends on the platform you're using.
I always prefer a wrapper whenever I'm using third party library.
It allows me to define my own exception handling mechanism avoiding users of my class to know about external library.
Also, if later the third party changes the exception handling to return codes then my users need not be affected.
But rather than throwing the exception back to my users I would implement the error codes. Something like this:
class MyRequest
enum RequestErrorCode
bool SetPrice(const int price , RequestErrorCode& ErrorCode_out);
external_lib::Request mRequest;
bool MyRequest::SetPrice(const int price , RequestErrorCode& ErrorCode_out)
bool bReturn = true;
bReturn = mRequest.SetPrice(price);
catch(external_lib::out_of_range_error& e)
ErrorCode_out = PRICE_OUT_OF_LIMIT;
bReturn = false;
return bReturn;
bool SendRequest(UserRequest user_request)
MyRequest my_request;
MyRequest::RequestErrorCode anErrorCode;
bool bReturn = my_request.SetPrice(user_request.price, anErrorCode);
if( false == bReturn)
//Get the error code and process
I think in this case I might dare a macro. Something like (not tested, backslashes omitted):
#define SET( ins, setfun, value, msg )
try {
ins.setfun( value );
catch( external::error & ) {
throw my_explanation( msg, value );
and in use:
Instrument i;
SET( i, SetExpiry, "01-01-2010", "Invalid expiry date" );
SET( i, SetPeriod, 6, "Period out of range" );
You get the idea.
Although this is not really the answer you are looking for, but i think that your external lib, or you usage of it, somehow abuses exceptions. An exception should not be used to alter the general process flow. If it is the general case, that the input does not match the specification, than it is up to your app to valid the parameter before passing it to the external lib. Exceptions should only be thrown if an "exceptional" case occurrs, and i think whenever it comes to doing something with user input, you usually have to deal with everything and not rely on 'the user has to provide the correct data, otherwise we handle it with exceptions'.
nevertheless, an alternative to Neil's suggestions could be using boost::lambda, if you want to avoid macros.
In your first version, you could report the number of operations that succeeded provided the SetXXX functions return some value. You could also keep a counter (which increases after every SetXXX call in that try block) to note what all calls succeeded and based on that counter value, return an appropriate error message.
The major problem with validating each and every step is, in a real-time system -- you are probably introducing too much latency.
Otherwise, your second option looks like the only way. Now, if you have to write a wrapper for every library function and why not add the validation logic, if you can, instead of making the actual call to the said library? This IMO, is more efficient.