Checking open UDP Port in C++ - c++

How can I check if a remote UDP port is open by using native C++? Since UDP is connection-less, calling connect() is not helpful. I cannot try binding it since it is not local. nmap cannot also indicate. (however netstat can find out, but I think it looks at internal information about open ports/files). Is there anyway to detect it? If I go a layer down on network level, is it possible to send a ICMP message by C++ to check port-unreachable status? I mean, would that give enough information on port status?
Platform is Linux.

I assume that you are trying to determine whether or not a UDP port on a remote machine is being passed through a firewall and/or has an application running on it.
You cannot reliably determine this. The closest you can come is to try sending a series of small datagrams to that address and port, spaced about 1 second apart for about 10 seconds.
If there are no firewalls blocking the port and no application is running, then the remote system might send back ICMP_UNREACH_PORT (port unreachable). If there are no blocking firewalls and the remote system is down, a router might send back ICMP_UNREACH_HOST or ICMP_UNREACH_NET. If a firewall is blocking you, it might send back ICMP_UNREACH_FILTER_PROHIB, but most firewalls don't send back anything.
The odds of getting any of those back are pretty slim because most firewalls block that sort of ICMP feedback. Even if an ICMP message does come back, linux generally does not let you see it unless you are running as root. Some operating systems will report ICMP errors as a failure of the next sendto() to the same address/port, which is why you need to repeat the message several times. But some do not, in which case you must open a specific ICMP port and parse any return messages.
Even if you do somehow get an ICMP message, understand that they are not reliable. For example, you could get ICMP_UNREACH_PORT even though an application is not only listening, but actively sending you data. (That's rare, but I've seen it happen.)
If an application is running on the given port and if you know what that application is and if you know how to craft a message which will cause that application to respond to you, then doing so and getting a response is the best indication that the port is open. But getting no response means nothing: maybe the port is blocked, maybe the application is not running, or maybe it just didn't like your message.
Bottom line: no, not really.

There is no bulletproof way to check if a remote port is ready to receive your UDP datagrams. Since UDP is connectionless you can just tell if the remote host is answering something meaningful to you. There may be ways to get an hint (as port scanners do) but that is nothing I would rely on in production code.


Why do my sockets stop transfering?

Ok let me be clear. I'm using TCP and that should mean a connection shouldn't interrupt unless closed or due to network problems.
So here's my issue:
Utilizing my sockets works perfectly.
After 5 - 10 min of innactivity they stop responding (the connection is still alive [checked with netstat -n]).
It tells me that data is send (but the other side doesn't receive it and I'm sure it waiting for it.)
If I keep sending, eventually it will give me WSA error 10038 (invalid socket handle).
EDIT after a few more tries of sending, it gave me error 10058 (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. )
I'm confused completely. I haven't closed the socket nor done anything to it other than inactivity. If I use it nonstop for 10 - 20 minutes, it works perfectly.
With error 10058, it's practically certain that a gateway (a proxy, or a firewall, or a router, with or without NAT) is timing out its relay of your connection.
Basically, you are not directly connected with your peer. Instead, the gateway is in between, and explicitly transfering data between its connection with you and its connection with your peer. Since sockets are a limited resource, the gateway has an eviction policy where it shuts down what look like inactive connections. If you look dead, boom, you are dead.
Your only option is to remain active, which typically means working in some kind of "heartbeat" into your application protocol. Nasty, but them's the breaks.
Unless you really know what you are doing, do not play around with TCP's SO_KEEPALIVE.
A NAT firewall may be eating your connection without telling you. Try enabling TCP keepalive.

TCP three way handshake fails

I have a C++ application which accepts TCP connections and then reads the traffic sent to it. It has worked very well until I moved it to a new machine. It seems like winsock never accepts the inbound tcp connection. In my code it never returns from the select statement. I can see using netstat/tcpview that the application is listening on port 14005.
I can connect to this port if I just telnet in locally. However, when someone tries to connect in via an outside IP address the TCP 3 way handshake never finishes. I can see the inbound SYN packet in wireshark. It is going to the correct port, 14005. However my system never sends the SYN-ACK back. This is just something that winsock is suppose to handle right? The machine does have multiple NIC cards, but I'm binding with INADDR_ANY so this shouldn't matter. Is there some way I can dig deeper to see why this handshake never takes place?
per ways to dig deeper: nothing more than wireshark / tshark (which you already use, however if you want to play with packets, look at scapy)
what happens if you reduce headache - only use one nic and network, put the client on the same network (ie, no router or smart switch between), (last resort) disable unneeded network services.

how server socket know network cable in unplugged in windows using c++

i am developing client server application in windows using c++ and winsock lib it work fine but if it is on network and once server listening started and if i remove network cable then server doesn't shows any error in any thread so where server socket knows network cable is unplugged.
if any body knows please help me.
While it should be possible to detect that the network cable is unplugged on the host, you will still have the same problem if the network is disrupted somewhere else between your server and the clients.
One common (if not the most common) way to solve this is to have a "keep-alive" message being sent. If no reply to that message is received within some timeout you simply close the connection and release all resources associated with it.
A "keep-alive" message is like using the "ping" command to see if a remote machine can be reached. It is simply a message that is sent, either by the server or the client (it doesn't matter who initiate it) to see if the other end of the connection is alive and can be reached.
It can be as simple as sending the string "Are you there?" and expecting a reply containing "Yes I am". If you send it once every minute, and don't get a reply withing (for example) one minute, you can consider the connection being dead. The other end, that receives the "Are you there?", knows it will get the message once every minute. If it hasn't arrived for two minutes then the sender is no longer reachable.
If the protocol can't be modified to add such messages, then see if some other message can be used instead.
Also, remember that the best and some cases only way to know if something is wrong with a connection is to attempt to read from the socket.
You can unplug a network and then plug it back in, or your Wi-Fi laptop can lose reception for a second and then pick it back up. It would be frustrating if such resumable cases were treated as an error in all the programs we use.
From this Winsock "newbie" FAQ:
The previous question deals with detecting when a protocol connection is dropped normally, but what if you want to detect other problems, like unplugged network cables or crashed workstations? In these cases, the failure prevents notifying the remote peer that something is wrong. My feeling is that this is usually a feature, because the broken component might get fixed before anyone notices, so why demand that the connection be reestablished?
If you feel you have a "special needs" situation you can be aggressive with timeouts. But I wouldn't do that unless there was a really good reason.

TCP simultaneous open and self connect prevention

TCP standard has "simultaneous open" feature.
The implication of the feature, client trying to connect to local port, when the port is from ephemeral range, can occasionally connect to itself (see here).
So client think it's connected to server, while it actually connected to itself. From other side, server can not open its server port, since it's occupied/stolen by client.
I'm using RHEL 5.3 and my clients constantly tries to connect to local server.
Eventually client connects to itself.
I want to prevent the situation. I see two possible solutions to the problem:
Don't use ephemeral ports for server ports.
Agree ephemeral port range and configure it on your machines (see ephemeral range)
Check connect() as somebody propose here.
What do you thinks?
How do you handle the issue?
P.S. 1
Except of the solution, which I obviously looking for,
I'd like you to share your real life experience with the problem.
When I found the cause of the problem, I was "astonished" on my work place people are not familiar with it. Polling server by connecting it periodically is IMHO common practice,
so how it's that the problem is not commonly known.
When I stumbled into this I was flabbergasted. I could figure out that the outgoing
port number accidentally matches the incoming port number, but not why the TCP
handshake (SYN SYN-ACK ACK) would succeed (ask yourself: who is sending the ACK if
there is nobody doing a listen() and accept()???)
Both Linux and FreeBSD show this behavior.
Anyway, one solution is to stay out of the high range of port numbers for servers.
I noticed that Darwin side-steps this issue by not allowing the outgoing port
to be the same as the destination port. They must have been bitten by this as well...
An easy way to show this effect is as follows:
while true
telnet 50000
And wait for a minute or so and you will be chatting with yourself...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Anyway, it makes good job interview material.
Bind the client socket to port 0 (system assigns), check the system assigned port, if it matches the local server port you already know the server is down and and can skip connect().
For server you need to bind() socket to port. Once addr:port pair had socket bound, it will no longer be used for implicit binding in connect().
No problem, no trouble.
Note that this solution is theoretical and I have not tested it on my own. I've not experienced it before (or did not realize) and hopefully I won't experience it anymore.
I'm assuming that you cannot edit neither the client source code nor the server source. Additionally I'm assuming the real problem is the server which cannot start.
Launch the server with a starter application. If the target port that the server will bind is being used by any process, create an RST (reset packet) by using raw sockets.
The post below briefly describes what an RST packet is (taken from
You have to look at a "raw socket" packet generator.
And you have to be superuser.
You probably need a network sniffer as well. - TCP RST attacks - a Perl module - raw IP in C
In the C version, you want a TH_RST packet.
RST is designed to handle the following case.
A and B establish a connection.
B reboots, and forgets about this.
A sends a packet to B to port X from port Y.
B sends a RST packet back, saying "what are you talking about? I don't
have a connection with you. Please close this connection down."
So you have to know/fake the IP address of B, and know both ports X
and Y. One of the ports will be the well known port number. The other
you have to find out. I thnk you also need to know the sequence
Typically people do this with a sniffer. You could use a switch with a
packet mirroring function, or run a sniffer on either host A or B.
As a note, Comcast did this to disable P2P traffic.
In our case we don't need to use a sniffer since we know the information below:
So you have to know/fake the IP address of B, and know both ports X
and Y
X = Y and B's IP address is localhost
Tutorial on describes how to use Raw Sockets.
NOTE that any other process on the system might also steal our target port from ephemeral pool. (e.g. Mozilla Firefox) This solution will not work on this type of connections since X != Y B's IP address is not localhost but something like on eth0. In this case you might use netstat to retrieve X, Y and B's IP address and then create a RST packet accordingly.
Hmm, that is an odd problem. If you have a client / server on the same machine and it will always be on the same machine perhaps shared memory or a Unix domain socket or some other form of IPC is a better choice.
Other options would be to run the server on a fixed port and the client on a fixed source port. Say, the server runs on 5000 and the client runs on 5001. You do have the issue of binding to either of these if something else is bound to them.
You could run the server on an even port number and force the client to an odd port number. Pick a random number in the ephemeral range, OR it with 1, and then call bind() with that. If bind() fails with EADDRINUSE then pick a different odd port number and try again.
This option isn't actually implemented in most TCPs. Do you have an actual problem?
That's an interesting issue! If you're mostly concerned that your server is running, you could always implement a heartbeat mechanism in the server itself to report status to another process. Or you could write a script to check and see if your server process is running.
If you're concerned more about the actual connection to the server being available, I'd suggest moving your client to a different machine. This way you can verify that your server at least has some network connectivity.
In my opinion, this is a bug in the TCP spec; listening sockets shouldn't be able to send unsolicited SYNs, and receiving a SYN (rather than a SYN+ACK) after you've sent one should be illegal and result in a reset, which would quickly let the client close the unluckily-chosen local port. But nobody asked for my opinion ;)
As you say, the obvious answer is not to listen in the ephemeral port range. Another solution, if you know you'll be connecting to a local machine, is to design your protocol so that the server sends the first message, and have a short timeout on the client side for receiving that message.
The actual problem you are having seems to be that while the server is down, something else can use the ephemeral port you expect for your server as the source port for an outgoing connection. The detail of how that happens is separate to the actual problem, and it can happen in ways other than the way you describe.
The solution to that problem is to set SO_REUSEADDR on the socket. That will let you create a server on a port that has a current outgoing connection.
If you really care about that port number, you can use operating specific methods to stop it being allocated as an ephemeral port.

Socket re-connection failure

System Background:
Its basically a client/server application. Server is an embedded device and Client is a windows app developed in C++.
Issue: After a runtime of about a week, communication breaks between client/server,
because of this the server is not able to connect back to the client and needs a restart to recover. Looks like System is experiencing Socket re-connection problem. Also The network sometimes experiences intermittent failures.
Abrupt Termination at remote end
Port locking
Want some suggestions on how to cleanup the socket or shutdown cleanly so that re-connection happens properly. Other alternate solutions?
It does not sound like you are in a position to easily write a stress test app to reproduce this more quickly out of band, which is what I would normally suggest. A pragmatic solution might be to periodically restart the server and client at a time when you think the system is least busy, or when problems arise. This sounds like cheating but many production systems I have been involved with take this approach to maximize system uptime.
My preferred solution here would be to abstract the server and client socket code (hopefully your design allows this to be done without too much work) and use it to implement client and server test apps that can be used to stress test only the socket code by simulating a lot of normal socket traffic in a short space of time - this helps identify timing windows and edge cases that could cause problems over time, and might speed up the process of obtaining a debuggable repro - you can simulate network error in your test code by dropping the socket on the client or server periodically.
A further step to take on the strategic front would be to ensure that you have good diagnostics in your socket handlers on client and server side. Track socket open and close, with special focus on your socket error and reconnect paths given you know the network is unreliable. Make sure the logs are output sequential with a timestamp. Something as simple as this might quickly show you what error or conditions trigger your problems. You can quickly make sure the logs are correct and complete using the test apps I mentioned above.
One thing you might want to check is that you are not being hit by lack of ability to reuse addresses. Sometimes when a socket gets closed, it cannot be immediately reused for a reconnect attempt as there is still residual activity on one or other end. You may be able to get around this (based on my Windows/Winsock experience) by experimenting with SO_REUSEADDR and SO_LINGER on your sockets. however, my first focus in your case would be on ensuring the socket code on client and server handles all errors and mainline cases correctly, before worrying about this.
A common issue is that when a connection is dropped, it is kept opened by the OS in TIME_WAIT state. If you want to restart the server socket, it will not be able to reopen the same port directly because it is still present for the OS.
To avoid that, you need to set the parameter SO_REUSEADDR so that the OS allows you to reuse the port if it is in TIME_WAIT state for a server socket.
int optval=1;
// set SO_REUSEADDR on a socket to true (1):
setsockopt(s1, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, sizeof optval);
I'm experiencing something similar with encrypted connections. I believe in my case it is because the client dropped the connection and reconnected in less than the 4 minute FIN_WAIT period. The initial connection is recycled (by the os) and the server doesn't see the drop out. The SSL authentication is lost when the client loses connection so the client tries to re-authenticate. This is during what the servers considers the middle of a conversation. The server then hangs up on the client. I think the server ssl code considers this a man in the middle attack or just gets confused and closes the connection.