how to prevent losing double quotes in argv? - c++

Ok, I know I can do loop like this:
for (int i=1; i<=argc-1;i++) {
cout << argv[i] << endl;
But this way double quotes are lost, that is a string "something here" is treated as one element of the args array and quotes are lost.
Ok, I know I can assume quotes if parameter has space inside, but quotes are always lost no matter if there is space or not.

It's the shell that removes the quotes. If you want the shell to pass the quotes to you, you have to escape them:
$ ./my-program \"hello\ world\"
Note that I escape the space as well, to make it one argument.

When you need the original command line, your can use the GetCommandLine() API function.


How to remove backslashes from QString?

Using QNetworkManager get method I am receiving a json from a url.
Doing: qDebug()<<(QString)reply->readAll(); the result is:
So I am doing strReply = strReply.simplified(); , and the result is:
But I can't use that to parse it like a Json to use it in my qt program.
So I think I need to remove every backslashes \ and obtain:
I tried strReply.remove(QRegExp( "\\\" ) ); but any odd concatenation of \ is causing the interpreter to think at every thing that comes after the last \ as a string.
You're probably running into qDebug's feature that escapes quotes and newlines. Your string most probably doesn't actually have any backslashes in it.
When you're trying to print a string using qDebug(), you need to use qDebug().noquote() if you don't want qDebug() to artificially insert backslashes in the output.
So your string should be fine. It doesn't have any backslashes in it at all.
As described in the documentation You can remove a character with remove function
QString t = "Ali Baba";
t.remove(QChar('a'), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
// Will result "li Bb"
You can put '\\' instead of 'a' to remove your backslashes from your QString

Delete everything before a double quote

I'm trying to clean a CSV file which has a column with contents like this:
Sometexthere1", "code"=>"47.51-2-01"}]
And I would like to remove everything before the first quote (") in order to keep just this:
I know that I can use $` to get everything before some match in regex, but I am not understanding how to keep just the string before the first double quote.
Parameter expansion does this well enough:
# Define a variable
s='Sometexthere1", "code"=>"47.51-2-01"}]'
# expand it, removing the longest possible match (from the end) for '"'*
# demonstrate that result by printing it
printf '%s\n' "$result"
...properly returns Sometexthere1.
You probably mean "delete everything after a double quote"? In Open Refine, you can use this GREL formula :
value.replace(/".+/, "")
> Result : Sometexthere1

How to stop Ember.Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression escaping apostrophes

I'm fairly new to Ember, but I'm on v1.12 and struggling with the following problem.
I'm making a template helper
The helper takes the bodies of tweets and HTML anchors around the hashtags and usernames.
The paradigm I'm following is:
use Ember.Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(value); to escape the input text
do logic
use Ember.Handlebars.SafeString(value);
However, 1. seems to escape apostrophes. Which means that any sentences I pass to it get escaped characters. How can I avoid this whilst making sure that I'm not introducing potential vulnerabilities?
Edit: Example code
export default Ember.Handlebars.makeBoundHelper(function(value){
// Make sure we're safe kids.
value = Ember.Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(value);
value = addUrls(value);
return new Ember.Handlebars.SafeString(value);
Where addUrlsis a function that uses a RegEx to find and replace hashtags or usernames. For example, if it were given #emberjs foo it would return #emberjs foo.
The result of the above helper function would be displayed in an Ember (HTMLBars) template.
escapeExpression is designed to convert a string into the representation which, when inserted in the DOM, with escape sequences translated by the browser, will result in the original string. So
"1 < 2"
is converted into
"1 < 2"
which when inserted into the DOM is displayed as
1 < 2
If "1 < 2" were inserted directly into the DOM (eg with innerHTML), it would cause quite a bit of trouble, because the browser would interpret < as the beginning of a tag.
So escapeExpression converts ampersands, less than signs, greater than signs, straight single quotes, straight double quotes, and backticks. The conversion of quotes is not necessary for text nodes, but could be for attribute values, since they may enclosed in either single or double quotes while also containing such quotes.
Here's the list used:
var escape = {
"&": "&",
"<": "<",
">": ">",
'"': """,
"'": "'",
"`": "`"
I don't understand why the escaping of the quotes should be causing you a problem. Presumably you're doing the escapeExpression because you want characters such as < to be displayed properly when output into a template using normal double-stashes {{}}. Precisely the same thing applies to the quotes. They may be escaped, but when the string is displayed, it should display fine.
Perhaps you can provide some more information about input and desired output, and how you are "printing" the strings and in what contexts you are seeing the escaped quote marks when you don't want to.

ASCII Art, Issue with Code Blocks C++

I can't understand why the "\" doesn't appear when i run the program. I want to make some ASCII Art and "\" is basic for the picture i want to make.Is there any solution? I am using Code Blocks .
With C++2011 you can use raw string literals, e.g.:
std::cout << R"(\)" << '\n';
The sequence R"( starts the string and )" ends the string. If the string )" needs to be embedded into the string, you can add some string between the " and the ( which then needs to be repeated between the ) and the " to end the string.
Of course, it may just be simpler to escape the escape character and to use \\ as you already mentioned.
You have to use 2 \ since the \ character is known as an escape key, like if you want to go to the next line you have to use \n and that lets C++ know that you want to move to the next line, so every time you use the \ character, you have to type it like \
I've found it. You have to enter 2 times the "\" and then it will appear.

GNU readline whitespace quoting

i´m working on an application which uses readline to read commands from stdin.
It accepts "cd", and other commands which require a path as an argument. I'm having troubles with paths that include whitespaces. My objective is to somehow make readline quote the whitespaces, and autocomplete the path name after this character appears(actually, when a space is encountered, it is just skipped, and autocompletion starts from the next word).
I've been trying to achieve this, but i keep trying things and none of them work. I've managed to quote a " " into a "\ ", which is what i want. But then readline doesn't interpret this as part of the path, it just skips it, and autocompletes the next word as if there was nothing before that. Basically, i'm expecting the same behaviour as bash's autocompletion.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Alright, so i've managed to somehow accomplish what i was looking for. What i did was:
During initialization:
rl_attempted_completion_function = completition;
rl_completer_quote_characters = "\"";
rl_filename_quote_characters = " ";
completition should return a char** containing every command that matches what "text" as so far. I've ommitted that part, since it doesn't have to do with what i was asking. The important part is the rl_filename_quoting_desired = 1; which tells readline that you want your filenames to be quoted.
char **completition(const char *text, int start, int end) {
rl_filename_quoting_desired = 1;
return 0;
Note that what i ended up doing is what BuHHu-nyx said, just adding double quotes(") to filenames.
Try to escape not spaces but the whole path. For example:
cd "/path/to/some where"