Reset Informatica admin password - forgot-password

Am using informatica9.0. i lost the admin password.
can you pls suggest some ways to reset it.
i have the encrypted password with me which i took from repository tables..
is there a way to login using that encrypted password. i tried replacing admin encrypred password with password of other users, but not able to login
i have other user names that are active and i have passwordfor them
is there any ways that i can make them admin

It may be possible to use the pmpasswd utility (found in the \server\bin folder) to generate a hash for a new password. You can then update the OPB_USERS record for the Administrator account with this hash to have it reset.
I would back up the value before you change it though, in case that doesn't work.


How do I prevent an admin (superuser) from changing/updating other user’s password?

I have a custom method for all users to reset password. It sends the password reset email to the user, user then click on password rest link and then resets his/her password. So, I want users to reset password only this way and don’t want any admin to reset any user password from Django Administration page. How do I prevent admin from changing/updating any other user’s password?
I don’t have any custom Admin Model yet. If this requires me to create a custom Admin model, please explain a bit, what things I will have to keep in the model to keep all the other functionality same as default Admin Model? Just a slight change required and that is not to let admin change any other user’s password.

Reset password using custom authentication in oracle apex

I have a custom authentication function and i also want to add reset password functionality.
So i added the reset button to login page and redirect it to change password page.
After this however i am confused as to how should i proceed to reset the password?
apex_util.reset_password->> will it help here?
I also need to update the new password with password in my table.
This is the custom auth function i am using.
The apex_util.change_password is to update APEX User credentials. You are storing user credentials in your own table. Therefore, you will need to write your own PL/QL to update the appropriate record in your table.

Migrate user accounts from old LAMP website to Django

We are rebuilding our old analytics website in Django. Our old website was built with LAMP stack. We have the usernames and passwords for all our accounts in un-hashed form.
Now I want to migrate all those usernames and passwords to our Django website. All our users should be able to login to the new Django website using the same username and password.
Can someone suggest some best practices to do this? How to achieve this objective efficiently?
all our accounts in un-hashed form
Please do not do that. Django is designed for security. By default, Django uses the PBKDF2 algorithm with a SHA256 hash.
So, during data migration, you must pass your plain texted password through hash function and save the hash-ed password to database.
By applying the above approach, you do not need to force users to reset their password.
The easiest solution would be to export all the user accounts from the old platform into the Django auth_users table. With either a python script or SQL tricker-y poker-y.
Whilst this method takes a little more work from the users point of view it is the safest option (especially because you stated passwords are not encrypted).
After all usernames/ emails are in the new table I (personally) would not set a password for those migrated user accounts. Instead, make sure you have set up django password reset screens (this is built into django). You can then get the users to reset their own passwords allowing them access into the new application.

Coldfusion 11 (Multi-instance) - Administrator password reset not working

I'm trying to reset the CFAdmin password on a CF11 Enterprise server that has multiple CF instances running on the same server. The admin password on one of the instances is unknown, so we're trying to recover/change to a known password.
I've tried using the passwordreset.bat provided by Adobe, but after restarting the instance with lost admin password, that didn't work.
I also tried disabling the password all together to access the admin console per adobe. This gets me into the admin console temporarily, but I'm not able to actually change the password since I don't know the old password. Leaving the old PW blank, fails too. This is not a viable long-term option, we must have a password.
I even tried editing the file to type a password and set encryption=false, but that didn't work either.
I think I've exhausted all the standard ways to reset the password to no avail. Is there something else that I should do because it's a multi-instance setup? Is there some way to point it to the specific instance I want to change?

How to reset Informatica Admin Console password on 9.6.0?

Informatica Server was setup at our local server, but unfortunately nobody remembers the Admin Console password for user "Administrator".
1.) Using pmpasswd, I created an encrypted password and replaced the current one in PO_USERINFO table "POU_PASSWORD" field, in the database I found on my "Informatica_9.6.0_Services" log file, but the service would not restart. I had to revert it back for the service to run again.
2.) I have tried using default user name/ password combinations but they aren't working
Any suggestion is appreciated.
The only way to reset a lost admin password is at the database level. Informatica Support has a process for this if you contact them.
Do not alter the database yourself!!