DirectShow CLR having issue with global variables - c++

I am trying to code up GMFBridge and DirectShow in CLR C++. I am trying to compare its performance against the GMFBridgeLib and the DirectShowLib in the same solution to see which is more efficient.
Right now I am following the GMFBridge source code for setting up C++ capture. One issue I am having is in objects that need to be global so that they can be accessed across the GUI buttons. The GMFBridge code does that as follows:
IGMFBridgeControllerPtr m_pBridge;
that is then used in the setup code as follows:
HRESULT hr = m_pBridge.CreateInstance(__uuidof(GMFBridgeController));
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
// init to video-only, in discard mode (ie when source graph
// is running but not connected, buffers are discarded at the bridge)
hr = m_pBridge->AddStream(true, eMuxInputs, true);
My current problem is that CLR states that any global has to be a pointer of some form, * or ^ depending on managed or unmanaged. It will not just let me add in a global variable such as the GMFBridge source code does. If I create a pointer:
IGMFBridgeControllerPtr* pBridge2;
and try to use that in my GUI code:
(*pBridge2).AddStream(true, eMuxInputs, true);
It does compile, but when i run it, the code crashes with
An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in Program.exe.
Addidional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
on the block of code
void _Release() throw()
if (m_pInterface != NULL) { <--------------
in comip.h line 823 called from:
HRESULT CreateInstance(const CLSID& rclsid, IUnknown* pOuter = NULL, DWORD dwClsContext = CLSCTX_ALL) throw()
if (dwClsContext & (CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER | CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER)) { <----------
IUnknown* pIUnknown;
hr = CoCreateInstance(rclsid, pOuter, dwClsContext, __uuidof(IUnknown), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pIUnknown));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
hr = OleRun(pIUnknown);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
hr = pIUnknown->QueryInterface(GetIID(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&m_pInterface));
else {
hr = CoCreateInstance(rclsid, pOuter, dwClsContext, GetIID(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&m_pInterface));
if (FAILED(hr)) {
// just in case refcount = 0 and dtor gets called
m_pInterface = NULL;
return hr;
comip.h line 626 called from this line of code
the only thing that seems to work is creating a local variable that is not a point object, but then i cant set it to a global, or use it across GUI objects.
if I make it local:
IGMFBridgeControllerPtr pBridge;
that works.

The problem seems to be that you do not assign anything to the pointer you declare:
IGMFBridgeControllerPtr* pBridge2;
You have to do something like:
pBridge2 = &m_pBridge;
Or just skip the use of pBridge2 completely and use &m_pBridge instead.


How to use Proximity Sensor (P-Sensor) class in MFC?

I am stuck with the problem when using Proximity Sensor class.
Recently, I have engaged in Proximity Sensor (P-Sensor) software development.
I found some relative reference from Google, e.g. Proximity Sensor class (website: and Sample Code (website:
I tried to imitate the sample code, but it did not work.
As I know, it is necessary to create runtime api interface at first. The following code is how I create
the interface IProximitySensorStatics and it succeeded. The output prints "0".
The interface IProximitySensorStatics have to be activated by the api GetActivationFactory() before using.
ComPtr<IProximitySensorStatics> stProximitySensorStatics;
HRESULT hr = GetActivationFactory(HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Devices_Sensors_ProximitySensor).Get(), &stProximitySensorStatics);
printf("CProximitySensorCtrl::GetActivationFactory stProximitySensorStatics hr = %x", hr);
if (FAILED(hr))
printf("GetActivationFactory stProximitySensorStatics failed");
return FALSE;
The next step is to create the interface IProximitySensor because the runtime api I want to apply is GetCurrentReading() which is the member of IProximitySensor.
Then I use the same method above. The output prints "GetActivationFactory stProximitySensor failed". HRESULT value is 80004002.
If I change HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Devices_Sensors_ProximitySensor) to HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Devices_Sensors_ProximitySensorReading), the HRESULT value is 80040154. I do not know how to solve it. HRESULT value list:
ComPtr<IProximitySensor> stProximitySensor;
hr = GetActivationFactory(HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Devices_Sensors_ProximitySensor).Get(), &stProximitySensor);
printf("CProximitySensorCtrl::GetActivationFactory stProximitySensor hr = %x", hr);
if (FAILED(hr))
printf("GetActivationFactory stProximitySensor failed");
return FALSE;
Now the problem is that I am wondering how to activate the interface IProximitySensor and even IProximitySensorReading. IProximitySensorReading is another interface which is used to catch the output of GetCurrentReading().
If GetCurrentReading() succeeds to get a value, everything is done.
In other sensor classes such as Accelerometer, Compass, LightSensor, ect, there is always a method GetDefault(). The GetDefault() might solve my problem, but ProximitySensor class does not have this method.
The following code is that I tried to use methods in ProximitySensor class in order to make it work. The hr prints "0", but the output "stProximitySensor" is NULL.
HSTRING m_hsString;
hr = stProximitySensorStatics->GetDeviceSelector(&m_hsString);
hr = stProximitySensorStatics->FromId(m_hsString, &stProximitySensor);
printf("FromId hr = %x", hr);
if (FAILED(hr))
printf("FromId failed");
return FALSE;
if (stProximitySensor == NULL)
printf("FromId stProximitySensor = null failed");
return FALSE;
Fully thanks in advance.

Getting RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED in IDispatchEx::GetDispID() for an out-of-proc IDispatch pointer

I’m stuck with an issue and I’m pretty sure that this forum will be able to help me for this.
I’m trying to add few automation objects to the scripts (hosted via a separate process (ATL EXE server)).
Also I am trying to sink the events from these automation objects inside my ATL EXE script engine.
To achive this I’m using CDispExSinkConnector as described in
As described I’m using IDispatchEx::GetDispID()to create new members inside the scripting engine. Once the member DISPID has been created, I’m using InvokeEx()to set the property value.
But these method calls return RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED.
Note- Here I get the IDispEx pointer from an OUT-OF-PROC IDispatch pointer.
More detailed descriptions:
I do have a BrowserCtrl hosted by CAxWindow in an ATL EXE server which I’m using to create HTML plug-ins for my MFC client application.
The ATL EXE server provides wrapper methods to IWebBrowser2 methods so that I can call methods like IWebBrowser2Ptr->Navigate2().
Also I can subscribe to IWebBrowser2 events like OnDocumentComplete(….)in this ATL EXE server and ultimately forward those to my MFC Client application to handle those there.
Below are few code snippets for my ATL EXE server (BrowserCtrl):
1st is CreateControl() which creates the CAxWindow, creates the WebBrowser Control and host the control on internal default CAxHostWindow.
STDMETHODIMP BrowserCtrl::CreateControl(ULONG hwndParent, LONG left,LONG top, LONG right, LONG bottom)
CRect rc(left, top, right, bottom);
// Create the AX host window. m_wndBrowserCtrl is CAxWindow object
HWND hwndAxHost = m_wndBrowserCtrl.Create(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(hwndParent), &rc, L"Shell.Explorer", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, 0, ID_BROWSERCTRL );
//Obtain a pointer to the container object
CComQIPtr<IAxWinHostWindow> ptrWinHost;
HRESULT hr = m_wndBrowserCtrl.QueryHost(&ptrWinHost);
hr = StringFromCLSID(CLSID_WebBrowser, &lpszCLSID);
// Create the WebBrowser Ctrl
CComPtr<IUnknown> cpIUnknown = NULL;
hr = ptrWinHost->CreateControlEx(lpszCLSID, m_wndBrowserCtrl, NULL, &cpIUnknown, __uuidof(SHDocVw::DWebBrowserEvents2), reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(reinterpret_cast<DWebBrowserEvents2Impl*>(this)));
// Get the IWebBrowser2 interface pointer for the control
// CComQIPtr<IWebBrowser2> m_cpIBrowser;
m_cpIBrowser = cpIUnknown;
return S_OK;
//Now the wrapper method for IWebBrowser2 methods
STDMETHODIMP BrowserCtrl::Navigate2(VARIANT *pwszUrl, VARIANT *Flags, VARIANT *TargetFrameName, VARIANT *PostData, VARIANT *Headers)
HRESULT hr = m_cpIBrowser->Navigate2(pwszUrl, Flags,TargetFrameName,PostData,Headers);
//Now the event handlers for the IWebBrowser2 events:
void __stdcall BrowserCtrl::OnDocumentComplete(IDispatch* pDisp, VARIANT* pvaURL)
Fire_OnDocumentComplete(pDisp , pvaURL);// forwarding to the MGC client APP
Now the issue:
1.On the MFC Client APP and in the event handler function OnDocumentComplete() I do the following:
void MFCClientApp::HandleDocumentComplete(LPDISPATCH pIDisp, VARIANT* pvaURL)
CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispDoc;
CComQIPtr<IDispatch> pScriptDisp;
CComQIPtr<IDispatchEx> pDispEx;
CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument> pHTMLDoc;
CComQIPtr<IWebBrowser2> pWebBrowser;
if (pIDisp != NULL)
pWebBrowser = pIDisp;
//CComPtr<IDispatch> ptrIDisp;
//BOOL bResult = GetOPBrowser()->GetDisp(&ptrIDisp);
//pWebBrowser = ptrIDisp;
if (pDispDoc != NULL)
// Get the IDispatchEx interface
pHTMLDoc = pDispDoc;
if (pHTMLDoc != NULL)
pDispEx = pScriptDisp;
if (pDispEx != NULL)
CDispExSinkConnector pDispExSinkConnector = new CDispExSinkConnector();
Hr = pDispExSinkConnector->SetDispEx(pDispEx); // here the Hr returned is 0x80010100 “System Call Failed” i.e. RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED
Here is the SetDispEx() and internal related functions:
void CDispExSinkConnector::SetDispEx(IDispatchEx *pDispEx)
CComBSTR bstrThisGuid("AC0B188C-6B55-408f-9E8C-821B9B5467CB"); // #!I8NIGNORE
HRESULT hr = m_pDispExGIT.Attach(pDispEx);//add it to the GIT Table
// We need to add ourselves to the script engine
AddNamedObject(bstrThisGuid, this);
HRESULT CDispExSinkConnector::AddNamedObject(BSTR bsName, IDispatch *pDisp)
HRESULT hr = 0;
CComPtr<IDispatchEx> pDispEx;
if(pDispEx == NULL)
return E_FAIL;
if(!bsName || SysStringLen(bsName) == 0 || !pDisp)
// Also, add our root objects into the script namespace
DISPID dispIdThis = 0;
hr = pDispEx->GetDispID(bsName, fdexNameEnsure | fdexNameCaseSensitive,&dispIdThis); // here the Hr returned is 0x80010100 “System Call Failed” i.e. RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED
Please help me to find out the root cause and a solution to resolve this issue.
Your quick help will be much appreciated.

Why COM doesn't work in a new thread?

My problems started after converting my VS2003 project to VS2008. Solution contains 3 projects. Projects are DLL's. There were A LOT of compilation errors, then some linker errors... Well, I fought them off. Now it just simply doesn't work ;)
So, one of this DLL's is suppoused to communicate with Word by COM.
Word::_ApplicationPtr d_pApp;
Word::_DocumentPtr d_pDoc;
void MSWord2003::init()
CLSID clsid;
CLSIDFromProgID(L"Word.Application", &clsid);
// Get an interface to the running instance, if any..
IUnknown *pUnk;
hr = GetActiveObject(clsid, NULL, (IUnknown**)&pUnk);
throw MSWord::MSWordException("Nie znaleziono działającej aplikacji MSWord.");
IDispatch* d_pDispApp;
hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&d_pDispApp);
throw MSWord::MSWordException("Nie udało się połączyć z aplikacją MSWord.");
pUnk = 0;
d_pApp = d_pDispApp;
d_pDoc = d_pApp->ActiveDocument;
d_currIdx = -1;
paragraphsCount = d_pDoc->GetParagraphs()->Count;
footnotesCount = d_pDoc->GetFootnotes()->Count;
endnotesCount = d_pDoc->GetEndnotes()->Count;
void MSWord2003::free()
This code works on VS2003 (and different machine, I don't have VS2003 on my computer) while in VS2008 it works only if it is called by main thread.
When called by a new thread (wich is initialized by CoInitialize) d_pApp is not initialized properly - its ptr shows 0.
While debugging I reached code in comip.h:
template<typename _InterfacePtr> HRESULT _QueryInterface(_InterfacePtr p) throw()
// Can't QI NULL
if (p != NULL) {
// Query for this interface
Interface* pInterface;
hr = p->QueryInterface(GetIID(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pInterface));
// Save the interface without AddRef()ing.
Attach(SUCCEEDED(hr)? pInterface: NULL);
else {
return hr;
In a new thread, QueryInterface returns E_NOINTERFACE, although GetIID() returns the same thing for both threads. And that is where I got stuck - I have no idea, what causes this behaviour...
IMO you should initialize COM not with CoInitialize, but with CoInitializeEx, specifying COINIT_MULTITHREADED. Otherwise you'll have separate single-threaded COM apartment for every thread.

From out-of-process, what is the proper way to get an IWebBrowser2 interface from an instance of IE?

I am working on a browser automation framework, which automates Internet Explorer, as well as other browsers. I am running into an intermittent problem when attempting to launch IE. The framework launches IE using the IELaunchURL API if it is present, and uses CreateProcess if not. The code to obtain the IWebBrowser2 interface is as follows:
// hwndBrowser is obtained by calling ::EnumWindows() with a function that
// compares the process ID of the window handle to the known process ID of
// the IE instance.
CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> document;
LRESULT result;
// oleacc_instance_handle is obtained from ::LoadLibrary("oleacc.dll")
::GetProcAddress(oleacc_instance_handle, "ObjectFromLresult"));
if (object_pointer != NULL) {
HRESULT hr = (*object_pointer)(result,
reinterpret_cast<void **>(&document));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
CComPtr<IHTMLWindow2> window;
hr = document->get_parentWindow(&window);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
CComQIPtr<IServiceProvider> provider(window);
if (provider) {
CComPtr<IServiceProvider> child_provider;
hr = provider->QueryService(SID_STopLevelBrowser,
reinterpret_cast<void **>(&child_provider));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
IWebBrowser2* browser;
hr = child_provider->QueryService(SID_SWebBrowserApp,
reinterpret_cast<void **>(&browser));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// The IWebBrowser2 pointer is passed back to the caller.
// process_window_info->pBrowser = browser;
Now for the problem: It seems that we can always successfully retrieve the IHTMLDocument2 object. However, when we attempt to call get_parentWindow(), we sometimes receive a "class not registered" result (0x80040154 REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG), most often when launching a new instance of IE after closing a previous one. We can get the IWebBrowser2 interface by omitting the call to get_parentWindow() and simply calling QueryService directly on the document, but we will receive this error further down the line when we try to manipulate parts of the document. What could cause the get_parentWindow() call to fail?
Note that the entirety of the code can be found in context here.
The problem was in the use of threading in the application. We were not properly waiting for a thread to terminate before launching a new instance of IE.

How to globally mute and unmute sound in Vista and 7, and to get a mute state?

I'm using the old good Mixer API right now, but it does not work as expected on Windows Vista & 7 in the normal, not in XP compatibility mode. It mutes the sound for the current app only, but I need a global (hardware) mute. How to rearch the goal? Is there any way to code this w/o COM interfaces and strange calls, in pure C/C++?
The audio stack was significantly rewritten for Vista. Per-application volume and mute control was indeed one of the new features. Strange calls will be required to use the IAudioEndpointVolume interface.
I recently dealt with this same issue. We have a Windows application that uses the sound system for alarms. We cannot abide the user muting the sound system inadvertently. Here is how I was able to use the interface suggested above to address this issue:
During initialization I added a function to initialize a member of type IAudioEndpointVolume. It was a bit tricky and the help wasn't as helpful as it could be. Here's how to do it:
** Initialize the Audio Endpoint (Only for post XP systems)
void CMuteWatchdog::InitAudioEndPoint(void)
IMMDeviceEnumerator * pDevEnum;
IMMDevice * pDev;
const CLSID CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator = __uuidof(MMDeviceEnumerator);
const IID IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator = __uuidof(IMMDeviceEnumerator);
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, NULL,
CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator,
m_pIaudEndPt = NULL;
if(hr == S_OK)
hr = pDevEnum->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eRender, eConsole, &pDev);
if(hr == S_OK)
DWORD dwClsCtx;
const IID iidAEV = __uuidof(IAudioEndpointVolume);
dwClsCtx = 0;
hr = pDev->Activate(iidAEV, dwClsCtx, NULL, (void**) &m_pIaudEndPt);
if(hr == S_OK)
// Everything is groovy.
m_pIaudEndPt = NULL; // Might mean it's running on XP or something. Don't use.
About once per second I added a simple call to the following:
// Watchdog function for mute.
void CMuteWatchdog::GuardMute(void)
BOOL bMute;
bMute = FALSE;
hr = m_pIaudEndPt->GetMute(&bMute);
if(hr == S_OK)
m_pIaudEndPt->SetMute(FALSE, NULL);
Finally, when the program exits just remember to release the allocated resource.
// De-initialize the watchdog
void CMuteWatchdog::OnClose(void)
m_pIaudEndPt = NULL;