Store a Circle in Geodjango + Postgres - django

Looking to store a circle in a geodjango field so I can use the geodjango query __contains to find out if a point is in the circle (similar to what can be done with a PolygonField).
Currently have it stored as a Decimal radius and GeoDjango Point Field, but need a way to query a list of locations in the DB such that these varying circles (point field and radii) contain my search point (long/lat).
Hope it makes sense.

Technically speaking, PostGIS supports CurvePolygon and CircularString geometry types, which can be used to store curved geometries. For example, a 2-unit radius around x=10, y=10 that has been approximated by a 64-point buffered polygon is:
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_LineToCurve(ST_Buffer(ST_MakePoint(10, 10), 2, 16)));
(1 row)
However, this approach is not typically done, as there is very limited support for this geometry type (i.e., ST_AsSVG, and others won't work). These geometry types will likely cause plenty of grief, and I'd recommend not doing this.
Typically, all geometries are stored as a well supported type: POINT, LINESTRING or POLYGON (with optional MULTI- prefix). With these types, use the ST_DWithin function (e.g., GeoDjango calls this __dwithin, see also this question) to query if another geometry is within a specified distance. For example, if you have a point location, you can see if other geometries are within a certain distance (i.e., radius) from the point.


GeoDjango - distance between a point and a queryset of multipolygons

I'm familiar with Django, but new to GeoDjango and PostGIS.
I have a problem where I want to find the nearest MuliPolygon to a point. The point can be outside or within the MultiPolygon. Nearest means the nearest boundary point.
I know that I can calculate the distance between two points with from django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions import Distance - but I don't want to use the centroid because it is possible the border of a MultiPolygon is closer to one point than the centroid of another.
I have a model Land with a field surface_area which is a MultiPolygon. I have a point object created with from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point. This is the data I'm using to try and build a query.
Any help with best practices would be appreciated.
GeoDjango's distance lookups utilize the corresponding database's distance function.
Since you are using PostgreSQL with PostGIS the corresponding ST_Distance method:
For geometry types returns the minimum 2D Cartesian (planar) distance between two geometries, in projected units (spatial ref units).
Therefore you can use the distance lookups for your calculations.
If you want to implement it a bit differently (for example using the bounding boxes of the polygons) you can refer to this Q&A: How do I get the k nearest neighbors for geodjango?

CGAL rounding points so that they remain coplanar

I have a set of Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel::Point_3 points that are coplanar. I would like to be able to serialize the points to a database in double precision and then be able to read the points back into an exact precision space and have them be coplanar. Specifically, my workflow is CGAL -> Postgres using Postgis -> SFCGAL. SFCGAL requires that the points be coplanar and uses exact constructions.
I know how to write the geometry, but I'm not sure how to go about rounding the points so that they remain coplanar. Obviously the points read will have a loss of precision and will be slightly transformed compared to the originals, but I only need them to be within roughly a e-04 distance from their respective points.
Unfortunately, projecting the points onto a plane after reading them is a last resort option. It doesn't work very well for my purposes.

Finding objects within x miles of a point

I'm working on getting all events within 10 miles of the user's location. My models look something like this:
class User(models.Model):
location = models.PointField()
class Event(models.Model):
location = models.PointField()
In my tests, when I check the distance between the user and an event, I get the value 11.5122663513:
from geopy.distance import vincenty
print vincenty(request.user.location, event.location).miles # 11.5122663513
Yet, when I query for all events within 10 miles of the user's location, that event is returned:
Event.objects.filter(location__distance_lte=(request.user.location, D(mi=10))).count() # 1
Only when I drop the radius to less than 4 miles does the filter take effect:
Event.objects.filter(location__distance_lte=(request.user.location, D(mi=3))).count() # 0
I'm following the docs' example almost exactly, so I don't think my query is the problem.
What could be causing this discrepancy?
This very much depends on what type of database you are using.
Because cartesian math is much faster than geospatial math, the query likely treats coordinates as if they are on a plane rather than on a sphere.
The docs explain it this way:
Most people are familiar with using latitude and longitude to
reference a location on the earth’s surface. However, latitude and
longitude are angles, not distances. In other words, while the
shortest path between two points on a flat surface is a straight line,
the shortest path between two points on a curved surface (such as the
earth) is an arc of a great circle. Thus, additional computation
is required to obtain distances in planar units (e.g., kilometers and
miles). Using a geographic coordinate system may introduce
complications for the developer later on. For example, Spatialite does
not have the capability to perform distance calculations between
geometries using geographic coordinate systems, e.g. constructing a
query to find all points within 5 miles of a county boundary stored as
Portions of the earth’s surface may projected onto a two-dimensional,
or Cartesian, plane. Projected coordinate systems are especially
convenient for region-specific applications, e.g., if you know that
your database will only cover geometries in North Kansas, then you may
consider using projection system specific to that region. Moreover,
projected coordinate systems are defined in Cartesian units (such as
meters or feet), easing distance calculations.
Furthermore, this may be influenced by your database choice. If you are using Postgres/PostGIS, it has the following note in the docs:
In PostGIS, ST_Distance_Sphere does not limit the geometry types
geographic distance queries are performed with. However, these
queries may take a long time, as great-circle distances must be
calculated on the fly for every row in the query. This is because the
spatial index on traditional geometry fields cannot be used.
For much better performance on WGS84 distance queries, consider using
geography columns in your database instead because they are able to
use their spatial index in distance queries. You can tell GeoDjango to
use a geography column by setting geography=True in your field
You can check this yourself by printing out the raw SQL:
qs = Event.objects.filter(location__distance_lte=(request.user.location, D(mi=10))
print qs.query
Depending on your database type, and the amount of data you plan to store, you have a couple options:
Filter the points a second time in python
Try setting geography=True
Set an explicit SRID
Take a point, buffer it out into a circle with the given radius and then find points within that circle using contains
Use a different database type
If you share the raw query it'll be easier to figure out what is happening.

How do you store voxel data?

I've been looking online and I'm impressed by the capabilities of using voxel data, especially for terrain building and manipulation. The problem is that voxels are never clearly explained on any site that i visited or how to use/implement them. All i find is that voxels are volumetric data. Please provide a more complete answer; what is volumetric data. It may seem like a simple question but I'm still unsure.
Also, how would you implement voxel data? (I aim to implement this into a c++ program.) What sort of data type would you use to store the voxel data to enable me to modify the contents at run time as fast as possible. I have looked online and i couldn't find anything which explained how to store the data. Lists of objects, arrays, ect...
How do you use voxels?
Since I'm just beginning with voxels, I'll probably start by using it to only model simple objects but I will eventually be using it for rendering terrain and world objects.
In essence, voxels are a three-dimensional extension of pixels ("volumetric pixels"), and they can indeed be used to represent volumetric data.
What is volumetric data
Mathematically, volumetric data can be seen as a three-dimensional function F(x,y,z). In many applications this function is a scalar function, i.e., it has one scalar value at each point (x,y,z) in space. For instance, in medical applications this could be the density of certain tissues. To represent this digitally, one common approach is to simply make slices of the data: imagine images in the (X,Y)-plane, and shifting the z-value to have a number of images. If the slices are close to eachother, the images can be displayed in a video sequence as for instance seen on the wiki-page for MRI-scans ( As you can see, each point in space has one scalar value which is represented as a grayscale.
Instead of slices or a video, one can also represent this data using voxels. Instead of dividing a 2D plane in a regular grid of pixels, we now divide a 3D area in a regular grid of voxels. Again, a scalar value can be given to each voxel. However, visualizing this is not as trivial: whereas we could just give a gray value to pixels, this does not work for voxels (we would only see the colors of the box itself, not of its interior). In fact, this problem is caused by the fact that we live in a 3D world: we can look at a 2D image from a third dimension and completely observe it; but we cannot look at a 3D voxel space and observe it completely as we have no 4th dimension to look from (unless you count time as a 4th dimension, i.e., creating a video).
So we can only look at parts of the data. One way, as indicated above, is to make slices. Another way is to look at so-called "iso-surfaces": we create surfaces in the 3D space for which each point has the same scalar value. For a medical scan, this allows to extract for instance the brain-part from the volumetric data (not just as a slice, but as a 3D model).
Finally, note that surfaces (meshes, terrains, ...) are not volumetric, they are 2D-shapes bent, twisted, stretched and deformed to be embedded in the 3D space. Ideally they represent the border of a volumetric object, but not necessarily (e.g., terrain data will probably not be a closed mesh). A way to represent surfaces using volumetric data, is by making sure the surface is again an iso-surface of some function. As an example: F(x,y,z) = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - R^2 can represent a sphere with radius R, centered around the origin. For all points (x',y',z') of the sphere, F(x',y',z') = 0. Even more, for points inside the sphere, F < 0, and for points outside of the sphere, F > 0.
A way to "construct" such a function is by creating a distance map, i.e., creating volumetric data such that every point F(x,y,z) indicates the distance to the surface. Of course, the surface is the collection of all the points for which the distance is 0 (so, again, the iso-surface with value 0 just as with the sphere above).
How to implement
As mentioned by others, this indeed depends on the usage. In essence, the data can be given in a 3D matrix. However, this is huge! If you want the resolution doubled, you need 8x as much storage, so in general this is not an efficient solution. This will work for smaller examples, but does not scale very well.
An octree structure is, afaik, the most common structure to store this. Many implementations and optimizations for octrees exist, so have a look at what can be (re)used. As pointed out by Andreas Kahler, sparse voxel octrees are a recent approach.
Octrees allow easier navigating to neighbouring cells, parent cells, child cells, ... (I am assuming now that the concept of octrees (or quadtrees in 2D) are known?) However, if many leaf cells are located at the finest resolutions, this data structure will come with a huge overhead! So, is this better than a 3D array: it somewhat depends on what volumetric data you want to work with, and what operations you want to perform.
If the data is used to represent surfaces, octrees will in general be much better: as stated before, surfaces are not really volumetric, hence will not require many voxels to have relevant data (hence: "sparse" octrees). Refering back to the distance maps, the only relevant data are the points having value 0. The other points can also have any value, but these do not matter (in some cases, the sign is still considered, to denote "interior" and "exterior", but the value itself is not required if only the surface is needed).
How to use
If by "use", you are wondering how to render them, then you can have a look at "marching cubes" and its optimizations. MC will create a triangle mesh from volumetric data, to be rendered in any classical way. Instead of translating to triangles, you can also look at volume rendering to render a "3D sampled data set" (i.e., voxels) as such ( I have to admit that I am not that familiar with volume rendering, so I'll leave it at just the wiki-link for now.
Voxels are just 3D pixels, i.e. 3D space regularly subdivided into blocks.
How do you use them? It really depends on what you are trying to do. A ray casting terrain game engine? A medical volume renderer? Something completely different?
Plain 3D arrays might be the best for you, but it is memory intensive. As BWG pointed out, octree is another popular alternative. Search for Sparse Voxel Octrees for a more recent approach.
In popular usage during the 90's and 00's, 'voxel' could mean somewhat different things, which is probably one reason you have been finding it hard to find consistent information. In technical imaging literature, it means 3D volume element. Oftentimes, though, it is used to describe what is somewhat-more-clearly termed a high-detail raycasting engine (as opposed to the low-detail raycasting engine in Doom or Wolfenstein). A popular multi-part tutorial lives in the Flipcode archives. Also check out this brief one by Jacco.
There are many old demos you can find out there that should run under emulation. They are good for inspiration and dissection, but tend to use a lot of assembly code.
You should think carefully about what you want to support with your engine: car-racing, flying, 3D objects, planets, etc., as these constraints can change the implementation of your engine. Oftentimes, there is not a data structure, per se, but the terrain heightfield is represented procedurally by functions. Otherwise, you can use an image as a heightfield. For performance, when rendering to the screen, think about level-of-detail, in other words, how many actual pixels will be taken up by the rendered element. This will determine how much sampling you do of the heightfield. Once you get something working, you can think about ways you can blend pixels over time and screen space to make them look better, while doing as little rendering as possible.

Spatial queries on AWS SimpleDB

I would like to know what people suggest as efficient ways of doing a spatial query in an Amazon Web Services SimpleDB?
By spatial query I mean finding objects in a given radius of a latitude and longitude.
SimpleDB doesn't currently offer any built-in spatial search operations but that doesn't mean it can't be done. There's several methods of implementing geospatial searches in non-geospatially aware databases such as SimpleDB and all of them center around the idea of using the database to retrieve a rough first selection based on a geospatial bounding box and then filtering the returned data in your application using more accurate algorithms such as the Haversine formula.
You could store the latitude and longitude as (zero-padded and normalized) numeric attributes and then perform a double range query (lat >= minLat and lat <= maxLat and lon >= minLat and lon <= maxLat) but since neither of theese predicates are selective (each predicate matches a lot of items) it's not ideal (see Tuning Queries).
A better way would be using GeoHashes.
Geohashes offer properties like arbitrary precision, similar prefixes
for nearby positions, and the possibility of gradually removing
characters from the end of the code to reduce its size (and gradually
lose precision).
As a practical example, the Geohash 6gkzwgjzn820 decodes to the
coordinates -25.382708 and -49.265506, while the Geohash 6gkzwgjz will
decode to -25.383 and -49.266, and if we take a similar position in
the same region, such as -25.427 and -49.315, we can see it being
encoded as 6gkzmg1w (note the similar prefix).
With your item positions as GeoHashes you could use the like operator to search for a bounding box (where GeoHash like '6gkzmg1w%') but since the like operator is expensive (Comparison Operators) a better way would be to denormalize the data by storing each GeoHash prefix level (how many depends on your required search precision) as a separate attribute (GeoHash6 GeoHash8 etc) and then use a simple equality predicate (where Geohash8 = '6gkzmg1w').
Now on to the downside of GeoHashes. Since you can't make any assumption of a GeoHash being centered within your search box you have to search all neighboring prefixes as well. The process is excellently described by geohash-js
Geohash also has the property that as the number of digits decreases
(from the right), accuracy degrades. This property can be used to do
bounding box searches, as points near to one another will share
similar Geohash prefixes.
However, because a given point may appear at the edge of a given
Geohash bounding box, it is necessary to generate a list of Geohash
values in order to perform a true proximity search around a point.
Because the Geohash algorithm uses a base-32 numbering system, it is
possible to derive the Geohash values surrounding any other given
Geohash value using a simple lookup table.
So, for example, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC resolves to:
38.897, -77.036
Using the geohash algorithm, this latitude and longitude is converted
to: dqcjqcp84c6e
A simple bounding box around this point could be described by
truncating this geohash to: dqcjqc
However, 'dqcjqcp84c6e' is not centered inside 'dqcjqc', and searching
within 'dqcjqc' may miss some desired targets.
So instead, we can use the mathematical properties of the Geohash to
quickly calculate the neighbors of 'dqcjqc'; we find that they are:
This gives us a bounding box around 'dqcjqcp84c6e' roughly 2km x 1.5km
and allows for a database search on just 9 keys: SELECT * FROM table
WHERE LEFT(geohash,6) IN ('dqcjqc',
Translated to a SimpleDB query that'd be where GeoHash6 in('dqcjqc', 'dqcjqf', 'dqcjqb', 'dqcjr1', 'dqcjq9', 'dqcjqd', 'dqcjr4', 'dqcjr0', 'dqcjq8') and then you'll do your Haversine filtering on the results in order to only get the items that's within your search radius.
I'm going to leave this here because it might help you!
14 years ago we tried to do a geo lookup table of locations within a radius. There was obviously no geospatial indexes or anything like that.
There was literally only standard SQL and Oracle... anyway, we ended up converting all lat/lng into kilometers from a fixed plane field. Essentially what geospatial indexes do these days.
To explain what exactly it does, it turns the world into a flat surface and with a bit of SQL trickery you can even select by radius, you even get the distance from the two points you're selecting. Since it's also raw full integers the queries are blazing fast.
Here is a simple example in PHP and a very complex looking but pretty easy once you understand it SQL query: