So here is the code I am dealing with:
class A
virtual ~A(){}
void Log(){printf("Log A\n");}
int main(int argc, char**argv)
A* a = new A();
a->Log(); // "Log A"
map<int,A*> m;
m[1] = a;
m[2] = a;
m[3] = a;
m[1]->Log(); // "Log A"
delete a;
a = NULL;
m[1]->Log(); // "Log A"
return 0;
Log A
Log A
Log A
My questions:
Is it only by chance that calling m[1]->Log() does not throw exception after delete a?
What's the best approach to erase all the entries in the map pointing to the deleted instance of A? I mean I want all m.find(1), m.find(2) and m.find(3) to return m.end() after deleting a. Any advice would be appreciated.
Yes and no. Technically it's undefined behavior, but usually (don't rely on this) calling non-virtual methods that don't access members appears to work on most compilers because most compilers implement this call without dereferencing this (which is the invalid part). So, in the standard's opinion, it's by chance. For most compilers, it's intended (or at least a side-effect of how function calls are handled).
Use smart pointers instead. To remove the elements, you can iterate through the map and compare each value to yours. When you reach one, use erase. Iterators are invalidated after erase.
Anything that happens when you dereference a deleted object is undefined behaviour, so even getting an exception could be considered to be "by chance"
The best approach is to couple the deletion of the object that is pointed to with the lifetime of something you have a handle on. So in your case, you could decide that it is best if the object is deleted if the pointer is removed from the map. To achieve this, you could use a map of int to std::unique_ptr<A> instead of one of raw pointers.
Edit: After looking at the requirements in more detail:
Now, since you want to remove elements whose mapped type points to a deleted object, and there is no way to determine whether the memory a pointer points to has been deleted, I see no simple way of removing these entries from the map other than doing it all in one function call. And since std::map et al do not like std::remove_if, one can use a loop:
template <typename T1, typename T2>
void removeEntriesAndDelete(std::map<T1, T2*>& m, T2*& item) {
for (auto i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); ) {
if ( item == i->second) {
} else {
delete item;
int main() {
A* a = new A;
std::map<int,A*> m;
m[1] = a;
m[2] = a;
m[3] = a;
std::cout << std::boolalpha;
std::cout << a << ", " << bool(m[1]) << ", " << bool(m[2]) << ", " << bool(m[3]) <<"\n";
removeEntriesandDelete(m, a);
std::cout << a << ", " << bool(m[1]) << ", " << bool(m[2]) << ", " << bool(m[3]) <<"\n";
Generally, objects which enrolled somewhere must notify the object where
they are enrolled. In simple cases like your example code, it's
relatively simple to go through the map, erasing each element which
points to your object, but I assume that your actual use case is less
trivial. The usual solution (in fact, the only one which really works
in practice) involves the observer pattern; when an object saves a
pointer to your object, either directly or in a map or a list or
whatever, it also enrols with your object, requesting notification when
your object is destructed. Your object keeps a list of these observers,
and will notify them in its destructor. Applied to a simple case like
yours, it looks like a lot of unnecessary code, but in the context of
actual applications where this pattern occurs, it's not that much.
It works by luck as you mention.
Either use something like smart pointers as previously mentioned, or encapsulate the map and value handling in a class, where you could have a method that removes the object from the map and deletes the object.
Is it possible, in C++11, to have an object managed by several std::shared_ptrs. I want to delete the object via one std::shared_ptr and have the other shared_ptrs invalidated (set empty or null), is this possible? If not, what is the best method to inform all other "references" (in a liberal use of the word) that the object is no longer valid?
To do this, the other shared_ptrs have to be replaced with weak_ptrs. The shared_ptr that does the deletion is the one actually manages the lifetime of the object in this scenario. It's worthwhile at this point to figure out if you really need shared ownership semantics. In general, if you find yourself trying to do something the interface doesn't let you do, that's an indication that you need something with different semantics.
Alternatively, if you really can't manage the object's lifetime from one place, you can use shared_ptr<unique_ptr<T>>, but this is more cumbersome (not to mention slower) and is better to avoid. Here you would delete the object by resetting the inner unique_ptr.
Here is a good example of weak_ptr and to be informed when all other "references" is no longer valid.
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
std::weak_ptr<int> gw;
void f()
std::cout << "use_count == " << gw.use_count() << ": ";
if (auto spt = gw.lock())
{ // Has to be copied into a shared_ptr before usage
std::cout << *spt << "\n";
std::cout << "gw is expired\n";
int main()
std::shared_ptr<int> sp = std::make_shared<int>(42);
gw = sp;
Output: use_count == 1: 42 use_count == 0: gw is expired
I have a list that stores objects.
list<MyObject> l;
I also have a method that returns a pointer to one of those objects, if it exists, or nullptr otherwise.
MyObject* get(int x) {
for (std::list<MyObject>::iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
if (it->X == x) {
return &(*it);
return nullptr;
If I get() a pointer to an element, and while I am using it, it gets erased from another thread, the pointer becomes invalid, and weird things happen :)
What I wanted to know is if there is a way of returning some special kind of pointer in get(), so that if I call erase on an element and that element is still being referenced, its memory won't be released until the pointer to it goes out of scope.
I considered using a reference, but I need the possibility of returning nullptr on get, so I can check from the caller if the return was indeed a valid object.
Can someone suggest a better way of doing this, to avoid these memory issues?
As recommended you should use some smart_pointer to manage the shared ownership.
Some recomendations:
Use always as default, std::vector
If could use C++11 use the standard shared_ptr for shared ownership, if not, use boost version.
Use the algorithm header as much as you can (in this case find_if is the right one).
You should also try to use the algorithm for the search of the specific element. Here is some sample code:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
struct MyObject {
int X;
MyObject(int x_value) : X(x_value) {}
using element_t = std::shared_ptr<MyObject>;
std::vector<element_t> l{
std::make_shared<MyObject>(3), std::make_shared<MyObject>(4),
std::make_shared<MyObject>(5), std::make_shared<MyObject>(6),
std::make_shared<MyObject>(7), std::make_shared<MyObject>(8)};
element_t get(int x) {
auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(l), std::end(l),
[x](const element_t& elem) { return elem->X == x; });
element_t found;
if (it != std::end(l)) {
found = *it;
return found;
int main() {
auto f1 = get(6);
if (f1) {
std::cout << "encontrado " << f1->X << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "6 no se encontro" << std::endl;
auto f2 = get(10);
if (f2) {
std::cout << "encontrado " << f2->X << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "10 no se encontro" << std::endl;
return 0;
Before using smart pointers, you might want to make sure you can spell out the reason why you can't (or don't want to) design a system where your objects have only one owner at a given time.
Smart pointers will avoid invalid data access, but they have all sorts of more or less hidden problems
they cost additional memory, force you to use them and their move semantics everywhere, and might easily become tricky, e.g. if you keep circular references or want an object to return a smart pointer to itself,
std:: containers become basically as useless as when you fill them with any kind of pointers (a vector of pointers is not a vector of objects),
you don't control where the deallocation takes place, so you might have your objects deleted by any task referencing them, possibly a time-critical one,
having no clear idea of who owns what is more often than not a recipe for disaster.
For instance, having one thread decide to delete objects while another grabs some from the same storage without any synchronization is very dangerous indeed. It is a bit as if one thread considered the object invalid while the other would consider it valid.
Does not strike me as the most robust design, but surely you have your reasons.
I think you could start by using unique_ptrs and see if that suits your needs, instead of jumping to shared_ptrs right away.
I defined a class foo as follows:
class foo {
static int objcnt;
foo() {
throw outOfMemory("No more space!");
class outOfMemory {
outOfMemory(char* msg) { cout << msg << endl;}
~foo() { cout << "Deleting foo." << endl; objcnt--;}
int foo::objcnt = 0;
And here's the main function:
int main() {
try {
foo* p = new foo[3];
cout << "p in try " << p << endl;
foo* q = new foo[7];
}catch(foo::outOfMemory& o) {
cout << "Out-of-memory Exception Caught." << endl;
It is obvious that the line "foo* q = new foo[7];" only creates 5 objects successfully, and on the 6th object an Out-of-memory exception is thrown. But it turns out that there's only 5 destructor calls, and destrcutor is not called for the array of 3 objects stored at the position p points to. So I am wondering why? How come the program only calls the destructor for those 5 objects?
The "atomic" C++ allocation and construction functions are correct and exception-safe: If new T; throws, nothing leaks, and if new T[N] throws anywhere along the way, everything that's already been constructed is destroyed. So nothing to worry there.
Now a digression:
What you always must worry about is using more than one new expression in any single unit of responsibility. Basically, you have to consider any new expression as a hot potato that needs to be absorbed by a fully-constructed, responsible guardian object.
Consider new and new[] strictly as library building blocks: You will never use them in high-level user code (perhaps with the exception of a single new in a constructor), and only inside library classes.
To wit:
// BAD:
A * p = new A;
B * q = new B; // Ouch -- *p may leak if this throws!
// Good:
std::unique_ptr<A> p(new A);
std::unique_ptr<B> q(new B); // who cares if this throws
std::unique_ptr<C[3]> r(new C[3]); // ditto
As another aside: The standard library containers implement a similar behaviour: If you say resize(N) (growing), and an exception occurs during any of the constructions, then all of the already-constructed elements are destroyed. That is, resize(N) either grows the container to the specified size or not at all. (E.g. in GCC 4.6, see the implementation of _M_fill_insert() in bits/vector.tcc for a library version of exception-checked range construction.)
Destructors are only called for the fully constructed objects - those are objects whose constructors completed normally. That only happens automatically if an exception is thrown while new[] is in progress. So in your example the destructors will be run for five objects fully constructed during q = new foo[7] running.
Since new[] for the array that p points to completed successfully that array is now handled to your code and the C++ runtime doesn't care of it anymore - no destructors will be run unless you do delete[] p.
You get the behavior you expect when you declare the arrays on the heap:
int main()
foo p[3];
cout << "p in try " << p << endl;
foo q[7];
catch(foo::outOfMemory& o)
cout << "Out-of-memory Exception Caught." << endl;
In your code only the pointers were local automatic variables. Pointers don't have any associated cleanup when the stack is unwound. As others have pointed out this is why you generally do not have RAW pointers in C++ code they are usually wrapped inside a class object that uses the constructor/destructor to control their lifespan (smart pointer/container).
As a side note. It is usually better to use std::vector than raw arrays (In C++11 std::array is also useful if you have a fixed size array). This is because the stack has a limited size and these object puts the bulk of the data in the heap. The extra methods provided by these class objects make them much nicer to handle in the rest of your code and if you absolutely must have an old style array pointer to pass to a C function they are easy to obtain.
int main()
std::vector<foo> p(3);
cout << "p in try " << p << endl;
std::vector<foo> q(7);
// Now you can pass p/q to function much easier.
catch(foo::outOfMemory& o)
cout << "Out-of-memory Exception Caught." << endl;
I'm a little confused about the best practice for how to do this. Say I have a class that for example allocs some memory. I want it to self destruct like an auto but also put it in a vector for some reason unknown.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class Test {
Test(int a);
virtual ~Test();
int counter;
Test * otherTest;
volatile int count = 0;
Test::Test(int a) {
counter = count;
std::cout << counter << "Got constructed!\n";
otherTest = new Test();
otherTest->counter = 999;
Test::Test() {
counter = count;
std::cout << counter << "Alloced got constructed!\n";
otherTest = NULL;
Test::~Test() {
if(otherTest != 0){
std::cout << otherTest->counter << " 1Got destructed" << counter << "\n";
otherTest->counter = 888;
std::cout << otherTest->counter << " 2Got destructed" << counter << "\n";
int vectorTest(){
Test a(5);
std::vector<Test> vecTest;
return 1;
int main(){
std::cout << "HELLO WORLD\n";
std::cout << "Prog finished\n";
In this case my destructor gets called twice all from counter 1, the alloc' object has already been set to 888 (or in a real case freed leading to bad access to a deleted object). What's the correct case for putting a local variable into a vector, is this some kind of design that would never happen sensibly. The following behaves differently and the destructor is called just once (which makes sense given its an alloc).
int vectorTest(){
//Test a(5);
std::vector<Test> vecTest;
vecTest.push_back(*(new Test(5)));
return 1;
How can I make the local variable behave the same leading to just one call to the destructor? Would a local simply never be put in a vector? But aren't vectors preferred over arrays, what if there are a load of local objects I want to initialize separately and place into the vector and pass this to another function without using free/heap memory? I think I'm missing something crucial here. Is this a case for some kind of smart pointer that transfers ownership?
A vector maintains its own storage and copies values into it. Since you did not implement a copy constructor, the default one is used, which just copies the value of the pointer. This pointer is thus deleted twice, once by the local variable destructor and once by the vector. Don't forget the rule of three. You either need to implement the copy and assignment operators, or just use a class that already does this, such as shared_ptr.
Note that this line causes a memory leak, since the object you allocated with new is never deleted:
vecTest.push_back(*(new Test(5)));
In addition to what Dark Falcon wrote: To avoid reallocating when inserting into a vector, you typically implement a swap function to swap local element with a default-constructed one in the vector. The swap would just exchange ownership of the pointer and all will be well. The new c++0x also has move-semantics via rvalue-references to help with this problem.
More than likely, you'd be better off having your vector hold pointers to Test objects instead of Test objects themselves. This is especially true for objects (like this test object) that allocate memory on the heap. If you end up using any algorithm (e.g. std::sort) on the vector, the algorithm will be constantly allocating and deallocating memory (which will slow it down substantially).
for(ItemTemplateListIterator iter = item_template_list.begin(); iter != item_template_list.end(); ++iter) {
int id = iter->first;
string description = iter->second->description;
some_file_stream << id << endl;
some_file_stream << description << endl;
Where item_template_list is a map of <int, MyClass*>, ItemTemplateListIterator is a typedef for a const_iterator of map<int, MyClass*> and MyClass has a public string property called description.
What very likely happened is that the object pointers that you stored in the map are not valid anymore (because the memory was deallocated elsewhere). Attempting to access a deallocated memory area causes a segfault. Not valid is meaning either NULL or having a so-called "dangling pointer".
Maybe also you are modifying the map or objects in the map in another thread while iterating through it.
There is too little code here for me to help you more.
I'll take a shot.
One of the MyClass* (pointers) has a "junk" (incorrect) value when you try to access it and boo-m. Segfault city.
As commented, you can store the full object in the map and not bother with pointers.
one of (iter->second) == null
The reason this is segfault is probably because the MyClass* is null or has been freed and has garbage value.
You can easily find out if it's null:
MyClass * obj = iter->second;
if (obj == null) {
cerr << "Unexpected null pointer" << endl;
} else {
string description = obj->description;
some_file_stream << id << endl;
some_file_stream << description << endl;
However, you still need to go through the rest of your code that populates the list and find out why it's not what you expected it to be.
Overall I'd say unless you're aiming to eliminate unnecessary copying of objects you'll be safer to store actual objects in the list and just make sure your copy constructor can handle them.