Tried renaming a managed c++ project in Visual Studio, getting resource errors now - c++

I tried renaming a c++ project in Visual Studio and I'm now getting the following errors:
An unhandled exception of type
'System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException' occurred in
Additional information: Could not find any resources appropriate for
the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure
"OuiDesktop.PreForm.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into
assembly "OuiProject" at compile time, or that all the satellite
assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.
I get this for every each form that uses a resource. If I comment these lines of code out that raise this error, the program launches okay, but I need the resources.
What have i done wrong? Seems renaming a project in Visual Studio is a nightmare!!
These .resources files are being created in the build directory just fine, just not being included in the assembly!

I was using Visual Studio Express 2010 on this machine. Creating a new project and adding the source files back into that in Express didn't work.
I tried this same fix on another machine with full Visual Studio 2010 Professional and it worked perfectly.


Visual C++ to Visual Studio 2019 - A Dependent DLL was not found

I'm in the process of migrating some legacy MFC applications that were, and are still supported by Visual Studio 2008.
The automated migration that's packaged in with Visual Studio 2019 allows the program and supporting libraries to successfully build; however, at execution this error appeared:
The code execution cannot proceed because MSCVR90D.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
After further research, this appears to be a Visual Studio debug DLL. After finding the DLL and dropping it into my debug folder, I receive a brand new error:
Debug Error!
An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library without using a manifest.
I've followed the various StackOverflow and MSDN troubleshooting steps that touch on this issue, mostly changing settings within the Linker and Manifest settings, but to no avail.
Anyone have any ideas? Be it with resolving the DLL issue, or the manifest issue that follows its explicit inclusion in the project.

Not able to create VC++ project Visual Studio 2015 Community

I am unable to create a VC++ project in VS2015 Community. When I attempt to do so, I get two messages starting with, 'The "Visual Studio C++ Project System Package" did not load correctly.' Then this fatal message appears:
I also have VS2005 Professional installed on my machine; I need the two for different projects.
This seemed similar to not able to create VC++ project, with VS11 so I created a batch file that sets those env vars and then calls devenv.exe for VS2015. Still got the same error messages.
Visual Studio 2015 (community)- cannot create new project c++ suggests an incompatibility between two versions and to delete an old directory. But as I need both versions, that does not seem to be a good solution either (and suggestion didn't appear to help that OP).
As final data points, Intel Visual Fortran 2017 is installed and integrated with VS2015, and I note that a resulting VFPROJ file is in the pre-VS2010 format - .vcproj format with <VisualStudioProject> being an element.
At any rate, I cannot create a new project inside VS2015 for C++ and would appreciate your help towards a solution.
I chose Repair for on VS2015 under Control Panel - Programs and Features and I am now able to create a C++ project. I will continue testing by creating a nother Fortran project and if it causes the problem to recur I will repost.

How to compile source C++ code that doesn't have a project file?

I have just started learning more about C/C++ and I am using Visual Studio 2013 to manage the code.
A project I am working on to use the Tobii EyeX eye gaze system requires me to be able to tweak this code slightly, however I do not understand how I can compile this code to an exe file without a Microsoft Visual Studio project file. This is that code:
In the source folder you see all the project's files but not an actual project file. How would I go about compiling this code? Where do I start? I can not seem to be able to load this is Visual Studio at all - the programmer of the code says (at the bottom of the Github page):
Compiling the source codes As for now, you have to use Microsoft
Visual Studio 2012 (latest update preferred)...
Either create a makefile(if no makefile is exist) for visual studio using nmake or you can use the suggestion provided in this link.
Additionally you can create a project by adding these codes as source. follow this link.

Visual Studio Express 2013 freezes when opening project properties

Main Problem
When I try to access the properties of a project in Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop through Project -> ProjectName Properties, Visual Studio freezes completely without an error and I must end it through the Windows Task Manager.
I ran Visual Studio with /safemode enabled. This did provide some information by saying that "The 'Visual Studio Component Model Host Package' package did not load correctly."
It also produced a log file with some errors and warnings. Errors and warning entries in the log can be searched for with <type>Error</type> and <type>Warning</type> respectively. Additionally, opening the file in Internet Explorer seems to apply some styles to the file and makes it more readable.
Errors only -
Full log -
The errors in the log seem to center around this Visual Studio Component Model Host Package. I tried searching for errors related to that, but did not find anything I thought was applicable to my situation.
The dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentModelHost.Implementation.dll is present in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\
The dll Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.DataSourceWizardExtension.dll is indeed missing from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\DataDesign
Extra Info
I am using version 12.0.30723.00 Update 3 of Visual Studio and I am running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit 6.1 build 7601.
I have tried re-installing Visual Studio in order to to clear out any bad settings, but that did not seem to work.
I tried running Visual Studio with /resetskipkgs and /resetsettings, and neither of those worked.
Trying to open project properties in safe mode still froze Visual Studio.
I am ultimately trying to setup an environment in which to develop OpenGL applications. I have some experience with it through following the Arc Synthesis tutorials, but I do not know how to operate outside of the specialized environment the tutorials provided.
Following the OpenGL Book setup instructions, I am told development will go more smoothly if I use the GLEW and freeGLUT libraries. In order to do so, I need to be able to link in extra files to a project. In Visual Studio, this is done through the project properties dialog, but I cannot access it due to the freezing problem.
I am not very familiar with the development process in C++, so I am wary of venturing outside of the IDE provided by Visual Studio, but I might just have to do that if this problem persists.

use msbuild to compile a vcxproj created by vs2010 on a computer without vs

I have created a large Visual C++ 10.0 project which builds nicely within the visual studio ide as well as within the "special" Visual Studio Command Prompt using msbuild with a vcxproj file.
However this project needs to be compiled by computers that do not have the vs ide, but only have the msbuild tool and the vc++ 10.0 runtime files.
The problem is that the vcxproj (created by the vs ide) file contains references to files such as Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props and Microsoft.Cpp.targets which clearly won't be available in a computer without visual studio.
Since all the compile and link command line options are available and fixed (no changes will be necessary), how is it possible to create a new vcxproj file to implement the compiling and linking of the project using these options?
I was finally able to make some tests on a "clean" computer. These are the results:
First, I installed .NET Framework 4.0 from Along with it, MSBuild 4.0 was also installed automatically. When I tried to compile I got the following error:
error MSB4019: The imported project "H:\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" was not found. Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
which means that extra files are needed to compile the vcxproj and these files were missing. Note that simple project files written by hand (and not by the VS IDE) are expected to compile without problems since they contain no references to theses files (I did not test it for certain).
Next, I installed Windows SDK 7.1 from The error about missing files disappeared, but I got a new one. This new error (along with the way I overcomed it) is described in,guid,9121bd6b-876c-4051-8487-de1b95a7e919.aspx.
Doing the above successfully allowed me build my vcxproj file on a computer without vs2010.
I think that the files that you mention are not part of Visual Studio. They are part of MSbuild.