win32 DialogBox() and MAKEINTRESOURCE(): how to modify the app's ui? - c++

I'm working on my project which is trying to control a camera by using a Joystick,
and I found this sample code:
This app has its own ui which isn't fit to my project, the ui seems to be created by MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_JOYST_IMM ), I want to modify but don't know how to do.
Should I change the variable in MAKEINTRESOURCE() to modify the ui?
How can I build my own ui?
Thanks for any help!

You need to use resource editor (or even a text editor) to modify the dialog template in the resource file.


How to add save file dialog in plug-in using 3d's max 2016 SDK (C++)?

I'm currently using 3d's Max 2016 SDK via MV Studio 2012. I've created usual project with Plugin Wizard, it creates panel with text and button (and does many actions inside the code, but that is not the theme).
So, now I want to add some button to activate Windows File Dialog to choose path (folder) and name of .bin-file that will be created afterwards.
I tried to find something in the toolbox at the resource editor but have not succeed.
What should I do?
As you said, you can use directly winapi to create your dialog, but the aesthetic result of the window should differ a bit from dialog already used in 3dsMax. Autodesk has made a lot of UI controls by themselves (or patched winapi ones) and provide their access in the SDK to have something homogeneous between the application and plugins.
What you are looking for here, is the function named DoMaxSaveAsDialog and should be available in Interface8.
Interface8 Class Reference
The problem is solved de-facto. Just used pushbutton and GetSaveFileName function from windows.h header.
For details, read here:
how to save file with GetSaveFileName in win32?

Override Close Box on Windows 10 Universal Apps UWP

I'm trying to prevent the app from being closed by clicking the Close box on the App Window.
For example, having a text editor with unsaved changes, upon pressing Close Box, I would first display, "Do you want to save changes before exiting?"
How can I detect app wanting to close and prevent that from happening?
I'm using C++, and this needs to be for Windows 10 Universal Apps UWP.
I already know how to do this for Win32.
The comments are correct. There is currently no way for a regular Store app to do this.
However, with the Creators Update (and corresponding SDK) we have included a preview API that you can now check out for this functionality:
The Windows.UI.Core.Preview.SystemNavigationManagerPreview class provides a CloseRequested event that an app can mark as handled. For the event to work the app will need to declare the restricted 'confirmAppClose' capability per:
Please let us know your feedback.
Stefan Wick - Windows Developer Platform

NSIS - Default Installer Width/Height

i have several setups created with nsis (modernui).
Is there any possibility to change the default width/height of the installer?
Regards and thanks,
The NSIS UI is actually a main dialog window with a inner dialog where the page content is displayed:
If you want to display multiple pages then you pretty much have to accept this design and use a 3rd-party tool like Resource Hacker to redesign the dialogs. If you want to do this then you should create a copy of "NSIS\Contrib\UIs\modern.exe" and edit it, then use the ChangeUI instruction to select the new UI file (!define MUI_UI yourfile.exe (and possibly the other MUI_UI_* defines) when using the MUI).
On the other hand, if you are developing a autorun splash screen or something like that then you could resize the inner dialog so it covers the whole outer dialog area.
There is no simple attribute that just sets the desired width and height because all controls on all pages also need to be resized and moved...
Have a look at this tool: Graphical Installer for NSIS (a little self promo :)
This tool is capable of changing dimensions of installer + has a lot of other features like installer skinning and many more.

How do you programatically update the UI in Qt?

I'm fairly new to Qt, and am trying to wrap my head around signals and slots. Though I've figured out how to create custom slots, I've yet to figure out how do update the GUI from my C++ code. I realized that the entire UI, which I created in the designer, is only written in what appears to be XML based UI code. Do I have to handwrite my own Qt C++ UI in order to update the interface, or can I somehow use C++ to update the XML based UI? I'm just looking to add a widget to the main form on a button click. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
To add a widget to a form you can simply do
ui->layout()->addWidget(new Widget);
XML is used by QtDesigner as a mean to create, update, and persist your GUI, enabling a visual approach to development, but in the end you can build your application entirely without it.
you dont havfe to update the xml of UI . you can inherit the ui into your own class using setupUi
now in your C++ class you can update the widgets like changing label text, lineEdit text, setting up spinbox value using Signals & slot.
That xml is used by Qt designer and outside of designer it's only used by uic as a source to generate C++ code, so everything that you do in the designer end-up as C++ code, so it can be updated (or done completely) in C++ code (you can look into the code and see that you most likely have a member called ui that is most likely a pointer, but it can also be an instance of a C++ class that is generated for you by uic, and trough that ui member you can access the widgets and layouts that you created in the designer).
A generic resource that i recommend you to read can be found here and then (if you still can't figure it out) ask a specific question about what exactly are you trying to achieve.
LE: that link contains 3 methods to use the generated code into C++ code, don't try all of them into your working project, you may choose one method or use the default one (ui member pointer)

using SHAutoComplete with CEdit control

I am developing an MFC application, can i use SHAutoComplete with a CEdit control? Also is there any ready made auto complete controls are available? or i need to use write all the code for creating the list box below the edit control as user types in edit control?
Just pass CEdit's m_hwnd member to SHAutoComplete. I don't think that extension warrant another class. The listbox is created by the AutoComplete object created by SHAutoComplete.
SHAutoComplete helps to autocomplete paths (system or URL).
If this is a combo box and you want to use autocomplete for suggesting string contained in the combo, you have to write a code to handle it.
There are samples you can find. One I found (working):