How should I implement callback for taskset in celery - django

I use celery to launch task sets that look like this:
I perform a batch of tasks that can be run in parallel, number of tasks in this batch varies from tens to couple thousands.
I aggregate results of these tasks into single answer, then do something with this answer --- like store to the database, save to special result file and so on. Basically after tasks done executing I have to call function that has following signature:
def callback(result_file_name, task_result_list):
#store in file
def callback(entity_key, task_result_list):
#store in db
For now step 1. is done in Celery queue and step 2 is done outside celery:
tasks = []
# add taksks to tasks list
task_group = group()
task_group.tasks = tasks
result = task_group.apply_async()
res = result.join()
# Aggregate results
# Save results to file, database whatever
This approach is cumbersome since I have to stop a single thread until all tasks are performed (which can take couple of hours).
I would like to somehow move step 2 to celery also --- esentially I would need to add a callback to entire taskset (as far as I know it is unsupported in Celery) or submit a task that is executed after all these subtasks.
Does anyone have idea how to do it? I use it in the django enviorment so I can store some state in the database.
To sum up my recent findings
Chords won't do
I'cant use chords straight forwardly because chords enable me to create callbacks that look this way:
def callback(task_result_list):
#store in file
there is no obvious way to pass additional parameters to callback (especially because these callbacks can't be local functions).
Using the database either
I can store results using TaskSetMeta but this entity has no status field --- so even if I would add a signal to TaskSetMeta i'd have to pool task results which could have siginificant overhead.

Well answer was really straightforward, and I can indeed use chords --- and additional parameters (like report file name and so on) must be passed as kwargs.
Here is chord task:
def print_and_sum(to_sum, file_name):
print file_name
print sum(to_sum)
return file_name, sum(to_sum)
Here is how to instantiate it:
subtasks = [...]
result = chord(subtasks)(print_and_sum.subtask(kwargs={'file_name' : 'report_file.csv'}))


It's possible to perform db operations asynchronously in django?

I'm writing a command to randomly create 5M orders in a database.
def constrained_sum_sample(
number_of_integers: int, total: Optional[int] = 5000000
) -> int:
"""Return a randomly chosen list of n positive integers summing to total.
number_of_integers (int): The number of integers;
total (Optional[int]): The total sum. Defaults to 5000000.
(int): The integers whose the sum is equals to total.
dividers = sorted(sample(range(1, total), number_of_integers - 1))
for i, j in zip(dividers + [total], [0] + dividers):
yield i - j
def create_orders():
customers = Customer.objects.all()
number_of_customers = Customer.objects.count()
for customer, number_of_orders in zip(
for _ in range(number_of_orders):
number_of_customers will be at least greater than 1k and the create_order function does at least 5 db operations (one to create the order, one to randomly get the order's store, one to create the order item (and this can go up to 30, also randomly), one to get the item's product (or higher but equals to the item) and one to create the sales note.
As you may suspect this take a LONG time to complete. I've tried, unsuccessfully, to perform these operations asynchronously. All of my attempts (dozen at least; most of them using sync_to_async) have raised the following error:
SynchronousOnlyOperation you cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async
Before I continue to break my head, I ask: is it possible to achieve what I desire? If so, how should I proceed?
Thank you very much!
Not yet supported but in development.
Django 3.1 has officially asynchronous support for views and middleware however if you try to call ORM within async function you will get SynchronousOnlyOperation.
if you need to call DB from async function they have provided helpers utils like:
async_to_sync and sync_to_async to change between threaded or coroutine mode as follows:
from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async
results = await sync_to_async(Blog.objects.get, thread_sensitive=True)(pk=123)
If you need to queue call to DB, we used to use tasks queues like celery or rabbitMQ.
By the way if you really know what you are doing you can call it but on your responsibility
just turn off the Async safety but watch out for data lost and integrity errors
The reason this is needed in Django is that many libraries, specifically database adapters, require that they are accessed in the same thread that they were created in. Also a lot of existing Django code assumes it all runs in the same thread, e.g. middleware adding things to a request for later use in views.
More fun news in the release notes:
It's possible to achieve what you desire, however you need a different perspective to solve this problem.
Try using asynchronous workers, and a simple one would be rq workers or celery.
Use one of these libraries to process async long-running tasks defined in django in different threads or processes.
you can use bulk_create() to create large number of objects , this will speed up the process , additionally put the bulk_create() under a separate thread.

Can you reserve a set amount of celery workers for specific tasks or set a task to higher priority when you delay it?

My django application currently takes in a file, and reads in the file line by line, for each line there's a celery task that delegates processing said line.
Here's kinda what it look slike
File -> For each line in file -> celery_task.delay(line)
Now then, I also have other celery tasks that can be triggered by the user for example:
User input line -> celery_task.delay(line)
This of course isn't strictly the same task, the user can in essence invoke any celery task depending on what they do (signals also invoke some tasks as well)
Now the problem that I'm facing is, when a user uploads a relatively large file, my redis queue gets boggled up with processing the file, when the user does anything, their task will be delegated and executed only after the file's celery_task.delay() tasks are done executing. My question is, is it possible to reserve a set amount of workers or delay a celery task with a "higher" priority and overwrite the queue?
Here's in general what the code looks like:
def process_line(line):
obj = Data.objects.make_data_from_line(line)
def serialize_object(important_id):
obj = Data.objects.get(id=important_id)
obj.pre_serialized_json = DataSerializer(obj).data
def process_file(file_id):
ingested_file = IngestedFile.objects.get(id=file_id)
for line in ingested_file.get_all_lines():
Yes you can create multiple queues, and then you can decide to route your tasks to those queues running on multiple workers or single worker. By default all tasks go to default queue named as celery. Check Celery documentation on Routing Tasks to get more information and some examples.

Celery: dynamic queues at object level

I'm writing a django app to make polls which uses celery to put under control the voting system. Right now, I have two queues, default and polls, the first one with concurrency set to 8 and the second one set to 1.
$ celery multi start -A myproject.celery default polls -Q:default default -Q:polls polls -c:default 8 -c:polls 1
Celery routes:
'polls.tasks.option_add_vote': {
'queue': 'polls',
'polls.tasks.option_subtract_vote': {
'queue': 'polls',
def option_add_vote(pk):
Updates given option id and its poll increasing vote number by 1.
option = Option.objects.get(pk=pk)
with transaction.atomic():
option.vote_quantity += 1
option.poll.total_votes += 1
except IntegrityError as exc:
raise self.retry(exc=exc)
The option_add_vote method (task) updates the poll-object vote-number value adding 1 to the previous value. So, to avoid concurrency problems, I set the poll queue concurrency to 1. This allow the system to handle thousand of vote requests to be completed successfully.
The problem will be, as I can imagine, a bottle-neck when the system grows up.
So, I was thinking about some kind of dynamic queues where all vote requests to any options of a certain poll where routered to a custom queue. I think this will make the system more reliable and fast.
What do you think? How can I make it?
I got a new idea thanks to Paul and Plahcinski. I'm storing the votes as objects in their own model (a user-options relationship). When someone votes an option it creates an object from this model, allowing me to count how many votes an option has. This free the system from the voting-concurrency problem, so it could be executed in parallel.
I'm thinking about using CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE to cron a task that updates poll options based on the result of Vote.objects.get(pk=pk).count(). Maybe I could execute it every hour or do partial updates for those options that are getting new votes...
But, how do I give to the clients updated options in real time?
As Plahcinski says, I can have a cached value for my options in Redis (or any other mem-cached system?) and use it to temporally store this values, giving to any new request the cached value.
How can I mix this with my standar values in django models? Anyone could give me some code references or hints?
Am I in the good way or did I make mistakes?
What I would do is remove your incrementation for the database and move to redis and use the database model as your cached value. Have a celery beat that updates recently incremented redis keys to your database
What about just having a simple model that stores vote -1/+1 integers then a celery task that reconciles those with the FK object for atomic transactions and updates?

get number of pending tasks for a specific user

In one of my applications i want to limit users to make a only a specific number of document conversion each calendar month and want to notify them of the conversions they've made and number of conversions they can still make in that calendar month.
So I do something like the following.
class CustomUser(models.Model):
# user fields here
def get_converted_docs(self):
return self.document_set.filter(date__range=[start, end]).count()
def remaining_docs(self):
converted = self.get_converted_docs()
return LIMIT - converted
Now, document conversion is done in the background using celery. So there may be a situation when a conversion task is pending, so in that case the above methods would let a user make an extra conversion, because the pending task is not being included in the count.
How can i get the number of tasks pending for a specific CustomUser object here ??
ok so i tried the following:
from celery.task.control import inspect
def get_scheduled_tasks():
tasks = []
scheduled = inspect().scheduled()
for task in scheduled.values()
return tasks
This gives me a list of scheduled tasks but now all the values are unicode for the above mentioned task args look like this:
u'args': u'(<Document: test_document.doc>, <CustomUser: Test User>)'
is there a way these can be decoded back to original django objects so that i can filter them ?
Store the state of your documents somewhere else, don't inspect your queue.
Either create a seperate model for that, or eg. have a state on your document model, at least independently from your queue. This should have several advantages:
Inspecting the queue might be expensive - also depending on the backend for that. And as you see it can also turn out to be difficult.
Your queue might not be persistent, if eg. your server crashes and use something like Redis you would loose this information, so it's a good thing to have a log somewhere else to be able to reconstruct the queue)

Django Celery: Execute only one instance of a long-running process

I have a long-running process that must run every five minutes, but more than one instance of the processes should never run at the same time. The process should not normally run past five min, but I want to be sure that a second instance does not start up if it runs over.
Per a previous recommendation, I'm using Django Celery to schedule this long-running task.
I don't think a periodic task will work, because if I have a five minute period, I don't want a second task to execute if another instance of the task is running already.
My current experiment is as follows: at 8:55, an instance of the task starts to run. When the task is finishing up, it will trigger another instance of itself to run at the next five min mark. So if the first task finished at 8:57, the second task would run at 9:00. If the first task happens to run long and finish at 9:01, it would schedule the next instance to run at 9:05.
I've been struggling with a variety of cryptic errors when doing anything more than the simple example below and I haven't found any other examples of people scheduling tasks from a previous instance of itself. I'm wondering if there is maybe a better approach to doing what I am trying to do. I know there's a way to name one's tasks; perhaps there's a way to search for running or scheduled instances with the same name? Does anyone have any advice to offer regarding running a task every five min, but ensuring that only one task runs at a time?
Thank you,
In mymodule/
import datetime
from celery.decorators import task
def test(run_periodically, frequency):
now =
# Run this task every x minutes, where x is an integer specified by frequency
eta = (
now - datetime.timedelta(
minutes = now.minute % frequency , seconds = now.second,
microseconds = now.microsecond ) ) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=frequency)
task = test.apply_async(args=[run_periodically, frequency,], eta=eta)
From a ./ shell:
from mymodule import tasks
result = tasks.test.apply_async(args=[True, 5])
You can use periodic tasks paired with a special lock which ensures the tasks are executed one at a time. Here is a sample implementation from Celery documentation:
Your described method with scheduling task from the previous execution can stop the execution of tasks if there will be failure in one of them.
I personally solve this issue by caching a flag by a key like + args
def perevent_run_duplicate(func):
this decorator set a flag to cache for a task with specifig args
and wait to completion, if during this task received another call
with same cache key will ignore to avoid of conflicts.
and then after task finished will delete the key from cache
- cache keys with a day of timeout
def outer(self, *args, **kwargs):
if cache.get(f"running_task_{}_{args}", False):
cache.set(f"running_task_{}_{args}", True, 24 * 60 * 60)
func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return outer
this decorator will manage task calls to prevent duplicate calls for a task by same args.
We use Celery Once and it has resolved similar issues for us. Github link -
It has very intuitive interface and easier to incorporate that the one recommended in celery documentation.