I am trying to use JSON cpp with VS2008.
Can anyone tell me is it possible to pack binary data into JSON format? I am reading a image file into char* buffer, and putting it in JSON::Value. But when i try to parse it, I don't find the buffer contents in the JSON object.
Code is as follows.
Json::Value root;
Json::Reader reader;
Json::StyledWriter writer;
int length;
char * buffer;
ifstream is;
is.open ("D:\\test.j2k", ios::binary);
// get length of file:
is.seekg (0, ios::end);
length = is.tellg();
is.seekg (0, ios::beg);
// allocate memory:
buffer = new char [length];
// read data as a block:
is.read (buffer,length);
root["sample"] = *buffer;
cout << root;
const string rootAsString = root.toStyledString();
cout << rootAsString << endl;
Since I am new to VC++, I am not sure whether reading a image file to char * buffer is right/wrong. Please let me know whats wrong with the code. Thanks.
You must encode it because JSON is a subset of javascript structures format as it appears in javascript source code.
The most frequently used encoding for binary data in JSON is Base64. I use it (in other languages than c++) for encoding images without problems. You simply have to prefix the encoded image with data:image/png;base64, (supposing it's png) to have it automatically decoded in javascript if you set this to the src of an image.
EDIT : as in any other language, base64 encoding in C++ is easy. Here's a library : https://github.com/ReneNyffenegger/development_misc/tree/master/base64
i want to store an JPEG image into a normal unsigned char array, i'd used ifstream to store it; however, when i checked if the array i'd stored is correct or not ( by rewrite it again to an JPEG image), the image that i rewrote by using the stored array couldn't show correctly, so i think the problem must come from the technique that i use to store the image into an array is not correct. I want an array which can be stored perfectly so that i can use it to rewrite back into a JPEG image again.I'd really appreciate if anyone can help me solve this problem!
int size = 921600;
unsigned char output[size];
int i = 0;
ifstream DataFile;
DataFile >> output[i];
/* i try to rewrite the above array into a new image here */
FILE * image2;
image2 = fopen("def.jpeg", "w");
fwrite(output,1,921600, image2);
There are multiple problems in the shown code.
This is always a bug. See the linked question for a detailed explanation.
DataFile >> output[i];
The formatted extraction operator, >>, by definition, skips over all white space characters and ignores them. Your jpg file surely has bytes 0x09, 0x20, and a few others, somewhere in it, and this automatically skips over and does not read them.
In order to do this correctly, you need to use read() and gcount() to read your binary file. Using gcount() correctly should also result in your code detecting the end-of-file condition properly.
Make sure to add error check when opening files. Find the file size and read in to the buffer according to the filesize.
You might also look in to using std::vector<unsigned char> for character storage.
int main()
std::ifstream DataFile("abc.jpeg", std::ios::binary);
return 0;
DataFile.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
size_t filesize = (int)DataFile.tellg();
unsigned char output[filesize];
//or std::vector
//or unsigned char *output = new unsigned char[filesize];
if(DataFile.read((char*)output, filesize))
std::ofstream fout("def.jpeg", std::ios::binary);
return 0;
fout.write((char*)output, filesize);
return 0;
I'm new to C++, I have an image named "test.jpg", i convert it to base64 and decode it again like this:
std::ifstream inputFile;
std::filebuf* pbuf = inputFile.rdbuf();
inputFile.seekg (0, ios::end);
int length = inputFile.tellg();
// allocate memory to contain file data
char* buffer=new char[length];
// get file data
pbuf->sgetn (buffer,length);
CBase64 base64;
string encodedData = base64.base64_encode((unsigned char*)buffer,length);
delete[] buffer;
string decodedData = base64.base64_decode(encodedData);
ofstream outPutFile;
outPutFile.open("test2.jpg",ios::binary | ios::out);
outPutFile.write(decodedData.c_str(), decodedData.length());
the "test2.jpg" has exact same size as "test.jpg"(the original file) but, i can't open it.
i couldn't find what is the problem.
i got it working. i just replaced:
outPutFile.open("test2.jpg",ios::binary | ios::out);
outPutFile.open("test2.jpg", ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);
std::string path = "file.txt";
std::string cfgString = "data";
std::ofstream output(path.c_str(), ios_base::out | std::ios::binary);
if (output.is_open()) {
output.write(cfgString.data(), cfgString.length());
Apparently, there is no superficial problem with your file writing logic even though there are some irregularities. The biggest problem is in your main logic.
The program seems to be simple program of copying a file. What you are doing is reading a file, converting its data to base64 string and then again decoding the data to std::string. Now one small problem. Conversion of base64 string cannot be successfully done into a null terminated ANSI string for obvious reasons that any 0 in decoded binary data will terminate the string prematurely. Secondly you are opening a file in binary mode to write but trying to write std::string in the file. But that doesn't matter as you data has already been corrupted in your previous operation.
To solve this, you can simply use file copying example as this or make sure you write only binary data with care to your output file which means read in binary from input file and write to output file the same buffer. No base64 encoding decoding is required.
it looks like you forgot to write
inputFile.seekg (0, ios::beg);
after getting file length. it means you try to read from the end of the file instead of its beginning.
I am trying to do something like this using rapidxml using c++
xml_document<> doc;
ifstream myfile("map.osm");
and receive the following error
Multiple markers at this line - Invalid arguments ' Candidates are: void parse(char *) ' - Symbol 'parse' could not be resolved
file size can be up to a few mega bytes.
please help
You have to load the file into a null terminated char buffer first as specified here in the official documentation.
Just read the contents of your file into a char array and use this array to pass to the xml_document::parse() function.
If you are using ifstream, you can use something like the following to read the entire file contents to a buffer
ifstream file ("test.xml");
if (file.is_open())
int size = file.tellg();
char* buffer = new char [size];
file.read (buffer, size);
// your file should now be in the char buffer -
// use this to parse your xml
delete[] buffer;
Please note I have not compiled the above code, just writing it from memory, but this is the rough idea. Look at the documentation for ifstream for exact details. This should help you get started anyway.
I am programming a face detection algorithm. In my code I'm parsing an XML file (in a recursion way, very inefficient takes my about 4 minutes to parse the whole XML file). I'd like to save the XML content using Iosteam binary to a file. I'm using a struct in C++ in order to use the raw data.
My goal is to parse the XML only if the raw data file is not exist.
The method work like this:
If the raw data file is not exist, parse the XML file and save the data to a file.
If the raw data file exist, read the raw data from the file
My problem is: whenever I open the raw data file and read from it. I get to read only small amount of byte from the file, I don't know how much, but in a certain point I receive only 0x00 data on my buffer.
My guess: I believe this has to do with the OS buffer, Which has a certain amount of buffer for read and write operations. I might be wrong about this. Though I'm not sure which one from the operations doesn't work well, it's either the write or read.
I was thinking to write / read the raw data char by char or line by line. In the other hand the file doesn't contain a text, which means that I can't read line by line or char by char.
The raw data size is
size_t datasize = DataSize(); == 196876 (Byte)
Which is retrieve in this function
/* Get the upper bound for predefined cascade size */
size_t CCacadeInterpreter::DataSize()
// this is an upper boundary for the whole hidden cascade size
size_t datasize = sizeof(HaarClassifierCascade) * TOTAL_CASCADE+
sizeof(HaarStageClassifier)*TOTAL_STAGES +
sizeof(HaarClassifier) * TOTAL_CLASSIFIERS +
return datasize;
The method work like this
BYTE * CCacadeInterpreter::Interpreter()
printf("|Phase - Load cascade from memory | CCacadeInterpreter::Interpreter | \n");
size_t datasize = DataSize();
// Create a memory structure
nextFreeSpace = pStartMemoryLocation = new BYTE [datasize];
// Try to open a predefined cascade file on the current folder (instead of parsing the file again)
fstream stream;
stream.open(cascadeSavePath); // ...try existing file
if (stream.is_open())
stream.read((char*)pStartMemoryLocation , datasize); // **ream from file**
printf("|Load cascade from saved memory location | CCacadeInterpreter::Interpreter | \n");
return pStartMemoryLocation;
// Open the cascade file and parse the cascade xml file
std::fstream cascadeFile;
cascadeFile.open(cascadeDestanationPath, std::fstream::in); // open the file with read only attributes
if (!cascadeFile.is_open())
printf("Error: couldn't open cascade XML file\n");
delete pStartMemoryLocation;
return NULL;
// Read the file XML file , line by line
string buffer, str;
split(buffer, '<',m_tokens);
// Parsing begins
pHaarClassifierCascade = (HaarClassifierCascade*)nextFreeSpace;
nextFreeSpace += sizeof(HaarClassifierCascade);
m_numOfStage = 0;
while (m_tokens.size())
// Save the current cascade into a file
return pStartMemoryLocation;
bool CCacadeInterpreter::SaveBlockToMemory(BYTE * pStartMemoryLocation,size_t dataSize)
fstream stream;
if (stream.is_open() )
stream.open(cascadeSavePath); // ...try existing file
if (!stream.is_open()) // ...else, create new file...
stream.open(cascadeSavePath, ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc);
return true;
Try using the Boost IOstreams library.
It has an easy to use wrrapers for file handling
I need to read bytes from a jpg file in c++ so write this codes:
ifstream in("1.jpg"ios::binary);
char ch = in.get();
as you know a jpg file consist of 256 difference chars that we can save it's repeat in a a arr.but the problem is that this code that i wrote read chars in the form of unicode so it consist of 9256 difference char.how can i read from 1.jpg that it wasn't unicode?
The get function reads unformatted data from the file, it just casts the char it read as an int. Are you seeing data read from the file as different to the actual data in the file? If you are there could be a problem elsewhere in the code, and you should provide more.
Alternatively you could read chunks of unformatted data using read.
int main()
std::ifstream in("1.jpg", std::ios::binary);
char buffer[1024];
while (in)
in.read(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (in.gcount() > 0)
// read in.gcount() chars from the file
// process them here.