C++ checking available ram? - c++

In C++ how would I check how much available RAM i have?
I am on windows, but be interested for Unix answers as well as windows.

Windows: GlobalMemoryStatusEx. MSDN page has a detailed C sample code.
Linux: check the "/proc/meminfo" file (discussion)
OSX: see this SO thread Determine physical mem size programmatically on OSX
The question is not clear, however. There is physical memory, there is virtual memory, there is an OS ability to swap some unused pages to disk/other storage.
If you need to write some kind of a system monitor, then my answer would do.
If you need to be sure that none of your malloc()/new[] calls fail, then just catch appropriate exceptions or handle NULL results. The other option is to build your own allocator which gets a large memory block at the beginning and allocates smaller blocks there.
EDIT: answer to comment
The calls to WinAPI's MapViewOfFile and CreateFileMapping provide error codes to exclude fatal situations. Since files are mapped to the virtual address space shared with your process' data, you may check if there are sufficient number of pages available. I.e., if you're on a 32-bit system, you won't be able to map the whole 8Gb file to the memory at once (but you can map its smaller parts), but on a 64-bit system the mapping possibilities are sufficient for any current needs.


Swapping objects out to file

My C++ application occasionally runs out of memory due to large amounts of data being retrieved from a database. It has to run on 32bit WinXP machines.
Is it possible to transparently (for most of the existing code) swap out the data objects to disk and read them into memory only on demand, so I'm not limited to the 2GB that 32bit Windows gives to the process?
I've looked at VirtualAlloc and Address Window Extensions but I'm not sure it's what I want.
I also found this SO question where the questioner creates a file mapping and wants to create objects in there. One answer suggests using placement new which sounds like it would be pretty transparent to the rest of the code.
Will this prevent my application to run out of physical memory? I'm not entirely sure of it because after all there is still the 32bit address space limit. Or is this a different kind of problem that will occur when trying to create a lot of objects?
So long as you are using a 32-bit operating system there is nothing you can do about this. There is no way to have more than 3GB (2GB in the case of Windows) of data in virtual memory, whether or not it's actually swapped out to disk.
Historically databases have always handled this problem by using read, write and seek. So rather than accessing data directly from memory, they use a fake (64-bit) pointer. Data is split into blocks (normally around 4kb), and a number of these blocks are allocated in memory. When they want to access data from a fake pointer address they check if the block is loaded into memory and if it is they access it from there. If it is not then they find an empty slot and copy it in, then return the address. If there are no slots free then a piece of data will be written back out to disk (if it's been modified) and that slot will be reused.
The real beauty of this is that if your system has enough RAM then the operating system will cache much more than 2GB of this data in RAM at any point in time, and when you feel like you are actually reading and writing from disk the operating system will probably just be copying data around in memory. This, of course, requires a 32-bit operating system that support more than 3GB of physical memory, such as Linux or Windows Server with PAE.
SQLite has a nice self-contained implementation of this, which you could probably make use of with little effort.
If you do not wish to do this then your only alternatives are to either use a 64-bit operating system or to work with less data at any given point in time.

Use cases of mmap

I'm currently studying for my OS finals. The teacher in some papers is briefly mentioning the mmap function (memory map).
As I understand it (correct me if i'm wrong), mmap is used to load some files from the physical memory to the RAM (after a page default). The problem is that I don't see any practical reason for this other then to make the access time to that file faster.
Am I correct? Is mmap only used for this?
"mmap" has lots of purposes:
Mapping a file for faster read/write access is certainly one use
Shared memory (e.g. for interprocess communications) is another
mmap is also used to map I/O port addresses for low-level device communications
mmap is used to load some files from the physical memory to the RAM (after a page default)
to load the missing pages. also modifications can be written to the disk the same way!
Performance (you don't have to load the whole file), works really well if you have random access.
It can considerably make your code more compact, you don't have to worry about file I/O.
The OS can handle memory management, decide which pages to keep in memory and which to discard.
In addition to #paulsm4's answer:
Most modern malloc(3) implementations use mmap(2) to manage private process memory.
Dynamic link-loader ld.so(8) uses it for mapping shared libraries.
mmap takes memory management out of the hands of the programmer to a large extent, and puts it in the hands of the OS.
It's about demand paging using the virtual memory subsystem from disk to physical memory.
So to look at the 11111th byte of a file, instead of seeking and reading, you can mmap and use an array index. The OS will keep surroundiung data in its "buffer cache" (page cache really).
Here's an example:
The example's a little messy because it was written at a time when Linux had mmap support in its kernel, but the C library didn't yet have a stub for calling it. But you can pretty much ignore mmap.c. The example uses mmap to set pixels on and off using a monochromatic display adapter.
Another reasonable use is for a bloom filter:
...but on 32 bit OS's, the maximum size of an mmap'd memory region kinda hurts.

Dealing with large amounts of data in c++

I have an application that sometimes will utilize a large amount of data. The user has the option to load in a number of files which are used in a graphical display. If the user selects more data than the OS can handle, the application crashes pretty hard. On my test system, that number is about the 2 gigs of physical RAM.
What is a good way to handle this situation? I get the "bad alloc" thrown from new and tried trapping that but I still run into a crash. I feel as if I'm treading in nasty waters loading this much data but it is a requirement of this application to handle this sort of large data load.
Edit: I'm testing under a 32 bit Windows system for now but the application will run on various flavors of Windows, Sun and Linux, mostly 64 bit but some 32.
The error handling is not strong: It simply wraps the main instantiation code with a try catch block, the catch looking for any exception per another peer's complaint of not being able to trap the bad_alloc everytime.
I think you guys are right, I need a memory management system that doesn't load all of this data into the RAM, it just seems like it.
Edit2: Luther said it best. Thanks guy. For now, I just need a way to prevent a crash which with proper exception handling should be possible. But down the road I'll be implementing that acception solution.
There is the STXXL library which offers STL like containers for large Datasets.
Change "large" into "huge". It is designed and optimized for multicore processing of data sets that fit on terabyte-disks only. This might suffice for your problem, or the implementation could be a good starting point to tailor your own solution.
It is hard to say anything about your application crashing, because there are numerous hiccups involved when it comes to tight memory conditions: You could hit a hard address space limit (for example by default 32-bit Windows only has 2GB address space per user process, this can be changed, http://www.fmepedia.com/index.php/Category:Windows_3GB_Switch_FAQ ), or be eaten alive by the OOM killer ( Not a mythical beast:, see http://lwn.net/Articles/104179/ ).
What I'd suggest in any case to think about a way to keep the data on disk and treat the main memory as a kind of Level-4 cache for the data. For example if you have, say, blobs of data, then wrap these in a class which can transparently load the blobs from disk when they are needed and registers to some kind of memory manager which can ask some of the blob-holders to free up their memory before the memory conditions become unbearable. A buffer cache thus.
The user has the option to load in a number of files which are used in a graphical display.
Usual trick is not to load the data into memory directly, but rather use the memory mapping mechanism to make the files look like memory.
You need to make sure that the memory mapping is done in read-only mode to allow the OS to evict it from RAM if it is needed for something else.
If the user selects more data than the OS can handle, the application crashes pretty hard.
Depending on OS it is either: application is missing some memory allocation error handling or you really getting to the limit of available virtual memory.
Some OSs also have an administrative limit on how large the heap of application can grow.
On my test system, that number is about the 2 gigs of physical RAM.
It sounds like:
your application is 32-bits and
your OS uses the 2GB/2GB virtual memory split.
To avoid hitting the limit, your need to:
upgrade your app and OS to 64-bit or
tell OS (IIRC patch for Windows; most Linuxes already have it) to use 3GB/1GB virtual memory split. Some 32-bit OSs are using 2GB/2GB memory split: 2GB of virtual memory for kernel and 2 for the user application. 3/1 split means 1GB of VM for kernel, 3 for the user application.
How about maintaining a header table instead of loading the entire data. Load the actual page when the user requests the data.
Also use some data compression algorithms (like 7zip, znet etc.) which reduce the file size. (In my project they reduced the size from 200MB to 2MB)
I mention this because it was only briefly mentioned above, but it seems a "file paging system" could be a solution. These systems read large data sets in "chunks" by breaking the files into pieces. Once written, they generally "just work" and you hopefully won't have to tinker with them anymore.
Reading Large Files
Variable Length Data in File--Paging
New Link below with very good answer.
Handling Files greater than 2 GB
Search term: "file paging lang:C++" add large or above 2GB for more. HTH
Not sure if you are hitting it or not, but if you are using Linux, malloc will typically not fail, and operator new will typically not throw bad_alloc. This is because Linux will overcommit, and instead kill your process when it decides the system doesn't have enough memory, possibly at a page fault.
See: Google search for "oom killer".
You can disable this behavior with:
echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
Upgrade to a 64-bit CPU, 64-bit OS and 64-bit compiler, and make sure you have plenty of RAM.
A 32-bit app is restricted to 2GB of memory (regardless of how much physical RAM you have). This is because a 32-bit pointer can address 2^32 bytes == 4GB of virtual memory. 20 years ago this seemed like a huge amount of memory, so the original OS designers allocated 2GB to the running application and reserved 2GB for use by the OS. There are various tricks you can do to access more than 2GB, but they're complex. It's probably easier to upgrade to 64-bit.

Information about PTE's (Page Table Entries) in Windows

In order to find more easily buffer overflows I am changing our custom memory allocator so that it allocates a full 4KB page instead of only the wanted number of bytes. Then I change the page protection and size so that if the caller writes before or after its allocated piece of memory, the application immediately crashes.
Problem is that although I have enough memory, the application never starts up completely because it runs out of memory. This has two causes:
since every allocation needs 4 KB, we probably reach the 2 GB limit very soon. This problem could be solved if I would make a 64-bit executable (didn't try it yet).
even when I only need a few hundreds of megabytes, the allocations fail at a certain moment.
The second problem is the biggest one, and I think it's related to the maximum number of PTE's (page table entries, which store information on how Virtual Memory is mapped to physical memory, and whether pages should be read-only or not) you can have in a process.
My questions (or a cry-for-tips):
Where can I find information about the maximum number of PTE's in a process?
Is this different (higher) for 64-bit systems/applications or not?
Can the number of PTE's be configured in the application or in Windows?
PS. note for those who will try to argument that you shouldn't write your own memory manager:
My application is rather specific so I really want full control over memory management (can't give any more details)
Last week we had a memory overwrite which we couldn't find using the standard C++ allocator and the debugging functionality of the C/C++ run time (it only said "block corrupt" minutes after the actual corruption")
We also tried standard Windows utilities (like GFLAGS, ...) but they slowed down the application by a factor of 100, and couldn't find the exact position of the overwrite either
We also tried the "Full Page Heap" functionality of Application Verifier, but then the application doesn't start up either (probably also running out of PTE's)
There is what i thought was a great series of blog posts by Mark Russinovich on technet called "Pushing the limits of Windows..."
It has a few articles on virtual memory, paged nonpaged memory, physical memory and others.
He mentions little utilities he uses to take measurements about a systems resources.
Hopefully you will find your answers there.
A shotgun approach is to allocate those isolated 4KB entries at random. This means that you will need to rerun the same tests, with the same input repeatedly. Sometimes it will catch the error, if you're lucky.
A slightly smarter approach is to use another algorithm than just random - e.g. make it dependent on the call stack whether an allocation is isolated. Do you trust std::string users, for instance, and suspect raw malloc use?
Take a look at the implementation of OpenBSD malloc. Much of the same ideas (and more) implemented by very skilled folk.
In order to find more easily buffer
overflows I am changing our custom
memory allocator so that it allocates
a full 4KB page instead of only the
wanted number of bytes.
This has already been done. Application Verifier with PageHeap.
Info on PTEs and the Memory architecture can be found in Windows Internals, 5th Ed. and the Intel Manuals.
Is this different (higher) for 64-bit systems/applications or not?
Of course. 64bit Windows has a much larger address space, so clearly more PTEs are needed to map it.
Where can I find information about the
maximum number of PTE's in a process?
This is not so important as the maximum amount of user address space available in a process. (The number of PTEs is this number divided by the page size.)
This is 2GB on 32 bit Windows and much bigger on x64 Windows. (The actual number varies, but it's "big enough").
Problem is that although I have enough
memory, the application never starts
up completely because it runs out of
Are you a) leaking memory? b) using horribly inefficient algorithms?

How can I measure runtime memory requirements of an application on windows platform?

How can I measure runtime memory requirements of an application on windows platform?
Perfmon.exe will monitor the usage of a process.
Run perfmon.exe, right-click Add counters, pick Process for the Performance Object, then choose things like Virtual Bytes, Working Set, and Page File.
I'll assume you mean memory use at a particular point in time, not how much it could potentially ever need.
You can get the information about how much a process is consuming through the windows API, for example GetProcessMemoryInfo. Windows allocates memory in blocks so it may be more accurate than just checking how much memory or heap space is used.
See more details from MSDN
"Memory requirements" are not very well defined, in the first place. WHen you start, your executabel will be linked to many DLLs. Together with the first stack, this forms your initial process. Then, your proces might start extra threads, allocate more memory, and/or memory map some files.
Now Wwindows won't give you real RAM for all these needs. Many DLLs are already loaded for other reasons, so you'll share that RAM. Extra RAM for stacks is allocated when you get soft stackoverflows. Memory mapped files get RAM allocated when those pages fault.
So, one of the important questions is what you really want. You have to answer that first.