Accessing crm2011 web service data with visual studio 2008 - web-services

I'm using visual studio 2008 to create custom reports. But I've always getting the same mistake...
The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation
---------------------------- The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
---------------------------- Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved:
My site has multiple IIS bindings so I've tried the following. But still nothing and I got a 404 error instead.
CRM2011 is configured on two separate servers (separate sql server + client side) and I'm tring to access to the service from a test server.
What else could I check?
Any help would be welcome !

For those having troubles like these accessing the soap web services and using a https protocol, we managed to solve the issue by configuring the RTM CRM 2011 deployment with Claims based authentication and IFD access thanks to this tutorial.
Hope it will help some of you !


SP2016 On Premise Remote Events Fails with following error "server certificate is not configured properly with HTTP.SYS in the HTTPS case"

We are working on SP2016 on premise provider hosted add-in. Remote Events for the same was working fine in SP2013 with no issues. Once, upgraded to 2016 when installing the app. We get the following error.
This could be due to the fact that the server certificate is not configured properly with HTTP.SYS in the HTTPS case. This could also be caused by a mismatch of the security binding between the client and the server."
We are using self signed certificates (Root and child certificates). We are following the same process what used to work for SP 2013.
Anyone with similar issues?
Any help would be greatful
I am also experiencing issues with https and SharePoint 2016, something has changed with authentication between 2013 and 2016.
I managed to debug one of our apps in http, and found where it was calling to authenticate the user, for internal use i have http site for authentication. External i am using a proxy.

SharePoint online remote event receivers without Azure Service bus connector

I want my SP 2013 cloud app (office 365) to connect to my on premises WCF services. Visual Studio gives templates to create provider hosted apps for this purpose. However, that requires Windows Azure service bus connector that helps the app connect to WCF. Since I have a static IP, I want to get this done without the connector.
I attempted this by implementing IRemoteEventService in a new WCF with wsHTTPBinding with security as none. This is running on static IP machine with all connections allowed on the port where this service is listening. I was able to call this service from my test WCF client over the internet.
Now in my app, I changed my end point to this WCF service. When app installs it tries to call this end point to deliver the app install event. However, it gives error that end point is not available or there is a soap error.
Please provide pointers on what changes are required in WCF configuration to receive calls from SharePoint. Thanks.

Visual Studio web reference - $metadata vs. ?wsdl

This is a legacy project that I have not touched in a while. Now the web reference is causing me trouble.
I connect to a SOAP service from a Windows Mobile 6 client. When the service host runs locally on my development box, I can point the web reference to it and it will discover the WSDL, i.e. it will attempt to pull the service description by appending ?wsdl to the endpoint URL. I can build the app and connect to the service from the emulator.
I can for some reason not point Visual Studio to the current production environment for discovery. There it appends /$metadata to the URL instead of ?wsdl. The wsdl is there and I can view it in a browser, though. The mobile app is live and has been connecting to the service for years.
The HTML document does not contain Web service discovery information.
There was an error downloading 'https://mysite/myservice.asmx/$metadata'.
The request failed with the error message:
<title>Request format is unrecognized for
I know that it is not possible to discover a web service on a non-standard port from Visual Studio. Does it not work with SSL, either? How does Visual Studio decide to use either method for discovery?Or do you have any other thoughts?
I still have no clue what's going wrong with your service but I can discover webservices on non standard ports adding the port to the url (and the ?wsdl as well) from within WS
If this doesn't help open the wsdl in your browser. Copy the xml code, paste it into your editor and save it as .wsdl file. In VS use the filename as url for the service.

Unable to access any web services in the _vti_bin folder from SharePoint web server

We have an internal portal hosted on a SharePoint web server. There is a separate server for indexing the portal content. I have a custom web application that invokes the SharePoint search web service and it works fine on my development machine. However when I deploy it to the SharePoint web server, I get this message
"The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized."
If I try to access the web service from the browser (http:///_vti_bin/search.asmx) from the production server, I get the 401 page. But it works fine from the any other machine. This is an internal portal. Any help would be deeply appreciated.
Thank you.
If you get the 401 error when browsing any Sharepoint page from the local machine, try checking out this article or this article (both from
It describes how to disable/work around the loopback check introduced in windows 2003 sp1.

BizTalk web-service call: unable to connect to remote server

I am trying to call a web service from a BizTalk (2006) orchestration.
Having got the hang of the basics, I have been following this tutorial (page 74 onwards) in which i have a web reference to an external web service (I am using this web service instead of the one in the tutorial), I have my web message in a Send component, and have set up the request / response ports for the web service call.
I'm fairly sure that eveything is set up correctly, but my orchestration fails to call the web service with the following error:
The adapter failed to transmit the message going to send port
with URL "http://www.webservicex/net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx.
WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server.
SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly
closed by the remote host
The IP is the address for the web service I am trying to connect to. I am trying to narrow down the reasons for the error, e.g.:
Firewall issues
Proxy server issues (I don't know how to configure BizTalk to use a proxy server)
Something else
The BizTalk server can ping the web service, I can access the internet (through IE), I can add the WebReference to the project successfully (meaning at least the orchestration designer can access the web service okay). I have also tried a different web service, with the same result.
Any ideas on finding out why this is happening or how to find out more info? (I'm new to BizTalk)
I've seen this veru vague error before for many different reasons. Two suggestions.
Download something like NetMon and watch what is going on on the wire.
Turn off chunked encoding. For some reason, many web services don't handle this well.
Let us know what you find out.
Could this not be an authentication issue? Check that you can connect to the webservice using the Bts credentials.
This turned out to be a proxy issue.
By navigating to Biz Talk Group -> Platform Settings -> Adapters -> SOAP, I was able to configure the BizTalk server host's SOAP adapter (which is what the web service call uses to make the call) to use our company proxy server correctly. Double click the 'send' SOAP adapter, go to Properties under adapter name.