Compiling OpenCV / C++ application on server - c++

I would like to create a c++ application, which uses OpenCV, running on a server. To do this, I need to compile the c++ application on my server. But, how can I get my OpenCV libraries (and other libraries) on the server? Or is there another way to get my c++ application running on my sever? i.e. compiling on my own computer instead of on a server.
I hope you can help me! Thanks!

If the server is the same architecture (e.g. both intel x86 32 bit or both PowerPC) you should be able to compile on your own box and run it on the server.
Also, as noted by jlengrand below, you can set your computer up with a cross-compiler for just about any target architecture. That basically lets you type in a one-liner command to set up your compilation environment, then when you invoke g++ or whatever you're using, it will build for the architecutre the cross compiler is made for.
I don't know much about OpenCV, but as long as you have it set up to "statically link" the libraries then they should be part of your resulting executable. So, the executable would have all the libraries and it would be runnable on any computer with your computer's architecture.
Watch out for dynamic linking as it would mean the libraries themselves had to be present and locatable on the server when you run the executable though (dynamic linking means shared libraries, where they're not part of the executable and have to be provided separately. While dynamic linking is really better as things can be shared and updated, it is more complex for deployment).


Distributing Qt/C++ application cross-platform

I'm struggling to deploy my Qt/C++ application, probably because I have not found a good introduction about this online. In brief my question is how do I setup an installation framework which requires only minimal, or preferably no, compilation before shipping to users.
I want to deploy the GUI to users on different platforms, who may or may not have admin rights on their machines. I have found different options:
Statically compile Qt -> statically compile an executable -> distribute the executable. With this setup I have encountered a Windows security warning, which requires admin privileges (I have not yet tried on Linux / macOS). And frankly this approach seems sub-optimal, as my compiler has no idea about how to compile optimally for my users.
Create an installer. But there I start to be confused... Do I need to provide a statically compiled executable of my GUI, or just of the installer, or neither? Or can I avoid pre-compiling on my side all together by using an installer from Qt with built-in compiler/libraries?
With this setup I have encountered a Windows security warning
You didn't sign the binaries. This issue has nothing to do with Qt. You'd face it even when distributing a trivial "Hello World".
Ensure that you sign all of the following:
The executables.
All DLLs that you redistribute and are not signed (verify each one).
The installer.
my compiler has no idea about how to compile optimally for my users.
Since C++ doesn't use just-in-time compilation, this statement is a truism. When you dynamically link your compiler will also have "no idea" how to compile "optimally for your users" if you imply that you need CPU-specific variants of your code. This has to be addressed by having multiple executables, each compiled for a particular CPU, and selecting them on installation. I don't think you meant that, though. But then I have no idea what you mean by "compile optimally for my users".
Do I need to provide a statically compiled executable of my GUI
It's up to you. If you don't provide a statically compiled executable, you will need to provide all of the dependencies: the C++ runtime of your compiler, and all the libraries and plugins needed by Qt.
The procedure for producing a statically linked executable on Windows, Linux and OS X is identical. You start with a statically configured copy of Qt (configure -static -static-runtime), then build it, and then use that to build your application. The end product will be statically linked against C++ runtime and Qt libraries.
Do I need to provide a statically compiled executable of [...] the installer
Only if you compile the installer program yourself using a C++ compiler. Most installer generator packages take care of creating an installer that has no additional dependencies, i.e. you can run it on a bare Windows system.
can I avoid pre-compiling on my side all together by using an installer from Qt
Qt provides no pre-built installers for re-use.
You can use e.g. NSIS to deploy the compiler runtime, Qt libraries and plugins, and your application and any data files it needs.
Or you can statically compile your application so that it has no dependencies and is a single .exe file, and have it as a portable application. It could also self-install, i.e. you could bundle the installer within the application, and on startup the application could detect whether it's already installed, and if not it'd relaunch itself in administrative mode and perform the installation.
Obviously you need to build your application on each platform you want to distribute it to. Easiest way is to link all the QT libraries dynamically to your application. After that all you need to do is provide your application (as in exe file on windows, or executable on linux etc) and the QT libraries you used (DLLs on windows, SO file I think on linux etc)
For example (on windows) if your app is called MyApp and uses QTGui, QTWidgets and QTNetwork, then you have the following files to distribute:
QTCore.dll and few other DLLs needed called icu*.dll something, can't remember)
and you can zip them all in one zip, create an installer etc.
EDIT Few notes after the follow up in the comment.
The standard library (what you called default library that has vector class) is part of the c/c++ runtime (on windows) or installed on linux systems etc, so no, you don't have to worry about this. I can't say for all compilers but for some you can specify a flag/parameter to link this runtime statically (rarely there is a need to do this).
On windows there is a tool called dependency walker, which gives you the list of all DLLs needed for the application to run. On linux systems I don't know, never needed one really. But for your own application, you do know which libraries you need, since you wrote it :)

Using software libraries written for windows (using dlls) in linux

This is a possible duplicate to this question but the answer is not solving my problem...
I want to use third party software delivered by c++ headers, libraries (.lib) and dlls for a project. Because it will run on a BeagleBone, I am writing this project for Linux. Is there any proper way to link dlls for Linux applications?
Highly unlikely to ever work:
Windows uses a different file-format for executable files (and DLL's are essentially executable files - same for shared libraries in Linux). This means that relocation information and symbol linkage is different.
Even if you manage to load and relocate the DLL, you most likely will need many other DLL's (such as the compiler runtime and system runtime [kernel32.dll for example]) to actually run the application. And of course, those dependent files need to have a correct interface to work on Linux (see #3)
There's nothing stopping a Windows DLL from making system calls directly in the shared library - these won't work in Linux.
Your best choices are:
Request Linux versions from the supplier of those libraries. Depending on what the functionality is, it may or may not be an easy task for the supplier to produce alternatives for different architectures.
Run the application inside the WINE (WINdows Emulator) package.
Run a Windows virtual machine, and run the application inside that.
Write your own replacement libraries, or find others already available out there.

compiling C++ console application in linux

I have generated a c++ shared library and integrated it with a C++ console application which is called from php. I was trying this on my windows os and it works perfect. Now I have to transfer it into a linux web server. I know I have to compile the c++ console application in linux again to run it and may be generate the c++ shared library also. I am new to the linux os, how can I compile the c++ console application in linux server assigning all the additional library,include files,header files generated from the c++ shared library like we do in Visual Studio? Any link regarding this will be highly appreciated. As the shared library is from matlab I should also assign the matlab include files and libraries ewhile compiling the c++ console application.
I think you will have to get a Linux port of your matlab made library, which might involve getting matlab installed and working on Linux (and a little testing & debugging).
When your lib is ready, port your console application also (debugging et. all), open a terminal then:-
gcc -Wall console_app.c /path/to/your/libFromMatlab.a -o console_app
If your console app's source spans multiple files, you may want to consider using an IDE like code::blocks or use a makefile to simplfy your work.
Add your "" (notice the .so vs the .a above) location to the library path (or copy it to where the others reside), then make sure your console_app has executable flag set.
NB:Developing on any platform other than the target platform without cross-compiling is equivalent to playing Russian roulette...only less lethal.
-----EDIT------I also came across this article and thought section 4 may be of some value.

Running Qt program without IDE

How can i run a program which already has been built and compiled before on Qt IDE, so that i can take that program and run on any computer I want without recompiling it on that computer. I am a beginner so bare answering this question.:)
There are a few parts to your problem.
1) You need to compile it for each architecture you want it to be used on.
2) Each architecture will have a set of Qt dynamic libraries associated with it too that need to be available.
3) Some architectures have an easy-to-deploy mechanism. EG, on a mac you can run "macdeployqt" to get the libraries into the application directory. For nokia phones (symbian, harmattan (N9), etc) QtCreator has a deploy step that will build a package for the phone and even include an icon.
4) For systems without such a feature, like linux and windows, you'll either need to distribute the binary and require the user to have Qt available or to package up a directory/zip containing the needed Qt libraries and distribute that.
It doesn't launch because it cannot find the dependencies. As you are on Windows, these libraries can be moved in the same directory as your application. To find which library is missing, use dependency walker
I am pretty sure these libraries are not found:
The Qt dynamic libraries (can be found on Qt bin directory, take the dll)
The C dynamic libraries used for compilation. If you are on creator and use default setting it will be mingw-xxx(can be found in the Qt installation directory, don t know exactly where)
Every Architect has a set of CPU Instructions.
so it's like when you hear a language that you don't understand. like when i speak Arabic To Someone who don't Understand The Language.
Every Architect Has a set of Processor Instructions, The Compiler only convert the code into instruction only understood by The Architecture that your CPU is.
That's Why Python and the most of High level languages Use Interpreter Instead of a Compiler.
But There are some cross compilers like MinGw that Support Cross compiling To Windows (.exe files)
Simply QT Have some libraries important to be in the working directory for your project.

How to create a Standalone Executable program in C++?

I want to create a program that could work on any computer without the source code, How is that possible? and does it make any difference if I used OpenGL in the Program?
You cannot code a program in C++ that would work on any computer without giving your source code to be compiled.
For example, you could perhaps code in C++ a program, and compile it and build an executable which works on Windows x86-64, but that executable won't work on Linux (or MacOSX), and it won't work on ARM (e.g. Android phones) unless you consider using emulators
If you are developing your code with Visual C++ you may need to consider two options:
Make sure you link all libraries statically.
Install on the target computers along with your program Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package corresponding to the Visual C++ version you use like the one at Some installer generating software will make it for you automatically.
Normally you would link your object file with some sort of a platform dependent loader. This loader loads your object and does all the stuff to start it from memory. Normally you can tell your compiler to link your object file and compile a blob. OpenGL is a powerful API and is usually distributed as a.dynamic linked library and is linked at runtime to your program. If I remember you just have to make sure the dll is where you want it and load the dll in your program from start.
Your C++ program is compiled and linked into an executable before it is run. You should be able to find that executable in a Debug or Release subfolder of the folder containing your project.
OpenGL, if you're not using GLUT or similar libraries, should just come with Windows and pose no additional problems. If you do use GLUT, it's enough to bundle the .dll file with your application.
In any case, the source code won't be necessary.
I want to create a program that could work on any computer without the source code, How is that possible? and does it make any difference if I used OpenGL in the Program?
By compiling and linking it into an executable. As long as you're not using some interpreted language (like Python, Ruby or such) you're presented with an executable inevitably. The biggest problem you may/will run into is dependencies on libraries. However those are linked into a binary as well. So what you're going to ship will be just a .exe; and some .dll maybe. Usually you'd wrap this in a installer package for deployment to the end user. Installers are created with something like the "NullSoft Installer System" (NSIS).
OpenGL itself is just a API, provided by a system library. So you don't ship OpenGL with your program, but expect the user to have it installed on the system (which will be the case if he installed the graphics drivers).