Cannot quite get my head around django mixins - django

I recently had a django question - and one of the answers left me stumped:
I've read the django doco, but cannot quite work out how mixins are relevant to what was asked, or what the answer is referring to.
So, I searched for "django mixin tutorial" and stumbled across something called dajax and dajaxice. Ok, i am lying, i came across this blog:,2012/stay-tuned-django-ajax-tutorial.html
My question is:
What are mixins? How do they relate to ajax calls? Are they used for things other than ajax? Why would i want to use dajax or dajaxice or some other django addin framework, rather than just plain django to work with ajax?
Also, there isn't a dajax tag, but there is a dajaxice tag for stackoverflow... does that mean that dajaxice is The Way To Go?

Mixins are a general Object Oriented Programming concept. They don't specifically have anything to do with Django or Dajax, etc. However, Django does, and Dajax probably as well, use mixins.
In general, a "mixin" is simply a class that is meant to literally be mixed in with another class. It typically doesn't do anything on its own, but rather, merely adds functionality to another class. Django's concept of "abstract" models are an example of a mixin. You never instantiate an abstract model. Instead, other models inherit from the abstract model, gaining all of its functionality, and it's those subclasses that actually are instantiated.
Django's class-based views (which is what the answer that brought you here is talking about) also use mixins. For example, most of the class-based views inherit from TemplateResponseMixin. This class is not a view itself, and you would never use it for anything but for a class-based view to inherit from. It's merely an encapsulation of all the functionality that renders a template into a response, so this functionally can be "mixed in" to all the various views without violating DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).

No, mixins don't have anything in particular to do with Ajax.
A mixin is just a class that can be used as part of the multiple inheritance for another class. Django uses these extensively in its class-based views - some classes provide (for example) the basic functionality for displaying forms, or lists of models, and you are meant to mix those in with your own classes: create your own code that implements your own extensions to that functionality, while inheriting from one or more mixins.
I've never used Dajax, but I suppose it also uses mixins to provide the basic implementation of the Ajax handling within your views.


Is the DRF ModelSerializer faster or slower than the standard Serializer?

At work we tend to stay away from using the ModelSerializer in the Django Rest Framework. From what I have heard it is said to be faster in some respects. Is this the case?
And what are the advantages of using the standard serializer instead of the ModelSerializer?
ModelSerializer is used when you need to serialize a model while regular Serializer is used when you need to serialize certain information which might not be a model.
Check this article
Okay, now one of the main reasons that I have heard, after to talking to some people. Is that when it comes to using the ModelView, you have this issue where you have a number of API endpoints that can end up being redundant.
There is also a lot more to take care of too.

Django: Views: class vs function

I'm working on a small Django project and I noticed there are different ways to write a view.
What's the difference between a view created with a class and a view created with a function?
When should I use which one?
It has all the same differences that are between Procedural Programming and Object Oriented Programming. It makes sense to write functions for extremely simple views, but not beyond that. There is nothing worse than stuffing 400 lines of code into one big function called view, which becomes a nightmare to read, refactor or test.
In addition to that, Django generic views exploit Template Method design pattern and provide a lot of already written common code for generic use cases, which can often be easily extended to one's needs.
The most important advantage of using a class based views is inheritance.
When working on a big projects, its highly possible to come across multiple views which have similar use, hence you can inherit a class based view to write a new more specific view which is custom to the required method, or you could just reuse the already defined view as is if it serves the purpose.
Generally the function based views are used when the class based views become too complex to implement.
If you are working on a small project you could just use function based views as it will appear to you that the class based views are little more painful to write (At least i felt like it).

Model Inheritance

Which is better to use among all of the model inheritance and why? I do not have knowledge about it so I want to know which better, or more useful so that I will know which is I will use for that particular scenario.
abstract base classes
multi-table inheritance
proxy models
Each of these techniques provide different benefits. It really depends on what you need to do.
The best place to start is reading the model inheritance docs.
Abstract base classes
Use these if you're just trying to reduce the amount of code you write. If you know that several fields appear in numerous models then write a base class and inherit it.
Multi-table inheritance
This is useful if you want a concrete base class that can be queried and operated on - for example Base.objects.all() is a bit like seeing Child1.objects.all() and Child2.objects.all() in the same queryset.
Proxy Models
Use proxy models if all the fields are the same across each model. You get one db tuple for each object, but that db tuple can be used to represent either the parent or the proxy. This is quite powerful, and almost certainly the way to go if your fields are the same.

In ember.js, what's the difference between mixin and extend?

What's is the difference between mixin and extend, when to use each one?
I wrote this article about Ember.Object which explains the differences in detail. Essentially, use extend to create a new class from a base class and use mixins to separate lateral concerns that you may want to include in any number of classes / objects. Mixins can be included in classes via extend or objects via create.
A mixin is a special kind of multiple inheritance. There are two main situations where mixins are used:
You want to provide a lot of optional features for a class.
You want to use one particular feature in a lot of different

Why does django enforce all model classes to be in

I have just learned that splitting model classes into different files breaks many of django's built-in functionalities.
I am coming from a java background. There, it is not accepted as a good practice writing very long class files. But django's enforcement of single file for all model classes will probably cause programmer to write very long files. This will make it difficult for programmer to see the organization of the whole domain model.
So why does django enforce single file to contain all domain classes?
I have found a solution proposal to this problem by googling. But I cannot be sure whether this will work properly. Do you suggest this solution?
Single namespace: yes. Single module: no.
Your models have to be importable from namespace appname.models.