Autoexp.dat Versions - c++

I'm working on a project where I need switch between a couple of different (incompatible) autoexp.dat files. Currently, that involves closing all instances of Visual Studio, copying the file I want to the new location, and then opening Visual Studio again. Is there a better way to do this? Maybe a command line option to specify the location of autoexp.dat? Ideally, I'd like to be able to run two instances of Visual Studio at the same time, with each using a different autoexp.dat file.

Have you tried doing what you suggest? I know there is a way to make it a plugin to visual studio, as mentioned Here. Perhaps you could modify this setup to dynamically load the autoexp.dat file you want to use?


In Visual Studio, can you add a folder-based project in a solution?

Visual Studio finally has the ability to open folder-only projects, which makes it great for simple web sites that serve from the file system, etc. However, I can't find a way to add one of these projects to my existing solution. Whenever I try opening it, it tells me to close it.
So, how can you add a folder-based project to Visual Studio solution? Or can you?

Visual Studio IPC API : Accessing and modifying projects from outside

I'm currently working to extend some of our own tools (external from VS) to support communication with Visual Studio, to generate and add new code files to existing projects, and preferably also ask a visual studio instance for the currently open solution file to find the right process to talk to.
Right now the only way for me to do this is to directly access the project XML file, and add the files on my own, and then tell windows to open my new file, and hope it get opened in the right visual studio instance... and visual studio will most likely ask me if I want to reload the changes in the project file.
This feels like a very brute force and roundabout way to do it, so I suspect there might be some better way, but all my searched have given me no results. It might be because all searches for IPC and Visual Studio just gives me results with others working with IPC related stuff in visual studio, and all I can find about visual studios API is team oriented or for extensions. If anyone could directly me in the right direction to find more info about this, or anything similar, it would be great!
(if easily doable from C++ is a plus, but if I need to wrap a DLL or use other scripts it's okay as well)

Is the option to create a Workspace available in Microsoft Visual C++ Express?

I'm new in C++ and its IDE. I'm learning it from a guide that indicates me it would be better to have a workspace where I could save projects in it. I would like to know if this option still exists or maybe is not available in Visual C++ Express. If not appearing, which other method would be suitable?
Not in the sense of Eclipse workspaces no. Visual Studio deals with a solution (and only one at a time), which is a set of projects grouped together.
If I recall correctly, the Express versions only allow one project at a time.
Visual Studio 6 and earlier grouped projects (.dsp files) into workspaces (.dsw files). Workspaces have been replaced by solution files (.sln) since Visual Studio.NET (ca. 2001). Incidentally .dsp files were replaced by .vcproj and now .vcxproj files. Your guide may be outdated if it is talking about workspaces.

How Do I Downgrade a C++ Visual Studio 2008 Project to 2005

How can I downgrade a C++ Visual Studio 2008 project to visual studio 2005?
Maybe there is a converter program that someone knows of or otherwise a process that I can undertake. Thanks.
I have no idea how well it works, but here's an open source converter tool:
that was an extension to the tool outlined in this article:
I always hate to edit the .sln/proj files by hand, since they can be so picky and problematic. It might be easiest to just create a new project in 2005, and just copy all the code files back into it.
You will need change the sln and vcproj files (including attributes like ToolsVersion, TargetFramework, ProductVersion etc). Some freeware may be available but I haven't heard very highly of them.
Is your solution file in revision control system? Just see what modifications the upgrading to VS 2008 did to project and solution files and then undo them. There's not a lot of them.
Here is the open source that convert VS2008 project into VS2005.
You can delete .sln file, then open .vcproj in VS2005, then save it as new solution. Since all project options are held in .vcproj file, that should do.
You can use sed to do it, with the following script or something like it:
s# ToolsVersion=\"3.5\"##g
Put that in a text file called "downgrade_vc9_to_vc8.sed", then call it with:
"C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin\sed.exe" -f "downgrade_sln_vc9_to_vc8.sed" "MyProject.vcproj" > "MyProject_VC8.vcproj"

Visual Studio: Intellisense Problems and Linux Compatibility

Two somewhat unrelated questions:
Sometimes when I am working on a C++ project in Visual Studio 2008 Express, intellisense just does not want to "work" even though it really should. Auto completion box does not show and status bar says something along the lines of: "Intellisense: No further information is available".
Sometimes it can be fixed by either rebuilding the solution or re-opening the solution, and sometimes even that doesn't work. Is this a known problem? If so: are there any known fixes?
Is there any C++ IDE for Linux that has compatibility with MSVC++'s .sln files? I sometimes want to work on some project without having to go through the hassle of creating a new project and adding the files or manually creating a Make file.
To answer my own questions:
Apparently there's no real fix other than to try and delete the .ncb file. Alternative would be a different IDE or to use a commercial package replacing intellisense.
Code::Blocks seems to be able to open Visual Studio files. Or at least import them easily.
I posted these together as they both related to visual studio and I didn't deem them important enough to both deserve their own topic.
Do think the downvote is a little harsh though!
Intellisense failing is usually because of a "corrupt" ncb file. The usual solution is to delete it.
Reportly the next version VS 2010 will not be using ncb files anymore.
I've actually had some luckk opening .sln files using Monodevelop.
To avoid creating the Make files by hand try CMake
To answer your second question, there is no way to open .sln files in anything other than Visual Studio. They're a proprietary file type that (it seems) no one has any interest in writing a parser for.
You can however use Visual Studio to generate a makefile automatically. Just use the "Projects > Export Makefile" menu command in Visual Studio.