Large text appears blurry - c++

I'm using SFML 1.6 to make a small game, and I need to display some text, so I use the sf::String class. The problem is, when I increase the size to 96pt, the edges appear a little blurry. When I increase the size of text in Microsoft Word though, it appears very clean and has crisp edges. Is there a way to do that with SFML?

Looking at the SFML sources, it appears that it is using the embedded Arial font. Yes, it can also load the .ttf font file, but I guess you didn't load it yet.
So the problem is tht SFML tries to scale the fixed-size bitmap when you are rendering the text.
To get rid of the aliasing try following this sample and load the .ttf manually.


Text deleted by backspace is not being updated on my arduino tft display (adafruit gfx library)

For university, we need to make a game in Unity that is controlled with an Arduino. My idea was a hacking game where the Arduino acts as the 'hacking device' when hacking something in the game. The arduino would have a screen and on that screen would be a basic command-line interface that lets me input simple commands to 'hack' but I've been having trouble regarding text and clearing it.
I've been able to use unity to send typed characters to the display as-well as a backspace function (pressing backspace would remove last character in the string)
I first had issue with clearing all the text when writing (calling tft.print doesn't clear any previous text). I was using fillScreen which was slow. I found out setTextColor had a second argument that let me just set all certain colored text to a different color. Setting it to black would essentially clear it.
This made it update pretty much instantly when writing to the screen but I now had a new issue, backspace would no longer would.
My understand is that when removing the character, it's color won't be updated when calling setTextColor leaving it on the screen until a restart/fillScreen is called.
I'm not really sure how to solve this and all google searches turn up little to no help.
Here's my code for updating the text:
void updateString(char c){
//Add new character to end of string
else if(c=='<' && str.length()>2){
//Remove last character in string
//Set cursor back to 0,0
//Display text
I'd appreciate any help.
Maybe, use a similar function to tft.clear() each time you refresh the screen or you can draw a filled square of the background on the text so it looks like it has been erased then you rewrite the text.
Sounds like you are using proportionally-spaced fonts instead of the original classic fonts that ships with Adafruit_GFX. Historically, when using the default classic fonts one could set the background color option of the text to the same color as the background of the screen (usually black). This would overwrite the old screen contents with new data and work because the characters using the classic fonts are a uniform size. When using proportionally-spaced fonts, the background color option for the font is disabled by design.
This was presumably because of memory requirements and speed on slower AVR's. Regardless, when using proportionally-spaced fonts the background color feature won't work due to non-uniform sized characters overlapping the same regions as adjacent characters.
There are two work-arounds to this. Adafruit says in order to replace previously drawn text when using custom fonts you can either:
Use getTextBounds() to determine the smallest rectangle that encloses a
string and then erase that area using fillRect() prior to drawing
the new text. OR
Create an offscreen bitmap using GFXcanvas1 for a fixed size area,
draw the text in the GFXcanvas1 object and then copy to the screen
using drawBitmap().
Note that options 1 & 2 above are mutually exclusive. The second method requires more memory. The first method isn't perfect and produces some small amount of flicker, but is in general acceptable if coded carefully.
I hope that I have understood what the nature of your problem is and answered it in a satisfactory manner. If nothing else, at least now you know why custom font's will not work with the so called background color feature that works with the original 'classic' Adafruit fonts.
Nikki Cooper

SFML 1.6 - Blured text [duplicate]

I'm using SFML 1.6 to make a small game, and I need to display some text, so I use the sf::String class. The problem is, when I increase the size to 96pt, the edges appear a little blurry. When I increase the size of text in Microsoft Word though, it appears very clean and has crisp edges. Is there a way to do that with SFML?
Looking at the SFML sources, it appears that it is using the embedded Arial font. Yes, it can also load the .ttf font file, but I guess you didn't load it yet.
So the problem is tht SFML tries to scale the fixed-size bitmap when you are rendering the text.
To get rid of the aliasing try following this sample and load the .ttf manually.

Decoding Microsoft True Type Font Files

I am working on an embedded platform (STM32F407) with a TFT LCD as a display (480x800px) and would like to make my user interface somewhat customizable to the end user. I figured the best source of fonts would be windows compatible as their the most common.
My current implementation uses my own custom drawn font in a binary format and a descriptor table giving the character width and ascii value but having to draw my own font bit by bit is tedious.
I would like to read in a True Type Font file from an SD card and be able to use the different sized glyphs inside it but I have not seen a strait forward implementation on how to actually achieve this magic. Can somebody point me to a good c/c++ example of what I am looking for?
Even better as a way to iron out the kinks I would like to make a simple gcc command line program that will print out my input with a selected font using '#' as pixels. That way I can just worry about implementation and not any other random bugs that might pop up.
Can anybody help me out?
Perhaps you can use the Freetype library.
As duskwuff says: TTF is primarily a vector format, would need to write a renderer. Better off using an image file to define the font, or using a bitmap font format like FNT (Windows) or BDF (UNIX).
Here is my answer to my own question: AngelCode's BMFont & Useage. This makes choosing selective characters from the installed char set, mix in a font and exports an image with a map file to each character. Simple to use.

Getting a BITMAP dirrectly from a already installed windows raster (bitmap) font

i know this seems to be a weird question, and it is! But taking advantage of the already installed fixed-width fonts of windows (ex: Fixedsys) i would save a lot of size (since i want to make the final EXE as small as possible)
Whats the best way to get the BITMAP (or the bits array) from an existent (already installed) raster/bitmap font on windows? Or theres no way to do it and i have to make a bmp file with all the letters and load as an resource?
And yes, i am trying making small executables as 16kbs, size counts A LOT!
Thanks for your attention, i hope i explained it right :)
It is possible: Create a DC, attach your bitmap and the font, render the font into the bitmap, detach and destroy the DC. You are left with a bitmap containing the letters you drawn with the font.
I assume you are familiar with GDI to accomplish the above. If not, find a good tutorial on GDI.

How to load a bmp without background

So, I was trying to make game in allegro but I'm currently stuck with this damn blank background which is making me very mad, as I know PNG images have transparency in the background already, but I can't load pngs, i have already download devpaks, installed libraries and stilll nothing good happened, if the best option for me is to use PNG so please tell me how to load then and use then correctly.
If the best option is still to use BMP and there is a algorithm, function or a little code which will make the blank background go away please tell me.
For those who didn't understand what I want there is a better explanation:
its currently in .png, but I transformed to .bmp in paint, so it makes me a blank background and in allegro it shows the whole picture, i want to have only the ball.
As you've commented, with Allegro 4, the color 0xFF00FF is treated as transparent when used with masked_blit() or draw_sprite().
To load PNGs in Allegro 4, you'll want to use loadpng with libpng. You can use the 8-bit alpha channel by enabling the alpha blender with set_alpha_blender().
If you're just starting out, you should be using Allegro 5, which has a modern API and native support for PNG files.