Code Generator for SDK - c++

I have certain SDK and I want to write a code generator based on the user input. I have designed UI to get the inputs from the user. Is there any known design pattern for such task. Question that confusing me are
Where and how should i store the user inputs.
Should I store them in internal datastructure or some form of xml or json format so that it could be used again.
I am doing this as part of Visual Studio package and have written menu item for the same.

In my opinion this cannot be answered generally. Where to store user input data depends on how much it is (Does it fit into the memory?) and whether you want to use it longer than the program runs (e.g. for logging or loading user input when running again).
Which design pattern(s) to use is rather dependent on what exactly you do with the user input than on the fact that it is user input. For example if you treat your generated code as an object and you will generate more than one of these objects, you could think of implementing a "Builder" design pattern to generate tis code object. If the generated code will have a generic structure which is just slightly altered by the user input, you can look at "Template Methods".


Best practice for creating an unalterable report file in c++

I am currently developping a windows application who test railroad equipments to find any defaults.
Utility A => OK
Utility B => NOK
This application will check the given equipment and generate a report.
This report needs to be written once, and no further modifications are allowed since this file can be used as working proof for the equipment.
My first idea was ta use pdf files (haru lib looks great), but pdf can also be modified.
I told myself that I could obsfuscate the report, and implement a homemade reader inside my application, but whatever way I store it, the file would always be possibly accessed and modified right?
So I'm running out of ideas.
Sorry if my approach and my problem appear naive but it's an intership.
Thanks for any help.
Edit: I could also add checksums for files after I generated them, and keep a "checksums record file", and implement a checksums comparison tool for verification? just thought about this.
I believe the answer to your question is to use any format whatosever, and use a digital signature anybody can verify, e.g., create a gnupg, get that key signed by the people who require to check your documents, upload it to one of the key servers, and use it to sign the documents. You can publish the documents, and have a link to your public key available for verification; for critical cases someone verifying must be trust your signature (i.e., trust somebody who signed your key).
People's lives depend on the state of train inspections. Therefore, I find it hard to believe that someone expects you to solve this problem only using free-as-in-beer components.
Adobe supports a strong digital signature model. If you buy into their technology base, you can create PDF's that are digitally signed, and are therefore tamper-evident, as the consumer can check for the signature.
You can, as someone else pointed out, use GNUpg, or for that matter OpenSSL, to implement your own signature scheme, but railroad regulators are somewhat less likely to figure out how to work with it.
I would store reports in an encrypted/protected datastore.
When a user accesses a report (requests a copy, the original is of course always in the database and cannot be modified), it includes the text "Report #XXXXX". If you want to validate the report, retrive a new copy from the system using the Report ID.

the best approaches for logging localization using c++

I am working on a multinational project where target audience for logs might be from two nationalities. Therefore it is becoming important to log in more than one language , I am thinking about writing to 2 different log folders based on language every time I am logging something, but I am also wondering if there's some out of the box functionality that is coming along with logging frameworks like log4cpp?
As other commenters have mentioned, it sounds like you are going down the wrong track by looking to do multilingual logging.
My recommendation would be to use English (which is the standard for technical information, and which I guess is the language you know best) and to make sure that the language you use is clear, grammatically correct and unambiguous. Then if one of the technicians cannot understand it, they can very easily and efficiently run it through a machine translation engine such as Google Translate. Or indeed they could process the logs and run everything through Google Translate to append translated text, particularly if you annotate the logs to mark the language content.
Assuming that the input language is well-written, machine transation usually gives a good result which the end user can understand. If the message isn't clear, has typos or abbreviations, then that's where machine translation fails spectacularly.
Writing log naturally brings down the speed of execution due to file open, seek and write operations involved as part of it.
This is one primary reason why many developer and architects suggest to write log at different levels.Increasing the depth of log entries as level increases to trace down the problems better. At higher level, you will notice that your process speed drops due to more log entries getting generated.
Rather suggest you to use services that can translate from one language to other.
I'm sure there are libraries free or paid which does this translation. You can create a small utility program that runs in the background and does this conversion during process idle time.
Well one suggestion is you can use a different process/thread which listens for your log messages, which you can log it from there ..
This reduces I/O logging time in your main process/thread and you can make all changes related to Logging language over there..
For multi - Lingual support I think you can try writing with widechar string .. though I am not sure..
the best approaches for logging localization using c++
Install Qt 4 and use QObject::tr/ tr() macro for strings. Write strings in whatever language you want. Hire/Get a translator to localize strings using QT Linguist.
Please note that perfect translation is impossible, so there will be many "amusing" misunderstandings, even if your translator is a genius. So it might be a better idea to select main language for programming team.
Didn't notice this part before:
in more than one language
One way to approach it is to implement log reader. Instead of writing plaintext messages, you could dump message ids (generated by some kind of macros) and string arguments if strings are formatted. "Log reader" will allow user to select desired language while viewing log file, and translate messages based on their ids/arguments using mechanism similar to QTranslator. The good thing about this approach is that you'll be able to add more languages later - so it'll be possible to retranslate old logs. The bad thing is that this format will be harder to read for "normal human", although you can add plaintext messages in addition to message ids and arguments and you'll need to write log viewer.
Qt 4 has most of this framework implemented (there are routines for dumping variants into text/data streams, and so on) along with translation tool. See QTranslator documentation and Linguist manual for more info.

Once something is HTML or URL encoded should it ever be decoded? Is encoding enough?

First time AntiXSS 4 user here. In order to make my application more secure, I've used Microsoft.Security.Application.Encoder.UrlEncode on QueryString parameters and
Microsoft.Security.Application.Encoder.HtmlEncode on a parameter entered into a form field.
I have a multiple and I would appreciate it if you could try to answer all of them (doesn't have to be at once or by the same person - any abswers at all would be very helpful).
My first question is am I using these methods appropriately (that is am I using an appropriate AntiXSS method for an appropriate situation)?
My second question is once I've encoded something, should it ever be decoded. I am confused because I know that HttpUtility class provides ways to both encode and decode so why isn't the same done in AntiXSS? If this helps, the parameters that I've encoded are never going to be treated as anything other then text inside the application.
My third question is related to the third one but I wanted to emphasize it because it's important (and is probably the source of my overall confusion). I've heard that the .NET framework automatically decodes things like QueryStrings, hence no no need for explicit decode method. If that is so, then what is the point of HTML encoding something in the first place if it is going to be undone. It just... doesn't seem safe? What am I missing, especially since, as mentioned the HttpUtility class provides for decoding.
And the last question, does AntiXSS help against SQL injection at all or does it only protext against XSS attacks?
It's hard to say if you're using it correctly. If you use UrlEncode when building a query string which is then output as a link in a page then yes that's correct. If you're Html Encoding when you write something out as a value then yes, that's correct (well kind of, if it's set via an HTML attribute you ought to use HtmlAttributeEncode, but they're pretty much the same.)
The .NET decoders work with AntiXSS's encoded values, so there was no point in me rewriting them grin
The point of encoding is that you do it when you output. So, for example, if a user has, on a form, input window.alert('Numpty!) and you just put that input raw in your output the javascript would run. If you encoded it first you would see < become < and so on.
No, SQL injection is an entirely different problem.

alternative for jasperreport in c++

from a c++ program i need to print a simple label. the label contains a text, an image and a barcode.(in my project the label is more complex, this is just for example)
my customer need a way to customize che label layout.
in the past in java I solve this problem using a report created with jasperreport. my customer customize the report with ireport and then i fill the data with an hashtable datasource (i never connect to an sql database)
anybody know a way to obtain something like this in java
really sorry for my scholastic english
Offhand, it's a bit hard to say -- most report generators assume some sort of database (SQL or at least accessible via ODBC) as the data source. I'd probably look into some that are free and include source code so you can change the data source (though I've no idea how difficult a modification that will be).
The other problem is that printing anything but plain text is somewhat non-portable; you'll need different code for Linux, Mac/OS or Windows. For Windows, one possibility would be Report Generator from If you want something more portable, you could use something like Xport to create XHTML output to be viewed in/printed from a browser (or any number of other programs that understand [X]HTML (there's also a commercial version). Of course, you could generate output in any number of other formats that support graphics, such as Postscript/PDF, LaTex, etc. This lets you use portable code to generate the report, but usually requires some non-portable code to invoke a viewer.

Building string base for Django application

I am building an application in django, that is already using a lot of hardcoded strings. They are mostly in templates, but some also in js files and a few can be found inside the code. Now every time some string needs to be changed people comes to us and we have to waste our time finding it and changing. How could I start with cleaning this up and having all those strings in separate files, that could be edited by non-programmers?
We keep all hard-coded strings in a separate module. However, since you want users to modify the strings as they like, you better keep them in the database. I think a simple model with a key (an identifier of the string) and a value (string itself) field will do. Then you can develop a simple page where user selects a string by its identifier and updates it however he wants.
About how to use them in your apps, you can fetch all of them into a dict when your app starts (a proper place may be the init module) and use them accordingly.
What about using i18n services (gettext)? Even if you are not planning to localize your application, they provide an easy and standard way to separate strings from actual code.
Moreover, being PO quite a common standard, there are plenty of tools to edit the resource files; one of them (available also on Windows) is Poedit.