How to compile a project in Eclipse that uses subfolders? - c++

I'm trying to compile two folders in eclipse from a large open source project which is compiled by make. I have two folders opencog/server and opencog/atomspace. The problem is that the includes refer to the subfolders in the large project
e.g. #include "opencog/server/Factory.h" instead of #include "Factory.h"
so eclipse looks for opencog/server/opencog/server/Factory.h instead of opencog/server/Factory.h
Is there any way to solve this without changing the includes?

If you have myfolder/opencog/server then add myfolder to the include search paths.


Adding multiple source files to build in Eclipse

I'm developing a code which uses Easylogging++ as the underlying logging library. Recently, I wanted to update the library since it has some high visibility / high impact bugs and I found out that the library is divided into two files (.cc and .h). This new structure needs inclusion of the .cc file in the build string alongside the main program code.
I'm using Eclipse to develop the project and generate the make files to build the project. I need to tell Eclipse (Oxygen.1) that it needs to compile the .cc file alongside the main file while building the project, however I was unable to do so. Any help is greatly appreciated.
It's easier than I thought. Eclipse's managed build is more intelligent than it seems. Adding many source files under the /src folder causes Eclipse to automatically compile all the files under that folder, unless you exclude them.
This means adding the .h to /lib folder and the .cc file to the /src folder and modifying to .cc to look for the .h file under /lib have solved the problem neatly.
To complete the compilation I had to add some flags, since the developer likes to extensively modify his library between releases.
Everything is working fine again.

Include c++ files outside project directory in Eclipse

I have a problem regarding including files that are outside project directory (c). So I have a project in a workspace. There is a folder somewhere on my hard drive, containing a pair of .h and .c files. I would like to use them in several projects, that's why I wanted to place it outside the project.
I tried including this folder, .h file actually in many ways, but the compiler doesn't seem to see the content of it. I can successfully include the file, but the functions inside are not visible.
In the properties of the project -> C/C++ General -> Paths and symbols I have added the folder. What else should I do?
Add the relative path of all those *.c and *.h file.
#include "path_to_header/lib1.h"
#include "path_to_file/file1.c"
I was wondering about the same recently, here is what worked for me:
You have to mark the files as source code. Open project properties dialog and go to source location tab
then you can use Link Folder to select absolute path or you can use the variables to keep it relative to project file or workspace.
For other configurations Add folder was enough since they were already linked.
You also need to add include paths to c or c++ here
There probably already are some default paths so just add the new ones.
It can also be relative using variables.
I had more sub folders so I added them individually and did not use and relative path in #include at all.

Is there a way to add include directory from C++ code?

I have a project whose vcxproj file is auto generated prior of compilation by using a script during the build process.
this project dependes on a boost library which is installed in a known location on the build machine.
the project header file declares:
#include "boost/foreach.hpp"
which forces me to manually add the path to the boost root folder to the Additional Include Directories field in the vcxproj file.
As the project file is auto-generated it forces me to split the build process into two stages and edit the project file in between.
i have also tried to change the source file and add the full path in the #include statement:
#include "<path to boost root>/boost/foreach.hpp"
but then some boost internal include fails. Which means i can't proceed in this way.
I have read through Set #include directory from C++ code file to find there is no option to add the path from code.
As I'm now on VS2012/C++11 environment i wonder if anything changed in VS2012 / C++11?
Is it still impossible to add an Include directory using a code statement?
You mean dynamically? No, there is no way. The reason is simple:
When you are running your program, it's already compiled, hence the compiler has to know about all the files to include at compile time.
It seems you're using CMake. If that's the case, I recommend you to add the include dirs in the CMake file.
Firstly, doing this:
#include "<path to boost root>/boost/foreach.hpp"
should be strongly discouraged. By doing that, you're making your source code build-able only on your environment - as your project grows, it will be a nightmare to change the path, or for other developers to build it. And, as you discovered, you'll break any headers which are included further down the chain, which are using relative paths.
What kind of script is generating your project? Is it a custom one, or is it a well known build tool such as SCons or CMake? The correct solution is to fix your build script so that it generates the project with the additional include paths correctly.

OpenCV using Eclipse with CDT

I was always using QtCreator for OpenCV but a new project started with a friend needs to be done with eclipse.
I did all things I usually do with QtCreator but I am facing a strange problem. Although I did set the include path (/home/opencv/include) when I try to compile I get errors for missing headers (i.e opencv2/core/core.hpp). In the project explorer under include tag the only headers appear are the ones in the first level of the included directory. This means that cdt does not include headers recursively.
Is this a bug or I have to include every single directory?
I had the same problem yesterday. It searched all around forums but nobody could answer me. Finally I realized that I was doing the include for the whole project and including files for the project is not the same as including files for the source file "source.cpp" (for eclipse, because for VisualStudio it is the same).
So try to rightclick on the .cpp file and include the directories for it. Anyway, if you tell me which version of OpenCV you're using I can tell you more aspects of how to include files in case you keep having troubles.
I hope it helps. When you get errors about missing headers is always related to include. At least it happened to be like this in my case.
If the include path in Eclipse is /home/opencv/include , we assume that inside this directory you have 2 folders: opencv and opencv2.
On your source code you must reference the headers as:
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
Does that makes sense to you?
Nevertheless, there are several tutorials that can help you configure Eclipse.
I had this problem, too. I think what you need to do is to include the path opencv/build/include, not opencv/include. That's where all the header files are.

Including Libraries C++

How do I properly include libraries in C++? I'm used to doing the standard libraries in C++ and my own .h files.
I'm trying to include wxWidgets or GTK+ in code::blocks and/or netbeans C/C++ plugin. I've included ALL libraries but I constantly get errors such as file not found when it is explicitly in the include!
One error: test1.cpp:1:24: wx/msw/wx.rc: No such file or directory : Yes the .h file library is included; what am I missing?
Do I need to be importing other things as well? Is there a tutorial for this? Obviously my shoddy textbook hasn't prepared me for this.
Firstly, header files are not the same thing as libraries. A header is a C++ text file containing declarations of things, while a library is a container for compiled, binary code.
When you #include a header file, the compiler/IDE needs to know where to find it. There is typically an IDE setting which tells the compiler where to look, or you can do it from the command line, normally using the -I switch. It sounds to me as if you have not set up the path to search for header files on in your IDE.
This means that test.cpp included "wx/msw/wx.rc" but that file cannot be found by your compiler. How to fix this depends on your compiler, but you need to find where wxwidgets is installed and add that to your "Include Paths" so that your compiler knows where to search for it. You can also put a more complete path to it in the include directive.
If the files are present in the same directory as test1.cpp, then probably you use the wrong kind of include. #include <...> is usually used for code that resides outside of the directory that your project is in. #include "..." is for includes inside your project directory (and then if they aren't found there, search in the same places as #include <> would).
It is quite an old question and this didn't really answer it for me.
I reinstalled wxwidgets into the root directory as someone suggested that being in a directory with a space in the name may be part of the problem.
Then I went into project > build options > search directories and removed all entries pointing to original install.
And this fixed the problem