Broken HTML - browsers don't downloads whole HTTP response from my webserver, CURL does - c++

I think, I messed up something, because both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome produce the same error: they don't receive the whole response the webserver sends them. CURL never misses, the last line of the quick-scrolling response is always "</html>".
The reason is, that I send response in more part:
sendHeaders(); // is calls sendResponse with a fix header
for ( ...scan some data... ) {
} // for
The browsers stop receiving data between sendResponse() calls. Also, the webserver does not close() the socket, just at the end.
(Why I'm doing this way: the program I write is designed for non-linux system, it will run on an embedded computer. It has not too much memory, which is mostly occupied by lwIP stack. So, avoid collecting the - relativelly - huge webpage, I send it in parts. Browsers like it, no broken HTML occurred as under Linux.)
The platform is GNU/Linux (Ubuntu 32-bit with 3.0 kernel). My small webserver sends the stuff back to the client standard way:
int sendResponse(char* data,int length) {
int x = send(fd,data,length,MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if (x == -1) {
perror("this message never printed, so there's no error \n");
if (errno == EPIPE) return 0;
if (errno == ECONNRESET) return 0;
... panic() ... (never happened) ...
} // if send()
} // sendResponse()
And here's the fixed header I am using:
"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n"
"Server: MyTinyWebServer\n"
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache\n"
"Pragma: no-cache\n"
"Connection: close\n"
Is this normal? Do I have to send the whole response with a single send()? (Which I'm working on now, until a quick solution arrives.)

If you read RFC 2616, you'll see that you should be using CR+LF for the ends of lines.
Aside from that, open the browser developer tools to see the exact requests they are making. Use a tool like Netcat to duplicate the requests, then eliminate each header in turn until it starts working.

As #Jim adviced, I've tried sending same headers with CURL, as Mozilla does: fail, broken pipe, etc. I've deleted half of headers: okay. I've added back one by one: fail. Deleted another half of headers: okay... So, there is error, only if header is too long. Bingo.
As I've said, there're very small amount of memory in the embedded device. So, I don't read the whole request header, only 256 bytes of them. I need only the GET params and "Host" header (even I don't need it really, just to perform redirects with the same "Host" instead of IP address).
So, if I don't recv() the whole request header, I can not send() back the whole response.
Thanks for your advices, dudes!


how to know if a http request is partial and how to fully parse it before generating a response c++

I am working on a C++ project where i listen on sockets and generate HTTP responses based on the requests i get from my clients on my fds, in short i use my browser to send a request, i end up getting the raw request, i parse it and generate the corresponding http response.
However in the case of large POST requests, usually what happens is that i get partial requests, so in the first part i will usually only find the first line (version/method/uri), some headers but no body, and i guess am supposed to get the rest of the body somehow, however i am unable to figure out two things,
first of all how do i know if the request i am getting is partial or completed from just the first part ? i am not getting any information relating to range, here's the first part i get when my client sends me a POST request.
Host: localhost:8081
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 8535833
Cache-Control: max-age=0
sec-ch-ua: " Not A;Brand";v="99", "Chromium";v="96", "Google Chrome";v="96"
sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
DNT: 1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryOs6fsdbaegBIumqh
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.93 Safari/537.36
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site
Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
Sec-Fetch-User: ?1
Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: fr,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
how can i figure out just from this whether or not am getting a partial request or just a faulty request (I need to generate a 400 error in the case of a request that says it has X content-length but the body size is different)
second question is, suppose i already know whether or not its partial, how do i proceed with storing the entire request in a buffer before sending it to my parser and generating a response ? here's my reception function (i already know the client's fd, so i just recv on it
void Client::receive_request(void)
char buffer[2024];
int ret;
ret = recv(_fd, buffer, 2024, 0);
buffer[ret] = 0;
_received_request += buffer;
_bytes_request += ret;
std::cout << "Raw Request:\n" << _received_request << std::endl;
if (buffer[ret-1] == '\n')
_ready_request = true;
_request.parse(_received_request, _server->get_config());
and here's the code that checks whether or not a client is attempting to send a request, parse and generate a response
int Connections::check_clients() {
int fd;
for (std::vector<Client*>::iterator client = clients.begin();
client != clients.end() && ready_fd != 0 ; client++)
fd = (*client)->get_fd();
if (FD_ISSET(fd, &ready_rset))
if ((*client)->request_is_ready())
FD_CLR(fd, &active_set);
max_fd = *std::max_element(fd_list.begin(), fd_list.end());
client = clients.erase(client);
return 0;
as you can see am coding everything in C++ (98) and would rather not get answers that just dismiss my questions and refer me to different technologies or libraries, unless it will help me understand what am doing wrong and how to handle partial requests.
for info, am only handling HTTP 1.1(GET/POST/DELETE only) and i usually only get this issue when am getting a large chunked file or a file upload that has a very large body. thank you
PS : if needed i can link up the github repo of the current project if you wanna look further into the code
how can i figure out just from this whether or not am getting a partial request or just a faulty request (I need to generate a 400 error in the case of a request that says it has X content-length but the body size is different)
The body size is, by definition, the size of the Content-Length field. Any bytes that you receive afterwards belong to the next HTTP request (see HTTP pipelining). If you do not receive Content-Length bytes within a reasonable time period, then you can make the server issue a 408 Request Timeout error.
second question is, suppose i already know whether or not its partial, how do i proceed with storing the entire request in a buffer before sending it to my parser and generating a response ? here's my reception function (i already know the client's fd, so i just recv on it
Your posted code has at least the following problems:
You should check the return value of recv to determine whether the function succeeded or failed, and if it failed, you should handle the error appropriately. In your current code, if recv fails with the return value -1, then you will write to the array buffer out of bounds, causing undefined behavior.
It does not seem appropriate to use the line if (buffer[ret-1] == '\n'). The HTTP request header will be over when you encounter a "\r\n\r\n", and the HTTP request body will be over when you have read Content-Length bytes of the body. The ends of the header and body will not necessarily occur at the end of the data read by recv, but can also occur in the middle. If you want to support HTTP pipelining, then the additional data should be handled by the handler for the next HTTP request. If you don't want to support HTTP pipelining, then you can simply discard the additional data and use Connection: close in the HTTP response header.
You seem to be using a null terminating character to mark the end of the data read by recv. However, this will not work if a byte with the value 0 is part of the HTTP request. It is probably safe to assume that such a byte should not be part of the HTTP request header, but it is probably not safe to assume that such a byte won't be part of the HTTP request body (for example when using POST with binary data).

C++ HTTP client hangs on read() call after GET request

std::string HTTPrequest = "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n";
write(socket, HTTPrequest.c_str(), sizeof(HTTPrequest));
char pageReceived[4096];
int bytesReceived = read(socket, pageReceived, 4096);
I've got an HTTP client program that I run from my terminal. I've also got a webserver program. Using the webserver as a test, I can verify that the socket creation and attachment works correctly.
I create the request as shown above, then write to the socket. Using print statements, I can see that the code moves beyond the write call. However, it hangs on the read call.
I can't figure out what's going on - my formatting looks correct on the request.
Any ideas? Everything seems to work perfectly fine when I connect to my webserver, but both and cause a hang. I'm on Linux.
In C and C++, sizeof gives you the number of bytes required to hold a type, regardless of its contents. So you are not sending the full request, only sizeof(std::string) bytes. You want HTTPRequest.size() (which gives you the number of bytes the value stored in HTTPRequest takes), not sizeof(HTTPrequest) (which gives you the number of bytes a std::string itself requires).

How can a web server know when an HTTP request is fully received?

I'm currently writing a very simple web server to learn more about low level socket programming. More specifically, I'm using C++ as my main language and I am trying to encapsulate the low level C system calls inside C++ classes with a more high level API.
I have written a Socket class that manages a socket file descriptor and handles opening and closing using RAII. This class also exposes the standard socket operations for a connection oriented socket (TCP) such as bind, listen, accept, connect etc.
After reading the man pages for the send and recv system calls I realized that I needed to call these functions inside some form of loop in order to guarantee that all bytes are successfully sent/received.
My API for sending and receiving looks similar to this
void SendBytes(const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& bytes) const;
void SendStr(const std::string& str) const;
std::vector<std::uint8_t> ReceiveBytes() const;
std::string ReceiveStr() const;
For the send functionality I decided to use a blocking send call inside a loop such as this (it is an internal helper function that works for both std::string and std::vector).
template<typename T>
void Send(const int fd, const T& bytes)
using ValueType = typename T::value_type;
using SizeType = typename T::size_type;
const ValueType *const data{};
SizeType bytesToSend{bytes.size()};
SizeType bytesSent{0};
while (bytesToSend > 0)
const ValueType *const buf{data + bytesSent};
const ssize_t retVal{send(fd, buf, bytesToSend, 0)};
if (retVal < 0)
throw ch::NetworkError{"Failed to send."};
const SizeType sent{static_cast<SizeType>(retVal)};
bytesSent += sent;
bytesToSend -= sent;
This seems to work fine and guarantees that all bytes are sent once the member function returns without throwing an exception.
However, I started running into problems when I began implementing the receive functionality. For my first attempt I used a blocking recv call inside a loop and exited the loop if recv returned 0 indicating that the underlying TCP connection was closed.
template<typename T>
T Receive(const int fd)
using SizeType = typename T::size_type;
using ValueType = typename T::value_type;
T result;
const SizeType bufSize{1024};
ValueType buf[bufSize];
while (true)
const ssize_t retVal{recv(fd, buf, bufSize, 0)};
if (retVal < 0)
throw ch::NetworkError{"Failed to receive."};
if (retVal == 0)
break; /* Connection is closed. */
const SizeType offset{static_cast<SizeType>(retVal)};
result.insert(std::end(result), buf, buf + offset);
return result;
This works fine as long as the connection is closed by the sender after all bytes have been sent. However, this is not the case when using e.g. Chrome to request a webpage. The connection is kept open and my receive member function is stuck blocked on the recv system call after receiving all bytes in the request. I managed to get around this problem by setting a timeout on the recv call using setsockopt. Basically, I return all bytes received so far once the timeout expires. This feels like a very inelegant solution and I do not think that this is the way web servers handles this issue in reality.
So, on to my question.
How does a web server know when an HTTP request have been fully received?
A GET request in HTTP 1.1 does not seem to include a Content-Length header. See e.g. this link.
HTTP/1.1 is a text-based protocol, with binary POST data added in a somewhat hacky way. When writing a "receive loop" for HTTP, you cannot completely separate the data receiving part from the HTTP parsing part. This is because in HTTP, certain characters have special meaning. In particular, the CRLF (0x0D 0x0A) token is used to separate headers, but also to end the request using two CRLF tokens one after the other.
So to stop receiving, you need to keep receiving data until one of the following happens:
Timeout – follow by sending a timeout response
Two CRLF in the request – follow by parsing the request, then respond as needed (parsed correctly? request makes sense? send data?)
Too much data – certain HTTP exploits aim to exhaust server resources like memory or processes (see e.g. slow loris)
And perhaps other edge cases. Also note that this only applies to requests without a body. For POST requests, you first wait for two CRLF tokens, then read Content-Length bytes in addition. And this is even more complicated when the client is using multipart encoding.
A request header is terminated by an empty line (two CRLFs with nothing between them).
So, when the server has received a request header, and then receives an empty line, and if the request was a GET (which has no payload), it knows the request is complete and can move on to dealing with forming a response. In other cases, it can move on to reading Content-Length worth of payload and act accordingly.
This is a reliable, well-defined property of the syntax.
No Content-Length is required or useful for a GET: the content is always zero-length. A hypothetical Header-Length is more like what you're asking about, but you'd have to parse the header first in order to find it, so it does not exist and we use this property of the syntax instead. As a result of this, though, you may consider adding an artificial timeout and maximum buffer size, on top of your normal parsing, to protect yourself from the occasional maliciously slow or long request.
The solution is within your link
A GET request in HTTP 1.1 does not seem to include a Content-Length header. See e.g. this link.
There it says:
It must use CRLF line endings, and it must end in \r\n\r\n
The answer is formally defined in the HTTP protocol specifications 1:
in W3C's spec for HTTP 0.9.
in RFC 1945 for HTTP 1.0, specifically in Section 4: HTTP Message, Section 5: Request, and Section 7: Entity.
in RFC 2616 for HTTP 1.1, specifically in Section 4: HTTP Message, particular in 4.3: Message Body and 4.4: Message Length.
in RFC 7230 (and 7231...7235) for HTTP 1.1, specifically in Section 3: Message Format, in particular 3.3: Message Body.
So, to summarize, the server first reads the message's initial start-line to determine the request type. If the HTTP version is 0.9, the request is done, as the only supported request is GET without any headers. Otherwise, the server then reads the message's message-headers until a terminating CRLF is reached. Then, only if the request type has a defined message body then the server reads the body according to the transfer format outlined by the request headers (requests and responses are not restricted to using a Content-Length header in HTTP 1.1).
In the case of a GET request, there is no message body defined, so the message ends after the start-line in HTTP 0.9, and after the terminating CRLF of the message-headers in HTTP 1.0 and 1.1.
1: I'm not going to get into HTTP 2.0, which is a whole different ballgame.

Windows XP socket error with recv()

I'm having a strange behaviour with the recv() function.
My C++ (MFC) application with WinSock implements a simple HTTP client (non-blocking socket) for accessing HTML pages on a web server. Some of these pages are taking a few seconds for loading. On Windows 7 this is not a problem, because recv() also returns partial data. But on Windows XP the recv() function always returns SOCKET_ERROR and the error code is WSAEWOULDBLOCK. Only when the connection is finished the data is returned in one access.
Does anyone know this problem? How can I force Windows XP to also receive partial data?
I setted the buffer size (SO_RCVBUF) to 1000 Bytes. On Windows 7 this is also reflected to the TCP Window Size - on XP not.
The real problem which I have with this issue is, that I don't know how to check if the connection is still alive or not. How can I check if a connection is still alive? Or how can I specify a timeout (max time between two received packets from the server)?
By default, a socket operates in blocking mode, so the only way you can get a WSAEWOULDBLOCK error at all is if you explicitly put the socket into non-blocking mode instead. Doing so, you agree to handle WSAEWOULDBLOCK (otherwise, don't use non-blocking mode).
WSAEWOULDBLOCK is not a real error, it is just an indication that the operation you attempted to perform cannot be completed at that moment because it would block the calling thread. You need to detect this "error" and simply retry the same operation again at a later time, preferably after a socket state change is detected.
For recv(), WSAEWOULDBLOCK simply means there is no data available on the socket to be read at that moment. In non-blocking mode, you should be using select() (or WSAEventSelect(), or WSAAsyncSelect(), or Overlapped I/O, or an I/O Completion Port) to detect inbound data before you then read it.
That being said, you are implementing an HTTP client, so you must follow the HTTP protocol properly, regardless of the socket I/O mode you are using, regardless of your socket buffer sizes. You must follow the pseudo code logic I outlined in this answer on another question:
You must follow the rules outlined in RFC 2616. Namely:
Read until the "\r\n\r\n" sequence is encountered. Do not read any more bytes past that yet.
Analyze the received headers, per the rules in RFC 2616 Section 4.4. They tell you the actual format of the remaining response data.
Read the data per the format discovered in #2.
Check the received headers for the presence of a Connection: close header if the response is using HTTP 1.1, or the lack of a Connection: keep-alive header if the response is using HTTP 0.9 or 1.0. If detected, close your end of the socket connection because the server is closing its end. Otherwise, keep the connection open and re-use it for subsequent requests (unless you are done using the connection, in which case do close it).
Process the received data as needed.
In short, you need to do something more like this instead (pseudo code):
string headers[];
byte data[];
string statusLine = read a CRLF-delimited line;
int statusCode = extract from status line;
string responseVersion = extract from status line;
string header = read a CRLF-delimited line;
if (header == "") break;
add header to headers list;
while (true);
if ( !((statusCode in [1xx, 204, 304]) || (request was "HEAD")) )
if (headers["Transfer-Encoding"] ends with "chunked")
string chunk = read a CRLF delimited line;
int chunkSize = extract from chunk line;
if (chunkSize == 0) break;
read exactly chunkSize number of bytes into data storage;
read and discard until a CRLF has been read;
while (true);
string header = read a CRLF-delimited line;
if (header == "") break;
add header to headers list;
while (true);
else if (headers["Content-Length"] is present)
read exactly Content-Length number of bytes into data storage;
else if (headers["Content-Type"] == "multipart/byteranges")
string boundary = extract from Content-Type header;
read into data storage until terminating boundary has been read;
read bytes into data storage until disconnected;
if (!disconnected)
if (responseVersion == "HTTP/1.1")
if (headers["Connection"] == "close")
close connection;
if (headers["Connection"] != "keep-alive")
close connection;
check statusCode for errors;
process data contents, per info in headers list;
As you can see, HTTP requires reading CRLF-delimited lines of text, or fixed lengths of raw bytes. To do that, you must call recv() in a loop until you encounter the terminating CRLF, or have received the expected number of bytes, whichever the case may be. Whether you use a synchronous loop that just ignores WSAEWOULDBLOCK errors while looping, or you use a state machine driven by asynchronous events/callbacks, that is up to you to decide. That doesn't change how you must process the HTTP protocol.
This applies to all versions of Windows (even all platforms that use BSD-style socket APIs). What you are encountering is not a Windows bug at all. It is an underlying flaw in your understanding of how to use socket I/O correctly and effectively.
As for checking if the connection is alive, recv() will return 0 if the server closed the connection gracefully, or will report an error otherwise (usually WSAECONNABORTED or WSAECONNRESET, though there can be others). But an abnormal disconnect may take a long time to detect, so you should implement timeouts in your code instead. In synchronous mode, you can use setsockopt(SO_RCVTIMEO). In non-blocking mode, you can use select(). In asynchronous (overlapped) mode, you can use WaitForSingleObject() on whatever event/object you use to drive your state machine.
You can't expect recv to give you any data on a non-blocking socket. If there's no data available it returns WOULDBLOCK. You just need to call recv again (normally after select notifies you some data is available). Whether you get data on the first (or any) call is going to depend on how fast the server is sending it.
When the socket is closed you'll get a different error from recv, like WSAECONNRESET or WSAENOTCONN. select will also notify you when the socket is closed.
It's very strange.
Today I have changed my software to use blocking sockets. But it still doesn't work on Windows XP. Windows 7 is no problem.
So I thought: Let's try another PC. On this PC (also Windows XP) it does work. Now I tried a 3rd PC with Windows XP and here it also works.
I still don't know what the problem is but I think there must be a bug with the PC.

Sending HTML tag to browser via socket connection with C++ Socket API

I am trying to make a simple http server with C++. I've followed the beej's guide of network programming in C++.
When I ran the server in some port (8080, 2127, etc.) it successfully send response to browser (Firefox) when it accessed via address bar with: localhost:PORT_NUMBER except in port 80.
This is the code i wrote:
printf("Server: Got connection from %s\n", this->client_ip);
if(!fork()) // This is the child process, fork() -> Copy and run process
close(this->server_socket); // Child doesn't need listener socket
// Try to send message to client
char message[] = "\r\nHTTP/1.1 \r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4 \r\n<h1>Hello, client! Welcome to the Virtual Machine Web..</h1>";
int length = strlen(message); // Plus 1 for null terminator
int send_res = send(this->connection, message, length, 0); // Flag = 0
if(send_res == -1)
close(this->connection); // Parent doesn't need this;
The problem is, even I have added the header on very early of the response string, why does the browser not showing the HTML properly instead shows only plain text? It shows something like this:
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4
<h1>Hello, client! Welcome to the Virtual Machine Web..</h1>
Not a big "Hello, client!.." string like a normally h1 tagged string. What is the problem? Am I missing something in the header?
Another question is, why is the server won't running in port 80? The error log in server says:
server: bind: Permission denied
server: bind: Permission denied
Server failed to bind
libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception
Please help. Thank you. Edit: I'dont have any process on Port 80.
You need to terminate the HTTP response header with \r\n\r\n, rather than just \r\n. It should also start with something more like HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n, without the leading \r\n.
For your port problem, if you have nothing else running on the port in question, you may find that the socket created by the last run of your program is still sticking around. To work around this, you can use setsockopt to set the SO_REUSEADDR flag on the socket. (This is not recommended for general use, I believe because you may receive data not intended for your program, but for development it's extremely handy.)
Your request starts with \r\n when it shouldn't also it did not specify a status code and you need a blank line after all the headers.
char message[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 Okay\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4 \r\n\r\n<h1>Hello, client! Welcome to the Virtual Machine Web..</h1>";
As for your port 80 issue, some other application maybe bound to it.
you need to add "Content-length: ", and the length is your HTML code, just like this:
char msg[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-length: 20\r\n\r\n<h1>Hello World</h1>";