Currently doing some PROLOG exercises - very new to this all so bear with me. I have the following knowledge base:
/* The structure of a subject teaching team takes the form:
team(Subject, Leader, Non_management_staff, Deputy).
Non_management_staff is a (possibly empty) list of teacher
structures and excludes the teacher structures for Leader and
teacher structures take the form:
teacher(Surname, Initial,
Assume that each teacher has his or her team's Subject as their
main subject. */
[ ],
subject(X):- team(X,_,_,_).
leader(X) :- team(_,X,_,_).
deputy(X) :- team(_,_,_,X).
non_management(X) :-
exists(X) :-
I now have to write a rule which (q) the initials of teacher A and teacher B, where teacher A and teacher B are in different subject teams, each have Home Economics as their second
subject, and each have the surname Brankin.
I'm stuck on how to compare all of the entities in the knowledge base. Prior to this, I have only extracted values from single entities (in the case of this example, single teachers). For example:
question1(Initial,Surname) :-
Any help much appreciated.
You don't need to compare all the entities in the knowledge base explicitly - that's implicit in the way Prolog answers queries, whether they are simple or complex. For the first few criteria, you can just say
team(W,X,Y,Z), team(J,K,L,I), W \= J.
and that will get you all possible combinations of different teams via backtracking. You can extend the query with something like
member(A,Y), member(B,L), A=teacher(...), B=teacher(...)
to process the other criteria.
I have the following database scheme:
student: sid
course: pid
prerequisite: cid, precid
records: sid, cid
How do I go about creating a query in relational calculus such that i need to find all courses for which all its prerequisites have been taken by every student who has taken the course PSY100? I want to write this with at least one universal quantification ∀.
My idea was to find courses for which, for all courses to return, and for all students in records, there exist a student who took PSY100, that has also taken the prerequisite of that course to return.
so i have it written like this
{x:cid | ∃ c IN course [c(cid) = x(cid) AND
∀ y IN course ∀ r record
( y(cid) = c(cid) AND r(cid) = c(cid)
→ ∃ p IN prerequisite ( r(cid) = PSY100 AND r(cid) = p(pid) )]
I am really confused about this. I am pretty sure this is wrong. any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am using SWI-PROLOG version 6.6.6
I want to print all the attributes of a particular predicate type.
I have a predicate called law with arity 2.
Some of the facts are
law(borrow,'To borrow Money on the credit of the United States').
law(commerce,'To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes').
law(unifomity,'To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States').
law(money,'To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures').
law(punishment,'To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States').
law(establishment,'To establish Post Offices and post Roads').
law(exclusiverights,'To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries').
law(court,'To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court').
Now I want to access a law by entering its type.
Such as,
power(X) :- law(X,Y), display('\nCongress has the power : '),display(Y).
powers(ALL) :- display('\nCongress has the powers : '), law(_,Y), display('\n'), display(Y).
This works perfectly. Now, I also want the user to know what all types of laws are there so that the user can enter it as a query to get the corresponding law.
ex power(money).
For this, I made a query to get all these keywords and add them to a list and display the list.
But the list that is finally printed is not complete.
powerList(L) :- findall(X,law(X,_), L).
I use this code to get the list.
But the output on the console is
L = [borrow, commerce, unifomity, money, punishment, establishment, exclusiverights, court, piracyfelony|...].
But, there are more law types even after piracyfelony and they are not getting printed to the console. How do I get them printed?
This is a feature of Prolog's toplevel loops that tries to keep the output short.
To find out how you might change it, ask which Prolog flags your Prolog supports that have a value being a list of at least two elements:
?- current_prolog_flag(F,Options), Options = [_,_|_].
F = debugger_print_options,
Options = [quoted(true), portray(true), max_depth(10), attributes(portray), spacing(next_argument)] ;
F = toplevel_print_options,
Options = [quoted(true), portray(true), max_depth(10), spacing(next_argument)] ;
F = argv,
Options = [swipl, '-f', none] ;
Now modify it accordingly:
?- length(L,10).
L = [_G303, _G306, _G309, _G312, _G315, _G318, _G321, _G324, _G327|...].
?- set_prolog_flag(toplevel_print_options,[quoted(true), portray(true), max_depth(0), spacing(next_argument)]).
?- length(L,10).
L = [_G303, _G306, _G309, _G312, _G315, _G318, _G321, _G324, _G327, _G330].
(In newer versions starting with SWI 7 there is another flag value, answer_write_options.)
As the title says, i'm trying to count the occurrence of a name in a list of namedtuples, with the name i'm looking for in a nested tuple.
It is an assignment for school, and a big part of the code is given.
The structure of the list is as follows:
paper = namedtuple( 'paper', ['title', 'authors', 'year', 'doi'] )
for (id, paper_info) in Summaries.iteritems():
Summaries[id] = paper( *paper_info )
It was easy to get the number of unique titles for each year, since both 'title' and 'year' contain one value, but i can't figure out how to count the number of unique authors per year.
I don't expect you guys to give me the entire code or something, but if you could give me a link to a good tutorial about this subject this would help a lot.
I did google around a lot, but i cant find any helpful information!
I hope i'm not asking too much, first time i ask a question here.
Thanks for the responses so far. This is the code i have now:
authors = [
for paper in Summaries.itervalues()
for auth in paper.authors
The problem is, i only get a list of all the authors with this code. I want them linked to the year tough, so i can check the amount of unique authors for each year.
For keeping track of unique objects, I like using set. A set behaves like a mathematical set in that it can have at most one copy of any given thing in it.
from collections import namedtuple
# by convention, instances of `namedtuple` should be in UpperCamelCase
Paper = namedtuple('paper', ['title', 'authors', 'year', 'doi'])
papers = [
Paper('On Unicorns', ['J. Atwood', 'J. Spolsky'], 2008, 'foo'),
Paper('Discourse', ['J. Atwood', 'R. Ward', 'S. Saffron'], 2012, 'bar'),
Paper('Joel On Software', ['J. Spolsky'], 2000, 'baz')
authors = set()
for paper in papers:
authors.update(paper.authors) # "authors = union(authors, paper.authors)"
{'J. Spolsky', 'R. Ward', 'J. Atwood', 'S. Saffron'}
More compactly (but also perhaps less readably), you could construct the authors set by doing:
authors = set([author for paper in papers for author in paper.authors])
This may be faster if you have a large volume of data (I haven't checked), since it requires fewer update operations on the set.
If you don't want to use embeded type set() and want to understand the logic, use a list and if bifurcation.
If we don't use set() in senshin's code:
# authors = set()
# for paper in papers:
# authors.update(paper.authors) # "authors = union(authors, paper.authors)"
authors = []
for paper in papers:
for author in paper.authors:
if not author in authors:
You can get similar result as senshin's. I hope it helps.
this is really hard question. I have an exam. And questions will be like that. They are really hard. These are my database:
director (martinscorsese, american, 1, 51).
director (hayaomiyazaki, japanese, 1, 23).
director (stevenspielberg, american, 3, 49).
director (georgelucas, american, 0, 19).
director (christophernolan, american, 0, 10).
watched(departed, [george, jane, eric]).
watched(theaviator, [jane,eric]).
watched(swrevengeofthesith, [paul,eric]).
watched(transformers, [paul, george, jane]).
I want to implement the predicate audiance(A,N,O,L1) that returns the list of all movies (L1) not yet seen by anyone in A, which has been directed by a director of Nationality N who won at least O oscars. The list L must not contain any duplicates.
audiance([paul],american,1,X). returns X=[ departed, theaviator ]
audiance([paul,george],N,0,X). returns N=american X= [theaviator]
audiance(X,american,0,[swrevengeofthesith]). returns X=[jane,george]
audiance([paul,george,jane],N,0,X). returns false
plz help me :))
i could just post code but i dont think it would help to pass the exam
you should divide the problem into smaller and easier sub-problems.
1) a predicate not_seen(Movie,People) that returns true only if nobody in the list People have seen the Movie
2) a predicate director_nationality(Movie, Nationality) that returns true if the director of the Movie has the given nationality
3) a predicate director_oscars(Director, Num_Oscars) that returns true if the director has won at least Num_Oscars oscars
then you have to combine all these in one predicate which you can call movie_requirements(Movie).
finally, to find all the movies you can use findall/3
to ensure that there wont be any doublicates you could use sort/2 that will remove any duplicates or use bagof/3 instead of findall/3
check member/2 and the other built-in predicates for lists
I have trouble sorting two related but separate lists of tuple lists. One list is made up of tuple lists representing a blog post. The other list is made up of tuple lists representing a comment post.
The problem is when you would like the same order based on blog id value. The lists for blog posts is sorted via the date value. So you cannot just sort numerically via blog id for both blog and comment post. And you cannot just sort the comment post via date value because the date values of blog and related comment post may be different.
I am not sure how to approach the problem - at least not in an elegant way.
Should I use lists:nth and consequently get each tuple list and position value? Then I would get the value of blog id, Then I would search in the list for comment posts for that id. Get the value of that tuple list. Associate the value of that tuple list in a new list with the appropriate nth position value.
Should I use the lists:sort function?
Any suggestions with code samples much appreciated.
Here are two sample lists of tuple lists that can be used as a basis :
{<<"message">>,<<"la di da bo di do">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"that is cool">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"i like san francisco">>}]]
{<<"message">>,<<"yup really neat">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"yes but rent is expensive">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"sounds like a hit">>}]]
And the desired output is the following with first list unchanged and second list reordered :
{<<"message">>,<<"la di da bo di do">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"that is cool">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"i like san francisco">>}]]
[ [{<<"comment_id">>,<<"x4">>},
{<<"message">>,<<"sounds like a hit">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"yup really neat">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"yes but rent is expensive">>}]]
Ok, new try then :)
We have:
Basic module exports to test the thing
blogs() ->
{<<"message">>,<<"la di da bo di do">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"that is cool">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"i like san francisco">>}]].
Your definition of blogs.
comments() ->
{<<"message">>,<<"yup really neat">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"yes but rent is expensive">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"sounds like a hit">>}]].
Your definition of comments.
sorted_comments() ->
{<<"message">>,<<"sounds like a hit">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"yup really neat">>}],
{<<"message">>,<<"yes but rent is expensive">>}]].
Your definition of being sorted.
sort(Blogs, Comments) ->
%% Create list of blog id's
Bs = [proplists:get_value(<<"blog_id">>, B) || B <- Blogs],
Fetch all the blog_id values from the Blogs.
%% Create the numbering
DB = dict:from_list([Item || Item <- lists:zip(Bs,
lists:seq(1, length(Bs)))]),
Number the order the blogs occur in. Stuff these into a dict for fast lookup later.
%% Sorter function:
F = fun(I, J) ->
II = proplists:get_value(<<"related_blog_id">>,
JJ = proplists:get_value(<<"related_blog_id">>,
dict:fetch(II, DB) =< dict:fetch(JJ, DB)
This function compares two Comments, I, J to each other based on their related blog_id.
{Blogs, lists:sort(F, Comments)}.
Return what we want to return.
sort_test() ->
{blogs(), sorted_comments()} == sort(blogs(), comments()).
Tester function.
2> c(foo).
3> foo:sort_test().