Add folders in a visual c++ project - c++

How can I add whole folder and its subdirectories in a visual c++ project? I am using visual studio 2010 professional. I mean you can add files by using Add Existing Item but how do you add a whole directory?

The quickest way that I know of is to
add the folder to your project file directory using Windows Explorer
find the folder in Solution Explorer (make sure Show All Files is checked)
right click on the folder and select Include In Project
You may have to do the folder and the files separately, but you can select multiple files at once.


I Don't Know How To Use/Run These Files That Are In A Github C++ Library I'm Trying To Add To My Project? have been trying to get this library into my project (C++ using Visual Studio 2022, in Windows) because I need to use the ecdsa signature algorithm, I have copied all the files in src folder to a folder called "ecdsa" in the src folder inside my project, and I didn't do anything with the test folders (I think that I don't need them since they're just tests), but then there are these files (.ytml) ,(.txt) ,(.py), I have no idea what am I supposed to do with them or where to put them, but I sure I need them because the program isn't working, it's giving me this error Cannot open include file: 'secp256k1.h': No such file or directory Libraries.Also I have done everything in the requirements section, my compiler supports C++11, and I have installed openssl, and I have CMake installed.This is my first time using anything from Github so I'm sure what to do.
In Visual Studio, right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer pane. From the menu that pops up, choose the 'Properties' item. It is usually at the very bottom. A dialog box will appear.
In the left pane of the dialog box, expand the options Configuration Properties > C++ > General. Now, in the right pane of the dialog box, probably at or near the top will be an item labeled 'Additional Include Directories`. Add the full path to the folder where you copied the source files from GitHub.
You may need to explicitly add ALL the files you downloaded from GitHub into your Visual Studio project.
Try compiling again.

How do I automatically include folders and files to the deployment project in visual studio?

I have a c++ project in visual studio and a folder called assets, in the same location as the source file, that contains folders for music, sound effects and images that my c++ game uses. That folder must be placed in the same folder as the .exe file of the game.
I have created a deployment project for the c++ project. However, it seems like I need to manually add these folders (assets, images, music, etc.) and files to the File System on Target Machine.
Is there a way for visual studio to add these folders and files automatically?
I have not managed to find anyting online for how to do that so far.
This link provides many methods. You could drag all the files you want to add into the file system view. Or you could right click on the folder in explorer and click copy and then right click the folder in the file system view in the setup project and click paste.

Build a visual studio project on a subset of files in a directory

I would like to port my application from Linux to Windows. I'm trying to use visual studio to configure a project to build the Window application. The problem for me is that I only need a subset of files out my directory for Windows. But I would like to keep the integrity of the directory so that I don't need to checkout a subset of file to Windows. Does visual studio need the entire directory to be window files? For those who understand Window application development well, can you help me to understand:
Can I configure visual studio to build a project using a subset of the file from a directory?
If yes, how do I configure the project file? Any link to a tutorial would be really helpful.
Below are couple of quick suggestions using Visual Studio
Include/ Exclude :
If the number of file are minimum, then you could include or exclude files to a project manually.
You could add a directory to a project by copying the files to a folder under the .vcxproj(ur .<>proj) file.
Then select the project in the solution explorer and on the tool bar you would get an option Show All Files
Right click on the Folder or File and hit Include In Project. This will include the file/folder into your project.
You could Exclude any file that is already included in your project by, clicking the file and hit Exclude From Project.
Remove From Compilation Only:
Select the file in Solution Explorer and right click Properties
Under Configuration Properties -> General -> Excluded From Build set it to Yes/No

Visual Studio & C++: Use filters as directories

I Use Visual Studio 2012 Professional and C++. When creating so called 'filters' and adding source files to them, the files in the solution explorer are divided into sub directories, while on the file system they are all in the same directory (the project directory)
Question: I want to add a file to a filter while at the same time adding it to the corresponding directory on the file system. How can this be accomplished other than manually moving files around?
One alternative would be to switch to "Show All Files" in Solution Explorer top menu.
This way you can move and manage files in folders.
Filters will not get used though.
The "Show All Files" solution did not work for me because in my case the source files were not located under the directory containing the project file.
I finally ended up with writing a VS extension which allows you to organize either the filter structure inside the project or the file structure on the disk automatically by invoking a command through the context menu. I thought some of you might be interested in that extension too:
I know only this workaround: you create first the folder structure in windows explorer and then drag / drop the files / folder from windows explorer into the solution explorer of Visual Studio.
It will add them all as a "filter" to Visual Studio!

c++ visual studio 2010 - How to create a project under a different folder name?

I would like to have a the following structure of folders:
Myproj\src should include all sources and project files etc.
EDIT: also, $(projectDir) should equal Myproj\src
The problem is with Myproj\src, when I create a new project in VS2010 a folder named \Myproj is created and in it all sources are placed. How can I break this connection and have my desired structure made?
A TFS friendly solution would be nice.
After you create a project, you can change the folders where certain files are stored. When you right-click the project in solution browser, there will be option for VC++ Directories - Include Directories.
If you add your $(ProjectDir)\src and $(ProjectDir)\include to this field, you will be able to put your files in these places. However, default VS creators, such as "Add Class" will still add your files to Project folder.
As for "lib" - I am guessing you are trying to create a library project. For that, you must find the "General->Output directory", and change it accordingly.